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Everything posted by enchanted

  1. Great advice above, let me add my view... The solution to your problem is so simple.......being miserable is the bigger delusion! "The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except that they are so" - W.R. Inge
  2. I tried it and it was fine, just start at a low dose.
  3. All these "alarming trends" are just clickbait and a way to make money. Alot of them are self fulfilling prophesies too.
  4. Interesting, yes distinctions are useful in all fields and therefore in politics as well. Thanks
  5. The title of your post is "How does your mind work". I often wonder this myself. How does the mind actually produces emotions and thoughts? Scientists claim it's neurons but how does "I" control the neurons to produces specific thoughts and emotions. How does the "I" control thoughts without having knowledge or experience of neurons. Is the "I" also neurons? Is the concept of neurons even useful to us since they can be experienced?
  6. @Princess Arabiado you do psychedelics? Which ones?
  7. A simple thought experiment can show that your consciousness is the collective consciousness. That your consciousness is the result of 1000s of years of human evolution. Imagine if at a very young age, someone put you on a tropical island, lush with edible plants and animals that are easily caught. And you spent your whole life basically alone on the island. They didn't teach you language, history, biology, astronomy or spirituality. What kind of consciousness do you think you would have? You would know nothing about enlightenment, politics, or anything. Do you think you could still get "enlightened" somehow? Without all of society's explanations would enlightened be easier to obtain? What are your thoughts on this?
  8. As Leo says, there are infinite facets and levels to enlightenment. Since infinity is the same as zero, there is no enlightenment.
  9. Interesting. I would say God is the bitching and the judging. And the slave is one who doesn't realize this.
  10. Good point. The best example is how Christians deified their guru to the fullest extent possible. Other religions aren't much better. The only thing that should be "worshipped" is the present moment.
  11. ....Just how primitive and backwards the human species is. The adults in our society are still worshipping an outspoken 2000 year old middle Eastern Jew. Talk about living in the stone ages. Thanks for Leo and all of you to help me realize that! Happy Easter and remember to hide the eggs (like seriously wtf? Why are we hiding eggs?). Ps sorry for the rant.
  12. This lady seems to know I'm haven't come to a definite conclusion yet....
  13. I agree, and religion is directly antithetical to that. I realized that thanks to the wisdom and love on this forum.
  14. I'll leave that practice to you! Sounds like you already know what to do and it doesn't sound fun