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About Evelyna

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  1. Yes, but it is a lot different from using suggestion or placebo, or maybe we use suggestion and placebo thoughts all the time no matter the style of meditation, my point was about effectiveness more than anything. What you believe about the benefits of a particular meditation practice plays a role in how effective it feels to you. Meditation practices are subjective and not easily measurable because the effects are highly personal. When you doing your sitting type of meditation you can not tell me you have zero expectations, no intention, no thoughts , no emotions, and no knowledge and no opinion about the particular technique you re using, all of those play a role in overall benefits, its not the meditation itself that brings about change or effect it is how you navigate it using all sensations and what you know or accept about its benefits, meditation is a tool, a system built by us humans. The main characteristic of a good meditation is that you feel better for having done it. The tradition or the style is not as important as the experience itself. A lot of confusion exists about the subject of meditation. Most of that is due to the fact that so many people associate the word with a specific form or a particular religion. Meditation is simply the act of putting your attention on a limited area of focus for a particular period of time and for the purpose of changing oneself in a particular way. This is what distinguishes it from mere reverie, daydreaming, fantasy, reading for entertainment or learning, and playing or observing a game. Most usually the word meditation refers to inner-directed attention, but there are exceptions to that, such as some Zen-style meditations for example .
  2. ??? Placebo??? Suggestion ??? Where you getting this from? You misunderstood
  3. I personally think it is absolutely reasonable to accept that hiking meditation can be as good as sitting one, here I think the effects of it will depend on your own believes more then anything else, if you have association that sitting down and focusing brings better results , then for you it will of course. I like to keep it flexible and get the same benefits from either type of meditation, why limit myself I don't think this is really measurable or comparable as it will be dependant on the individual.
  4. I would say it is generated all the time , attention is the word we looking for , your attention is not on everything all the time and so we tend to miss certain sensations although they are there.
  5. Sensations are always present but your attention is elsewhere, energy flows where attention goes 😊 and attention goes where energy flows.
  6. Hmmm as I am reading through the forum this is probably the most common topic, how to get to the awakening. Have you ever thought that you are already awakened but having an earth experience right now where you just don't remember you have no limits? Following this idea there would be very little point in becoming awakened , since we are already there , to phrase this differently we are trying to remember what it is like being awakened while having an earth experience, this would be more accurate. Gosh, most people chase the idea of awakening , we are already there , we just don't remember it. My goal was not to become awakened in this earth life , but to experience this particular type of existence , somehow I know i've already had that experience of awakening , now I'm experiencing something different, all of those techniques, programs, systems, just to try and remember something we have already experienced I prefer to use those systems to enjoy this current experience I get to have, and so I enjoy the life itself and this beautiful earth
  7. @quantumspiral I think it is less about motivation and more about being realistic on to what you can actually do about it. I think you may be feeling helpless towards all the things you find unjust , unfair and so on, and that is a fair feeling since you can't help absolutely everyone. You could focus more on the present moment in your own life, perhaps read, watch less of the worlds news as this can influence/ trigger your emotions. Within your mind you can always send love in to the world, the most calming images , peace , and that is something you CAN do, whatever we imagine already exists , using symbols to send positive emotions , feelings and so on works great for both sides, we are all always connected in some way which we can't explain. |Yes this world needs a lot of healing , but If we can not heal our immediate environment how can we heal the world? Well, your closest environment is a good place to start, staying exactly there , in the present, while sending out symbols to the rest of the world can balance out nicely, and if you want to help with physical action, help those who need help around you first, do what you can do and you are able to offer help to those who are close by , in your town , city , at your work place , in you local store. etc... Kindness spreads just like lies do, your kindness can influence others to do the same and that is a huge help for this world!! I am reminded of directions to use oxygen mask on a plane in case of emergency , they always say that mother should put on a mask first before the child to be able to help the child, take care of the child, I guess its kind of like that
  8. I am totally on topic!! A loving person would just apologise for their behaviour not try to excuse it by driving a subject matter on to something else, im not surprised by your reaction I expected just that, do you even see what you have just done? Do you see how unloving you are? I wish for you to have less stress in your life, to experience actual love and understand it, I wish you as many good loving people around you as possible, you sure really need it, and when you have it you will be naturally more loving and less critical towards everyone. I wish you ALOHA ( aloha means love ) I'm going to leave it here I won't write anything further.
  9. Through your replies , easy to see , you even attacked me at some point and as I am reading through the forum its pretty clear you really are not a loving person, if you are so so loving , your replies should always match what you preaching. I don't have the best experience with you and usually I just leave it alone as it is pointless to argue with you , or argue in general, but I will not stay quiet when you think yourself some teacher and think you can advise people on LOVE, I don't think you even know what it means to be loving , I sure am learning how to be more loving towards people like you. with love..
  10. Well, if this advise came from a loving person , great, but you should definitely practise your own words more, advising on being more loving and not being that makes this advise not valid. I've experienced your not lovingness on this forum from you , like many other people, so my advise to you is to practise what you preach. With love..
  11. Have you tried changing something that you are doing? From my experience , the '' situation'' stopped popping up when I changed how I viewed it, what I thought about it, my reaction to the situation with this I changed my behaviour and overall attitude about it. It works for me every time , if something repeats I know I have to change something I am doing or it just won't go away in fact if I don't take action situation most likely will magnify. There's also a cool shamanic technique I use often it can be used for pretty much any situastion or a problem. Shamanic world view is mainly symbolic, in this technique you close your eyes, bring your self to present moment and within your mind ask for a symbol of the situation, some kind of image should show up, it really could be anything , once you see the image put your attention on it and then change something about it, for example if an image is a storm at sea , calm the storm and make the sun come out. I do hope it will resolve for you
  12. @Kuba Powiertowski interesting, this quote is from a Saint Anselm journal , here's what google says about it : The quote, "it is easy to be saint in heaven, it is easy to forgive the saint, where you forgive the devil, that you forgive yourself" is not from the Bible, but from The Saint Anselm Journal: The Saint Anselm Journal: In the Fall 2017 issue of The Saint Anselm Journal, the teaching states that the devil is unable to repent for his first sin and receive forgiveness. In contrast, humans are portrayed as repeatedly sinning, repenting, and being forgiven
  13. @Razard86 I agree, I often become lucid within the dream, aware, its not up to me which dream I become aware of, but I also have rewinded dreams, paused dreams, moved objects, went flying, jumped from one dream to another. What I did notice is that I have zero doubts within the dream , it is almost like you think of something and it happens instantly but you don't analyse what happened, there's no questioning of bizarre things that are happening, it just is, this happens, then next thing happens and so on, they only seem to be bizarre when I wake up and recall the dream So I think some parts of our perception and evaluation work in slightly different way in the dream. Also the memory of the dreams feels just like any other memory you would have, it's a fun exercise to recall a memory of an event that took place in waking life and then recall memory of a dream you can remember , both re call identically, like a real event, meaning a memory of a dream is exactly the same as memory of waking life events, isn't that interesting ?
  14. @Princess Arabia I think I find the word beingness problematic in understanding your point, its synonyms include being and existence, English isn't my first language and sometimes I have to still look up some words. Thanks for explaining I see your point now.