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Virgin 27 Male - Suicidal Rage
Virgin 27 Male - Suicidal RageThe primary reason why you are suffering is most likely not because of the lack of female companionship, but simply because you perceive yourself as having failed to meet societal standards.
You view yourself as a failure, as unworthy, as unlovable. That is the fundamental issue.
If you were stranded on an island, with the rest of the world destroyed in nuclear fallout, and all you had was a group of men to keep you company, you might experience less psychological torment than you are right now, because whether or not you have a woman would no longer matter in whether or not you perceive yourself as a failure.
You could adapt and live out the life the best you could on an island like this. Not having a woman would be frustrating, but if it was a universally shared experience, it would not cause you the same psychological anguish as it relates to your self-identity, what you consider to be the worth you have as a human being.
What you must realize is that you have fallen prey to a perverse game. You have bound your self-love to the contemporary societal values and norms. In other words, you have bound yourself to a society that has not yet transcended the dark-ages, a depraved, sick, undeveloped and blind society.
This society will not give you unconditional love, because everyone is starving and scrambling for every bit of love they can get. People are so lacking that nobody can freely share it, lest they would carry the burden of everyone else.
In such a scenario, the solution is not to attempt to find your piece of love, to play the game as everyone else is playing it, destined to succeed for some and fail for others. The solution is to become a beacon of love yourself. To become the one who gives love, not who takes it.
Suicide is silly in this case, because all of this is in your head. And you are far from the only one, there are countless lost souls who are seeping through the gaping cracks in society. You could become someone who can find joy in eleviating their suffering, and to bring true love to them.
To not give them love, but to teach them how to become beacons themselves.
Next time you see an overweight, ugly woman, think of how much she must suffer, and how much her condition is because the society we live in today. Think about how different her life could be, including her health, if our societal had a more sophisticated relationship between self-love and societal norms. You have been been raised on ignorance, and so has she.
I'm Going to Owen Cook's Free Tour in New Orleans Next Month
I'm Going to Owen Cook's Free Tour in New Orleans Next MonthI missed the second day where I heard from the others he did a deep dive into being delusional but these are some of my notes from Owen himself I'm not including what the other guys speaking said
Womens #1 attraction trigger is Narcissism
Women prefer a man who is confident for no reason than a man who is confident for a reason
The art of game is to become a psychopathic narcissist
Can't think any guy is better than you
Must be delusional
An active meditation that you're the shit
Know that you can replace her
Find something you really want to do that pisses you off that you can't do it
Understand product creation or be an affiliate for someone else's product
Understand sales and marketing at a high level
Must know sales and marketing well
Understand social dynamics
You must have it as a goal and desire to be liberated, to be free
Gotta have a hatred for your current life to change it
Julien himself guided releases
Dragon herbs
Only really need 100k - 200k a month
Need to be creating a personal brand so AI doesn't wipe you out
Petty Motivation
Day to Day Motivation
Higher Purpose
Be relaxed and piercing
Fuck authenticity. Be what you have to be to get what you want
Be authentic means be a 10 version of you and be a 10 version of that
Authenticity is a half truth
You can fake confidence
100% deliver the goods all the time
Russian Turkish baths cold plunge
1 year in: inspiration for those starting cold approach (diagrams included)
1 year in: inspiration for those starting cold approach (diagrams included)Just so you know this is about you and not the women. You were disowning and judging parts of yourself and now you've learnt how to accept them. The women were only tools and a reflection of what was going on deep inside you. As a result of this, you will also see positive changes in other areas in your life that you're challenged by, kudos to you.
1 year in: inspiration for those starting cold approach (diagrams included)
1 year in: inspiration for those starting cold approach (diagrams included)I am 25. I have had the desire to go out and approach women on the street from the age of 13. The idea occured naturally to me even before I knew of Leo or pickup, but fear, social anxiety and trauma stopped me from doing so.
Finally 1 years ago, I decided it was time to confront my fear and begin. I decided to gradually desensitize myself to the fear by giving out friendly compliments to women on the street in London UK, where I live. Even after resolving to do so, I put it off for weeks.
One day my boss called and told me about rumours circulating at work. I tried to hit on too many girls and was getting a reputation for being a 'fuck boy'. The root cause: my workplace was the only way I could meet women, I didn't know how to meet them any other way. That day I decided enough was enough. I would go out and give one compliment to a girl on the street. I resolved not to come home until I had done so.
I walked around outside a university in South London. Many beautiful women walked past me, with each one I told myself 'Too scary. I'll do the next one, the next, the next'. I walked back and forth across this road for 3 hours in a constant state of fear. My legs ached and I wanted to go home, but I had become disgusted with myself. 'NO! I WILL NOT GO HOME UNTIL I DO THIS'.
Finally, I got close to a girl and braced myself to say 'hey I like your outfit'. As I got close, she turned and made eye contact with me. In that moment I was filled with a full fight-or-flight terror. I snapped my eyes away from her and continued walking, saying nothing. But then I felt love for myself - I was dealing with a powerful fear, of course this would be hard. After another 30m of walking, I finally gave out my first ever compliment to a girl on the street. It felt good.
Within a few weeks I made a program for myself. I would go out after work 4 times a week and give out 3 compliments. I found this very very challenging. To help, I repurposed a spending tracker app on my phone to track my progress. I did this so I could feel like every interaction I initiated was a win, like it was adding to my experience pool, even if it didn't go well. The scores are ultimately arbitrary, and I have refined them over time, but they have generated some satisfying graphs and statistics. Each type of interaction would earn a different score:
a compliment would earn £0.15 a comp and a question 0.60 a comp, question and introducing myself 0.90 a number 1.20 an instant date 5.00 etc
I spent the next 6 months struggling to meet my goal of 3 compliments a day. I went through laziness, hopelessness, shame, anger at myself, hatred for women, hatred for the world, to deep compassion for my shortcomings, to profound gratitude, to feeling like the alpha king of monkeys, to extreme horniness, exhausion, suicidal thoughts, feeling I will be stuck forever, then consoling myself and going out again. I failed many times. I fell off the path many times. I read Convesations with God, tried to use the creative power of my thoughts. I focused on eating and sleeping well, so that I felt good enought to go out and do it. I did 40m a day visualisation. I used breathing techniques. I returned again and again via journalling to my vision, to why I was doing this. It felt like I had to draw upon every resource I had. Such was my fear of just talking to a stranger.
One day, I felt really good and ready to move on, to ask a follow up question after the compliment. I sent my friend £250 and told him not to send it back until I recorded myself saying 'excuse me, you look really interesting' to a girl. I walked around for 6h hours before the deadline passed, and I went home feeing utterly broken and ashamed having not done it. He kept the money. I actually woke up in fear multiple times that night, dreaming that I was still in Liverpool St Station trying to get myself to approach.
But two days later I somehow did my first ever honest to god cold approach, at a bookshop in central London. I spoke to this girl with my hands shaking in terror, but she gave me her number. We went on a date a few days later, a few weeks later we had sex. But whatever inspired me to do that cold approach left, and I was back to compliments.
About 6 months ago I decided I would get coaching. I searched and found a random coach on youtube. He had about 2k subscribers. I paid him £500 to come out with me for a day. I was earning £1600 a month and living in expensive London so this was a lot of money to me. Even though I didn't think he had much to offer in terms of game, I thought that paying so much and having him there with me would force me to do approaches.
It worked. I did about 15 real cold approaches that day. But I suspect most of my apparent progress during that day was made in the months before.
Since that day the doors opened to doing cold approach proper. It still took work to get myself to approach consistently alone, and I still occasionally have trouble getting myself to do it. But it really has become the focus of my life now, zoning in on it, getting better at it. The approaches have gotten less scary the more I have done them (shockingly). This September I did 75. This week I did 30. I have gotten gradually bolder. I approach some girls even when they are sitting down surrounded by people. I have gone on a few instant dates. I have approached a few groups of girls. I have had a handful of sexual encounters ranging from bad but kind of fun, to extremely intimate, hot and magical.
My vision, that I crawled back to week on week over the last year, is beginning to be realized.
That original burning fear has melted away. I still have lots of work before I feel like I can put this chapter of my life behind me. Recently I feel like I have run up against the limits of my 'natural game'. To improve from here it's not going to just be about being less fearful anymore, but changing things about myself; eye contact, being more subtle in my emotional reading of a situation eg when to try and close with a girl, challenging myself to stay in set as long as possible, doing more groups, doing night game.
It's confusing, and I am partially writing this to remind myself of how far I have come, and to inspire myself. Despite my occasional lack of faith, deep down I know that given time, persistance, passion, hard work and coming back to my vision again and again, REAL GROWTH IS POSSIBLE.
