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Everything posted by LambdaDelta

  1. Most of this entity stuff is New Age nonsense, go deep enough and you'll see how they're projections of your mind. Doesn't mean they're unreal, quite the opposite, nor does it mean they can't provide you with valuable insights or hurt you in some way, that's all still on the table. How about creating your own entity to help run your life in the background? Possible, I've done it, pretty sure others have as well.
  2. Classic variants of meditation become weak sauce after a certain point. Never really worked for me to begin with due to an overly inquisitive mind, but that can be turned into a strength. You could start doing God Mind meditation. As I'm riding on a train, I close my eyes, and through deconstructing the concept of motion in my mind I reach consciousness of Absolute Stillness, similarly you could do No Self and such classic awakening experiences. And this is richer because it's like having both eyes open, with No Self you have just the one. It can be done anywhere, at any time, the concept of distractions no longer applies, all of it is direct experience. Do this for a while and boredom will cease to exist. It's no longer about silencing the monkey mind, or something like a Meister Eckhart style, the emptying will happen naturally as you go beyond the imagined limits of your human mind. The reason you no longer need to quiet the monkey mind is your baseline has evolved to a relatively purified human mind, which has the capacity to earnestly and patiently deconstruct itself until reaching God consciousness, whereas the monkey mind had to be silenced, splashed awake with water, or dissolved. There's still value for those occasionally, but they're no longer mandatory. One could argue technicalities how this is not really meditation, that's up to individual interpretation.
  3. What if the MAGA logo was deliberately placed there to filter out the most reactive and closeminded people, because what follows is more radical than MAGA could ever be. Probably not, I'm just saying it as a thought experiment to always be vigilant about assumptions.
  4. Agreed, that's a pretty accurate summary. I recently had an insight into a related matter with a bit of a twist.
  5. Indeed it is. One of the first things that's much simpler to see from 'one is all' perspective is that the entirety of God is right here, right now, in your teacup. The very notion of perspective only exists in duality. You can explore and tweak this from endless angles, each direction completely bottomless, and it always converges back to One in the most beautiful mindfuck. Inconceivable states of consciousness could be reached this way, not possible or at least much more challenging to get to when you're stuck at 'all is one' because there's no one left to inquire into anything. But you as God can inquire into yourself forever and still still surprise yourself. 'Regular' nonduality doesn't explain how Truth is Love, why there's evil, doesn't let you see divine intelligence in stupidity and mundane, doesn't allow for holding paradox simultaneously beyond simply collapsing it, and so on. That's just the basics and there's higher gears beyond.
  6. I made a playlist for study of mental illness, primarily schizophrenia simulations and interviews, it needs some more content though. People haven't the first clue how deep mind goes.
  7. That's a good start to grasp the differences. The short of it is, in my own words, is realizing Multiplicity is just as absolute as Unity. Depending on the depth of reading this might sound stupid or simplistic, but contemplate and maybe you'll get somewhere. There's also many blog posts, some of them very recent, that highlight the distinctions.
  8. I enjoyed this one quite a bit without having finished it yet. Prime is a great channel for programming-adjacent topics, even if you only do it as a hobby like me. Despite the shit Lex gets over here lately, rightfully so, the quality of guests, questions, and conversation is still way above Joe Rogan, especially in these more grounded, stage orange discussions that Lex himself is comfortable and knowledgeable in. This gives quite a bit of insight into the workings of the programming industry. There were some pleasantly surprisng bits as well (psychedelics & God talked about in passing), addiction, and at the very beginning when they talk about what got them into programming, mention and describe recursion, it hit me that it's another facet of Infinity that I've been experiencing lately, in many ways. Highly recommended watch.
  9. I get it now. Think I heard a bit of an ambulance siren in there as well, leading me to believe you collapse on the street from a heart attack or something. There's some clues one can get from the track/file names in the picture you posted. Right you are. Though theoretical knowledge is still required for the thing I want to make, it will be classical. But I realized that's one of the easier parts, most important is hearing the thing in your head. And if we really get advanced, nothing's stopping you from accessing Mozart consciousness or general music composition consciousness and getting it very directly from the source. I have some fleeting experience with that. One of my favorite styles are megamixes, you take 20+ songs and blend them seamlessly. You can get a lot of inspiration from that. or (thanks Keryo)
  10. We have a big storm coming on in my city, as I'm looking out the window I see this little bird struggling against the gusts of wind, and I see God imagining itself as these powerful forces impacting the bird it's imagining itself as, taking place on an imaginary planet, suspended in imaginary space, at an imaginary point in time. And I see God imagining itself as me looking at this whole scene and having insights into itself. In one instant a drop of rain on my window appeared as another bird, far above in the clouds. Through such perspective tricks, I became conscious of the inverse of consciousness. And that tears me up, the stunning beauty of it along with the realization that the entire weight of reality is always there, but somehow consciousness manages to obscure and dilute itself such that this goes unseen. The pen beside my bed is the whole of God, and just as God can't not be God, this pen can't not be here right now. I see how this moment is simultaneously the perfect metaphor of the struggle of finite incarnations against the fundamental impermanence of reality, and how the struggle itself is a persistent fantasy, it's all running like a well-oiled machine, perfect as it could ever be, even the tiny grains of sand that seemingly slow down the gears work together with the whole system to pace it harmonically. Thank you, thank God, thanks everyone here, and thank myself, we forged the lenses I see all this through together.
