Spiritual Warfare

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Everything posted by Spiritual Warfare

  1. Greta motivation but there is no point if individuals consciousness fades away
  2. Yes but why does individual consciousness die?
  3. There is no point for experience if memories is going to fade
  4. I’m all for the positive ones but there is none😁😢
  5. Thanks for understanding
  6. Have you ever observed what variety of thoughts passes through our minds in one minute? And now imagine what the dog must be thinking in that one minute? By looking at their innocent faces, you know they are not thinking about anything. No remorse for the past or no future to worry about. They are just in the present. What a simplistic life it must be. Indeed, dogs teach us to be in the present, enjoy being fully present and attentive, and use all of our senses. Santosha (Contentment). In Patanjali’s Ashtanga (eight limbs) Yoga, one of the Niyama (rules) is in complete contentment. When your cup is full in the right amount, you feel full. When your basic needs are fulfilled adequately, you feel content. Dogs have an exceptional quality of being content. May his owner be a rich person or poor; he is always satisfied with what he gets from his owner. By accepting the reality, they keep on living their life with Santosha. And this is something we should learn from these canines. Impartiality. Spirituality says that love and fear are the roots of other emotions. Dogs have different processes of classifying good and evil, likes and dislikes, safety and danger. They calculate it through the lens of love and fear, simplifying their judgement. When we see others with shades of judgement, we entangle ourselves in the webs of complex emotions, leading to emotional exhaustion. When we see life in simple colours of love more and less fear, things become easy for us and emotionally less exhaustive. Flexibility. Those who bend do not break. Life is all about twists, turns, and unexpected stops. The more you are adopted, the more you are happy in life. Have you ever adopted a dog? Just watch how it embraces the new house, food, and people living in it. The dog will say, sure, the bed is fine. No bed? Sure, I’ll sleep beside the couch. No specialised dog food? No problem, ill has what you are having for lunch. No matter what life throws at them, they always remain upbeat, happy, excited, and helpful. Unconditional Love. Dogs and unconditional love are synonyms. No other animal will love, adore or even worship its owner the way dogs do. With innocence, they will welcome you in their hearts. Whether you are rich or poor, young or old, man or woman, these canines will hold you high on a pedestal. As long as you both trust each other, they will always be satisfied. Just like it, when a seeker experiences an awakening, they shall undergo a steady and gentle stream of unexplained love towards everyone, irrespective of gender, country, religion, and even well beyond their views on you. To experience this, one needs to be a spiritual practitioner for a long time, but dogs remind you how it shall be done in their own sweet non-judgemental way. Loyalty. Suppose you had owned a dog for a longer time, you know, that it had seen you when you were at your best and worst. Dogs know you better than anyone else in the world. They are your number one fan providing unconditional support, and they are experts in forgiving and forgetting whenever you are mean to them. Honouring a commitment is loyalty, and it goes well beyond the distractions, cravings, aversions, and inducements. If you are loyal to your path, it makes you optimistic. It teaches you to look for the positive side, opening you to the upcoming knowledge. We receive love, wisdom, and freedom when we feel unconditional loyalty or adherence to our spiritual Guru.
  7. For those who believe in God as the creator or God as a creator of us and it all, I will now demonstrate that it is impossible for the creator to be truly or literally separate from its creation. Me: Do you believe God created us? You: Yes. Me: If it is true that God created us, then there is nothing I can do or say that can change that truth. Surely no lie or semantics can change the truth about what God has done. You: Yes; no matter what you say and no matter what circumstance or condition you suggest, it is always true that God has created us. Me: Therefore God cannot be separate from its creation because that would be the same as saying God is separate from the truth. God is not separate from the truth about God because that would make no sense. The only way God can be separate from the truth about God is if the truth is not about God. So for ex- if the truth that God created us is not the truth about God, then God did not create us. You: No, no, no, God created us but not in his image; we're not the same as God; God exists beyond us, beyond the reality and reasoning of its creation. Me: Now it seems like you're the one suggesting special circumstances and conditions. I don't care how you spin it; God is connected to us by the truth that God created us, and no matter how much God distances or attempts to separate itself from us, or no matter how complex and elaborate the technicality is for the nature of God, nothing can eliminate the truth that God created us. Therefore, no matter how different and special you think God is from us, we will always be that which God has created, and we will always be connected to God through that truth. Therefore, through the truth it is impossible for God to be truly or literally separate from its creation.