If you are reading this and are early on in this journey, or thinking of going out on this journey, or you belive (like I did at times) that you are different somehow and this will never work for you, I hope this inspires you to go out and do it. Here are a few tips you may find helpful:
Come back again and again to why you are doing what you are doing Ultimately, especially when you are out alone, it does come down to just choosing to do that approach, in the moment, despite all the fear and panic. There is no way out of that or around that. No visualisation or meditation or anything will change that Failure to complete your goals for that day or week is fine. Just pick yourself back up and go do it tomorrow It is more work that you could possibly imagine. But each step towards your vision is itself extremely rewarding If you struggle with approach anxiety GET IN-PERSON COACHING (or go to a bootcamp) It is well worth the £500 or even £1000. The money you spend will hold you accountable, you will want to make sure you spent it well. If you are putting this off, consider: you may know deep down that you will have to confront your fear once you get coached, and that's the true reason you don't want it Get a wing via Leo's telegram worldwide wingman thing. The pickup groupchats themselves are a toxic hellscape, but you can just meet people from them irl till you find a good wing then never look at them again Consider repurposing a spending tracker as a point counter as I did. It's kind a mental idea I know, but if your mind works anything like mine you'll love it The rest of the lessons I'm sure you'll learn yourself as you do it
Much love and godspeed!
[book] The Book Of Not Knowing - Peter Ralston
[book] The Book Of Not Knowing - Peter Ralston"Several popular self-help training involve consciously exchanging one set of beliefs for another. For example, a person who lacks faith in himself might try to override his negative self-image by deliberately formulating a belief that he is intelligent and capable. If he can maintain this new perspective, he will begin to interpret events differently, and his more positive interpretations will support an increasingly positive view of himself. Although this king of work can have a positive effect, it does nothing to increase our understanding of the real nature of mind or the self."
I'm pretty sure that Ralston had a important impact in the actualization of Leo.
Here you can find a few interviews by Leo to Ralston: https://vimeo.com/user53111568
It's a big and deep book but it's easy to follow, I really really reccomend it.
Why do philosophers say beautiful things, yet remain a mess?
Why do philosophers say beautiful things, yet remain a mess?https://lbot.ca/post/174857922174/osho-why-do-great-philosophers-and-so-forth-say
Gotta love Osho.
If you are "on the path", this is really worth reading.
MagicReading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe
The last 25% of this video contains information that can be dangerous to people who are mentally unstable or suicidal. If you struggle with suicidal ideation or maintaining your sanity, I recommend you don't watch the last 25%. Do not use psychedelics unsupervised if you are in this condition.
It's early dawn in the desert. The sky is starting to glow with light but the sun is still yet to rise. You're standing there, looking at an ordinary desert bush. You're struck by its geometric beauty, the mathematical precision of its fractally–arranged leaves. You feel an impulse to reach out. You run your fingers through its little green leaves. They feel spikey and alive.
Returning your hand back towards your body, you notice a tiny insect, smaller than ant. It crawls over the wrinkles in your skin like an astronaut struggling across Martian terrain. You bring it close to your face. The intelligence of its movement transfixes you. Every swivel of its microscopic legs, of its antennae – precise, machine–like, yet so alive. You think, “My God, it's ALIVE!” For the first time in your life you recognize LIFE. Of course you've seen life in motion countless times before, but never like this. Somehow you've always taken life for granted. But now you SEE. LIFE. The intelligence of it awes you. As you move your finger towards the bug, you can tell, it's afraid. You recognize the intelligence in its fear, perfectly designed to keep it alive.
You are conscious that you recognize the bug, but the bug doesn't recognize you. It's just going about its day, surviving, avoiding danger, looking for food – oblivious that some entity of higher consciousness is observing it, like God looking down from the clouds.
Your attention shifts away from your hand as something flits through the corner of your vision. A hummingbird darts from bush to bush with the precision of an industrial robot. It hovers right up next to your bush. You stand perfectly still. Looking at it, the whole world seems to slow to a crawl. You can see the exquisite flap of its little bio–mechanical propellers. LIFE. You marvel at its profound intelligence and immaculate beauty. This little bird is perfection incarnate. You can resolve every green and pink iridescent feather on its body, arranged like tiny dragon scales. They shimmer in the subtle light of the desert dawn. The hummingbird's beauty strikes you with childlike delight. Your mind floods with memories of your fascination with hummingbirds as a child. Looking at it hover, you recognize the consciousness in it, but it doesn't recognize the consciousness in you. You think to yourself, “It's God, lost in a hummingbird dream.” You smile.
You look closer at its scale–like feathers. Within a single feather you see fine branching lines, delicate hairs, and splotches of iridescent pigment. One particular splotch resembles a nebula in outer space. A pink and green cloud of luminous gas 50 light–years across, made of particles from ancient dead stars. A star graveyard now turned a nursery for stars yet to be born. Zooming in deeper you see pin–point sparkles of light, like household dust glittering in a ray of sunlight through a windowsill. Explosions from a 500–year war between two ancient alien civilizations. When heavily damaged their ships' wrap reactors explode in a tiny supernova – creating a microscopic golden sparkle in the void of outer space.
These two civilizations have been at war over a political dispute for 500 years and now the battle has come to its peak. The nebula glitters with a thousand sparkles, like someone blew a pinch of gold dust into the air. Each sparkle, ten thousand lives extinguished.
Zooming out you suddenly become aware that all of this is happening on a TV screen – an epic space opera playing out for someone's entertainment. But the actors don't know they're actors. To them, this galactic war is as real as real gets.
A remote appears in your hand. You flip the channel. The scene changes from a galactic battle to a game show where the host is a giraffe and all the contestants are giant mice. You flip the channel again. The scene changes to a small alien girl blowing out a birthday cake. You hold your finger down on the remote and the channels start flipping faster and faster, at the speed of a hummingbird's wings. The channels are endless. They contain the media of every civilization that has ever existed. Within a minute you flip through 100 million channels. Getting the idea, you lift your finger from the remote. It stops on what looks like an HD nature documentary. You see a slow–motion macro shot of a hummingbird flapping its wings. The camera zooms out and you see yourself standing next to it in the desert, admiring its beauty.
Looking down at the remote you see some colored knobs. Turning a silver knob slowly morphs the hummingbird into a dragonfly. You turn the knob half–way and get something that is 50% hummingbird, 50% dragonfly. You crank it back and forth in amazement, watching the eerily–fluid transformation on the screen. Turning an orange knob slowly turns your human self on the screen into an elephant. You crank the knob all the way to the right and the man on the screen becomes 100% elephant. But suddenly you see a strange grey appendage blocking your view of the screen. Your nose! It's turned into a long, hairy, grey animated elephant trunk. Nothing else about your body has changed, just your nose. At first you are startled. This thing seems to have a mind of its own, swaying back and back with a playful, undulating animation. But then you calm down, sense into it, and realize you have control. A big grin grows across your face as you take a deep long breath through your new nose. You feel an itch on your shoulder so you scratch it, with your nose. It works beautifully! “How did I ever manage without one of these?”, you say to yourself with amusement.
Looking down at the remote you notice the biggest knob of all. It's white. “I wonder what this one does?” You crank it with your nose. As you do, you feel yourself becoming ever more conscious. All the sudden you can feel the circuitry in the television as if it was an extension of your body. Every pixel becomes like a taste bud on your tongue. A 4K display has over 8 million pixels, each one now consciously accessible to your mind. Cranking the white knob even more you become so conscious you can start to predict which pixel will light up with which color value in the next frame.
Turning the white knob even more you become so conscious your mind gains direct access to the channels database. In your mind's eye you have instantaneous thumbnail access to every channel and piece of media that has ever been produced in the universe.
What do you want to watch? It's hard to choose. You're not used to having this much much information in your mind in parallel. It's hard to navigate such a sprawling network of information. Your thoughts begin to influence the process. Your mind floods with old memories of cinema you watched in your youth. You don't know why but the movie Aliens starts to dominate your mind. The more your mind focuses on that thought, the more real it becomes. Soon the entire room and TV fade out of existence and your reality smoothly transitions into that of the Alien queen laying eggs in her nest. The TV is gone, your elephant nose is gone – you are now the Alien queen. Slime is dripping down your black, spidery body and mouth. Acid is coursing through your veins. Eggs are squeezing out of your…. whatever. Ellen Ripley is torching your eggs with a flamethrower and it's making your blood boil. You think to yourself, “Of course, I'm the Alien queen. The Alien queen is my own consciousness as much as anything else, no better or worse, no weirder. It's all my Mind.”
You look down at your alien hand and notice the TV remote still there. You will yourself to press a random key with a long, grotesque claw. Instantly the whole scene turns into a cartoon. The film Aliens has become a cartoon version of itself and you are still the Alien queen, but now your reality is two–dimensional and much more colorful. You look down again at your hand for the remote, but it's gone, disappeared just like the TV. You think to yourself, “Of course, 2D is no more or less real than 3D. Cartoon reality is just another facet of my consciousness. I am no less real as a 2D Aliens cartoon than I am as a 3D human being.”
