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Everything posted by mk0998
Kundalini ist the primordial force present in the human organism which lies "coiled" three and half time in the sacrum of the spinal cord or the Muladhara Chakra. Once aroused through meditations, yoga or pranayama it begins it's ascend through the spinal cord or chakras until it reaches the crown chakra. Once it reaches the crown chakras the human individual consciousness merges with that of the universal. A human being is composed not only of the physical body but also the astral body and the emotional body. On the awakening of kundalini if your emotional and astral body are fully cleansed kundalini can pass through the chakras. But since no one has a pure astral and emotional body kundalini will start working to clear out your " shit". This is known as the cleansing phase or "hell". This phase is also called nigredo in spiritual alchemy where basic lead is transmuted into gold. The subtle meaning of alchemy is the transmutation of the "leaded consciousness into golden consciousness. So basically the esotericalchemists where using the pirma materia ( kundalini ) to acheive this. . Kundalini transformation is a physical process meaning that the whole entire biology of the organism changes in order to fit kundalini's regimen. Please do your research on the topic. The aim of this thread is to give you a direction on where to look. here are some links that would help : http://ourlightbody.com/ http://realitysandwich.com/92275/introduction_u_g_krishnamurti/ http://www.kundaliniconsortium.org/2017/03/kundalini-transformation-part-01.html https://manly-hall.blogspot.de/2013/09/spinal-column-and-kundalini.html
The more I increase in consciousness the more I realize that everyone I know is not doing the same. I am starting to feel and think different, while everyone who I know remains the same. If I just start talking about this stuff, most would just ignore it, which has led me to a sort of isolation, not really being to communicate with anyone. Everyone seems obsessed with getting a job, married and having children. Society as a whole is built on this paradigm I guess. But once one just disconnects from all this clutter, one sees everyone running around trying to achieve "things" based on ideas that were embedded in their minds.
Check out this book: Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia
Enlightened or Sociopathic? Could be both.
It's just how I have been thinking lately.
Both of your posts reminded me of this
The Kybalion is a gives a descriptive writing of the seven of law of creation i.e The seven Hermetic Principles. For everyone who has been working on expanding their consciousness and their spiritual body (astral body) this books offers a set of laws which govern the elements of creation. Much like the laws of physics these laws are can also be based on observational knowledge based that you have been working towards increasing your vibration ( or consciousness). This image provide an overview of the principles, but if you are willing to dig a little bit deeper. This book is for you: http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdfal
you guy and gals should out tool's music. Their music involves a wide variety of topics like alchemy, non-duality philosophy..basically everything esoteric . Sorry it is not in German . Enjoy
mk0998 replied to Natasha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is from BeiYin's book the secret key: http://falconblanco.com/key.pdf Does it really exist? Then where are these people? Or is it just a sales argument, giving people something to go for. BeiYin: This question indicates that there is a lack of understanding what enlightenment really is. Or there is a misunderstanding. Probably because the last thirty years this conception became overloaded with religious and mystical luggage. Let us see what the Longman Dictionary tells: Enlightenment = the act of enlightening: This law is so difficult to understand that only a lawyer can provide enlightenment. 2: the state of having been enlightened: The family owed a great deal to the enlightenment of their mother's opinions about the bringing up of children. Enlightenment = the period in the 18th century in Europe, when certain thinkers taught that science and the free use of reason would improve the human condition. So far it doesn't say much to enlighten the subject. So let's continue to read: enlighten = to cause to understand; free from false beliefs: Peter thought the world was flat until I enlightened him! Aha! "Free from false beliefs" This makes it a little bit clearer: If one is free from false beliefs then one is 'enlightened', at least in this specific part, but not totally of course. So to follow the 'use of reason' it would mean if somebody is free of ALL false beliefs then this person would be 'enlightened'! It seems to me that this is still not enough. I am convinced that it doesn't matter if a belief is false or true, - as long the belief is just a belief and not realized in one's personal growing process. I even want to go further: A person is not really 'enlightened' if there are still remaining beliefs and concepts and as long one's existence is based in confirmations of one's self image. Resume: 'Enlightenment' is possible, but it doesn't mean that there exist or had ever exist any humans with a complete realized state of this being
mk0998 replied to phoenix666's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
hey, what you are experiencing is the beginning of the flow of prana/kundalini in your acupuncture system. Practicing more meditation will accelerate the process, which in end turns into a total physical metamorphosis to a new being, an enlightened being. In order for the human organism to exist in a state of constant enlightenment the biology of the body changes. Enlightenment is nothing than "an update" to the glitch existing in the human being in it's current state of evolution. For more info on the topic please check this website: https://ourlightbody.com/ -
mk0998 replied to Peace and Love's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think the album art explains everything -
What do you guys think of David Icke? Here is a recent video that gives a summary of his ideas.
