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  1. How much success did you have by giving out girls your number?
  2. Manipulation is inherent to dating depending on how far u stretch the definition of what manipulation is. Women wearing makeup could be defined as manipulation, me striving to get a better version of myself with the thought of getting girls as well on the way could be seen as manipulative as well. So for me this is not a valid argument. I agree that it displays some amount of neediness, but at the same time, I believe that most women are hesitant to start a conversation, especially if it's with a random stranger that gave his number to them. So I'm wondering if it's an effective method at all or if it's worth to take her number, accept that it shows some amount of neediness but after it be in position to make the first move as it's often needed since otherwise nothing is gonna happen.
  3. Hey, anyone that is experienced in this field: what in your personal experience works better in order to get dates - asking for her number or giving her your own number and wait for her to DM?
  4. @Michael569 I disagree that a vegan diet combined with ultra processed food is reasonably healthy, I think its incredebly unhealthy. These studies dont compare the vegan diet to a perfect diet, the thing is, a mediterranean diet can mean anything as long as the basis is mediterranean, but we dont know the rest of their diet. They can eat a mediterranean diet and still eat ultra processed foods, excessive sugar etc.. In fact, most people eat a lot of unhealthy stuff so even with this comparison we dont get a good answer. There are a lot of examples of ex-vegans stopped being vegan because of health issues. I've seen a case where a woman was supplementing perfectly with every nutrient needed and still developed symptoms of illness, as soon as she started including eggs in her diet the symptoms vanished and they came back once she stopped eating eggs. Now this is not just one case, youtube and social media is flooded with examples like this, which goes to show that even with perfect supplementation, there are still at least some people where it just doesnt work out. Also, minerals and vitamins are often stored extremely long in the body, which is why it might take decades until problems due to deficiency start to show. Now I am not saying that a vegan diet must be inherently unhealthy, but there are a lot of examples where it leads to problems. I think everyone is different in their dietary needs and needs a different diet based on their genetics, upbringing, etc.. In the end everyone should look at what works best for them in the long run.
  5. @Michael569 I agree that it might be beneficial in this specific case, but overall its still incredebly unhealthy, so I think its a really weak argument. If you have to go to these lengths in order to avoid mineral deficiency, maybe a vegan diet is not suitable for (most) humans.
  6. I think the problem with veganism is the health aspect. More and more vegans on youtube, etc. are coming out and saying they started to feel really bad after multiple years of being vegan EVEN though they supplemented properly (of course you can never know that, but according to their own words of what they supplemented and once they included animal products they started feeling better). Also, there is no proof that vegan supplements actually work. You can take B12 pills and B12 will show up in a blood test, but you dont know if the body can properly convert B12 from a vegan source in the same way it does from animal products. With animal products we have hundreds of generations growing up, while a vegan diet is completely experimentally. Even if you feel well after being a vegan your entire life, you dont know how it will affect your children and the children of your children, there are no studies or anything about it.