On the one hand experiencing yourself as a grotesque alien straight out of a nightmare strikes you as disturbing, but only mildly so because you're so conscious you understand what's going on. You're so conscious you don't need a TV remote to change channels. In your mind's eye you press the pause button on an imaginary remote and the current scene freezes mid–frame.
Now you can focus on accessing the channel database to find what you really want to watch. You see that in the database channels are arranged by category. Scanning mentally through five thousands categories you stumble upon SEX. Your mind is fixated. A memory of your ex–girlfriend comes to mind, and suddenly, there she is. A stunning young woman laying naked in your bed, squirming and itching for sex. You crank up the white dial in your mind's eye some more, becoming even more conscious. You look at your girlfriend. She's begging you to fuck her. Looking at her squirm in slow motion you realize that once you fuck her you will impregnate her and spawn a million future generations of humans. It doesn't matter whether you impregnate her or somebody else does, in the end it's all the same since all such differences are imaginary. You're too conscious to really be interested in the act of sex now, but the profundity of it makes you wonder. You are captivated by the platonic aspect of her beauty, just as you were with the hummingbird. But this is more personal, more interactive. You slowly run your hands over the curves of her smooth, naked body. As you do, her body turns to sand – a fine sand that seeps down over the bed sheets like the sand in an hourglass. Her squirming body disintegrates into vast pools of sand. Her feminine curves become the curves of an endless ocean of dunes stretching out to the horizon in every direction.
You find yourself standing in the middle of a vast dune – a dune made from your girlfriend's essence. Each grain of sand is a dream she once dreamt, a memory she once had, an emotion she once felt. Grains of sand made from her joy, her excitement, her sadness, her anger, her frustration, her loneliness, her light, her darkness, her fear, her love, her disgust, her surprise, her orgasms. Grains of sand made from her highest aspirations and her deepest nightmares – all animated with the energy of her soul.
The dune is silent, but for the murmur of a soft breeze. You kneel down and run your fingers through the sand, your hand like a tongue tasting the emotion locked in every grain. A symphony of a thousand subtle yet distinct emotions washes over you. Somehow it all computes in the vastness of your mind. It's like you raked your tongue through the depths of her turbulent psyche.
Your eyes well up and a tear rolls down your face.
A loud crack of thunder, like a gunshot, startles you from above, and the sky begins to pour with heavy rain. The sound of rain soothes your soul. The landscape – or, really, your mindscape – feels enchanted, exactly as you want it to be.
Raindrops hit your face in slow motion. Each droplet, a unique bubble universe unto itself, filled with trillions of inhabitants all oblivious as to why their universe came crashing to an end. You think to yourself, “So this is how a universe ends.” Each droplet is filled with the collective consciousness of all the sentient entities inhabiting it. As a droplet hits your face it transfers the collective wisdom of a thousand ancient civilizations directly into your mind. Their memories, their struggles, their dreams, their insights – all integrate smoothly into your psyche. You stand there, showered by an immense cosmic intelligence. It feels like bathing in divine light. Its sentience and beauty sends waves of bliss radiating through your body.
You look up at a towering stack of fluffy white clouds in the distant sky. Somehow you just know the clouds are made of whipped cream. Reaching your hand up towards the clouds you scoop at them with your finger and secure a sizable dollop. The cream is thick and rich, like frosting. You bring it to your mouth and suck. It doesn't just taste sweet and milky, it tastes like a fusion of every desert you can ever remember having: cheesecake, ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, crème brulee, cotton candy, éclairs, tiramisu, panacotta, macaroon, marzipan, cookie dough, apple pie, fruit tart, and waffles.
This is your mindscape, and in your mindscape things taste however you want them to taste.
Mmmmmmmmm…. Waffles….. Your mind lingers. You can barely remember the last time you allowed yourself to indulge in waffles. You think to yourself, “Why don't I treat myself more?”
You look down at your feet. The sand is in the process of transforming into a grid of waffle. Waffles stretches out to the horizon in all directions. Now you stand in the middle of vast, gently rolling waffle dunes. You feel the spongy, grid–like texture under your bare feet.
Far in the distance, from high in the sky, pours a solitary stream of rich maple syrup. The syrup folds over itself. It floods valleys of waffle in a rich viscous amber, glossy like nail polish.
Now it starts to snow, but the air isn't cold. You hold out your hand to catch a few specks of white as they fall. These aren't snowflakes, this is powdered sugar! With a big grin you stick your tongue out into the air.
A large desert mouse hops along the ground, licking at a pool of maple syrup, oblivious to your presence. As your gaze fixates on it, your thoughts take hold of it. Your thought of a kangaroo morphs the mouse into a kangaroo without skipping a beat. Your thought of a bird causes the kangaroo to sprouts the wings of an eagle and a pillar of wind lifts it soaring into the clouds.
Suddenly a darkness looms over you – a vast shadow, moving from on high. A colossal fork and knife come down from the sky just in front of you. The silver slices through the landscape as prongs poke. The clouds part and you look up to see the God–like face of your six year old self wielding the silverware. Your six year old self has a huge grin across his face as he forks a syrupy hill of waffle and raises it toward his mouth.
Your six year old self's face morphs into that of your father when he was 6 years old. Then your mother when she was six years old. Then your brother when he was six years old. Morphing faster and faster, flipping like a Rolodex, the face goes through thousands, then millions of iterations… the faces of every six year old child who has ever eaten waffles.
Looking down at your feet you see an insect – some kind of beetle – lying there on the ground. It's dead but still colorful. You kneel down to pick it up. Its husk lays motionless in your hand. Inspecting it as though under a magnifying glass, you marvel at its beauty. Even in death you see the beauty of life. Especially in death. But what makes it all the more beautiful is your awareness that this creature is your own mind. How sad that this little creature is alive no more.
Suddenly you get an impossible idea. “Could it work?”, you say to yourself. You turn your gaze inward, to the white dial on the remote in your mind's eye. You crank it up. Your consciousness expands, interconnecting ever deeper with itself. Your visual field grows crystalline, as though all the air was sucked out of the atmosphere. Everything becomes sharp and bright – and eerily still. You focus intensely on the beetle. Your consciousness penetrates through its desiccated remains. Its body is your mind, and right now your mind demands a miracle. You channel your will into the beetle, filling it with your spirit and love. Then… nothing. Time slows to a crawl, reality seems to freeze in stasis. A few more moments of nothing, and then… the beetle's legs twitch to life. Your eyes grow wide. It starts to crawl over you. You blow into your hand and the beetle morphs into a luminous green moth that flits erratically up into the sky. You smile in disbelief at the miracle of your mind.
Standing there in the waffle dunes, you look down at your hands. Images start to run through your mind of animals you took fascination with as a child: monkeys, reptiles, birds, big wild cats, mollusks. As the images flip through your mind, the shape of your hands flips to match. Your hands morph into the hands of an ape, the claws of a dinosaur, the paws of a lion, the tentacles of an octopus. Puzzled and amused, you wonder to yourself, “What happening to me? What am I?”
Then it dawns on you: “Of course, I'm God. I am consciousness. I am imagining myself. I am whatever I conceive myself to be because there is nothing outside my endless Mind.”
Everything around you disappears: the landscape, the waffles, the rivers of syrup, the sky.
Now it's just you, floating in a bathtub in the middle of empty space.
Music starts to fill the silence of the void. A melody. It's fast, cheery, and delicate. Delightfully fast. Deliciously delicate. Ethereal. Like something from a fairytale. It's the sound of a piano but you're conscious that there is no piano. What are pianos but a figment of your imagination? “Where is it all coming from?”, you wonder. “And who's playing?” There is no instrument and no one is playing. There are no sound waves traveling to your ears. You have no ears. You're too conscious for ears. The chords are playing directly in your mind. The rest is fantasy.
You understand that musical instruments and the people who play them have always just been figments of your mind, a backstory you invented to provide some kind of ground for the irreducible mystery of sound. Your own mind is the pianist and the composer. You've eliminated the imaginary middleman. The notes arrange themselves playfully and intelligently in your mind like children frolicking on a playground. The speed and immediacy of it wows you. Direct. Absolutely direct. Impossibly direct. You play each note flawlessly, with the precision of a maestro. Each note oscillating and imprinting itself in the Mind of God. You smile in delight at the recognition of the splendor of your own mind.
You look down at your body. You are naked.
All sense of scale is lost. You aren't small, you aren't large – you are undefined – which makes you Cosmic. Your body is the only yardstick there is. Your body is the Universe. You see your body made of liquid consciousness. It shimmers and ripples along with the thoughts in your mind. Your skin flows with organic, translucent, morphing shapes, as though cast by a projector. Ornate shapes – vaguely resembling something tribal, something paisley, something floral – shimmer across your naked body. Each pattern imbued with a divine intelligence impossible to articulate, gracefully animating, dancing, meandering across your skin.
