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About LambdaDelta

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  • Birthday December 21

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    God's Mind
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  1. Seems like you need an awakening to Love, then any such questions will lose relevance
  2. You know how they say, "it's only a crime if you get caught". You can go on air and claim any wild thing you want, maybe you'll even get investigated, but if there's no physical proof, there's no case. Besides, law enforcement doesn't have nearly enough resources to go after small-time consumers or even dealers. Most street and darknet vendors only get caught through their own gross negligence or bad luck.
  3. Yeah, colors are a sideshow. I can't say for sure what's causing your issue, could be a mental block of some kind. Do deep contemplating into the matter. You can arrive at some answer about the symbolic meaning of this. Also consider that there's some things that can only be seen in a particular spectrum. There's certain details that are better visible in black and white, that could be a pointer for you. One of the best substances I use takes me to a pure black void, where no sensory information of any kind is necessary, concepts arise directly in the mind, it's so much more powerful. I also get no visuals on trips anymore, it's all been traded for more consciousness, which's what truly matters. Don't know if you'll be able to solve this, but you absolutely can work around it, potentially find something even better.
  4. I use benzos for that, it also helps smoothen the transition of mind back into ordinary reality. The cleanest ones I know are Pyrazolam and Alprazolam. These should only be used as trip killers and emergency situations, otherwise the addiction potential is quite high. There's also medications with a different mechanism of action, such as Baclofen or Cyclobenzaprine. For these I don't have personal experience, only anecdotal.
  5. Consider that all these entities, "Mother Ayahuasca", rules, etc. is mostly New Age fantasies. These are ultimately naught but projections of your own consciousness. It's a convenient story to tell yourself, basically grounding and self-deception done in the spiritual dimension. You could do a hundred trips and never meet a single entity, because they're unnecessary. These limitations may serve a purpose, if you intuit that you're not ready for Truth yet, the God-self could manifest some entity that blocks or misdirects you. It's all a mind game, at a very high level. Deconstruct it and go beyond, take a direct approach. Question why these limits are in place, what are you avoiding, etc. It's a tricky field, requires faith, but also radical honesty.
  6. LSD is certainly more body heavy than mushrooms, I don't envy anyone who doesn't have a benzo or at least a non-GABA muscle relaxant ready for the comedown. The last couple hours are worthless, not even useful to record insights, by that time it's too late.
  7. Elon = Adrian Dittman opens up a nice rabbithole. A true genius, manifesting avatars into being
  8. This is gearing up to be a very real possibility. Trump postpones the ban, some billionaires buy it up with MrBeast as the face of the deal. All bets are off in delirium world.
  9. As accompaniment for the warning about psychedelic use, check out this thread: Some very interesting and vivid examples presented there, and I know of many more. This is croc-infested waters, in all directions. Be careful what you fish for.
  10. You can't remote view large numbers, therefore your opinion is invalid
  11. Start deconstructing subtle biases, assumptions, and stereotypes sooner. Record raw insights, pay no mind to the fact they're not perfectly articulated, that can be adjusted later. While looking for the best words to use you may lose half the insight. Also, very crucial, no matter how uncomfortable, force myself to record insights on the comedown from trips, while my consciousness is still somewhat elevated, little time has passed, and the essence of the insight hasn't been lost during sleep or dulled by a benzo. Be fully honest with about what desires am I avoiding, which ones can be surrendered, what habits do me more harm than good and sneakily make me unhappy. Not use psychedelics as an escape, instead work on rewiring my perception to see God in everything, especially the boring and stupid stuff. Instead of trying multiple flavors of essentially the same psychedelics, find a select few that work the best and focus on those. Will have saved me tons of money, then again to find the best ones I had to go through 60+ substances first. Use more effecient ROAs sooner, cultural stereotypes blinded me to them. Start a meditation practice before trying psychedelics. After the fact I don't even bother because it's such a pittance in comparison, so the only sober methods I currently have for raising my baseline level of consciousness is contemplation, observation, and dreams. Don't tell my family about psychedelics Similarly, don't discuss spirituality, especially the deeper stuff with normie humans, particularly family, it will only lead to disappointment, misunderstanding, and rift in relationships. Let the mountain come to you, no need to force truth on those who don't desire it. Foresee plateaus and regresses, get through those with a positive mindset rather than getting depressed. Very deliberately create a life purpose that keeps me effortlessly motivated all day every day from the get-go.
  12. Yeah, there's no end to it, that's how it must be. Even if God wanted to put a stop to it, that would be impossible, because it's an inseparable part of Being. The one thing God can't do is not be God. As we speak new infinities of evil and chaos are being spawned into existence. But also infinities of beauty and bliss, if you want to make that distinction. Your fears have validity, in the human context, but eventually, if you're called to it, that paralyzing fear will have to be faced, and beyond it will be Love.
