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Number one problem is insufficient electrolytes specially if you drink coffee and alcohol. To check that try to drink in the morning warm water with 1 tbsp of good salt and see if it correct anything. If it dose make sure you eat a LOT of greens and take probiotics like Keefer, or take good supplements of potassium, magnesium, salt and calcium. Alternatively drink bone broth every day with greens. Make sure you sleep properly ~7 h of sleep in colder dark room. If you wake up you should have focus and energy to do stuff. If you don't feel that then you have a lot of health issue and you cant fix it with 1 month of healthy lifestyle. Third think is exercise. Try to do some aerobic then some strength terning for total of 3h if you don't fell focused and refreshed at the end of that after 30 min of rest then you are again so unhealthy that you gone need 6+ month of good diet + exercise to start felling ok. Healthy person have clarity of mind at the morning can work for about 8h without felling tiered or powerless. If you dont then you are having problem with health.
Its not good but, If you have good quality sleep and its consistent every day (and its 6,7+h) its not that bad, your body can adapt to it, if it is consistent. Problem would be if you have inconsistent eating habits like eating before sleep, eating in window longer that 10h (max 12h) because of enzyme, and how they also regulate sleep, so if you eat after 11-12h you will tell your body that its not time to sleep and you have a problem, and really bad quality sleep. On top of that if you eat high sugar (like processed food, sugar reach products or bad stuff like pasta or bread) diet you will have iven more problems with hormons. (your stomach enzymes have ~12h life time) If you cant change sleeping habits you should make sure you dont see to much "blue" light that regulate circadian rythms. Ether from sun in the morning or from computer so use flux. You should make sure you sleep in dark room (the darker the better) with no wi-fi and stuff like that if possible, and with slightly lower temperature if possibile. You can also help yourself with melatonin supplement and take it before sleep, it will tell your body that it is time to sleep and it is responsible for activating REM-cycle so it is really good thing, and its natural.
Keto can be used as a tool but it is mainly a diet that help you use fat as a "superior"(tho there are some ppl that cant use keto because of genes and how they grown up etc) source of energy. Energy that is better for brain and heart among other stuff. Brain really like ketones and it prefers them in metabolic processes over other source of energy. The "increased energy levels and especially increased focus" occur when your brain and body fully or at some level adapted to fully use fat in form of ketones, but if you had carb diet( aka normal diet) for the most part of your life or iven high "proceed sugar" diet that damage your body over long period of time and may cause lots of not nice health issue (unless you are fortunate to have good genes etc) you will surly struggle to change whole body( cell by cell) to a different source of energy. You are changing how you gene express them-self and how cell works, and unless you are super healthy that stuff surly will take time. I think 2 weeks for healthy teenager, or iven a year for 30 year old person. If you want to feel how it is to be on a keto diet i think you can go and run for 2-4h or do high intense whole body exercise, like rowing machine. Of course dont eat any carbs before like 4-5 h, and you will know how it is to be on keto. Tho make sure you will drink some good electrolytes drink and take some salt. To speed up process you can do stuff like intermittent fasting, high intense exercise, cold showers, sauna, yoga, breathing exercise, massages. You will also need to take care of basic mandatory stuff like electrolytes. This is not a joke, its serious problem that needs to be taken into account daily! So called "keto flu" is nothing more that lack of salt/sodium, magnesium or potassium. Dont be afreid of salt you will almost for sure need additional spoon of salt for the amount that kidney gone lose because of how they where dependent on insulin to keep sodium inside body. That is if you are not deficient in sodium. It is best to do shakes that have all the electrolytes as well as micro and macro nutrients in them, and fat for vitamin that need it. I personaly use coconut oil, but you can use avocados for example. Here is great example of shake : watch?v=JLQ63y5aTpo&t=767s Coconut oil in smoothies is amazing for all the callories you will need and for proteins i always go for eggs, avcados, and seeds and nuts i can digest. Remember tho that all above can be much more hard if your guts are in bad health, or you are seriously deficient in nutrition, or have some non stop inflammations in any part of body like brain or gut. There is just so much stuff that can be wrong that i cant simply type it out... and its iven more of a problem for me that english is not my native Language AND dont forget about salt, know this : 4 coffees = - 1 tbsp of salt from body 1h of exercise = -0,5 tbsp of salt from body
