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Everything posted by enchanted

  1. I agree we need to look at the positives, even if just to stay sane. Trump hopefully wakes up the Dems and forces them to create a platform that US citizens actually want.
  2. The US has always been a hypocritical quasi fascist shit show... It started with the native genocide and then quickly moved on to slavery. For example consider this disturbing hypocrisy that while being a beacon of freedom, liberty, and on the cutting edge of liberal Western values, the US enslaved and then segregated is own population based on physical appearance. The irony was not lost on Europeans at the time. The CIA toppled democratically elected officials in Iran Guatemala and Chile. Supported authoritarian regimes in Saudi, Egypt, Indonesia. Illegal torture campaigns in Guantanamo Bay. Disastrous wars in Vietnam and Iraq. Caused serious financial harm worldwide during 2008. While the US has done many good things it is only due to clever marketing and brainwashing that anyone would believe that the US is a force for good in the world. Trump is merely a continuation and manifestation of inherent disorders of the ethos in the USA. Or aka "the best country in the world" as the American propaganda machine likes to claim.
  3. Find common interests/topics/movies to talk about and then jokingly say "let's go do that this weekend!"
  4. You are an admirable person for doing all that and you obviously aren't physically lazy. A psychedelic would shatter your way of thinking, for better or for worse. It would alter your way of thinking so radically that you would start asking different questions and start having different goals, motives, and values. You could end up leaving your family to wander the earth (like some super religious mystics do) because survival of yourself and your family is not necessarily aligned with truth. Another example that's a possibility is you could be driven to go into politics and change your 3rd world country. I don't recommend psychedelics because they are dangerous but even without trying them they are good examples of how easy it is to shatter your current way of thinking. (Not that it needs shattering) If you are happy just keep doing what you are doing it's not worth messing with a good thing.
  5. @Emerald 'Hungarians were the original people who were behind all the advanced civilizations in the world. In fact, it was Hungarians who taught the Ancient Egyptians how to build the pyramids. And Hungarians used to be the dominant people in the world, until (fill in x group) came and oppressed them and stole credit for all of the things Hungarians created.' I've heard this exact same thing from Hungarians at the church I grew up in. Alot of Hungarians at the Catholic Church are also Nazi sympathizers and long for the days when Hungary gets it's land back it lost after the war.
  6. I'm reading "A Post-Truth World" by Ken Wilber and he seems to be under the impression that Trump, (and Brexit), uses postmodern relativism, where "no truth" exists only egalitarian perspectives. Wilber claims that this shows Trump is at Stage Green that came online in the 1960's (when Trump grew up) and now has come to an unsustainable degenerated madness we see today.
  7. Thanks Leo, yes this seems to be the case but Ken is also saying that Trump is a backlash to green so Im slightly confused about his perspective.
  8. Is caring what others think an inadvertent admission that they are superior to you? If you have an argument with a child you quickly forget about it because in your mind it's obvious you're superior to a child and what a child thinks doesn't matter. But when you have an argument that is upsetting for even days after, are you not admitting that that person is superior to you and that it matters what they think?
  9. https://www.actualized.org/insights/snyder-on-freedom In the blog, Leo says Snyder isn't talking about existential freedom. What is existential freedom? (Vs the freedom of limitation that Synder is taking about)
  10. https://actualized.org/insights/snyder-on-freedom In Leo's blog post about freedom, Leo says Snyder isn't telling about freedom on the existential level. What is existential freedom?
  11. It's an insult used against stage green people.
  12. Is Pete Holmes correct but saying life doesn't make sense?
  13. The study: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Heatmaps-indicating-highest-moral-allocation-by-ideology-Study-3a-Source-data-are_fig6_336076674 The heatmap: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6763434/figure/Fig5/
  14. Is it fair to say that the classes in western societies share similarities with India's caste system?
  15. the Democrats unfairly forced him out (remember he was ahead in the polls before Joe Biden's "miracle" rise?) and eventually screwed the whole party.
  16. Initially spirituality, by @Leo Gura and other sources was calming and helped me be better. Now I'm getting severe anxiety throughout the days, sometimes terror even over existential questions. The forum has already given me great advice which I have followed but I was wondering if these negative aspects of spirituality ever go away? I feel like I'm going crazy and it's very uncomfortable. @Leo Gurayou are one of the smartest ones here and I'm sure you have experience with this, any advice from you? Thanks.
  17. I've been getting more and more into spirituality to change myself for the better. In the last few weeks I've been ultra focused on being the observer, and distancing myself from the body (e.g. neti, neti method). I figured that the Neti Neti method would distance myself enough that I could act freely in the world and not be inhibited by fear and old habits. However, I've become unbalanced and feel like I'm going crazy now. I've had to take some time off work due to this (and maybe some burn out too). I haven't done a psychedelic in over a year. My mind races and feels unstable and I'm getting small anxiety attacks about "nothing being real". Other than taking a break from spirituality, and doing normal things like excersizing, socializing, and eating healthy, does anyone have any other advice? My doctor recommended chill pills and antianxiety meds and a psychologist. I don't want to go to the psych ward and I want to get back to work. Thank you!
  18. Thanks good to know! I am assuming you got better?