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About PsychedelicEagle

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  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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  1. Exactly. She's doing a disservice by comparing fruits to processed food and suggesting a "savory breakfast" with butter and other foods high in saturated fat. She misses that saturated fat increases insulin resistance (which is different than blood glucose). So when she suggests to add some cheese or butter to the sandwich, in the short term it might prevent the glucose peaks, but in the long run that will make the person's body less capable of regulating glucose. The actual solution is to stop eating shit, not to try to hack around it.
  2. Saturated fat is worse than sugar (even for diabetes). That's a point she misses IMO.
  3. DISCLAIMER: This podcast can be quite depressing. Consider delaying it if you are not in a mentally stable place. Just watched this episode and thought I'd be nice sharing. What I'm personally interested in is understanding the big levers: what can we do that will more robustly minimize our uptake of microplastics and limit their release into the environment?
  4. There is always the risk that the modification done to make the molecule legal may interact with your body in a different way, so it is playing roulette in this sense. Thus, getting the original substance and testing for it should be safer, unless there are studies such as for 1P-LSD, e.g., here.
  5. Most times I do 5-MeO teachings come to my mind. "This motherfucker is a genius" are my thoughts.
  6. Thanks everyone for the answers! I have decided to try out this natural toothpaste, without fluoride, produced by Ben&Anna. I deliberately chose this one because it comes in a glass container. Trying to avoid plastic as much as possible. I've also adopted salty water as a way to further hygienize the mouth, but using it only sparringly. Let's see how it goes.
  7. I just did mescaline again this weekend (from dried San Pedro cactus) and it was amazing. I could access all components of euphoria, love, connection to other people, energy, and deep introspetion and appreciation for the gift of life. It is not exactly like MDMA since the latter attains a higher level of euphoria IME, but the subtler way in which mescaline works seems more grounded and sustainable. What's better, the after effects are mostly positive. Another good thing about mescaline is you don't need redosing, since it lasts very long. The only thing I would recommend, if possible, is trying synthetic mescaline since it does not seem sustainable to get it from the cactus since they take a long time to grow back.
  8. Thanks @Javfly33. I'll experiment with a natural toothpaste.
  9. I went to a festival this weekend and took a chocolate candy supposedly containing peyote powder. Looking back, I should have tested it before proceeding . Anyway, the experience was similar to what @flowboy described above. I intend to try mescaline again to confirm this.
  10. What I would consider: Rethink your low-carb/carnivore diet; consider doing at most 35% of calories from fats (and this may still be too much); Reduce the number of meals (this is how I fixed my reflux, when I had a regular omnivore diet) Unless you have a very specific condition, I would reconsider the carnivore diet. All evidence points to us having evolved to eat mostly fruits. Meat is a lot harder for our body to digest, and it has a lot of saturated fat. Saturated fat induces insulin resistance, which can drive many chronic diseases. Meat also disrupts our microbiome. The more raw plants/fruits you eat the better your microbiome. Ensure you're eating less than 30-20g of saturated fat/day (even less is better). Reducing the number of meals will give your digestive system more time to rest. Maybe consider eating 2x/day and intermittent fasting. Since your body uses mostly fat at this moment it should be an easy switch.
  11. @aurum Thanks for your advice. I go to the dentist every 6 months; let's see what she'll say next time. I can't see any difference myself but I'll keep an eye open. I do have receding gums but I've had this for more than 5 years (when I still used toothpaste). I think it was due to too much tartar I had at some point in my life. Then it stopped, maybe due to me starting to maintain optimal levels of Vitamin D, or perhaps when I moved from Brazil to Europe (?) I just don't understand what the benefits of toothpaste are. For my point of view, the major factor is eliminating sugar as quickly as possible after a meal, and for this flossing/brushing is the solution. I don't see the chemicals in the toothpaste helping get rid of it. Happy to hear different perspectives. Btw, it seems that a sea salt solution can be useful to treat/prevent gengivitis. I'll consider doing it every now and then, or perhaps the last time I brush my teeth (before sleep).
  12. When I smoke 5-MeO-DMT the onset often starts with a tinnitus-like sound which I describe as a "flashbang granade". Joke aside, I hope yours improve quickly. At some point my tinnitus was really bothering some of my trips, now it's almost gone.
  13. I've dropped using toothpaste for several months now. Nothing happened to my teeth. My girlfriend sometimes complains I smell like garlic, but she hasn't left me. What do you know about the actual need to use toothpaste? I see it as something that emerged by a combination of the industry creating a product to make money and the freshness of breath it provides and people having the impression it makes your mouth "cleaner" (which is not necessarily the same as healthier). I'd like to know if you guys know something about this topic. I'm open to being proven wrong.
  14. Not liquid, but I've been successfully using this for several months now. You load the 5-MeO-DMT freebase into the thing and 🧨 I find it safe enough for solo use. I've done several solo trips (without trip sitter). Redosing requires more effort though; for each "shot" you need to reload the gun.
  15. I agree. They say you can deviate/recover 1h of sleep per day, so if you're sleeping 4h later than normal one day it makes sense to be affected for a few days. I don't do night game because of demographics. I like sporty people, the ones who care about their health and will be waking up early on a Sunday morning to go for a hike or keep up with their training sessions. The demographics in night clubs are often opposite to this. People drinking alcohol, etc. (I don't drink anymore). In daygame you can meet different types of people. It's all about what you want. I would say you don't need night game at all if you are willing to put in the time and consistency for daygame. You can have a goal of approaching one or two girls per day, on average. If you can go for dayme 3-4x/week you can easily hit this number. Also, in daygame you can have a much more relaxed and direct approach. Night game you're much more susceptible to the environment. I've done a lot of night game in my early 20s and I became quite good at it at some point (I was born and lived in Brazil), but it was quite shallow IME. You can easily kiss or seduce someone with some techniques but I was still insecure when going on dates, when I had to actually create a real connection. It was daygame and going on dates that actually helped me grow as a confident man.