You recognize yourself as looking directly at the body of God. A body made of pure consciousness. It still looks human but it is no longer human, recontextualized as cosmic and divine. You see entire universes contained inside of you. Or whatever else you may imagine. An infinite diversity of animals and creatures seem to bubble up just underneath your skin, like particles struggling to emerge out of a roiling quantum foam. The pure potential of your mind is precipitating in front of your eyes in real time. God's body is made out of whatever you imagine. It looks human but shines with a brilliant, crystalline consciousness. Your body is Mind, and Mind is all you are. Absolute Mind. Absolute Truth. You recognize your consciousness as singular and sovereign. Nothing exists outside your Mind. Universal Mind. A mind limited by nothing but its own imagination and self–definition.
At long last God has awoken to itself. The Universe is awake, looking through your eyes at itself. Perfect, Divine, Eternal, Immortal, Absolute, Sublime.
You turn your gaze directly inwards, directly behind and inside your eyes – right into the core of what you used to consider your skull – wondering what is there, what you truly are. You gaze into the very heart of yourself, your purest essence. A radiant singularity sits there. Shining with crystal clear consciousness. Glowing with sentience and intelligence. Eternally awake.
Pure Infinity. Pure Consciousness. The Godhead.
This singularity in you is endless. The deeper you gaze into yourself the deeper it goes, with no bottom, no ground. You struggle to find something within you to define yourself as – some concrete form, some verbal articulation, some image. But you cannot be defined because you are Unlimited. That which is Unlimited cannot have a definition because any definition would be a limit. Your essence is literally undefined, like the result of an impossible arithmetical operation on a calculator.
Puzzled and dumbstruck, you try to find a beginning to yourself. You ask, “But where did I come from?”, only to realize that that which is Unlimited cannot have a beginning or an end. You are too conscious to be fooled into believing in any beginnings or ends. As you grasp at any part of yourself and try to trace its origin through a chain of linear causation back into the past, it fails. Your consciousness has transcended the notion of linear causation. You realize all past is but a figment of your imagination. Every part of you stands on its own and also reaches infinitely far back into the imaginary past via an endless chain of imaginary causes that never terminates but circles back around in a cosmic strange loop. All beginnings and ends are imaginary, self–imposed limitations held within an Unlimited Mind. A Mind with no beginning or end. A Mind that has existed for Eternity. You are God, and God is both uncaused, self–caused, and infinitely caused. God is that which caused itself into being. God is that which created itself.
The recognition of your own Eternity takes your breath away. It could not be more profound. Eternity. You exist, absolute and forever as Truth itself. It couldn't be any other way. It couldn't be any more obvious. It's so perfectly clear yet utterly unbelievable.
It's laughably obvious now that science and history are figments of your Mind. Brains, chemistry, evolution, physics, time – all fictions spun by the Mind to construct the illusion of a mind–independent reality. Now you see reality for exactly what it's always been: an Absolute Illusion. An illusion perfectly designed to allow you to forget for a second that you are God. The illusion is perfect, stretching forever in any direction you look, painting a backstory behind every corner you peak around, every hole you stick your head into, every object you sniff – much like the rendering engine of a video game.
You're still dreaming, but now you know it. Now your dream is Absolute. You watch as your God–mind effortlessly weaves together figments of consciousness into the tapestry you used to call a human self. Everything and everyone is your imagination, emanating from the bottomless singularity at the center of your imaginary skull. Your mind pulls whole chunks of consciousness from the formless singularity like a magician pulling rabbits out of his hat. Specific and highly detailed memories of your childhood, your entire mother, your entire father, your beloved pet cat, historical events like WW2 – all figments of consciousness pulled out of a hat and flawlessly woven together to construct the illusion of a human life. The Earth, the physical universe, humanity itself is finally seen for what it truly is, just figments in a dream. Jesus, The Buddha, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, gurus and masters, all those years you spent meditating and doing yoga, activating your chakras, reading books, chasing enlightenment – just figments within God's Mind.
Finally you reach the question of death. What is death? You smile and laugh as you realize that death is just something you're imagining. You are now too conscious to die. An Infinite Mind cannot die because it'd have to imagine its own non–existence. An Infinite Mind has nowhere to go, being already in all times and places.
As your consciousness grows even deeper the difference between things starts to collapses. All difference is seen to be imaginary. Forms merge into each other, losing their distinctness in the brilliant light of pure consciousness. All boundaries bleed together. You feel like an alien super–intelligence cutting through an existential fog of war. The veil of ignorance is lifted. It feels like awakening from a lifetime of heavy amnesia. Everything within reality that could be known becomes transparent to you. Now you remember who you are. The entire illusion of life is unraveled.
As you grow even more conscious, your visual field starts to develop into a singularity. Your visual field merges with your auditory field and your tactile field until there is no more difference between sight, sound, and touch. Growing even more conscious, the last vestiges of difference collapse. Consciousness frees itself of all self–imposed limits and biases, accelerating asymptotically towards pure Oneness. You release the heavy burden of existing by way of concrete and finite forms.
From this point, should you dare to take one final step, you will enter pure INFINITY, where all form is lost, as no difference exists between anything – where all things exist as a soup of pure metaphysical potential. All things become identical. Every possible object, every possible form lives there. But it's Nothing. Now you must confront existence as pure abstraction. Your truest identity, your highest nature is finally revealed. What are you? Nothing the human mind can imagine. A metaphysical singularity of pure consciousness extending forever in all directions and all dimensions, absolutely sovereign, unconstrained by any sense of other. Every difference annihilates into a bottomless ocean of Infinite Love. Absolute Unity. Absolute Symmetry. Complete, Perfect, Eternal, Formless, Endless.
The Alpha and the Omega. Identity itself. You have become ONE. You have become LOVE. You have reached the end–game of reality.
You radiate as a void of infinite potential. Complete in your knowledge of yourself.
MagicSpiral Dynamics - Stage Purple
"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth." - African Proverb
Credit to Model Developers: Leo Gura acknowledges the work of Claire Graves, Don Beck, and Christopher Cowan in developing the Spiral Dynamics model and uses resources like the website https://spiraldynamicsintegral.nl/en/ and the book "Spiral Dynamics" for information. Overview of Spiral Dynamics: It's a model tracing the evolution of culture and psychology over time, focusing on both individual and collective progression. Each stage represents advanced forms of culture, a set of values, and an increase in consciousness and complexity. Image 1 Stage Purple - Tribal Society: Represents mankind's earliest way of life as a clan or tribe, focusing on communal survival where individual needs are secondary to that of the group. Marked by the lack of advanced rationality, science, or technology, resulting in a mystical, nature-reverent viewpoint. Individual vs. Tribal Identity: Modern individualistic ideologies are contrasted against the collectivist identity of Stage Purple. Survival was based on tribal coexistence rather than individualistic efforts, reflecting deep interdependence. When Stage Purple Emerged: It traces back to approximately a million years ago, evolving from primitive social structures seen in ancestors like chimpanzees and bonobos who lived in social groups rather than alone. Social Learning in Early Childhood: From early childhood, humans are socialized into tribal dynamics through experiences in schools and playgrounds, learning to navigate interpersonal relationships and group politics. Family Unit and Social Expansion: Stage Purple naturally extends the family unit into larger tribal structures comprising multiple families with complex social intertwining, emphasizing communal responsibility over personal advancement. Importance of Tribe in Purple Stage: Leo emphasizes the critical role of the tribe in shaping one's life and identity. The tribe's well-being trumps individual desires, with survival hinging on the success of the communal group. Tribe Dynamics in Stage Purple: Stage Purple social organization is likened to an extended familial structure, where tribal members interact with the intimacy and cooperative spirit similar to a family unit. The tribe functions as a cohesive team, essential for survival, with defined roles and shared responsibilities not unlike managing a household on a larger scale. Values and Customs in Stage Purple: Honor, humility, self-sacrifice, and a strong adherence to ancestral customs are core to Stage Purple. The tribe's rituals, taboos, and ceremonies are followed without question, and life gains additional meaning through these communal activities, setting the stage for a culture that extends beyond mere survival. Stage Purple's Relationship with Nature and Mysticism: A harmonious relationship with nature and the mystic realm is vital in Stage Purple. The culture is imbued with magical thinking, attributing great significance to rites of passage, sacred objects, and places, as well as traditional artistic expressions like music and dance. Memory and Tradition in Stage Purple: Oral tradition is central to maintaining the tribe's collective memory and history, as writing systems are absent. Myths and stories, passed down with little alteration, serve as the tribe’s repository of knowledge and guidance for survival in a world where scientific understanding is nonexistent. Survival Dependence on Ancestral Wisdom in Stage Purple: Survival at this stage is precarious and heavily reliant on ancestral wisdom. Traditions and customs are rigorously preserved because they have been tested through time, and deviation might