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  1. How would you link labelling and an evaluation of the usefulness of this concept in comparison with Marxism ? How would you mash the two together whilst explaining the two briefly ? For example is a famous person was to come out of jail for being a rapist, he then gets labelled and known for that. so that's is known as a primary deviance as its it is known. Then how would you talk about Maxism? I can't think of any examples if you think you have any ideas, I would appreciate it as it would help in me making my own explanation Thanks
  2. @studentofthegame It really put things into perspective and what you have overcame and it helped so thannnks
  3. @Dan502 I would say tiredness for number 1 relax for some time for number 2 but wisely knowing that I still have some work on the side society and family for number 3 as they always expect you to be at a certain place at a certain stage of life Thanks for the questions
  4. @Elisabeth That's what I also needed to hear and its good to know that there's people around in the world that reminds you. It really helped so thannnks
  5. @Space That's so true and I agree with most of things you've mentioned it really helped so Thannnks
  6. Hey everyone, Have you ever felt this way where you did so much and to the point your feeling exhausted I am at a point in my life where I am 25 and finishing my social sciences studies. There about 6 weeks left. I will be having a gap year to save up and then head to do my undergraduate studies in law and sociology. There has been many up and downs and lessons and knowledge throughout these years and have seen and learned a lot while maturing at the same time. My question is: Is it too late to pursue what I am doing ?
  7. @lmfao well.....then I guess this is something questioned from time to time globally
  8. @TheAvatarState you don't see it because it has happened to me last night where somebody 'Serotoninluv' reported me who is still replying But its always good to know that not everyone is like that xxxx bye
  9. @Rilles what do you means by nobady chooses it and that's things are there. I am sure conflict didn't just happened either
  10. @Joseph Maynor I totally agree with you. Our minds wants to internalise and wants to believe that we do. Thanks for your feedback
  11. Stop being so mean guys. Nowadays people only get happiness by destroying and hurting others. After all, the things we see on the news and what I have studied in my sociology class, I found out that we don't really have free will. You can say things like 'we have rights in certain areas unlike other countries and places', but in reality, don't you think that we are all set up to follow a system ? when my lecturer asked us if we have free will no one put their hands up. I did. I also felt embarrassed but then he did also. then the entire class were confused. It opened eyes that 1% of the population has all the money whereas 99% are struggling and sharing. -Get your degree or your seen as a bad person in societies eyes. -Work long hours at a company and your guaranteed to have the best life (in other words, you could get the things you've wished for) -We are all in conflicts because of classism. Poor people work in dangerous conditions whereas rich people only get richer as lower class people work for them. -Norms and valued are set by society and so it makes people strive for 'normal' in order to feel accepted and respected This is brief here. I could go on for hours
  12. Examples for my next part of my presentation Any help would be much appreciated.
  13. Second part of my essay says Discuss ethical dilemma surrounding ethical issues in other words that means discuss what's indecisive around ethical issues But how do you put it ??