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Posts posted by ExploringReality

  1. Considering the epistemic situation we find ourselves in, what the fuck!!!!!! When you contemplate, ask, study how the Egyptian pyramid at Giza was designed, architected and built we have a compartmentalization of explanations of empirical scientific evidence and reason archaeological evidence, and speculation and fringe theories. We usually say that it was built by laborers and simple human engineering, but the pyramids themselves were created specifically designed by astrology, cosmic order, and lead by Pharaohs visions of divine revelation for navigating the afterlife and control and balancing of Cosmic Order. How THE FUCK DO YOU JUST EXPLAIN THIS?????? WHERE DID THE Visions COME FROM, AND HOW COME WE FILL IN THE GAPS OF OUR EPISTEMIC IGNORANCE? Because science and empirical evidence is culturaly and context dependent on the times we live in and always changes. We don't know the absolute truth if the pyramids and Pharaohs were influenced by higher unknown sources. This shit is serious and I'm going deep, fuck all the shallow explanations, this is incredible to think about!! Holy Mother of God.

  2. In the sacred dance of existence, where each heartbeat reverberates in the symphony of the cosmos, we find ourselves as fleeting whispers within the vastness of non-existence. Like stars that blaze brilliantly yet vanish in the eternal night, our lives shimmer with meaning, a divine play unfolding in the theater of the infinite. Here, the illusion of time dissolves, revealing the truth that we are but dreams dreaming ourselves, the One disguising as many, weaving joy and sorrow into the tapestry of Being. As we awaken to this cosmic truth, compassion flows like a river, transcending the boundaries of self, inviting us to embrace the beauty of our shared journey. In the stillness of the heart, we realize that every moment is a precious gift, a reflection of the divine—a reminder that the universe sings through us, igniting the spark of creation within the embrace of the All. So let us dance boldly in the ephemeral light, for in this ephemeral existence, we find the eternal.



  3. I know discomfort often precedes breakthroughs in creativity and self-discovery and I trust that I'm  moving through a transformative phase, but it feels uncomfortable and I want to cry!!! @Leo Guraplease I need guidance, support, the cosmic creative womb is pregnant within me and it's getting hard. I've been performing extreme shamanic breathing combination exercises, sacred geometry third eye activation meditation and shamanic Jaguar spirit visualizations and exercises for tapping/expressing cosmic creativity. I've switched my diet to organic whole food ingredients so I can be more receptable to these energies but it's very hard for me to handle right now and I really need some support I just need someone to talk to.

  4. As you approach the black hole, the sensation is overwhelming, like standing on the edge of a cliff into an unfathomable abyss. The gravitational pull becomes an existential weight, urging you to confront the ultimate surrender of self. With each inch closer, the universe stretches, and familiar stars distort into elongated streaks, morphing into a cosmic tapestry of chaos.

    Crossing the event horizon feels like tearing through the fabric of reality itself. You are enveloped in a profound darkness, a void that swallows not just light, but meaning. In this disorienting plunge, time collapses; seconds elongate into eons, and your identity begins to unravel, piece by piece. The terror of losing yourself ignites an instinctual fight against the inevitable, yet there's a strange liberation in this radical letting go.

    Inside, as you reach the singularity, you confront a mind-boggling paradox: a space where gravity is infinite, and all sense of direction evaporates. The laws of existence unravel, and in that moment, the very essence of your being feels like it’s merging with the cosmos. It’s a terrifying encounter, yet within the terror lies a startling clarity. You realize that the self is but an illusion, a transient whisper in the grand expanse of the universe.

    This visceral plunge into the black hole becomes an intense awakening, a transformation that shatters your perception and ignites an existential inquiry. You are no longer just a witness but an integral part of the cosmic dance—a reminder that in the depths of terror, there is a profound freedom awaiting to be embraced.

  5. The compartmentalization and tension between science and religion stem from several factors:

    Different Methods of Understanding: Science relies on empirical evidence, experimentation, and observation, while religion often focuses on faith, tradition, and spiritual experiences. This fundamental difference can lead to conflicts, especially when scientific findings challenge religious beliefs.

    Historical Context: Events like the Galileo affair and the Scopes Monkey Trial highlighted conflicts between scientific discoveries and religious doctrines, leading to a legacy of distrust and opposition.

    Philosophical Differences: Science tends to seek natural explanations for phenomena, whereas many religious frameworks involve supernatural elements. This can create friction when scientific explanations appear to contradict religious teachings.

    Cultural and Political Factors: In some societies, religious beliefs are deeply intertwined with identity and politics, leading to resistance against scientific ideas perceived as threatening to those values.