  13. Thank you ❤️ My procedures are pretty solid, of course something could always go sideways + unknown impacts on health in the future, but I'm okay with uncertainty. Inaction to me is the greater danger, I might already be dead if I hadn't started this work.
  14. Lately I've been feeling quite stagnant in life and spiritual pursuits, so to shake things up I decided to begin a series of radical trips, holding nothing back, with the end goal of updating and deepening my understanding of reality, rewiring my entire attitude towards life, egoic structure, and perception. The plan is to hit several facets of God separately but completely, and then synthesize everything in the end. Well, ask and you shall receive. Substance of choice this time was DPT, which is new to me, although I tried it previously orally, rectally, and smoked, with zero or awful results. Another novelty was that the ROA I chose is intramuscular injection. How silly of me to have been sleeping on it this whole time, literally a qualitatively different experience from anything else by orders of magnitude. From now on nearly all of my trips will be done with IM or IV, the rest I don't consider serious anymore. First on the list was Love, though I decided to first ease into it by contemplating life purpose. Not much to speak about there, it's all things I already knew, however useful and inspiring anyway. This was with 35mg. Then 2 hours later the main event, I injected 70mg, which is a very large dose. Effects set in even faster, within 5 minutes the first cracks in the matrix appeared. Heart racing, I'm being taken for a ride at lightspeed while staying still. I buried my face in the pillow, because I couldn't bear to look around at first, the whole weight of Infinity began crashing down on me. The rest is hazy, concepts such as time or ordering don't apply to it. All of my fantasies were deconstructed. Every bias I held had to be let go of. I felt every emotion one can feel. My identity has been wiped clean multiple times over. The entirety of my being, the I AM flashed before me. I saw things that, had I not surrendered and loved them, would eat me alive in every sense of the word. Horrors that cannot be spoken of. My face morphed into the most ugly and beautiful forms imaginable. I cognized virtually impossible things, such that trying to do it with a non-infinite consciousness would cause a segmentation fault. Paradoxes beyond paradox. I was writhing, torn apart in an impossible spinning motion, flickering between bitterness and ecstasy. The bitterness was from having to stomach ever deeper levels of "evil", and each part of the cycle finalized with the joy of loving it. At some point there was a kernel panic in my perception, a standard ego death is a joke compared to that, reality was breaking at every level, massive alarm bells ringing. Insanity and Chaos. Had it not stopped, my consciousness would have probably merged back into the infinite, leaving the body to die. And then I knew... how Love is Truth, deeper than ever before. Trouble is, there is no way to express it, any explanation would be metaphors and images. One might things a lot of those things don't really relate to Love, but they very much do, it's just that Love is all-encompassing, and for the first time I've experienced it from every angle. But the crazy thing is, even though God is Love, and I speak as though I've experienced its entirety, that's not actually the case. There was an absolute experience of the facet of Love, but the other facets just fleetingly. Every part is the whole, and the whole can be split into parts. As such, other facets still remain, next I'm going to explore Will. Not only that, but part of this awakening was a painful awareness of how much work there's still to be done. I will inevitably forget, already have a good chunk, so I'll need to come back over and over to have more and more bits permanently stick, so that I can embody God's will in this life at my full potential as the avatar that I am. Now, my descriptions leave a lot to be desired, I'm aware, but I articulated it as well as my current limited consciousness allows. Just wanted to leave a record somewhere.
  15. Your questions are quite unspecific, nobody knows what sort of breakthrough you had on 8g of shrooms. Your sensitivity to DMT and 5-MeO could differ wrt to other chemicals, so any equivalency would be guesswork. Just generally you'd want, say, 60mg DMT / 20mg 5-MeO-DMT for what most people consider a breakthrough, assuming smoked route of administration. The ROA will influence the intensity and time of onset in important ways. Further, what ROA you can use will depend on the form your chemical comes in. Freebase you need to smoke, if it's HCL then you can snort or plug 5-MeO. There's usually no DMT HCL, but other salts such as fumarate or citrate can be plugged, or injected IM or IV. Freebase can be converted to a salt using some basic solvents and a reaction with the appropriate acid. You can also take DMT orally with a reversible MAOI like a harmala extract, the dose needs to be higher though. So it is as you see, tons of variables to consider. Study the entries on psychonaut wiki, and trip reports on Erowid. You can filter by method of administration, see what dosage people have used, what kind of effects they obtained from that, and extrapolate to your desired experience.