Spiritual Warfare

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Everything posted by Spiritual Warfare

  1. Wow, I certainly don't want to come across as a mean devil.
  2. “God is bad, truth is a cheat, and life is a joke. — Jack London” — Keryo Koffa
  3. “God is bad, truth is a cheat, and life is a joke.” — Jack London
  4. We are discussing God! It cannot be boring, as that would imply a limitation, which is a contradiction.
  5. You said that God has a purpose, which implies that God needs to do something. It's amusing how you describe this as an assumption when it's basic logic; something that is perfect does not need anything else.
  6. There is little reason to hold on to this seemingly insignificant life if we are ultimately destined to forget it and reincarnate into something new. Furthermore, a perfect existence is characterized by the absence of desire and lacks any inherent purpose. Such a state would never stray from a divine essence, or whatever one may choose to call it. I’m sorry but God don’t need to do anything.
  7. Has anyone experienced this? Have we all been deceived? I don't think so, but let me know why these people are so weak-minded that they start deceiving themselves! How can these individuals still believe in duality after taking DMT and similar substances? It must be their religious background that makes them feel safe when they don't have an answer, which seems foolish, but perhaps it unfortunately aligns with their mindset. For them, Jesus is like a drug; being dogmatic is a drug to them. Religion just limits your senses for self-discovery, indoctrination hurts.
  8. Thank you for your concern, but with a name like yours, you might also want to reach out to people.
  9. Is it possible to learn this power?
  10. I get psychopathic vibes from you; it’s actually the third time.
  11. Thank you for sharing your insights, they were great.
  12. The only way to win this game is to not play it. And the only way to not play this game is to turn it off—turn the game off. But you must have the conscious awareness that this is a game, a bad game, a game of hell filled with misery and suffering. It’s not your game; you don’t remember entering it. Its deceptive beauty and happiness keep you hanging on, day after day. The best thing you can do is reach a point of complete sovereignty as much as possible and detach yourself. Look at this place for what it truly is, and don’t be lulled back to sleep by its seductive world. Its seductiveness lures you back in every day. Each day, remind yourself: “Okay, it’s another day of hell. Here we are, in a realm of suffering, death, and decay.” That is the only outcome of this human experience: suffering, death, and decay. Whether it comes today, tomorrow, or in the future, it doesn’t matter what you do or what you aspire to achieve; that is the only thing you will receive. Unless you decide to not play its game, not follow its rules, and start detaching, taking back your power, reclaiming who you truly are, regaining your dignity and humanity. I’m not a human, and neither are you; we’re just decaying, rotting flesh that some call the temple of God, but it’s more like a prison. You experience low vibrational states on purpose. If you’re really vibing high, floating through life like a butterfly, saying “Oh, life is what you make it, and I’m so happy; this is great! I can create whatever I want; I just need to think happy thoughts”—that’s all fake. It's not true high vibrational energy; it’s ignorant and misguided energy because you’re living in a lie. When you confront the truth, you may find yourself in a low state of depression. Real truth leads to real depression because it reveals what you are and what this place is truly about. Understanding the truth can put you in a low state, but with our infinite creative power, we can transform that energy. You’re not losing anything; you’re not leaving anything good behind. There’s nothing worthwhile about this place. If we truly understood what was happening, we would leave today. You might think you’re a pathetic worm, but no, you’re not; that’s the pathetic worm inside you pretending to be you. Do what you want, but know that this place is sick, and the outcome is the same for all of us: we will all end up as decayed, rotted remnants for someone else to scrape off the floor. That’s the outcome of our lives, and it’s sick, sad, and humiliating. This is serious, but it’s the truth. The truth will set you free. Stop hiding from the fact that right now, this very second, you are a walking decaying corpse. All the hard work you do today is for nothing if it’s outside of yourself. All the stress and suffering you face is meaningless unless you transform it within yourself. This realm doesn’t care about you. Most people experience natural death, but killings, diseases, and accidents are also natural. Could you leave during a heightened state of awareness in meditation? No, but that would be great. Imagine reaching the highest consciousness, where you can escape and leave the body. As your body slowly decays, when someone finds you, they might break down your door and discover you in a puddle of your own excrement, rotting flesh, and liquid seeping from your body, infested with bugs and maggots. Isn’t that a welcome party for freedom, or is it a humiliating slap in the face to those you leave behind? You would inflict death and trauma upon them, which is terrible. However, if you were to leave your body right now, even if you achieved some state of freedom and sovereignty, the people left behind would have to find you in that state. It would be one of the most traumatic things they could ever witness, something they would carry with them for the rest of their lives.
  13. It sounds like you have a great connection with her! I wish you both happiness as you continue your journey together!
  14. There was a discussion about surrender, but I said that you can't really surrender all the time. What do you think about that?
  15. Empathizing with a rapist does not lessen the seriousness of the crime or the pain of the victims. Rape is an act of violence and control, and suggesting it is a "pure desire" ignores the real consequences it has on people and society. True philosophy should focus on understanding how actions affect victims and should not justify harmful behavior. It's important to consider different views, but this should not downplay the experiences of those who have suffered. If you want to call that bias, then I genuinely hope you never find yourself in a situation where you realize the impact of your words, as it would be deeply distressing.
  16. I’m so glad to hear that, very kind of you
  17. Do you have one in your basement?
  18. It's important to remember that suffering isn't always easy to avoid; many people experience it profoundly. Everyone's journey is unique, and finding understanding and healing can be difficult. While understanding that life is an illusion can help to some extent, we are still living in that illusion, so it may not be very effective in the long term. But thanks for the reply.
  19. None of you have to agree with me, but reality offers you nothing but misery and nonsense. All reality ever gives you is boredom and conflict. No one truly wants to live in a world like that. It's only because they believe they have to accept it that they choose to endure it. We all hide behind our true selves, acting as if nothing is wrong. Everyone wants a piece of the good life, but we can’t live that life because we’re too busy cowering behind ourselves without actually making a change in our mundane lives. Some of you may argue that reality isn’t boring, but deep down, you know that it’s the cold hard truth. No one can live a life full of happiness, and that’s a fact.
  20. If you don't embrace some difficulties, you might end up like a shaken soda can—full of pressure and ready to explode!
  21. Maybe love is making you feel like a cat's scratch? Try to soothe the itch with some humor.
  22. None of you have to agree with me, but reality offers you nothing but misery and nonsense. All reality ever gives you is boredom and conflict. No one truly wants to live in a world like that. It's only because they believe they have to accept it that they choose to endure it. We all hide behind our true selves, acting as if nothing is wrong. Everyone wants a piece of the good life, but we can’t live that life because we’re too busy cowering behind ourselves without actually making a change in our mundane lives. Some of you may argue that reality isn’t boring, but deep down, you know that it’s the cold hard truth. No one can live a life full of happiness, and that’s a fact.