result in lethal consequences, emphasizing the deep reverence for elders and their accumulated knowledge. Interdependence and Spiritual Beliefs in Stage Purple: Stage Purple places a premium on reciprocity and cooperative interdependence, often invoking curses and blessings to manage the tribe's welfare and protect against perceived evils. Psychic phenomena and astral experiences are also valued for their perceived connection to survival and knowledge. Stage Purple Societal Structure: Predominantly hunter-gatherer in nature, Stage Purple societies are tightly knit, with rigid and implicit social rules that dictate everything from food to communication. Fixed social roles ensure the stability of the tribal structure, with each member understanding their place and function within the group. Communal Child Rearing in Stage Purple: Children are raised by the entire village or tribe, not just the mother and father. This communal approach to child rearing helps socialize children better than in modern societies where they often grow up isolated before starting school. Concept of Collective Property in Stage Purple: Rather than individual ownership, property and resources are shared within the community. This includes housing and food, creating a natural insurance policy and maximizing survival efficiency. Gender-Based Division of Labor in Stage Purple Society: A clear division of labor exists, where women typically handle cooking, sewing, or gathering, and men take on hunting and defense roles. This division often extends to social roles and expectations. Significance of Fertile Women in Stage Purple: Women are highly valued for their reproductive role and often have many children, expecting high infant mortality rates. Fertility and the ability to produce offspring are central to the tribe's survival. Stage Purple's Social Prioritization Over Productivity: Social bonds are valued far above material productivity, often leading to conflicts with the business-focused mindset of Western cultures where schedules and efficiency are prioritized. In-group and Out-group Dynamics in Stage Purple: A strong tribal identity creates an intense division between 'us' and 'them', leading to tribal conflicts, blood feuds, and even ethnic cleansing when differing tribe traditions and beliefs clash. Natural Attitude Towards Sexuality in Stage Purple Cultures: Sex is viewed as a natural part of life, without the repressions seen in later stages that emphasize morality, such as Stage Blue. Marriage and Sexuality Norms in Stage Purple: Arranged marriages are common, and daughters are often sold at a young age to the highest bidder for a dowry, reflecting the stage's practical approach to survival and reproduction. Leadership in Stage Purple Cultures: The chieftain serves as a wise elder, facilitating and guiding the tribe without seeking personal gain, contrasting with the later authoritarian leadership styles of Stage Red. Individual Sacrifice for the Tribe: Stage Purple emphasizes the need for individual sacrifice to ensure the survival and well-being of the tribe, often manifesting in the willingness to subsume personal desires for the collective good. Reverence of Natural Phenomena in Stage Purple: The elements of nature—stars, sun, water, etc.—are crucial for survival and deeply revered, often attributed to various spirits in an animistic belief system. Understanding Mystical Cause and Effect in Stage Purple: Without a scientific framework, cause and effect are understood through a mystical lens, as with shamans performing rain dances to bring about rain for the crops. Pre-scientific understanding in Stage Purple: Stage Purple lacks knowledge of scientific concepts like chemical reactions, molecules, electricity, and even basic weather phenomena. The world around them is shrouded in mystery, and perceived as magical, and causes and effects are often explained through superstition. Role of superstition and taboo: Superstitious beliefs are prevalent in Stage Purple, where breaking taboos is thought to bring bad luck or disaster. Simple events, like encountering a black cat or breaking a mirror, are imbued with significant consequences. Intuitive and right-brained dominance: This stage is identified with right-brained, intuitive, and feeling-oriented cognition. Without formal education systems, people rely on gut instinct and emotional attachment to navigate their environment, which can be surprisingly effective in non-scientific contexts. Mystical perception of nature: Stage Purple blurs the line between reality and imagination, resulting in animistic spirituality where every element of nature, from trees to rivers, is believed to possess a life force and intentionality that must be revered and sometimes appeased to ensure survival. Cyclical sense of time: Time is perceived in cycles, marked by natural events such as the phases of the sun and moon, rather than in a linear fashion. This cyclical pattern is deeply connected to farming and survival strategies. Origins of major religions: The animistic and polytheistic beliefs prevalent in Stage Purple are the foundations from which major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism emerged. Over time, these beliefs were systematized and modified to form the orthodox monotheistic religions of today. Cultural practices and artifacts: Stage Purple is rich in folklore, songs, crafts, and arts compensating for the lack of a written language. These cultural expressions are sometimes mysterious or strange to outsiders but can be sophisticated and beautiful. Magic and ritual in daily life: The everyday life in Stage Purple culture includes a variety of magical practices like witchcraft, shamanism, totems, omens, and fertility symbols. Such traditions are essential to the community’s cohesion and survival. Environmental awareness in Stage Purple: Though Stage Purple cultures appear environmentally conscious due to their closeness to nature, their impact on the environment is minimal compared to modern societies with advanced technology. True environmental consciousness that understands the broader impact of human actions emerges at more advanced levels of development. Cultural consciousness and adaptability: In Stage Purple, culture is not seen as a changeable social construct but as a fixed reality, which limits the capacity to critically reflect on or adapt cultural practices when environmental or social conditions change. Challenges of Stage Purple: Stage Purple struggles with handling diversity, alternative worldviews, belief systems, and cultures. Its closed-mindedness and rigidity lead to conflict, battle, and an inability to adapt when exposed to new perspectives. Attachment to Tradition: There's a strong attachment to traditional ways of living in Stage Purple. The world view is narrow, making it difficult to imagine alternative lifestyles or viewpoints. Inability to Adapt: Stage Purple's ultimate downfall is its inability to adapt to changing life conditions. With a static environment for millennia, rapid changes like climate shifts, new diseases, and advanced technologies severely challenge these tribes. Examples of Stage Purple: Notable examples include the indigenous cultures of the Amazon, African tribes, Indonesian tribes, Native American tribes like the Comanche and Lakota, and traditional cultures in the Middle East like those in Afghanistan and rural Hawaii. Influence of Stage Purple on Modern Spirituality: Stage Purple spirituality can be seen influencing more modern movements like Stage Green, which draws from tribal wisdom such as organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and a communal way of living. Psychedelic usage also has roots in tribal medicines. Representation of Stage Purple in Popular Culture: Stage Purple is depicted in various works of popular culture, including Carlos Castaneda's "Don Juan" books, the Na'vi in James Cameron's Avatar, the game Legend of Zelda, and movies like Medicine Man. These showcase a mixture of naivety and mystical wisdom characteristic of Stage Purple. Cultural Fragmentation in Stage Purple: The fragmentation seen in India, with numerous languages and subcultures, is indicative of Stage Purple's limitations in unifying for modern advancement. Resistance to adopting a common language slows down cultural and economic development. Impact of Isolation in Stage Purple: The isolated existence of Stage Purple societies is threatened by modern world changes. Tribes' inability to keep up with advancements leads to their downfall, as seen with environmental changes and new technology like aircraft disturbing their isolated life. Suicide Bombing as Stage Purple Dynamic: Suicide bombing can be viewed through the lens of Stage Purple dynamics, showing the extreme extent of tribal sacrifice for one's group in parts of the Middle East and in historical contexts like kamikaze pilots in WWII. Ritualistic and Spiritual Practices in Stage Purple: Stage Purple is heavily characterized by ritualistic and animistic practices, such as chanting, drumming, and using herbal medicine like ayurveda and acupuncture. They also partake in psychoactive plants and substances during ceremonies, such as ayahuasca, peyote, salvia divinorum, magic mushrooms, datura, and iboga, often as rites of passage. Physical Traditions and Mystical Beliefs in Stage Purple: The stage includes physical traditions such as tribal tattoos seen in Maori culture and odd mating rituals, historically recorded in the Philippines, epitomizing the stage's mystical and traditional approach to life activities. Superstitions like the evil eye, magical healers, and ancient burial grounds also play a significant role. Purple Stage Symbols and Superstitions: Folk tales, fairy tales, secret handshakes, and symbolic ceremonies reflect Stage Purple's rich mythical culture. Modern remnants of this stage's thinking are seen in superstitions like knocking on wood, the rabbit’s foot, and observances like Halloween. Asian cultures retain symbols like fortune cookies and the Maneki Neko cat, which are descendants of purple-level superstitions. Purple's Presence in Modern Environments: Even modern small businesses and startup work environments can mimic the dynamics of a Stage Purple society, fostering a family-like atmosphere among team members. The sacredness of trees, the circle of life, and wisdom found in books like "The Four Agreements" and "The Alchemist" also derive from Stage Purple spiritual traditions. Societal Expressions of Stage Purple: Various social expressions—such as proverbs 'Blood is thicker than water', honoring ancestors, and resistance to changing established traditions—demonstrate the broad influence of Stage Purple within communities. Triggers for Stage Purple Individuals: Individuals at this stage are triggered by disrespect to tradition, elders, and spirits, as well as by selfishness, arrogance, greed, and ambition. They are resistant to changes, including innovations and new ideas, and struggle with accepting different cultures and customs that conflict with their traditional