  8. We first have to think about what dreams are. They are certain images, ideas, emotions (and sometimes even smell!).. manifested inside the brain during sleep. Now Lets thing about what is the principal definition of ‘reality’. Reality is something that you can feel. The air on your skin, the touch of objects, taste and smell of objects and of course…the dimensions of something that you see. Your skin, eyes, tongue and nose send certain sensations to the brain…and the brain makes them real for you. A simple proof of this is ‘motion blindness’. Where the patient can’t ‘see’ moving objects! In other words, the brain cant manifest movement as a real occurrence for the patient. As far as the patient is concerned, movement doesn't occur… (unless people around the patient reassure him/her that things are indeed moving). So… now lets combine these two. Dreams, and Reality. These images and other feelings that make up a dream…. it is really up-to the brain to decide how ‘real’ they are! When you are sleeping, and your subconscious mind manifests these feelings, depending on how strong these ‘sensations’ are, the brain will make them real for you. The only reason we realize that a dream ‘feels’ real, but is actually not… is because we wake up. If we were to sleep indefinitely…the brain wouldn’t know any better. For the brain, any dream could be ‘real’. Dreams from sleep involve many realms in our minds. Conscious and subsconcious. We also have a dream sensory in spiritual realms as well as a thought and visual content. Our emotions give the dream a sense of direction and a degree of urgency if or when neccesary. This is the inner way we communicate to ourselves. We can physically feel that we dream. Still, dreams are of thought. Your question seems to suggest creating a better reality by dreams used as ambition or goals. This is also from thought, yet very different to awakened reality. Thought is who we are and what we think about all day. To obtain a better reality starts with good thought, focused inside our mind. There is one particular specific zone in the law of attraction or attracting what we desire most. Simply stated, “give away what you desire most in your heart.” This is what you should share most to others. This is becoming outside yourself. Give love you will get love. Give acceptance to gain acceptance. What you desire most share or give away. Your kindness becomes sevenfold back to you. The idea of sharing is central. This now gives you a tool to open many doors. These are love principles. To gain your living dream is to center on the wisdom of kindness as the basis for all thoughts, speech and action. You can create any measure of success. Using thought in and of generousity. This now your appealing, attractiveness to desire. If your genuine that is the aura or thought you will put out to the world. When true to yourself and others your truth becomes the reality. You become so much more, as you allow yourself no limits. Limits are self created. Do not ever let fear or doubts stop you. Try to never create excuses. Make peace with your circumstances. Do your very best with honor and grace. Your world will be as you choose. Choose a good way. Then good ways find you. Essentially, dreams in your waking life will happen. Love is more than affection. Put success and kind love out there. You will become what you think about all day. A success is a state of mind.
  9. Here's one I hear a lot: "God works in mysterious ways". Really? God is mysterious? This is God we're talking about. If anything, God should be an example of perfect logic and reasoning, not some mysterious puzzles and riddles and stuff. God is not mysterious nor a mystery. God should be precise and exact and complete. He does not work in mysterious ways; he works perfect and exactly. God doesn't do things for the hell of it. God does not do things just because it can. Seems to me like the description of a mysterious God with mysterious plans for everyone is really a description for a powerful entertainment producer or a puppet master pulling the strings, calling the shots and putting people through tests.
  10. It’s not flawed, existence is all that there is
  11. I agree to some extent, It feels like it shouldn’t be that difficult to answer our reality but yet it is or we have missed something so obvious🤪
  12. Dogs are truly a blessing to mankind Thanks for sharing
  13. For me they are. In fact they’re more real now than what used to seem so real to me - being this individual person walking around here on earth. Having these types of experiences out of the body has made me realize that the true nature of “awareness“ is that it seemingly is uninhibited when it’s not in a body. This has happened to me more than once. I have interacted with Jesus on a few occasions, and have related to other people that are both alive and dead. Somehow or another it doesn’t seem to matter whether a person is alive or dead on the “other side.“ Their spirit can be interacted with. I was never a strict believer in anything. I never followed formal religion. I was what I would consider spiritual, but only really from a point of meditation or being interested in different schools of thought. Then when the experiences on the other side of this “reality“ began happening I realized that there is something going on here that is formless and that my energy or my personality really exists outside of the body. It can come back into the body so to speak, where I am suddenly constricted and limited to using the five senses that the body has. But then being out of the body suddenly makes all those constrictions go away. And when out of the body there are visions that I “see” without the limited eyesight the body has I never used to believe in anything that people would say about an afterlife, or the “spiritual plane of existence.“. But I have now experienced it so many times ( not of my own volition, but rather it happens to me) that I must conclude, without doubt, that I am not a body but rather awareness that has personality and can exist both in and out of the confines of a body.
