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About bringa

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  1. Hello good folks. My friend who is from Indonesia suffers from severe Asthma. Looking at the symptoms, we suspect that it could also be lung cancer. They don't have proper access to health care in their place. They are even struggling to get an Asthma inhaler. Can someone please give me some leads to some NGOs or donors where they can her them to get a free treatment? You can also message me personally.
  2. Cool I'll check them out
  3. @Ulax Hmm, flashcards doesn't fit well with me. But, I believe it could be powerful tool for practice for others.
  4. @Raze Thanks. These books are new to me.
  5. I have an exam, there are a heck of things that I need to read and retain to clear that in a short period of time. It's a memory-based exam. How could I read fast and retain everything? Hope my question was direct. Please try to give me practical and straight forward answers that would meet my requirements.
  6. @BlueOak I'll try to work on it. Thanks once again.
  7. Thanks @BlueOak I need a bit more help with understanding this. I have many talents, which I can do tirelessly. I'm not saying this just on the fly, it's tried and tested. But, whenever I accomplished any tasks and got a bit of appreciation, my mind didn't know how to take them. I didn't feel proud or joyful or any other feeling. So it's a feeling where I can't feel anything about anything. Whatever job I do, I don't wish to grow, because I know for a fact it does not make me happy or unhappy. Finding purpose would be a charade to convince myself (my mind) that I'm doing something about it.
  8. Hey everyone. I would like to believe that I'm a well read person. I have studied almost about all the sub topics in this forum and on top of it technology and math to a decent extent. Now the problem is, due to my parental trauma which had a negative impact on my life has put me in a stage where i don't feel excited about anything. Meaning, I'm dead inside. This has manifested in dangerous ways; such as, deliberately not wanting to have a career, not caring (I cannot feel from inside) about self, I'm not bothered if my life turns upside down. I might survive (or choose not to) just by being a daily wage labor despite of having an Engineering degree and having a skill and so on. On the face of it, it might look like a discipline of some eastern spirituality (detachment from the worldly), but for a fact, I know that I lack love and I understand it and accept it. Even with all these things going on, a few days back, I re-found a purpose (not a spiritual one, but more of a career in a way, but it requires total devotion, determination and dedication) and I thought let me try and just focus on pursuing that. So I restarted all my physical activities (daily exercise, running, meditation, yoga etc), my mind can only function if I do these things. But still I don't feel anything inside. Sometimes, I lose seriousness of my goal, which could be a make or break in a way in terms of career choice. I have that potential, but still due to my issues I can't seem to accept that I want to be something. I would love to hear your advice. Help me!