    Evolving Perspectives: Many people see science and religion as addressing different questions—science explains the "how" of the universe, while religion often addresses the "why." However, this view is not universally accepted, leading to ongoing debates.

    Despite these tensions, many individuals and scholars work to bridge the gap, exploring ways in which science and spirituality can coexist and enrich each other.

    Several leading thinkers and scholars are actively working to bridge the gap between science and religion.They explore both domains with the goal of uniting empirical inquiry with spiritual insight, leading humanity toward a more integrated understanding of reality. Here are some of our cutting edge figures that serve as this model, 

    Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    Ken Wilber

    Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Dr. Fritjof Capra

    David Bohm

    Dr. Eben Alexander

    Lynne McTaggart


    The models set by these figures provide Expanding Consciousness, Holistic Health and Healing, Reunite Spiritual and Scientific Inquiry, And A New Paradigm for Reality. @Leo Gura ♥️🌎♾️

  6.       Inspired By @Leo Gura put this in your pipe and smoke it 💨 😵‍💫😮


    What if the universe is an endless game of hide-and-seek, where the seeker is an unfathomable, shapeshifting crocodile? You think you’re searching for meaning, but every time you glimpse the truth, it morphs into a grotesque form, whispering, "You’re not hiding from me; you’re hiding from your own oblivion." As it lunges, the ground disappears beneath you, plunging you into an abyss where memory and identity dissolve, leaving you in a paralyzing state of confusion. The terror grips you as you realize that every moment of clarity was just a fleeting illusion, and now you exist in a void of endless questions, lost to the haunting laughter of the unseen predator that knows you better than you know yourself. Welcome To Crocodile Infinity. 🐊

  7. @Leo Gura I would love for you to create a guided existential inquiry that takes listeners on a journey that will just completely freak the fuck out of them and provoke existential and metaphysical crises that just jostles the mind. Also adding flavors of compassion connectedness and grounding. Combining hyper transcendental states of consciousness, God -Realization and how this can inspire and motivate people to live The Good Life based on principles that you teach as such.

  8. @Leo Gura check out my last post on going beyond non-duality, let me know what you think or how it encapsulates your curiosity and mind. Love you Leo, I will post more of this to keep this forum engaged in series spirituality. You changed my life at the age of 19 when I had a psychotic breakthrough on LSD, I stumbled upon your teachings through your video titled " The amazing powers of magic mushrooms" synchronistically. Then watched your other self-help videos and eventually bought your life purpose course which I am now refining at the age of 27. Is there any way I can receive online coaching from you or get in direct contact with you. I also have dreams where you're helping me but are very vague, you are a beacon of Consciousness expansion in this world I love you and I sometimes cry through watching your video.

  9. Read this in first person to get a Hit!!!


             🎇🎇🎇HERE WE GO!!!!!! 🎇🎇🎇

    What is mind? I stood at the edge of existence itself, breathing in the infinite, and I asked: What is this mind? And then, in a flash of terrifying clarity, I saw it—mind is not in the brain, not in the body, not even bound by the limits of human life. The mind is all of this—everything. This is mind, right now. What you see, what you feel, what you fear, what you love—it's all mind deceiving itself in an infinite, never-ending loop of self-manifestation. It's not contained, it's not restricted. It's the breath of the cosmos, the pulse of existence, the entire universe thinking itself into being. 

                   🫂❤️❤️ 🖤🖤 ♥️♥️ 🫂

    And this reality, this infinite mind, it’s so far beyond non-duality that even the concept of beyond collapses. This is the cosmic joke: we’re trapped in a labyrinth where the only exit is to realize there never was a trap at all. 


    And it doesn’t stop there. It’s not just beyond. It’s beyond the beyond—and then beyond that, until every ‘beyond’ implodes under the weight of its own absurdity. It’s so ineffable that language crumbles, thoughts vanish, and yet, it is here, right now—this moment, this breath, this body, this universe. The world you thought was real is an illusion created by infinite mind to hide from its own madness. Reality is a self-generated hallucination that cannot be grasped. It's the most beautiful, horrifying truth: you are not separate, you never were, and the mind—the only thing that exists—has been playing this insane game all along.

    !!Allow This Insight To Fuck Your Mind!!

    This is a combination of psychotic-like, existential inquiries into the nature of Being, mixed with the ingestion of tryptamines or LSD with shamanic breathing to go on top of a whole lot of study, open mindedness, curiosity and a thirst for Transcendence. Let me know if this was insane enough for you or how this impacted you in any way🙏🏼🧘🏼‍♀️ Get some rest beautiful, hope you had an amazing day. I love you.