How am I escaping from reality? (This is question number 270 from BeiYin’s book: http://falconblanco.com/key.pdf) BeiYin: In plain words: I have the key and I offer it to everybody who asks for it. You are asking, so you will find it within yourself. I am giving hints for this in my writings, at my website and here in this book. The *key* is free, but you will need to work on yourself to use the secret key. There is no way to escape your reality, because that is what you are, even though it is a *fake reality*. You are identified with it and that is what makes your personality. You may feel this to be a straitjacket, but you cannot let go of it because it has become your skin, bones and blood. You then may ask what is needed to go beyond it or how can I jump over my shadow?" Indeed, that is the dilemma. Nevertheless, it is possible! First, you need to understand yourself, gain knowledge about human nature and understand why you are in this ‘straitjacket’. Then you will discover that this has to do with the evolution of humankind that is still primitive with a limited development of awareness. There is much to investigate and by doing so it will cause personal reactions, because your established worldview filled with concepts and your self-image will be shattered. Your *fake reality* will fall apart. Do not get sucked into the craziness of this world. Calm down and be aware of your *existence* that is not colored by the manipulation of this society. You are confused because you are identified with your personality, resulting from the programs and concepts given to all human beings, putting them into a straitjacket. You see your present confusion in a positive and creative way, because you are ready to get out of the game of the personality. You cannot force anything and running away does not work, as you still carry your 'luggage of personality' with you. InkyPinkie: 'Freedom' is a concept. The idea of it is held in the mind and there is identification with it, which results in a state of mind that has little or nothing to do with reality. However, it seems very real to us. The identification can be so strong in the mind that our entire existence becomes limited to this created fake reality. We can even be willing to die to defend our identity or convince others of our concepts. Indeed this is absurd. 'Freedom' becomes the cage we escape to, so we can keep our little fake reality intact. We do this so we do not have to confront *freedom*. *Freedom* does not need identification games and the fake realities of our personalities are left behind. “Freedom is when there is nothing left to loose.” BeiYin: *Freedom* is not only a state of mind. The mind only represents one part of the whole. As a word and concept, it is limited to the mind and is part of the identification game of the personality. Real *freedom* is a state of *being* and is not limited to parts, that is what freedom means or not? Yes, of course, the image 'freedom' is used by politicians and others who manipulate people, by feeding them the picture that they will gain everything they desire when they buy or follow certain things. Real *freedom* is a rare experience because it is the result of a growing process and this is not the common state of evolution of humankind, only in rare exceptions. Talking about it is senseless, because it only creates another concept that is integrated into the database of the mindset of personalities. Because that is the truth, I will shut up now.
mk0998 replied to egoless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Certainly humans, like god, are endowed with the ability to create and destroy which really reflects on the modern mess this beautiful blue ball came to be. -
I really recommend listening to Manly P Hall's lectures on the various topics of enlightenment, spirituality, and alchemy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manly_P._Hall starting with this one.
I will be writing an exam next Thursday in Mechanical Engineering as I am a Student of that discipline. Typing on this keyboard made me wonder about the technological evolution the of typing or writing. If one goes back in time to see how the typing mechanism evolved. Starting with the typewriter, in which typing was mere mechanical action that resulted in the printing of ink on a piece of paper. Looking at the my laptop now; it is still basically the same mechanism but with different means. Like fire and the light bulb both provide luminescence and heat, but the light bulb is an evolved fire pit,the creator of the light bulb Mr.Thomas Edison, was nothing more than the same primordial human who by shear chance just rubbed two stones with each other creating a spark which eventually turned into a flame, flame becoming a fire to light this home we occupy ( this is a lyric from the tool song Intention from their album 10,000 days). The new evolved version of the light bulb is the LED. So i guess this how technology evolves. If it weren't for these rather noble individuals, humans beings would have been perished through the merciless elements of nature. As Nikola Tesla mentioned that the Inventor strives to use this power endowed by nature to help the human race. Human Beings will eventually progress towards enlightenment, the new state in our evolution as a species. One still wonders whether if this progression to this higher state even possible, with our increasing self interest,consumption and war. Still this might be good, for for the new to be born the old must atrophy and die . From death life is created. They constitute one whole, the yin and the yang.