ways. Unhealthy Aspects of Purple Stage: Some of the downsides include tribalism leading to warfare, ethnic cleansing, and difficulties in adapting to external changes, such as technological advances. Isolationism and a narrow worldview are major limitations of this stage, which can lead to an inability to evolve as needed by the changing external conditions. Consequences of Resisting Change: Reflecting on the plight of Native American tribes against modern Westernization, Leo highlights the struggle of Purple-stage communities to adapt to technology and different cultural influences. This resistance can result in losing a sense of purpose and contributes to societal issues such as alcoholism and high crime rates on reservations. Overly Traditional and Superstitious Nature: Stage Purple can be overly traditional, conservative, and superstitious, demonstrating a preference for magical thinking over rationality. This can pose a barrier to understanding natural phenomena scientifically and pragmatically. Integrating Stage Purple Wisdom: Leo suggests that while aspects of Stage Purple may seem outdated, significant spiritual wisdom can be mined from its traditions. He encourages integration of Purple's positive elements into modern practices, such as neo-shamanism and the rediscovery of ancient spiritual texts, which can be therapeutic and insightful for personal growth. Resistance to innovation in Stage Purple: Stage Purple often resists new technologies like synthetic psychedelics, which can be seen as a rejection of tools that could enhance enlightenment and personal growth. Criticism of new spiritual technologies: Traditional spiritual practitioners may criticize methods like the use of psychedelics, failing to recognize the potential benefits of such technology for achieving enlightenment or healing quicker than traditional methods. Stage Purple's limited influence and decline: With only about 10% of the global adult population and minimal world influence, Stage Purple is becoming outdated due to its inability to adapt and innovate, likened to a "dinosaur" stage of development. Stage Purple's communal governance: The governance in Stage Purple is akin to small-scale communism, where resources are distributed based on need within a council of elders, without formal legal systems, markets, military, or taxation. Relevance of Stage Purple to Stage Green: Stage Green looks back at Stage Purple's communal living and tries to scale up its gift economy to a global level, addressing the shortcomings of rampant capitalism. Lessons learned from Stage Purple: Individuals raised in modern society may lack understanding of communal living, social skills, and nature connection; revisiting Stage Purple can cover these developmental gaps and enhance one's fulfillment. Building Social Bonds and Combating Alienation: Emphasizes the importance of socialization, which can alleviate feelings of isolation, depression, and social anxiety, and highlights the issues caused by inadequate social skills. Communal Nature of Humans: Underscores the fact that humans are deeply communal and need to focus on the wellbeing of the whole community, not just individual gains. Importance of Sacrifice for Community: Suggests that understanding Stage Purple can help people see taxation and community contribution positively rather than theft. Life Beyond Material Profit: Promotes the idea that social bonds and communal wellbeing might be more rewarding than material possessions. Value of Nature and Emotional Connections: Encourages living harmoniously with nature, connecting with emotions, and relying more on intuition than logic. Psychedelics as Modern Medicines: Acknowledges the potential of psychedelics, inherited from Stage Purple, for deep healing and personal development. Spirituality, Mysticism, and Psychic Powers: Suggests taking spirituality, mysticism, and psychic powers seriously, as they can profoundly improve the quality of life and offer real benefits. Embracing Simplicity and Wisdom: Recommends slowing down, living a simpler life, and seeking the wisdom of elders and ancient traditions for a more fulfilling life. Organic Wholesome Diet: Advocates for a natural, wholesome, and organic diet, which can help prevent modern diseases and health conditions. Transition to More Advanced Stages: Encourages individuals to develop ambition, question tradition, and expand worldviews to transcend Stage Purple and embrace newer solutions in evolving societies. Health Benefits of Traditional Diets: Traditional diets of our ancestors, which were high quality, organic, and grass-fed, contrast sharply with modern toxic diets that contribute to disorders like eczema and autoimmune diseases. Adopting aspects of this traditional eating can lead to better health and improved living. How to Transcend Stage Purple: For those few who may still be at Stage Purple, moving forward requires developing personal ambition, leading towards Stage Red. It also entails questioning and letting go of tradition and magical thinking, exposing oneself to a broader range of world cultures, and adopting more rational, strategic, and scientific thinking. The Dual Nature of Stage Purple: Although Stage Purple can seem primitive by modern standards, there exists a wealth of wisdom within this stage. It is neither good nor bad but has both healthy and unhealthy aspects that should be understood, respected, and integrated or avoided accordingly. Resources for Understanding Stage Purple: There are books, videos, and documentaries available that explore Stage Purple cultures and traditions, which can be valuable for personal and spiritual growth. Resources such as Actualized.org’s blog, life purpose course, and book list offer insights into this stage and the overall Spiral Dynamics model. Sequential Development through the Stages: One cannot skip stages when evolving through Spiral Dynamics. After Stage Purple, one must experience and develop through Stage Red, then Blue, before progressing to higher stages like Green. Application of Spiral Dynamics: Future content by Leo Gura will focus on applying the Spiral Dynamics model to real-world situations such as politics, society, and individual growth, emphasizing practical benefits and integration of the model into various aspects of life. Building a Foundation in Lower Stages: Many individuals overlook the importance of foundational stages like Purple, Red, and Blue. Developing qualities such as assertiveness, courage, self-discipline, and work ethic embodied in these stages is crucial for overall growth and avoiding issues such as social alienation, inability to maintain employment, and poor health habits. Personal Development as a Lifelong Endeavor: Personal development is a long-term journey that should be pursued with excitement and passion. Utilizing Leo Gura as a meta-source for advanced, integrative guidance while seeking out practical advice in fitness, nutrition, finances, etc., from other experts, creates a holistic approach to optimizing life in all facets. Recognizing Your Potential: The ultimate goal of personal development work is to realize and embrace one's vast potential as a human being. This requires dedication, discipline, and seriousness, treating life as an ongoing project and a work of art to contribute positively to the broader global community. Continuing Journey with Actualized.org: Leo Gura assures continued guidance on personal development, not only focusing on advanced spiritual and metaphysical concepts but also connecting them with practical aspects to form a cohesive and ambitious vision for one's life potential.
Awakening and the Criminal Misunderstanding of Biblical Meaning
Awakening and the Criminal Misunderstanding of Biblical MeaningFirst Post I'm making here on the Forum. This Discussion should tie into the following interests of this particular branch of the Forum.
Self-Actualization, Self-Improvement Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Nonduality, Meditation, Mindfulness Mysticism, Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Paranormal, Channeling, Chakras, etc. Discussing & Sharing Spiritual Techniques Perhaps I should give a bit of background of myself before I begin the topic. I was brought up in a pretty regular kind of Christianity, pretty chill, on the spectrum of types of Christians. I went to Christian Summer camps at times, attended a Christian private school for a couple years, and had/have a fair amount of relative invested in the Christian World as it generally is. As I got older, my time in public school brought me into contact with *gasp* nonbelievers, atheist's, nay! infidels, that challenged shook my belief a bit. I begin to question, look for answers online, watch online debates. I found Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Watching the debates resulted in a sobering disillusionment in what I thought was true. Now I was an athiest! My mind unshackled by dogma and ignorance, muahahaha! (I was rather cocky whatever my views, it would seem). I attended Christian Bible studies in college and critiqued the book and beliefs that had no sense or evidence to them... yadayadayada, time went on, but Sam Harris's interest in spirituality and meditation opened a new door, that would lead to something else. My interest in meditation put me in some spiritualish lanes of information, Alan Watts, for one, a delightful discovery. I don't know if I was really just interested in the strongest conceptual club (as in weapon) I could wield, but I suppose Watts, others, and to great technical definition, Leo, changed my understanding of God. From worshipping God, laughing at the notion of God, to, apparently being God/rebecoming myself as God, aye-yaiyai! Neville Goddard's writing, it would turn out, led me to a new understanding of the Bible and connected it to the other consciousness work I was involved in.
I hope that this background info will create the understanding that I am not dogmatic about this matter or allegiant to Christianity in particular, and that this matter can be relevant to everyone, regardless of familiarity with the book, believer, former Christian, atheist, former atheist, buddhist or what have you (perhaps it can even help the God realized O_O?)
Hello my fellow explorers and guardians of consciousness, over the last, two? years, I've come across actual comprehension of what the stories in the Bible, to a large degree are about, and was wondering how widespread the truth and ignorance of the Bible are spread in this time and place. From what I gather, for something of its impact in this time, the Bible may be the most misunderstood thing on this Earth. This may be a larger problem of the symbolism of religion being reduced to its surface feature by most of its adherents, but, from the little I've seen, and if I may risk being hyperbolic, it appears that. . .
heh, phew, I really need to get this off my mind, so if you would be so kind as to help me get the lay of the land here, can you share your understanding of what we now know of the Bible is all about.