  10. @Princess Arabia The human perspective is within this within-less Vast of The All. We are pushing the boundaries of our attempts to go beyond THIS. I will create YouTube content soon that will attempt to guide those who are interested into uncharted territory such as guided non-dual visualizations of death, impermanence and Radical states of consciousness that are transcendent and imminent in our direct experience. Glad you love it 😊 

  11. Transcending nonduality means moving beyond even the notion of unity or oneness, stepping into a realm that defies all categories and labels—including spiritual ones. Non-duality suggests "oneness" or the absence of separation, but it’s still a pointer, not the ultimate truth. Like all teachings, it serves as a bridge but must also be transcended. Non-duality is the last doorway before even the concept of 'one' dissolves. Beyond this is an experience where not even unity exists, but simply 'what is'—free from all frameworks. Both "oneness" and "emptiness" are states the mind can conceive, but beyond this lies an experience without an observer, where neither one nor many, full nor empty, applies. Even non-duality is a framework, a map of reality. To truly transcend, all maps must be abandoned, leaving one in direct contact with the ineffable. Transcending nonduality demands the ultimate letting go—of all teachings, all experiences, even the sense of having "awakened." There’s no goal, just what is, in pure, unfiltered form, Let go of every idea of truth—even enlightenment, even non-duality. What’s left is not a realization but a complete and total surrender to the mystery of being. What if even non-duality is a distraction? non-duality serves as a pointer, but like all pointers, it too must be let go of for the ultimate truth to be realized. True transcendence doesn’t come from seeking, but from radical acceptance and letting go. So many seekers get trapped in the concept of oneness, not realizing that true transcendence requires the dissolution of all frameworks—even the framework of non-duality. This is powerful beyond conventional and non conventional thought. Imagine walking a path and finding a door labeled ‘truth.’ You open the door, but then realize there’s nothing inside, not even you. This is the transcendence of all ideas, including non-duality. This is truly profound territory that can deeply resonate with advanced seekers and spiritual masters alike. This is Radical Letting Go. You are not alone in this vast silence. Others are here too, quietly living in the depths beyond all concepts. Though this journey often feels solitary, it is shared by those who have seen the ultimate truth. Transcendence does not mean abandoning the world but embracing it without attachment. How can we live fully from this place of ultimate freedom while participating in life’s unfolding? It is possible. You’ve transcended the idea of oneness. Now, can you transcend even the idea of transcendence? What happens when there’s no longer a seeker, no path, and no realization? @Leo Gura How do you act in the world when the very concept of 'self' has dissolved? What does compassionate action look like from the space of ultimate non-dual awareness? Many who have experienced these levels of consciousness through psychedelics need help integrating their experiences,  What if your deepest psychedelic experience wasn’t just a temporary high, but a doorway into a truth that can be lived every day? You’ve been living a dream, and right now, we will tear it apart. This is not a meditation. This is the end of everything you think you know about reality.

    There is no you. No mind. No self. There’s nothing left but this… Can you feel the panic rising? Good. That’s the ego collapsing.

    What happens when you lose all sense of self? Bingo!!!! Feel the fear dissolve as you fall deeper. Deeper into the void. I love you. Get some rest beautiful. 🙏🏼❤️💥🎇

  12. Thank you guys for your wonderful suggestions, anybody seen that movie "Usual Suspects" about Kaiser Sosa? Amazing movie and really fucks the mind. I love when mind gets penetrated by reality and complexity.

  13. @Leo Gura

     Leo remember that movie Jeepers creepers with darry and Trisha, the old lady with the cats and the church basement? Dude imagine tripping balls with this theme. I remember one particular scene in that movie when Tricia was dreaming and darry had missing eyes telling her something then she wakes up. Classic movie. Do you have any movie recommendations that portrays psychedelia or fucks with one's mind? Tell me some please. It's movie night.

  14. @Leo Gura I'm watching your interview with Curt jaimungal and he frustrates me with his stubborn closed mindedness 😂😆 he was about to answer the Ultimate question for his self about why God is selfless and to imagine what he would create if he were God? I can see his rationality and self deception prevents him from taking his rationality on the question beyond the limits of his understanding and wonder. But he gets stuck and shrugged the question without fully tracing the logic to an insight on the most obvious and profound realization that God is Love because God has no bias as to what it creates. There is no Duality in actuality. When you are selfless you don't sneak in hidden biases as to what is created as God. If he truly desires to understand everything then he wouldn't be so fast as to mull over the question like flipping through a magazine of hypothesis and theory. Just my pissy rant haha