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About enchanted

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  1. Thanks good to know! I am assuming you got better?
  2. I've been getting more and more into spirituality to change myself for the better. In the last few weeks I've been ultra focused on being the observer, and distancing myself from the body (e.g. neti, neti method). I figured that the Neti Neti method would distance myself enough that I could act freely in the world and not be inhibited by fear and old habits. However, I've become unbalanced and feel like I'm going crazy now. I've had to take some time off work due to this (and maybe some burn out too). I haven't done a psychedelic in over a year. My mind races and feels unstable and I'm getting small anxiety attacks about "nothing being real". Other than taking a break from spirituality, and doing normal things like excersizing, socializing, and eating healthy, does anyone have any other advice? My doctor recommended chill pills and antianxiety meds and a psychologist. I don't want to go to the psych ward and I want to get back to work. Thank you!
  3. I read it your post on fear. It's great. Thank you so much
  4. I know I've started a similar thread. But I was wondering if anyone had further advice of this topic? It is just a matter of taking a break, getting excersize, and eating healthy, reducing stress? If anyone has been in a similar situation and knows how to fix the existential crises I would really appreciate it. I really enjoyed actualized.org and spirituality for the past couple years but I think it's not helping anymore. Also I started to experiment with my own methods a little bit but clearly I was doing it wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  5. Thanks everyone. Will the severe anxiety go away on it own?
  6. I've been deconstructing and contemplating reality. It's causing severe anxiety. I can't go to a doctor and explain it. Any advice from someone going through similar thing?
  7. True, unless you consider COVID might have been a biological attack by China (as revenge for the tariffs).
  8. The book and the video goes into all that much better than I could.