Rising Spirit

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About Rising Spirit

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    Vermont, USA
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  1. In all honesty, my spiritual journey actually began as a boy. An accidental near-drowning gave me a NDE and an OBE that changed my views forever. Granted, as viewed from a child's perspective. But after imbibing LSD in 1977, I learned the power and illumination of sacred medicines. This naturally, led to my fascination for Yogic philosophy and practices. Yes, to this day I credit psychedelics with giving me a taste of Samadhi. But honoring the spiritual paths and bringing their teachings into my day-to-day existence has become secondary nature. And when speaking before an assemblage as you will be, my advice is to be as clear and concise as possible. Few lay persons can comprehend nonduality nor the living Spiritus, given their proclivity towards factual reasoning. Therefore, it's best to present your talk as not neccussarily being a "sermon" rather, a provocative invitation and as succinctly as you can. I feel that there is a definite science to enlightenment/ spiritual awakening and as such, there is a lot of ground to cover. Play it as rooted and clear headed as you can. Namaste 🙏
  2. I'll start by stating that books are wonderful ways of creating a shareable framework for both the growing self-inquiry of others and towards expressing some of the finest, and most insightful human thought-workings. Within my humble beliefs, what books are not, can be summed up in simple terms. They are not one's own direct experience. Such attention requires a centered routine of meditation, contemplation and honest mortal curiosity. But I've read thousands of books in my 66+ years existing on Terra Firma, and I def do have my favorites. I'd place a handful of them on my most recommended list. Foremost would have to be, The Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu. It is as much eloquent poetry as it is profound philosophy. It absolutely shook me to my very core when I was just a teenager, when first opening my mind to higher thought. It's genius resides in the phenomenon that one needn't approach it as a begging to ending process. I often open it up randomly and delight in whatever the deep musings are pertaining to. It's a really quite a lovely book. 🙏 ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
  3. josemar "I personally started with 5MeoDMT and now any other psychedelics have no visuals for me.. 5Meo DMT re-calibrated my nervous system and most others have a 5 MeoDMT flavor." I have noticed this same phenomenon since my 12 journies with 5-MeO-DMT. With mushrooms, what used to be quite kaleidoscopic, now more resembles the Five sacramental experience, just far, far less obliterating.