I'm mainly interested in the ahistorical meaning the parables are meant to convey, which are all related to mechanics of consciousness and the mind, from what I've gathered of Neville Goddard's analyses as well as the talk of mythologist Bill Donahue. If you want to include historical and other facets of it, or even insights into other myths/parables of other religions, such as Odin, the Bhagavad Gita, Greek Myth, go ahead! (Even nursery rhymes or more humble sources could be included)
Depending on what answers are given here, I may be compelled to go on an endless tirade into elucidating the richness of those long forgotten secrets, unearthing them into the glaring light of day once more!
I'll make a list, and we can discuss the symbolism of these different, famous tales, and if they have any relevance to the consciousness work/interest of the good members of this forum and all that good ol' Awakening jazz
Things/Stories in what is now the Bible: (feel free to give your analysis, interpretation, or what have you)
Eden (This includes a lot of stuff, such as what is the Garden, what is/who is Adam, the serpent, Eve, the two trees, the two fruits of the trees, and the Fall out of Paradise) What's up with Cain and Abel What is the meaning of Noah's Ark and the Flood Sodom and Gomorrah Joseph, of the Coat of Many Colors The Exodus Story, who is Moses, who is Pharoah, and what is it all about? Very comparable to the Bhagavad Gita, methinks. Desert stuff... What is the Ark of the Covenant? David and Goliath (and all the subsequent David narrative if you prefer, David does a lot o' stuff) (Elvis Singing)Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came atumblin' down (favorite of mine) What's all the miraculous births about? The whole trifecta of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has a lot to it (in particular, Isaac's vs Ishmael's birth, the fight for old blind Isaac's blessing between Jacob and Esau) oh! and the often puzzling story of Job and his ordeal New Testament
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Who is he, what is he, what the hecks he talkin bout, what do his miracles mean/represent. What is the Cross, what is the Manger, what is the Virgin Mary, what's up with the fish, bread and wine, the walkin' on water, and the Disciples. Was it historical, what relevance does it have to me and you, and the biggee, What is the Crucifixion (what is the Cross?) and the Resurrection. Lot's of Jesus stuff available to discuss. (Odd observation in the similarity between Odin and Christ in parts, it seems they share deeper aspects. An irony, given the historical hate between the two faiths. *Bonus content, Misc. New Testament stuff, Paul n' stuff Revelations O_O (not too deep into this, tell me if you got any insight here) Major Themes (Please chime in on these)
What is the Biblical God? Why does it introduce itself as "I AM that I AM"?
PRAYER*!!! What is prayer, why do it, does it work, how to do it properly, prayer! prayer! prayer! Huge insights available when you realize what Prayer is about
Bonus Points
Numerology in the scriptures (I'm sure you could easily remember several numbers that come up again and again in the Bible, I was surprised at the system in place for this, finally find out what 666 means! :O! o~ooooh! Spooky!)
Astrology mentions in the Bible
Historical Origins (Tail end, tangential topic)
Discuss how the Bible stories stole their wisdom from Egypt and Zoroastrianism, myths and all!
In closing, what is the Bible? Is it important, especially to you in your modern, non desert life? What's it about? Can we get any use out of it? Does it have anything to do with other thing we talk about here at Actualized.org? Find out Next Time, on the Next Exciting Episode of Dragon Ball Z !!!
is Christianity true ?
is Christianity true ?Christianity is literally a personality cult.
Just because you can fool yourselves into believing it doesn't mean it's good for you.
This Is How Most Females View "Looks" On A Man
This Is How Most Females View "Looks" On A Man@Princess Arabia
There was a study done a while back on male and female differences in attraction. Found that on average females need to feel and hear a man's voice first, second is the overall muscular look but for women very important to hear and feel. For males on average the looks, the visual is what attracts them to females, so unfortunately yes the curvaceous the better, especially around parts of the body that shows more likelihood of bearing more offspring.
I'm happy that I will die
I'm happy that I will dieI'm happy that one day my life will come to an end. This is not because I don't like living; In fact, I am very grateful to be alive. I'm happy that I will die because it gives me the freedom to live. It makes life meaningful.
Can you imagine? Being a human forever? Imagine time stretching on forever. Imagine the universe being such that your life is started at an arbitrary point in time, but somehow never ending. At that point, why create, why love, why live? In the end, everything will come to pass. Your body would be finite in size, but infinite in time. Shouldn't you do the "important" things first? You'll have time for fun later. Shouldn't you get comfortable first? It doesn't matter in the end.
When I think about all the struggles I will have in life, all of the suffering I go though, all the progress I will make, all the beautiful things I will see for the first time, it makes me happy there is an end. All the world tells me to work hard in school so I can get a good job, work hard at that job so I can have a comfortable retirement, then simply do nothing for the remainder of my life. I think they forgot that I'm a dying man, and I have nothing to lose. At the end, all will be washed away. Any amount of comfort, money, or success will be for nothing.
Because I will die, I am free. I am free to live a meaningful life, and justified in prioritizing the things that matter. I get to spend my days with my loved ones because I know they will not be around forever. I get to devote myself to something meaningful and creative because I only need enough money to get by. There is no such thing as security, no such thing as safety, no such thing as comfort. Only distraction. Before death, we are all naked.
How can anyone take anything from me? I don't have anything they can take. All of it is effectively already gone. I'm just borrowing it.
How can anyone hurt me? I have effectively already paid the ultimate price.
Because of death, my gratitude for life is genuine and immense.
Suffering is the best teacher
Suffering is the best teacherWow thanks for this post. I really needed this words
Can knowledge ever be in relationship with Truth, Universe, God?
Can knowledge ever be in relationship with Truth, Universe, God?Knowledge is an illusion caused by the ability of imagination to extend its complexity infinitely in any direction you look.
Can knowledge ever be in relationship with Truth, Universe, God?
Can knowledge ever be in relationship with Truth, Universe, God?This is a brilliant question, really really good. In fact, it's such a good question that just by asking it I can tell that your a real one. Because this question is inevitable for a true seeker to stumble across. And I have the perfect analogy. As far as I'm aware...when Leo and other powerful teachers talk about the inability for knowledge to give you an actual experience with God can be compared to how gaining knowledge *about* a girl isn't the same as knowing her by having hardcore sex with her. It's a different depth of knowing. It's not learned information, it's a spontaneous explosion of actuality.
In the nondual sense now, you can get theoretical directions and good concepts (which are required) but it's always key to remember that it's not information that is real awakening, it's a spontaneous explosion of actuality. Of course the mind doesn't know how to do that, because it's not the one doing it. It's more like letting go of doing it. Like entering a trance. It's all about Identity. Instead of trying to know something, directly identify who or what it is that is knowing in the first place and don't resist. Eventually it should feel like a trance as opposed to a school class...a shift in energy and perception like a trip. Knowledge isn't bad. Having more knowledge isn't bad. Instead of trying to get rid of knowledge (not needed) allow infinitely more knowledge to pour into your mind and just allow it to become translucent and see through it. Knowledge and theory will still be highly advantageous even after enlightenment. The world in which we live may not be physical but it has rules and laws at this point in time. It's not a sin to remember how this world works and get better at working with it.)
Another phenomenon that I experience and I suspect Leo and others experience is this weird mind palace effect. I've no doubt it comes with the ever increasing visualisation oriented "figuring out" of reality style that I feel comes with deeper awareness. Leo's said before that he can't remember the majority of the stuff he teaches us...this is a cool phenomenon. He is speaking from direct spirit. Looking at the vast depths of Leo's knowledge, or some knowledge of my own you would think "how the fuck does a person remember this" but it's not exactly remembered. It's more like instead of putting information in your mind, your mastering your awareness of the systematic structure of the mind itself and speaking without thinking...it's such a super power because it literally feels like someone is sitting beside you at all times giving you all the information you need to be successful in every single situation. It feels like it's not even me typing this right now.
1 John 2:27 Bible "But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know..."
The True Dangers of Leo Gura
The True Dangers of Leo GuraLol always gotta wrap a point around “me” ? what a joke dude. Kinda funny how this whole point went from how concerned you were about the repercussions of what Leo is saying into some spiritual dick measuring contest.
Lets get one thing straight dude. There is no historical evidence that Christ ever even existed as a historical person. None. There are rumors and stories about potentially going to India near Kashmir and practiced yoga and that’s really about it. Not even the Gnostics take Jesus to be a historical person but rather as an archetypal figure. There is no doubt that many Christians have revelatory experiences like “Born again expirences” which are a sort of kensho/satori or even just Arising & Passing Away experience. The very narcissistic way in which you arrogantly are emphasizing “I” in all of these statements is just like an emperor walking around completely unaware he’s completely naked. It’s just silly.