Try to do 1 or 3 days fast and check if you have more energy that way. If you do then try some of the low carb diet, and check if intermittent fasting is good for you. Make sure you have good electrolytes intake specialy sodium (aka salt with chloride that also is very impotent to stomach acid etc.) 4 normal coffee is draining 1 tbsp of salt (not sodium per se) from your body. 1h of moderate exercise is 0,5 tbsp of salt drain form body. So take that into account, also if you have money check blood levels of all vitamins and minerals. If you dont have good amount of potassium, magnesium and sodium (also calcium) in you blood it can make huge problems for energy levels. To notice a difference form good electrolytes intake it takes minimum of 3 days or 2 weeks if you are overweight. (or more) Also you cant really overdose salt (tho try to get good like sea salt) and you will not cause any problems for yourself iven if you take stupid amount like 10-20 g of salt a day. No, there is no correlation between salt and hearth/blood problems its a myth and high salt intake is like 1mmHg systolic more if you have stupidly high intake, and not enough salt is really bad for you and can cause iven more problems. And no, you are not damaging kidnes, they can easily take care of 87g of salt a day. (unless you have some damage) Best thing to do is to take half a spoon of salt before exercise and 1/4 tbls of salt for coffee tea. Make sure you get vitamins, and others stuff like that. Omega 3, witamin D are really good for mood and they regulate serotonin levels and do much more stuff. There is a lot more stuff to say about energy so if you have some specific question fell free to ask me, i just dont want to waste time if somone dont care about the stuff i type here And like @Outer pointed out the best thing you can do for the brain and the energy levels, higher funtions etc is to have the most REM cycle in sleep you can, thus having good sleep is essential to health, also notice that REM faze is a must to detoxify brain, and if you not having good REM-included sleep you essentially storing damage in brain cells and you body is getting problems with clearing,fixing damage, and you are having constant inflammation, that drain energy for fixing stuff. And on the top of that if you have gut issue, and thats pretty common you might as well have inflammation there, not only that would decrees your energy but it would make huge problems to absorb food properly not to talk about microbs and stuff..
If you like coffee, do strong tea (do it properly) for a week its amazing replacement for active substance in coffee. Then just go back to coffee and drink max 3-4 cup in morning to max 12:00. Get magnesium suplement or other source of it, most ppl are deficient in that, check other electrolytes (blood is not good indicator). You can also try tea thing and stop after 1 week it should be easy (but dont forget about mag.) If you had any problem with sleep/getting up/ energy/ concentration it should get better in about month, if you get good diet etc.
Humans have more complex needs, as we live more and need healthy diet, plus diet need to be diverse, so we have at minimum 2 factors that increase land use. But key point is how we use animal for landto fertilization,(and what would happen to other areas of agriculture need for it etc) not mentioning possible need for animal products we use (beside food). We also use more chemicals for human diet food, and more...
@Shiva @Isle of View You dont understand my arguments. Im not arguing that "to get full proces of getting meat is less water than to grow plants" My arguments are about how agriculture is much more complex and have to much practical problems to change stuff and its to much of need to have animals. Water is not a problem in agriculture Plants need a lot of water. Animals dont need much water at all To grow food for animals indeed needs water. Total water we would use if we dont have animals would be huge And one more point: Vegans would not be saving any cows, instead they would slaughter population of animals we have now and destroy what from species view good for them (as they are surviving and growing in number and diversity !)[Tho of course its not moral ideal to use them as we do]
This iconography and youtube video is some kind of a joke... 1/6 of a acre, its absolutely not possibile to feed 1 person with healthy full diet. Ask farmer. To include amount of water that plants use to calculate how much it cost to create meat is another ridiculous argument. My point was that animal use magnitude less water that plants. And water in agriculture is not an issue in first place! Its not much lost if any.
