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Sorry if this the wrong section of the forum to post this. I couldn't find another that seemed more appropriate. Anyone have access to emoticons beyond the 21 default faces? I ask because I could swear I've noticed people posting others that I don't seem to have. Just wondering how they're doing it. Is there an option for a dark mode? If not, that'd be a great feature to add @Leo Gura! Though I understand it's probably difficult enough administering the site without worrying about adding non-essential features.
Yes, that much is certain. With the type of surveillance technology we have, in addition to this being the third or fourth week of nightly occurrences, there's no way the US government doesn't know where these things go when they're not flying overhead. It greatly adds to the mystery that they deem it necessary to not tell the public.
The one thing that's undeniable is that it's extremely strange, and I believe unprecedented. Anybody from countries outside the US having your own run-ins with drones?
It is semantics, but it still seems worth it to be aware of the precise definitions of the words in question. It's my understanding that the label of "murder" implies amorality by default. Killing, on the other hand, can be justified in many different scenarios.
Yeah, that certainly makes sense. People aren't prone to heavy weight lifting in the midst of severe back issues. That one pic where he was larger is probably from further in the past. Either that or it's not the same guy, lol.
He seems to be a vessel for an overarching group of policies that transcend just Canada. Policies of which people are becoming very tired.
By definition, murder is the unjust killing of one person by another. The word you're probably looking for is "killing."
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. This CEO's main responsibility was to the shareholders, which likely guided many of his and the company's actions. Though it's not clear to me that a replacement to this system would be overall better. An overhaul of the whole thing could accidentally produce another communist slaughtering.
I would imagine there's various plans laid out for that eventuality. It'd almost be negligent if that wasn't the case. It's scary to think about said plans' contents.
Muscle can come and go pretty quickly depending on his current routine and/or testosterone injections. That being said, who could say for sure whether it's actually the same guy.
lol, for sure. A real life vigilante with the resources and purity of Batman would be badass indeed.
This is probably true. It may just be that media attention is currently on those who somewhat condone the action since it's kind of a shocking opinion.
Perhaps, but it'd be worth remembering that rampant vigilantism allows someone to judge you under this same criteria. Without law and order as an equalizer, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a stupid prize after someone determines you played a stupid game. But I overall get what you're saying. Let's hope things move in a positive direction from here.
An old injury that sat semi-dormant for ~15 years and then dramatically escalated in severity. No modern scans can detect any abnormalities, so I'm left to my own devices to heal. Whenever I push the issue and insist I have a debilitating injury, the medical system offers psychiatric help to quell my obvious fantasies. That was sarcasm, lol. I definitely don't like it. Hell, I firmly believe there are hidden factions of world governments and private contractors who are withholding free energy and anti-gravity technology. But even in a case of wrongdoing to that proportion, I'm still not sure if the perpetrators should be killed via vigilante justice. I think what rubs me wrong the most is just the widespread wishing for death. It just seems non-conducive to a better world. Like I mentioned, it's as if everyone's development suddenly took a step backwards. Or maybe these tendencies were always there and they were just hidden? I'm not sure.
@Raze@Inliytened1@Frylock Thanks for the clarification, guys. I'm not completely insensitive to what you're saying. I'm speaking as someone who's had serious medical issues and been completely failed by the system. But this newfound and widespread bloodlust simply can't be the answer. More so than people feeling genuinely helpless, I think there's some strange bandwagoning going on where it just appears like the popular opinion of the moment. It's as if the collective maturity of the entire nation suddenly dropped, and now we're solving problems with the mindset of children.
Do we know if this particular CEO played a pivotal role in excessively denying coverage? I'm out of the loop, so I genuinely don't know his story. Even if he was responsible, though, I think it's a massive mistake to welcome this kind of chaos. If we condone the killing of perceived oppressors, it could end up being you who's ripped out of your comfortable home to have your throat slashed. This is not how we should resolve things in a civil society.
Also, he sits like this. I choose to believe there's a correlation.
That's the idea I've seen from Destiny and a few others. In my opinion, it's forgetting the simple fact of democracy, and the need to garner enough votes to actually win. Trump may have recently taken the opposite approach. Instead of rejection, he widened the scope of the type of person who'd be readily accepted.
Yeah, but it's also possible he's finding genuine alignment with the momentum of Trump's populist potentials. It seems like a bunch of Bernie-like people are slowly switching up their thought process, and I have a feeling they're not all acting.
Bernie and those who are similar seem to be inching their way towards the umbrella of Trump's camp. So I think it's even worse than you're thinking here. At least from your point of view.
@Tristan12 Gotcha. Your situation may be beyond my abilities to give helpful, applicable advice. I think you're correct to practice extreme caution if your mental health is generally precarious. If you do pick up some DMT in its pure form, it could be nice to use pharmahuasca. Just make sure you keep the doses low and only inch higher as you feel comfortable. Here's a thread that goes into some detail. Feel free to ask any questions if it's unclear.
Yes, those would be more effective for diving into your own psyche, in my opinion. Though they come with their own risks, because you may not always like what you find, and things can quickly spiral out of control on a high dose. It can be tough to directionally point a psychedelic trip exactly where you want it. You're usually more of a passenger. Or more specifically, a higher form of yourself guides what you experience, and your illusory individuality goes along for the ride. An amazing amount of lessons are learned, but they're not always the ones you intended to investigate. Though it's likely the case that they're the lessons you actually needed.
I just realized we may all be working with a different definition of contemplation here, lol. Personally, I consider it the reception of transcendental knowledge via the process of insight while in the midst of a heightened state. Like I mentioned above, it happens mostly by itself on something like DMT.
I've had my most profound subtle-level insights on DMT, and more specifically, on pharmahuasca. There's really no trick to the contemplative aspect, at least at a beginner level. As long as you're under the influence and you're relatively relaxed/receptive, transcendental knowledge flows into you all by itself. If you're a meditator and you're able to deliberately deepen your state, that skill can be used within the trip to accelerate the flow of insight. For me, 5-MeO-DMT and 5-MeO-MALT essentially blow past the subtle and dip right into the causal, so I've always received fewer insights in terms of raw numbers. But it can also be argued that this class of psychedelics gives you the greatest insight of all, which is your oneness with all things and your true identity as the Self.