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Everything posted by Evelyna

  1. Thank you for the input. Imaginary identity and illusion of control? I really don’t understand how you got to that reading the post. I see your perspective but I would never tell you , you should or shouldn’t do something, or what it is you are looking for , that’s an imaginary identity, means of control, and your own bubble, and that’s fine if you fine with it, I choose my own outlook. If you said “ you COULD get out of the web of meaning” your reply could be more appropriate, this would present a possibility instead you presented your perspective as a necessity.
  2. @Keryo Koffa Sounds like an awesome journey you are on. I look forward to observing more of it.
  3. @gettoefl absolutely agree
  4. 1. You can look for a system that will be the best tool for you personally to deal with it. I personally Use certain Shamanic systems in order to help me along as I find it most useful in dealing with changing my own beliefs. Some Shamanic points of view differ to any other point of view or system out there and uses slightly different methods of understanding then other systems, most importantly to me it opened up my acceptance of all the systems as tools I could use to help me along in this life, rather then resisting or excluding. I learned I can train my subconscious or beliefs systems in any way I want , install new programs or change the existing ones, add to a program or take away from it, and its quite fun to do that in Shamanism for example there's many different ways you can achieve this, and im sure there is other systems out there that can help you do the same thing, just experiment with those and you will soon find what works for you. 2. Probably you keep yourself from being fully open, in saying that I can see how hard you are working towards your desired goals and am pretty sure that eventually you will achieve those. Changing beliefs takes some work , some will be easy to change and some won't be, some methods will work and some won't, but it doesn't mean its not possible.
  5. @Keryo Koffa My doggo is my greatest teacher, he really does remind me every day of importance of staying in the present, I am grateful he exists and I am so amazed that we live, coexist and experiance together, sometimes im so full of awe for him being with me it is hard to contain , and I love that feeling , true gratitude, not to anyone or anything , just pure gratitude for this experiance.
  6. @Lila9 you are very welcome. I love my dog like I would love my child, they are one and the same to me in terms of what they mean to me, I call my Bear my dog son
  7. I always enjoy reading about others process of growth. Those processes are so vastly different to each of us and it fascinates me. I am also happy to hear that you discovering parts of yourself you have forgotten about. Everyones process of discovery and experiencing will be different. I am not sure exactly what the word 'AWAKENING' means to you, if you could give me your definition of it, it would be helpful to understand you better. If you are referring to road to self mastery I have a word on that: When I speak of self-mastery, I am using using mastery in its sense of having the ability to apply expert skill and knowledge. With respect to the self, this means having the knowledge and skill to properly direct the tremendous energies and talents of the self. It must of necessity include an understanding of yourself as a functioning entity in relation to the rest of the universe. This is self-mastery of the highest type: Knowing what you are, who you are, why you are, and where you are going; and also knowing how to get there.
  8. you really like to dissect , a philosopher of today. Yes we can only take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions etc. and you are right in saying that a lot of people like to blame others for their own reactions. The Now is the moment of power, in the present moment , any given moment you can change everything, you just need to be aware that it can be changed. I will leave you with a saying : If you want magical solutions your first need to believe in magic 😉🤟🏻 people often forget that.
  9. @johnpegasis7 nie wiem ilu Katolikow tu jest , ja nie jestem wiec sie nie wypowiem. Pisze bo milo zobaczyć kolejna Polska osobę na forum pozdrowionka All I can say is that in my view all religions are systems, use the system, dont use the system, both are fine with me, as long as you are not pushing it on others as the only true system, because systems are many...... I dont really seak out prophecies as they have no practical use to me in the present.
  10. Interesting, I will do some research on this. Thank you
  11. ☺️dear James123 , we are going round in circles, I don’t know anything for sure, but maybe you do and maybe that’s true. I can’t say for sure.
  12. @James123 I don’t think you can know that for sure, but I respect your perspective, I can neither agree nor disagree because I just don’t know. It could be true or could not be true.
  13. @Keryo Koffa Oh I like Sadhuru’s teachings and his charisma , his videos always make me smile. No need to thank me I am only expressing my simple understanding of the world. I know a lot is possible in this life for everyone. I have studied many different cultures, religions and philosophies , I’ve spent time with different cultures of the world , learned what I could and came to certain conclusions which made sense to me. I am happy I can share my experiences especially if this information helps others in their own journey, that’s wonderful to me. I have one particular experiance that had tremendous impact on the way i view life, but it just gave me an idea for a post so I decided to write about it in a post ( thank you for prompting this , yes you have prompted it) I think you are about to embark on a journey so exciting and full of new discoveries and experiences that you can’t even yet imagine. You have given yourself a great opportunity and are allowing yourself new adventures now there’s no more to do then experiance it. Enjoy!!