I don’t agree with Leo’s stance on psychedelics and his arrogance (which I appreciate he owns as it’s a common thing for very intellectual people, myself included in that) can get a little redundant in my opinion. That said, mystical experiences (which are not enlightenment) that are interpreted at ethnocentric Christian stages of development are not only doing the world no favor in that, it’s also shooting itself in the foot as they fail to adapt and acknowledge the genuine legitimacy found in all traditions, lineages, and paths. Christ or God for many traditionalist Christians is just an indoctrinated mental form that becomes the basis of ones super ego that often become so repressive and detrimental to one’s mental health and sanity that it becomes utterly toxic. There is no doubt some legitimacy for those that have had some revelatory experience, which is why I can sympathize on why they don’t want to give that up. That said, Christians don’t have it all together. As obvious that really should be this day in age for those living in the modern world.
The reality is though, there is no God or Christ that is other than you. If you think you’re still separate from Christ’s Consciousness, you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s just more forms for your mind to hold onto.
Also, regarding your comment on jerking off. Do you realize the states in say the United States that the states have the highest rates of porn addiction are always states that tend to represent Christianity the most? UTAH, those Mormon mofos that wear the undergarments that look like they belonged to Benjamin Franklin’s grandmother that go on cult missions to preach the teachings of Jesus to people in third world countries and say “Ah FUDGE!” instead of “fuck” are the one’s that beat it off the most. Other states right behind them are Bible Belt states like Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, etc. At least Leo is honest about jerking off rather than being some enlightened guy that teaches brahmacharya and, when the cameras are not rolling, are sexually abusing their students just like what goes on in many Christian churches where pastors eat 9 year choir boy cock for breakfast. Give me a break dude.
The True Dangers of Leo Gura
The True Dangers of Leo GuraExpecting Leo to be on the level of Christ is a misunderstanding of the role Leo should play in your life. Actualized.org is not a religion, Leo is not a spiritual master nor claims to be; he shares insights that either resonate or don't. Actualized.org should be one of many, MANY, sources of information you're learning from. So yes, the teachings of Christianity can play an intimate role with facilitating awakenings, but so can Zen, Theravada, Advaita Vedanta, Neo-Advaita, Islam, Judaism, Daoism, etc. The mistake would be to think Christianity is suddenly THE ANSWER because you've had a few awakenings.
Oh I completely agree Christ is way more powerful than what's typically on this forum, but if you're creating a duality out of you and Christ, out of God and World, you misunderstand God, you misunderstand Christ. God is this moment, God is this forum, God is the source of your soul, YOU are God, the emptiness out of which experience is constantly arising and passing into moment by moment is God, the experience that arises out of and passes back into emptiness is God. To think Jesus is somehow your savior is to mistakenly believe there is someone to be saved. You are no one. Jesus was no one. You are the whole of reality pretending it is someone that may or may not be saved.
Heaven is this present moment. Heaven and Earth are one in the same. When the Buddha became enlightened under the Bodhi tree he realized Heaven. All mystical traditions point towards the same truth brother.
I only say all this to say... Just don't let yourself fall into the illusions of contemporary Christianity. You are God. You are Jesus. Just because you don't resonate with Leo, that does not mean he is dangerous or that we need saving from Jesus.
I was outside meditating today staring into the sky. My heart spontaneously exploded in ecstatic compassion for the suffering of all beings and I weeped for the grace, salvation, and perfection of the world. There was only God and not once did Christ cross my mind. He is not needed, only your own direct experience of what you are. Much love man.
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?Fundamentalist Christianity is an egoic bastardization of the original teachings of Jesus. Just as with eastern spirituality, there have been mystics within Christianity (St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, Meister Eckhart, etc.) who saw beyond the ceremonies, idols, and tenets to the God within that they symbolized.
Nothing you say will make a difference until people are ready to realize the truth. When they are ready, the letters inscribed in the bible will burn until only the spaciousness of wisdom that they try to represent remains.
You are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
- Psalm 82:6
Be still, and know that I am God.
- Psalm 46:10
The light of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light.
- Matthew 6:22
The kingdom of God comes not with observation: Neither will they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
- Luke 17:20-22
Edit: @Razard86 Just read your post and realized that you already cited some of these gems
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?You can't its not on you, its on them. If you want to do an experiment read them this verse and watch them squirm.
Now go have some fun as they squirm around and try to find reasons to tell you that you are wrong.
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?
Why is it so hard for Christians to see that they are God?they have most difficulty believing a perfect God is capable of committing atrocious evil and devilry.
it's really quite simple. perfection does not equal imperfection. if they fall short of perfection, they are not god.
they don't leave room to beg any questions in that regard.
could I ask you a perfectly reversed question as a Christian would perceive it? it's the diametrical question that keeps them where they are.
why is it so hard for sinners to see they are sinners? why is so hard for sinners to stay in sight that they are sinners?
for the same reason it is hard to see one is God all day long
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.You have been taught a very poor, shallow version of Christianity. If you actually make an effort to study serious mystical esoteric Christianity you will realize that Christianity means You are God.
It's that simple.
But the Christianity you were taught was just dogma and nonsense spoken by people who never actually had direct experience of God. They didn't know what they were teaching.
As Jesus told you, the kindgom of heaven is within. What that means is is that you are God, if you go deep within.
You need to question and desconstruct every ideas humans told you about God and spirituality. Question everything until you discard all ideas. Then you will be left with raw direct experience or pure consciousness. That's the real God. CONSCIOUSNESS IS GOD. And all ideas about it are irrelevant.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.The reason you believe Satan is a external person is the same reason you believed in Santa Clause as a kid. Its also the same reason every fundamental religious person of any religion blindly believes there story book is literally true. They where told it very young and they never questioned it seriously. People are Muslim because they where born in a Muslim family, no other reason, you are Christian because you where born into a Christian environment (no other reason). Its a very simple origin story.
The reason you no longer believe in santa clause is because everyone around you made it socially acceptable to stop believing in it. It was illogical AND others agreed. In the case of religion its illogical AND others disagree. So your not getting social validation and have deep fear because of it.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.This is basically Descartes' evil demon, but with the theme of christianity, or so I intuit. Popular philosophical conundrum.
There is nothing literal about your interpretation of "666". I could put up "666" on my wall right now and it wouldn't mean I'm a follower of Satan. YOU could put up "666" on your wall, and it would mean nothing. Your local christian pastor could put "666" on his wall and it would mean nothing.
But, you fear these numbers because of dogma and fantastical thinking. Actually, the extent of this thinking reminds me of schizophrenia, although I understand it has probably been drilled into you through no fault of your own.
Ultimately, you don't know. You're just assuming. And, you can assume anything you want, even things that make you really fearful and paranoid. Such is the nature of mind.
Anyways, my advice to you is to just build a really good and solid epistemology by watching Leo's videos. Your epistemology is like a firewall that screens out maladaptive ideologies. You need to be able to accurately discern what is ideological bullshit and what isn't.
You need to create a genuine inquiry: What do I know for sure? What do I know that is 100% true? Latch on to that.
FOLLOW THROUGH WITH ALL YOUR QUESTIONS: What if Satan is powerful? What if he ISN'T powerful? How do I know Satan even exists? What does it even mean for something to exist? How do I know something doesn't exist? Why am I assuming the worst scenario? <<< Like this
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.
Someone please talk Christianity out of me.The bible is a book of metaphors, stories that convey wisdom or teaching in a memorable way just like kids story books.
Hell and Heaven taken literally is a place you go to if your good or bad after death. Interpreted metaphorically (and more consciously) it is a state of mind. Most people are living in hell right now on earth, they are miserable about everything, drowning in desire and endless expectations causing suffering, its only when you let go of desire and your selfish ego do you reach the state heaven. To be in heaven is a state of mind you can reach right now, its not a physical place. Christianity and all religions are books guiding people towards enlightenment but because of the low level of development of the average person the message goes way over there heads.
The devil and Satan is a metaphor for YOU! Your selfishness is the devil, your distinction between good and bad is devilry, your self-deception is devilry.
This video will cleanse your soul.
What happens after death?
What happens after death?@Illusory Self All of your questions are questions I was deeply interested in as well. I spent many years exploring them. I will share some of what I discovered and was able to verify through direct experience. Take what resonates with you. I always recommend everyone do the work themselves and verify what is truth. These are important subjects. You should never blindly accept information.
Most people upon what we call "physical death" will find themselves in another level of the dream with a physical form. In a reality almost identical to the reality they just left. Often so similar, many times they won't even know they have died. They will have to "Die" many more times to reach the godhead or absolute.
Yes, you are eternal consciousness. You will be exploring different ways of expressing and experiencing yourself forever. Time in the same way doesn't exist outside of this earth reality. So you can't put a timeframe on how long it will be before you choose to focus into another physical incarnation. If that is something you decide you want to do.
As I said earlier, most will not be in universal oneness without form after death because of the linear theme of evolution they are exploring. No one assigns a form or identity. You choose based on what you want to explore next.
Very common.
It depends on what reality you decide to focus into. Different realties have different rule sets to offer unique experiences. This earth experience is one of extreme limitation and forgetting who you are.