Any of 99% agriculture is destructive, and herbicides, chemicals are really bad overall, i cant imagine what would happen if we suppose to use more plants to feed 7B, not mentioning the cost of changing, fertilizering it (and product soooo much more of it artificial !), dealing with all other practical problems its just stupid. It is simply necessity to have animals in large amount. Plants need more water, and its hard to feed divers diet to family when you dont have 10 of different kind of plants... and a lot of needed equipment and storage place. Our brain is big and nice because we can use ketons, and because we can supply it with good dense energy source. It is, vegan need for agriculture is most definitely not. If we want to sustain planets, 7B needs we need more efficient, better genetics plants, and animals. Now this is super funny. PROTEIN =/= MEAT The fact that you actually said that disqualify everything in your post. You probably have NO nutrition or agriculture knowledge.
1, 3, then 7 day fasting is good 'easy' option for start. Potassium iodine, and Chlorella http://customers.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/9steps.htm About DMSO and detox generaly
Start simple because you will do more in long run. 5 min meditation ( some kind of mindfulness ) Workout ( Can be easy 10 min but every day every day) Watch some videos and try to get something from it every 7 days. But dont stress it! If you can try to revisit your diet, again dont go deep just tiny patch. Start with meditation and ego videos.
You can only eat it sometimes, like 4 times a month if you really like to. It contain to much of oxalic acid to eat it like a snack, and it is dangerous if you eat it every day and even every other day.
One of guy that work on ketone esters synthesis atm is on heavy keto diet ( lots of avocados etc.) Guy that work on ketone esters is Dr. Richard Veech dont remember other guy. From my understanding of it brain runs on lots of glucose and if it have access to ketones it use it up to 70% of energy needed. Of course only if blood levels of ketones are high enough to cross the blood brain barrier, check out this lecture(it explain some stuff) : ( Im not expert about any on those subject.) To complex of topic to discuss on internet, specialy that i am not expert. (Inflamation, food allergy,etc...) More ATP per one unit. More efficient metabolic use. Thats biochemistry. Depends on genes, how much insulin meal spiked, some times iven 100g of netcarbs cant trigger turning fat to fat cells, some ppl always when carbs are present gone turn fat into fat cells, all depends on people and health. But sure body always metabolized carbs first when they are present. I think you are trying to say something about 'preference' of body, but i dont understand it. Biochemistry is simple fat is better source of energy for body. Sorry i ddnt explain it good enough, those are substance for ingestion to help get rid of toxic stuff. Like Potassium-Iodine or DMSO. I consider This site as good example of detoxification stuff. About fiber. Those studies are about intake amount not about not taking any. My point is there is no correlation about need of fiber. Topic is again not really good for internet discussion. Lets not dig into it. Hell no. If anything fiber may harm you in non-direct ways like bacteria. Ok, thats it no more fiber in post. Sitting vs Standing Sure, i can understand your point. From my experience/knowledge there is nothing good about siting.
Keto = energy from fat, right amount of protein (~ 1g/1kg bodymass). So it can be Vegan to I dont care about that i know people who do high fat vegan keto and it works for them, do what is good for you . Sometimes genes dont allow you to be keto, it all depends.\ Obviously, but fat is more efficient per amount and have different metabolic path, that can fix some mitochondrial issue (fungus dmg, toxic stuff etc.) Second part is right to but i cant add those explanations everytime . Internet is to big ! "For years, Americans have been told to consume a high-fiber diet to lower the risk of colon cancer - mainly on the basis of results from a number of relatively small studies. Unfortunately, this recommendation now seems mistaken, as larger and better designed studies have failed to show a link between fiber and colon cancer." (Source: Harvard School of Public Health, first original reporting in 1999) (27), (28) Yes, body do detox. But some stuff is hard to remove and our body need substance that are good transport particles, stuff like DMSO or Iodine. The rest is on point.