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Everything posted by LambdaDelta

  1. Well it is possible to know looking at the chemistry. But to account for all shenanigans will require some experimentation. Germans are just shit out of luck, all they have is trash like this. Have you tried it IM/IV?
  2. N-BOC can be deprotected either through heating, which is what's happening during vaping, it is destroyed at a lower temperature than the DMT is vaporized, or through chemical reactions (with acids, e.g. TFA), which is quite involved. Either way, you'll need to do plenty of research, gather data. After deprotection you'll be left with the freebase, which's not suitable for rectal or injections. Either take it orally with harmala extract, or do an additional step of converting to a salt like fumarate or citrate. It would probably be easier for your friend to get accustomed to vaping or find another substance.
  3. It might not even be the vendor's fault, there was an instance where a smalltime vendor got a batch from China that was mislabeled, supposed to be 2C-B-FLY, but actually was Bromo-DragonFLY, which's ~20x as potent. People took their normal 2C-B-FLY doses and died horribly painful deaths, all the while tripping, including the vendor himself. Wouldn't happen with a reputable clearnet vendor as they test whatever they get from labs with a third party via GC/MS to ensure everything's in order.
  4. That's not feasible. You'd need tons of capital, a degree in neuropharmacology or some adjacent fields, and government permits to be taken seriously and not run into legal issues. You'd have to make this your life purpose, otherwise you'd just be another crackpot. Serious studies with MRI machines, complex administration procedures, extremely pure substances, multiple participants, double-blind controls and all that nonsense are a must to do good research. The best outsiders like us can do is finance such studies, advocate for them politically, or participate as subjects.
  5. Thing with darknet is you can't be as certain you're getting the pure chemical. Even if it's mostly pure, there's incentive to cut corners, introduce some adulterants which most people wouldn't notice. Testing is a pain in the ass, plus all those at-home kits are not fully reliable either, for proper results you'd need a lab to do a GC/MS on it. If your order happens to be laced with something serious, you might be too dead to worry about leaving a negative review or getting your money back. Paradoxically, reputation is of more concern on the darknet than clearnet, as that's really the only incentive to play ball there. RC vendors exit scam all the time, but that ends at taking your money. They know they can get away with it since nobody will sue, going to court is much more expensive than whatever order value you lost, plus fear of some legal and social repercussions. The chemicals they sell though are much purer, typically coming from a single lab that has appropriate government permits and such. Any RC vendor accepting bank transfers is also a legal entity that can be found in the country's company register, the names of the owners are all traceable. So if customers were to kick the bucket from a contaminated batch, they'd be in real trouble, and the 'not for human consumption' label wouldn't save them.
  6. Username checks out
  7. Correct. I post here naked.
  8. Congratulations! You remember your good buddy Lambda, right? Now, please pin all my topics and ban the people that annoy me
  9. Setting a prompt with clear instructions really helps get the most out of the conversation. If we assemble a multitude here, we could borrow useful elements from each other, creating a synergy and improving our own prompts. I'll start:
  10. I've noticed an interesting pattern. Almost every one of the best experiences of my life has been some form of death. There's good reason for that, death is nothing other than dissolution into Love and Unity. A true state of Being. I compiled a list of examples: 1. Dying as Mozart while writing the last bars of Lacrimosa. Hauntingly beautiful. 2. Having an actual NDE from harmala poisoning after taking a large DMT dose. In my estimation I was pretty close to kicking the bucket, pain and sweating so immense I blacked out several times. After some time of that I experienced an hour of intense bliss, joy, and marvel, rolling around on the floor laughing. 3. Reaching out to my teacup amidst a hard trip and feeling a deep connection, Love. Fusing our essences that have been temporarily separated by the illusion or forms. We're made of the same substance, that realization got me incredibly emotional. 4. Suffering a psychotic break where my identity was completely deconstructed, and then living as several distinct identities, those of people I know or fictional characters, it did not matter. Their thoughts, memories, experiences, beliefs became my own. The idea of my old self was not present at all. 5. Lying on the bathroom floor, turning over to my back, accepting the real possibility I could choke to death on vomit, and choosing to experience merging with the floor, the sewage system, the surface of the planet, the space around, the sun, all of it. 6. Being in such Stillness that all sensory perceptions and thoughts cease, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say I was dead in that moment. Now, if I were to die a violent death, I probably wouldn't like it very much in the moment. Then again, it depends on the state of consciousness and perception. Another related example is inducing a delirious state to overcome my deep childhood fear of being eaten alive by giant snakes, surrendering completely to that and ultimately becoming the snake; although there's no 'physical' danger, it's indistinguishable from reality. That went well and the fear is no more. It's a recurring theme that Love is concealed behind a thick wall of fear. What you fear is yourself, the magnitude of it is terrifying. Surrender, surrender, surrender! Remove the reverse gear and move forward with a smile, excited at what lies ahead. [Not medical advice, don't put yourself in unnecessary danger and so on. Use intelligence.] It doesn't need to be so drastic either, there's hundreds of micro-deaths one can experience every day. While quitting a bad habit, each time you say no to it, that part of your identity slowly dies by starving to death. Letting go of needing to be right, facing embarrassment, changing your mind, saying goodbye, leaning into discomfort, apologizing, staying humble, living in the present moment; it's all the same.