  11. Had a follow-up insight regarding my second sentence. It's deeply connected to Impermanence, when you're this small fragile ego you can't stand impermanence, you want to subsist no matter the cost, you want to own and dominate parts of reality, so in that way you impede God's Will of full self-expression, or rather resist it, because there's no way to thwart it. Life must go on without you, be content with being a temporary, but essential part of the cycle of Division and Unity, and remember that you can never truly die, what awaits after that is still God.
  12. Will and desire have a deep mutual relationship. God's Will is the desire to express itself fully. Yes, aligning yourself to God's Will (part of which are the needs and wants of your fellow humans) indeed reduces hurt and leads to incredible fulfillment. It won't eliminate pain, more likely will add to it, but you'll be too conscious to mind. Something I noticed reading forum drama and from observation in general - all offense and negative emotional reactions to things are False. There's two ways you can get offended, either by truth, when someone points something out about you that you don't want to admit, so you blow up and project, that's the most common way. And the second is the opposite, when someone says false things about you, like spreading rumors that you're a thief or rapist when you're a really virtuous person. But notice something, you get triggered because your identity is being undermined, and this limited human identity, however saintly you've made it, is still False, your only real Identity is God. Offense is always a defense. Defense of what? Not of Being, Truth, God – those don’t need defending. They can’t be threatened. It’s always a defense of some construct: a story, an identity, a preference, an image.
  13. Is that right? So do I with Davino, we already talked via video and should meet IRL at some point. Why not make it a threesome?
  14. Self-Love, How to Fall in Love with Life, The Power of Not-Knowing, What is Will, The Exquisite Balance of Life are in my top 5, without any ranking internally. Will and Not Knowing are particularly underrated/obscure ones, but they've been some of the crucial missing pieces to the puzzle of reaching entirely new consciousness levels for me. How Your Mind Interprets Reality is an honorable mention. This is tough because they're all very good, even the relatively tame ones are leagues above your standard YouTube videos.
  15. That was awesome. You too are an artist. I can certainly see how it'd take such a long time to put together, coming up with the concept, finding the right sound effects, and most importantly blending them together for smooth transitions. I would call this The Song of Life, that's what I got from it, it goes from birth to death. The only part I didn't quite decipher is towards the end, before the funeral music starts playing. Maybe I'll get it on subsequent listens. It also helps that I understand Spanish. By the way, the last seconds remind me of Lacrimosa, the most beautiful thing ever written. I've thought about composing a requiem for myself over the course of my life, though currently it's just conceptual, my grasp of music theory is basically zero, I can only recognize beaty when I hear it. And the general vibe is a bit like Right Here Right Now, another great tune. I also appreciate the lossless version. Some people will write a banger and then put it on fucking SoundCloud in 256kbps AAC.
  16. Because after that you'd have rook b1, completely entrapping the queen. Best it could do is take one of the rooks along with it. Queen for bishop and rook can be debatable, depends on position, purely point-wise that's a net of -1, but it's not necessary to get into that, the bot evaluates deep enough.
  17. Legally, you must begin by examining how much is provable, irrefutably. You probably don't want to share details here, but usually unless you've literally been caught red-handed with keys of coke in your trunk, there's at least some wiggle room. Admit nothing, deny everything, point to all evidence being circunstancial and coincidental, feign ignorance, do not talk too much, answer only what's being asked – extraneous details can lead to self-incrimination, and also uncover contradictions if you've lied. A lot of convictions come from people making simple mistakes, and cops love to go for the low-hanging fruit. There's a channel ran by a former darknet drug vendor who got caught and served time, then became a paralegal, he has lots of stories and also analysis of how various other people got caught, maybe there'll be some useful information for you there. If you require a lawyer, absolutely get one that's bold and assertive, even if he costs more. Some may be knowledgeable but are meek and unable to present a case convincingly. I suggest to deal with the charges first, practically, then go into self-reflection and such. Right now you need to prioritize your freedom and safety. Maslow's hierarchy sort of thing.
