Spiritual Warfare

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Everything posted by Spiritual Warfare

  1. That doesn’t answer my question why does the body die? It’s illogical if everything is eternal.
  2. It’s okay to say ‘I don’t know.’ I have my own thoughts on this, and just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m trying to be difficult.
  3. I don’t agree with that. If existence is eternal, then the body must also be eternal, nothing is created or destroyed. So why does it need to be transformed?
  4. Existence is formless, and a form would never die because it was never created. If it had been created, then it would die.
  5. Okay, but we won’t engage in that on this forum. Instead, let’s help each other out. If there’s something personal that bothers you, please address it in a private message.
  6. Fly away when you get caught in your own nonsense.
  7. There are only two genders. The rest are gender identities, which do not count.
  8. There are two genders. The rest are mentally ill. You should start reading studies by real people who work in biological medicine. Do you seriously think that I or anyone else will change our views because someone claims to be something else? There are people who say they are poop. Does that mean it’s true or worth listening to? No. Do more research, ask normal people, and you will get the true answer.
  9. Yes, you said that gender is not the same as gender identity.
  10. Oh my God, I know! But you said that I said it was.
  11. Stop gaslighting for your own benefit. Irrational is defined as something that is not intelligent, and I don’t need to use those exact words for anyone to understand it. Just stop the circus. You are upset and only want to attack me instead of listening.
  12. Obviously, you did, since you commented to me.
  13. I have never said they are the same. I don’t know why you are trying to catch me in a gotcha moment.
  14. It’s like I’m talking to a wall, but somehow the wall is more intelligent than you. Hitler separated Jews from ordinary people, and there were signs that said ‘No Jews Allowed.’ As a result, hatred toward Jews grew, and people did not see them as human beings. The same thing will happen if we say, ‘No trans people allowed; you have your own place.’ Your comparisons are so poor that I feel like I’m losing brain cells.
  15. There are only two genders. Get real. Gender identity does not count as a real gender.
  16. That’s unfortunate for you. If we separate people, the sense of community will be lost, and we will no longer see each other as equals.
  17. Why not? Men and women should not use the same restroom. LGBTQ individuals are either men or women. They are not a different species. You make it sound like these individuals are a new species, but they are either women or men. They are just confused.
  18. Both options are problematic. Having the same restroom for men and women is bad, but it’s also bad to have separate restrooms. However, in my opinion, if we don’t segregate them, the outcome will be better. It may not be perfect at first, but it will evolve into something more accepted by those who were initially hostile toward LGBTQ individuals. Community is the most important aspect, not separation. Separation is only beneficial temporarily, not all the time.
  19. Destiny is too feminine and emotional to think logically about these topics. He’s literally a cuckold. No doubt he is smarter than average, but his emotions will betray him on the most important issues. Alex is far more rational, stoic, and open-minded in comparison.
  20. Yes, and I gave you an answer to that.
  21. People who are against LGBTQ individuals may view them as less human if they are given a separate restroom.
  22. Many people feel unsafe or uncomfortable using restrooms that don’t match their gender. This can also make it harder for them to express their gender openly because of social norms.
  23. Alright, but then they won’t be seen as human. Humans can also learn to keep quiet. All this money could be used for something more useful instead of catering to someone’s hurt feelings.