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About refocusme

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  1. I started on the high protein low carb diet last June. I lost about 65 pounds. Christmas threw me totally off and I have struggled from then until now trying to get back on the strict path. The holidays all have events that I either cook and create special goodies for or there is high stress for me and I am an emotional eater. Because I can't stand to waste or throw away food as mine costs quite a bit to make anyway, we eat it. Also, most of my holiday enjoyment centers around my little special stuff that I also give to family and friends as gifts during those events. I do know that once I get back on the better eating, better schedule, back in the gym during the week, I feel and look great. I have wondered about self-sabotage issues and that may be a factor here but it seems to be more lack of discipline, stress, no time for me, etc. I wish I had another low carb buddy to keep me on track. Maybe I will check in here and that will help. I have a ton of reasons to take off the 15 pounds I have gained in the next few weeks. It seems though that no matter what the incentives have been these last 5 months that has not helped me. When I am doing what this diet tells me to do, it works the best of anything that I have ever tried. What can I do?
  2. Good point made and taken. I know that trying to overhaul myself all at once is not sustainable. I always thought though that if there could be even a 1% improvement in most areas of my life and direction that surely it would help. I have chosen about 4 things to really work on in self actualization this year. You are right that no one will have the exact answers for me. However, just listening to others ( in this case reading) with similar issues and the desire to change ourselves into a better or at least different us does help and spur me forward. I cannot let this new forum though keep me in the problems as some support groups end up doing. I will guard against this as I ruminate way too much on the sad and bad feeling it all over again and again with no time to even create the now much less guide my future. I have really learned a lot in just a short time listening to Leo. I hope that he is the really nice guy he seems. If not, I still am at least I truly do believe that there is a "good" and even if we have disappointment it doesn't kill us.
  3. I am new to this site. I desperately need to refocus and gain some control over my emotions and direction. Reaction not action seems to sum my whole life up. When I found I began to at least understand myself better. Just surviving my situation in life can't be all I am supposed to do so here I post and hope that there will be new awareness, goal setting, attitude change, and ability to make my silk purse no matter where I find myself and who my circle includes. I am stuck in a stereotypical ditch and am sick of it. I have learned enough already to stop labeling my own self and refuse to be stepped on and devalued and allow others to be limit and define me by their unqualified measuring sticks. I may not say much but I am listening and taking notes and making some major changes in myself. I am walking my life out and it is scary but it has to happen. I didn't really want the direction I am going but I am determined for it to be a win/win instead of a total win/lose. The people who care about me state that being able to adapt is one of my best qualities. My adaption to rough turns of events in the past is great but I spend so much time miserable on the inside and landing on all fours on the outside. This is killing me. I deserve better and am taking the control away from others and moving on. If you look at this post you will see a million "I" and I automatically thought this looks self centered and I should not appear as such. Here we go again worrying about what others might think and me willing to fix me for them. Nope no more. I am very untech oriented but this is another area that must change for my job sake and just to improve myself. Please forgive errors I might make in this forum. I need some help with that stuff.