  18. Naturally. He mentioned receiving death threats in the past. These teachings wouldn't be nearly as good if they weren't radical enough to piss some people off to that extent. Huge respect to Leo for speaking the truth in spite of the risks. Although it's mostly empty talk, we're past the times of burning or crucifying people. Usually the demonization comes from people whose ideology is undermined by these teachings, so they lash out and project. There's also one or two instances of suicides being linked to actualized, I imagine that doesn't paint a very nice picture for people unfamiliar with the matters and unable/unwilling to see the nuances.
  19. I think I heard Leo say that in one of the videos, not a forum post. But regardless, the reason it didn't work is outlined in a recent blog post – God will not grant local/personal miracles (which morphing into an alien certainly qualifies as a miracle), not without very exceptional circumstances anyway. For that same reason Leo's self-healing endeavors didn't succeed – although that doesn't mean the health problems are permanent, maybe they are, or the time for healing hasn't come yet for whatever reason, I don't know. Virtually the only way God will grant a local miracle is if it serves the highest Love and Good. An alien transformation on camera doesn't serve any such purpose, at worst as OP points out it could cause chaos, or simply be a tool for Leo to prove something, maybe give an ego boost, in other words a selfish, or at least not entirely selfless motive. Thus far I've only been able to manifest one miracle (that's a long story), and I know it worked only because the desire came from a completely selfless place. Even if you think your motives are pure, God knows for sure, and if there's any trace of selfishness in there, that's a no-go. In several instances I thought if only X would happen, I could do so much good for the world with it, but that was a self-deception, completely transparent to God. Similarly, Jesus was able to perform miracles because those served a purpose. A sort of crude reasoning from God deciding to grant Jesus those powers would go something like "If he can heal the sick and walk on water, people will take him seriously, and will listen to his message of Love, thus improving the world". Of course those teachings have over time been corrupted into the ideology of Christianity, but that too is part of the larger evolutionary design. Just as any local miracle is ultimately indistinct from the "Just One Miracle" of God's existence, they're baked into it. It also works the other way around, I've become conscious of how I was given a certain ailment which I managed to cure only after learning some important lessons and going through many years of suffering. Same with the many difficulties and annoyances, past, present, and future, they all exist to grow and better me. Anyway, that's my 2¢ on the matter, and also a long-winded way to express a powerful insight/perspective: everything happens for a reason, don't fool yourself into thinking you know better than God, instead develop a trusting relationship with it, and your life will feel so much lighter and enjoyable.
  20. That's a laugh. Even supposedly spiritual places are not at all free of petty drama and conflicts. Why is that? God happens to be the biggest drama queen.
  21. You know it. I had something very similar happen, a consequence of playing around in God-consciousness too much. Felt as though everything that made me alive was stripped away, yet the body still remained. Probably what it's like to be an NPC. Even a few hours of that was too much, so to make it stop I made a thankfully sloppy attempt to off myself. I was too weak to handle it then, but ultimately gathered enough courage and curiosity to go back, and it was recontextualized into something beautiful. 'Twas a rite of passage after which way higher stages of consciousness were unlocked. I now look back at that whole ordeal fondly, suffering is indeed a great teacher.
  22. That's also one of my favorite types of story, I like these ones.,_and_I_Must_Scream + here's a collection of a bunch Most anything to do with infinite or extended lengths of time is very curious, it's often an easy tool for the writer to make their story scary, if someone's being tortured just say it's happening to them in a never-ending loop. Extending the time, ceteris paribus, is like amplifying a dimension. What makes it all the better is that it's actually true, that's what God is in a way. All alone, with nothing foreign to it, for all eternity, unable to not be itself. If you happen to land in a state of consciousness where that's clear, but can't see the Love, which is basically guaranteed to happen over the course of any serious spiritual journey, you will not have a good time. Feels like being trapped inside a cage, except there's not even that, only your Mind. In a certain dark sense, Love is the infinitely potent copium that obscures this truth. That's part of the raison d'être of this reality. Ignorance and self-deception are God's mercy upon you. So, buyer beware, unseeing is not an option. Now, this has put me in the mood for some Ketamine
  23. I can't go into full details due to the rules here, nor do I have complete information. But it should become available in the coming weeks at most or all the usual places you buy research chemicals from. It will most likely be a fumarate salt this time. It's already stocked at one NL-only vendor, they get it before anyone else. Maybe I'll make a PSA once I see it trickle down, as it's been unavailable for quite a while and may get sold out rapidly.
  24. Rectally administering freebase (assuming that's what you have since you're vaporizing it) may not go so well, both due to insolubility in water and potential for burning. I suggest getting a salt form, those will be restocked in the EU very soon, or at least neutralize the base with vinegar or some such.