Spiritual Warfare

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Everything posted by Spiritual Warfare

  1. Once again, Christians are playing the victim. Kamala did not mock Jesus, but unfortunately, this video went viral, gaining over a million likes. Now, everyone is calling Kamala a devil worshiper and shaming her, which is absurd. As I’ve mentioned before, Christianity is on the rise like never before in history. This is breaking news, but Leo says I should calm down. Still, everyone knows that Christians are going to sabotage the world. Mark my words. This video proves it. It got a million likes in less than a day on TikTok, which should tell you something. If that doesn’t, then you’re honestly being stupid. v15044gf0000csajatnog65j9j9be6ag.mp4
  2. Exactly. Read the comments, I almost had a stroke when I saw them.
  3. Thank you, I know I need to do this, but it doesn’t give me peace, it only makes my life easier.
  4. I agree that I need to work with something existing and that challenges can be fun, but I feel like we could have fewer limitations and still face challenges. I feel like we are too limited, and I think you agree with that. But the difference between you and me is that you’ve found a way to accept or even love those limitations, which I have not.
  5. Death, for me, is peace if my logic is right. But what if death is worse? What if I’m tortured for all eternity? I think that if life is hard, then death must be good, but I’m not really sure.
  6. I want to live, but I won’t say I enjoy this place. Things that have affected me are people and limitations. I can’t get over the fact that one day my friends and family will pass away, and I may never see them again. Our bodies suck too — we need to sleep, we can’t fly, and we don’t heal quickly. We have to fast for a thousand days just to see some difference. There’s so much that could be improved.
  7. But I don’t know how to do this, because I care about the truth and not what makes me feel good. I can’t be 100 percent sure of what happens to me after death, and that’s why it’s so frustrating for me to keep living this human life. I want to be sure about what I’m doing here on earth and what will await me after this ego dies.
  8. I don’t buy the idea that everything is within me, that I’m the one who needs to change. It’s true to a certain extent, but as I said, why should I have to do that if life is supposed to be so fantastic? Nothing aligns with this world.
  9. I can’t control everything. I didn’t choose to be born here, and I don’t want to hear anyone say that I chose this, because there’s no good evidence for it. We are slaves; we are not free in this world, and there is too much evil. Nothing is balanced in this world. It doesn’t matter how much positive consciousness I have; all of that is temporary. Life is shitty. Things can always go wrong, and they will. I try to enjoy being on this planet, but I just can’t. Everything is so pointless.
  10. Why do women wear scarves and why are they seen as beautiful? Why do women want to wear scarves? My friend asked a Muslim girl why she wore a scarf, and she became upset and said, "This is my pride," and all her friends attacked my friend, saying, "Shut your mouth and stop asking stupid questions!" What do you think about this and religion Islam in general?
  11. You are right, Jiddu Krishnamurti said the first quote, but I believe Rumi used it in one of his videos.
  12. @Atb210201 @Salvijus Very corresponding beautiful quotes.
  13. You are talking about yourself💓
  14. Thank you very much, my friend. I am trying very hard to focus on the positive aspects of myself. Every day is a struggle, but I will try to make it more balanced and enjoyable.
  15. I would have loved that. You seem like an interesting character with exciting adventures.
  16. There are too many unnecessary limitations. You also wrote that I shouldn’t judge something I don’t understand, and that’s true, but the problem is we will never understand, and therefore I have every right to judge.
  17. Thank you, but existence is one thing. It is an emptiness, yet the emptiness exists.
  18. This has nothing to do with my point. I’m not saying that I need to understand everything, but I at least want to understand why I am here on Earth as a human, because that is the most important thing and it’s only fair.
  19. The universe definitely gives us things we cannot handle; not everything is a bed of roses. I don’t care about temporary happiness. You say I should stop caring about seeing myself as human, but you don’t know for sure what our nature is. I don’t care if it’s 90 percent logical that we are divine, I want to know with 100 percent certainty.