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Everything posted by SimonH

  1. Okey, so I have always wanted to be self employed, and I started a marketing agency around two years ago before i got employed by a pretty decent agency. Now my entrepreneurial genes are taking over and the urge to get self employed is like a fire inside me. My passion is quite in line with the topics of, but also focused on nutrition, proper diet, exercise. I'm planning on starting a little side-hustle where I blog about different topics to gain a following and later my dream is to start a web-shop with a product line of things like meditation pillows, yoga-mats, matcha-tea etc. My question is what is the best way to start? Im Norwegian and should I write in Norwegian? Should I narrow my topics, and later write on broader topics? I.e : Sleep, diet for sleep, environmental changes for best sleep - or Meditation, philosophy, diet. Should everything be blog format, or should I have own pages for the most important topics? For SEO work and landing pages for ads? I.e for overall information site and to meditate for a blog post only about how to meditate. EDIT: Also, should I start a personal blog? Or a own brand?