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About JoshB

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  • Birthday February 2

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  1. Was there that one person you always wanted to meet a local legend, a teacher in a field you study, a lost friend, or some you really looked up to. And if so how did it go?
  2. Christ's story melts away when you realize he is you @Santiago Ram
  3. If you meet the buddha on the road, kiss him
  4. My first awakening was on shrooms when I was 16. I realized that now is all there is. Ofc all other moments other then now are just partitions of your mind. But I can't help but awe at the nature of infinity. Any distinction made seems to me to be relative. So the true Nature of Absolute Infinity can never be known, but you can realize you are it. I don't see why leo would go out of his way to teach that if there wasn't something there. So I keep an open mind. Even though I totally completely agree and understand where you are coming from. @Inliytened1
  5. And ofc Alrx Grey who's known for his DMT art ofc made all the artwork for Tool.
  6. Me personally I throw on some metal (specifically Tool) when I do nn Dmt.
  7. This is more of a question for you @Leo Gura How can there be a Full or Total Awakening if conciousness is infinite / endless. Would there just be an infinite degree of awakening. Or is there a definitive point where you realize you're totally awake. And further more the way you explain it seems like its barely / not attainable. As you mentioned all you have accessed it. Ive heard you reference this is a few of your videos. And I'm set on going all the way. So I'd like to hear more into this. If and when you release your course will it cover this as well?
  8. The problem is you're the greatest actor. That's what self deception / dreaming is. But have you stopped acting?
  9. @Razard86 im clearly not refering to the ego. I'm referring to what you absolutely are.
  10. If you ever become radically awake you are absolutely bound to experience insanity. No questions asked
  11. It's even more radical, profound, and insane then that. Yes, he said it deepened and showed him the Absolute nature of solipsism even more. But I took it away as because there are an infinite amount of infinities. God can create an infinite number of copies of itself. All completely sovereign. Infinity of God(s) Would have been a more appropriate title.
  12. @ivankiss if there isn't you there is no God. But luckily there Absolutely is You.