  11. I have a bit, also with mediocre results. Even very concrete stuff like keeping track of the riddles already asked in my logic puzzle chat doesn't really work. 'Learn from your chats' does seem useful however.
  12. I'm glad it's working out for you. Do you use it as a prompt in regular chats, or a custom GPT instruction? I find the latter to be more powerful and convenient.
  13. It is too large to be seriously concerned about that for the next 5-7 years. Where there's a will there's a way. I can keep stocking up a select few substances with spare change over time, depending on how the situation evolves. Also there's always darknet markets; I have my preferences, but in the end there's almost nothing that can't be done with the classics like mushrooms and LSD, those will always be available. Lastly by the time I do run out, I plan to be financially comfortable enough to afford a custom synthesis. I may also die long before that or quit psychedelics.
  14. Here's a comprehensive list of everything falling under the ban: Not a lot of worthwhile stuff, even less of it you can actually buy, so right now isn't yet time for panic, but as explained in the OP there's trickle down consequences of this even if our favorite substances aren't currently affected.
  15. Repetition is now inevitable, I also noticed lots of overlap in the high/low perspectives video with old content, especially in the examples. Initially it drove me nuts, but it's hard to come up with fresh poignant examples every time. I've reframed it as driving home important points so that they stick nice and hard. That's pretty much the point of the shift to epistemology foundations, it's no use teaching more advanced stuff till proper sense-making is internalized completely. It's a sort of prelude to the subconscious reprogramming course (whatever happened to that btw?)
  16. This seems useful in its own way, I'll give it a shot. But it's no substitute for psychedelics.
  17. Of course it's bad. Basically everything he does lacks empathy and sets terrible precedents. I'm just saying purely by the volume of people this is going to negatively impact, it's relatively minor. Even another trans-related policy of only putting the birth sex in IDs may have broader consequences for the future.
  18. I used to have lots of prehistoric stuff as a kid. Giant snail fossils, shark teeth, that sort of thing. The most valuable was probably a mammoth tusk, easily worth 5k USD. Now it's all hanging out in some storage unit in Russia
  19. It's a modern dinosaur
  20. Trump needs to fulfill at least some of the campaign promises he made, and is going for the low-hanging fruit. He personally doesn't care, it's a boon for his ideological voters. This is probably one of the least harmful policies. It's estimated around 15k trans people are in the military, out of like 1.3M, or ~1%, it's a negligible difference. Moreover, army people in general tend to be around SD solid blue with some orange. While I haven't seen concrete reports of trans being bullied in the US army, people with that level of development will generally be at least somewhat uncomfortable with them. 65% of veterans voted Trump in 2024, and there's been many videos of barracks cheering at the news of his win, it's a safe assumption they share a lot of positions. For now this is fine. When we evolve a little, it can be brought back. But the approach has to be balanced. For instance I wouldn't want a platoon being trained to participate in active warzones to soften their regiment to adjust to the needs of a single female to male member (obviously if they can keep up it's all good), like school classes are sometimes slowed down for the lowest common denominator. The military has tons of jobs to fill, if you put trans people in some command center to intercept missiles, there's no issues whatsoever.
  21. You guys should know better than to engage in debates anyway, truth is never found there. Not when 95% of it is trying to assert one's existing position both to the other party and to oneself.
  22. I noticed that when people (myself included) make public announcements about leaving, saying their goodbyes, and so on, there's a higher likelihood they'll come back eventually. When you go quietly it tends to stick, I guess because it's more of a firm internal decision, while in the former case there's a certain performative element to it.
  23. Elon's old friend's take: Tesla is long overdue a stock price correction, those valuations have been ridiculous for years. Maybe it'll blow up in the near future.
  24. Remember Leo said this is a monarchy so y'alls votes are irrelevant