  14. Sure, from your perspective, to you that’s what it is, and that’s great, and probably to many people which would lead to assumption that truth ( referring to experiencing the world) is always slightly different to each person or a collective but even in a collective each person will have slightly different experiance. There is a saying that I say all the time , it goes : the world is what you think it is. Depending on your point of view a water gourd can be half-empty or half-full and depending on attitude problem can be an obstacle or a challenge, our thinking affects our experiance.
  15. Yes! I agree. Just to add to your wonderful post here’s how I see it: In order to reach a goal, you have to have a plan. It doesn't have to be a fancy plan, but you have to have some idea of how you are going to reach the goal. A plan simply consists of the steps you are going to take that bring you closer and closer to the goal. The upside of plans is that sometimes they work. The downside of plans is that sometimes they don't work. This confuses a lot of people who identify with a plan. In other words, they think that if a plan fails, then they have failed. That's nonsense. People don't fail. People give up using a plan or aiming for a goal, but they don't fail. After the goal and the plan there is a third factor important for success, and that's a purpose. No one does anything without a purpose. A purpose is what motivates you to want to achieve a goal in the first place. It isn't an intellectual reason for doing it. It's an emotional reason based on some BENEFIT of achieving the goal. And in order to even move toward the goal, that benefit has to be more important to you than any benefit from NOT moving toward the goal. The more you love or desire something, the more likely you are to keep on moving and the more likely you are to succeed. Goal is a goal doesn’t matter in what.
  16. Well, it’s not just Leo’s idea, in certain shamanic traditions and philosophies this life is called a waking life or waking dream, it basically means we dream in to reality, life is an experiance and we are here to simply experiance and grow through this experiance. So it really depends on which perspective you use but you have a choice of many and each will provide a different experiance for you, and isn’t that wonderful!!
  17. @Keryo Koffa May your new system serve you well, and I truly mean that. It has changed my life since I’ve been using emotions as an early warning system or a confirmation for a long time now , and it is a great teacher, for example I understood that love means to be happy with someone or something, when I am happy I love when I love I am happy 😊 ps. With practise it will automatically let you know and you will understand it instantly, and practising it you will be surprise how fast it gets installed within you, like a program on the computer ☺️☺️
  18. Here I will particularly refer to “ with the goal to reach the truth” . I don’t know about the rest of this planets population but I personally keep my attention on the present moment as much as I can, i don’t think I have the ultimate goal of reaching the ultimate truth, because in this life I choose to enjoy the very present, to me the moment is important, what will I do in the next moment , next hour and so on, to me importance is in the experiance of life and my reality and I appreciate more and more this earth life the longer I live. Of course as an example I will book a trip that’s months away but my focus won’t be there until the moment I’m experiencing this trip. Word on meditation, here I think it will have different significance and meaning to each of us, there’s many many ways to meditate and I use meditation as a tool to help me with loads of different things, sometimes I will communicate with my body in meditation, sometimes I will be visualising, going on shamanic journey for certain healing purposes or just focusing on my breath for a little while, and once a month I attend reiki and sound bath at 432hz during which I focus on the sound, vibration, frequency and let whatever it is to show up in my mind/ imagination but there is always one thing involved for all the types of meditation and that is focus. Meditation can be beneficial and can be used as a tool for sure, how you will use it is up to you. By staying in the present moment whatever that might be I have evolved my thinking, habits, understanding and so on… naturally , without putting pressure on myself in reaching enlightenment the only goal I really ever have is to experiance. It took me some time and practise to even see the present moment and understand that my focus , where my attention is , is of at most importance to my self development. But this is different for everyone , again I am speaking only from my own experiance on this earth.
  19. Oooo I think this one might be different for different people, I mean people will understand this in different ways, so I can only speak from my own perspective. To me mind has many powers/functions but the most important one to me is the ability to focus thought, things happen through a focused thought or thoughts not just thoughts jumping around my head the mind has the ability to focus it. The “insight” as you named it, to me it is a received transmission from my higher self that then gets processed by the subconscious “mind” then the conscious mind and so on…. but I don’t think it is this simple. I have this pressuring thought that for our reality to function other things need to be involved like your higher self transmission plus your mind plus your conscious mind … sort of heart mind spirit connection in short, it seems to me that all of those work together in coordination and harmony, and one can not work without the other.
  20. Enlightenment might be just a beginning or not, we can only assume or imagine what’s after that but until you reach it we actually don’t know, it needs to be experianced to find out. It’s kind of similar to question what happens after we die, we just simply don’t yet know exactly as it also has to be experianced first. It is fun to create different beliefs about it though. For now I choose to focus on the present moment and not worry too much about what enlightenment is or what happens once we achieve it, that’s another experiance and I am in this moment experiencing this moment.
  21. @An young being mindfulness is absolutely a tool and a very very useful one I agree with this 100% you have also touched upon attention, in your words “concentrating on the present” . Energy flows where our attention goes. In other words the results you get will depend on where your attention is, what you focus on.
  22. 😂😂 woo woo! Brilliant. Well I think it’s a problem of definitions of words people hold and their own personal understanding. These debates are purely talk of different definitions for one and the same thing.