  14. Christian’s are to brainwashed for being open minded, please stop talk to these people. I have tried and it didn't work, they will just tell you that you need Jesus, you have been deceived by satan and a bunch of other rubbish, don't waste your time with idiots even though it's sad that you can't change them for the better
  15. Synchronicity indicates that we are not random beings thrown out into chaos without some kind of guidance or signal. I use the word signal rather than guidance because guidance assumes an authority outside of ourselves and I don't want to approach that subject here. So Jung promoted synchronicity as an acausal event. This means that cause and effect don't apply to this kind of experience. We think in general that one thing causes another to happen, but when coincidence or two events occur that seem "against all odds" then this is not cause and effect. Jung advocated the idea that our unconscious- desires, repressed memories and other mysterious stuff comes forth in dreams and sometimes right into our physical reality. This is a coincidence and this indicates that we need to evaluate something specific about our inner life. It a highly personal event that we could only understand. Yet there is a heavy emotional quality to these types of events. Jung's experience was related to a patient that was revealing her dream to him. Her dream was about a Scarab Beetle from Egypt. As the patient was explaining this dream, some insect was aggressively hitting his window. So he went over and looked at what was there, a Scarab Beetle was climbing up the window. Strange? Yes. The significance is how this released the patient of her long held issues. This powerful coincidence was able to allow this woman to transform, to let go of pain and or suffering. The ultimate idea of synchronicity is that there is a mysterious element to our unevaluated areas that are retained within us. They arise like signposts and or warnings. It is not a superficial superstition, but if you allow it, a deeper meaning to what appears to be a random chaotic reality. The machine model of the universe is fading and the Quatum is taking over. Our reality does not appear to be what it seems. Subatomic particles do not follow cause and effect all of the time.
  16. If reality and/or life is an illusion, then the illusion is real, right? Isn't that how logic works? If there's no such thing as an illusion then obviously you can't define anything as an illusion. Here, try it again: in order for reality to be an illusion there must be such a thing as "illusion". If there is such a thing as "illusion" then illusion is true. What you're mad and frustrated about is your misunderstanding of it or your difficulty in understanding it. Try another: an illusion can only target/can only be about something. There has to be something, some kind of truth in order for there to be an illusion of it. And of course ultimately: there has to be some kind of "you" in order for anything else to interact and put forth, such as a lie or illusion. If you don't exist, in whatever way or form, then you don't get the reality and option of declaring that things are an illusion. You don't exist, therefore there is no "you" to address and there is no "you" that can make claims and experiences. Do you call that which you do not understand, an illusion? Do you call it a lie? Why is it a lie? Have you defined that what happens in this reality is not what's "really" happening? You have lost track of a fundamental logic and truth. If you are doing it then it is happening. If you are dreaming that you are doing it then you are dreaming of something happening. Either way there are truths that can be identified and understood. If you cannot distinguish between a living reality and a dream reality, perhaps there is no difference. How long will you spend trying to prove to yourself that you are dreaming? I can respect if you respond- as long as it takes. That's totally fair in the sense that we should always be keen to accurately experiencing and interacting. Don't I help your operating system? Catch yourself if you find yourself getting angry at clarity. There will be discomfort. You will shed skin. And as you are probably aware of- some of us will bleed.
  17. Fantastic answer🥳
  18. @Leo Gura God has emotions, right? God has intentions and objections. God has choices and judgments. God has thoughts and ideas. God has rules and instructions. God must have feelings, right? What, is God some emotionless, feeling-less creator that's alive but nothing else? Would an emotionless feeling-less being have the need or desire to create? In order to create, don't you have to have some kind of feeling to do so? What, is God a robot, just following a particular program design?
  19. I must have been so fucking drunk when I made my avatar and planet earth