Daniel Balan

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Everything posted by Daniel Balan

  1. I thread very carefully every interaction with humans, I am always on guard when it comes to my physical safety! In the village I live I've only encountered all my life stage red individuals and I am treating every interaction with extreme caution. That's why I am the happiest at night, because I am alone and I feel a deep sense of serenity. When I'm all by myself. I've never needed anyone to be happy all I ever wanted is the serenity of the nightsky!
  2. @Leo Gura He died on the 17th of October 2023! Roughly 15 months ago!
  3. I deeply thank you and all the other forum members for the heart felt advice! Thank you and I wish everyone peace!
  4. @Leo Gura please give your opinion on what I highlighted above! Have I gone totally overboard with the nihilist bandwagon which I totally assume being true, but I feel like in the quote above is a kernel of truth, what do you think? Is what I contemplated totally wrong?
  5. It's not just this situation, this situation was like the final nail in the coffin of my world view. I began shaping this worldview 5 years ago when I started to realize what mankind is really about, And as time passed I got more and more radicalized in that aspect. I stopped trusting humans long before this event. But this event had nailed the last nail in my worldview. I go about my life as nothing has changed, but genuinely I could never trust humans ever. I even thought of not even staring a family because I don't want to perpetuate this illness called mankind for this beautiful planet. I love this planet so much, I wouldn't want to hurt mother nature any longer...
  6. And above all, what this makes it so brutally heart-wrecking is that he waited for me for 2 days to come home to greet me for one last time... he waited with his body totally destroyed from within just to kiss me one last goodbye.... I will never forget him! Goodbye forever!
  7. I believe that we can learn from literally everyone some valuable nuggets of information, The thing is to be able to personally discern the good bits of information from the bad bits of information. But personally I believe that we should stay away from sources that promote discrimination, hatred, or selfishness and big ego. But your question is one that I personally couldn't find a perfect answer even with a lifetime of contemplation on this question. It is really tricky. And the answer isn't the same for everyone.
  8. @ryoko Undeniably there are good people. But even good people are evil. I've noticed that within myself, I sometimes have evil thoughts, like the thoughts I have when I experience injustice or devilry. I have thoughts of annihilating people that wrong others, which in turn makes me just as evil as those I condemn for being evil. If I see so much evil within myself, how could I ever trust another human ever again? And believe me I try my hardest everyday to live as just and fair to other beings as possible. My relation with all humans hasn't changed since my dog was slaughtered with poison, I talk to everybody, I behave with everyone, but whenever I see a human, I see them in my mind as the devils they are, even when I look in the mirror, I almost can see the crooked teeth and horns. The only time I feel at peace is when I am walking at night beholding the sky. The night's firmament is pure therapy to me. I feel like I fly through the universe when I behold the sky! I wish I could become one with the nightsky.
  9. I was the man of the house since 7 years old since my grandpa died, and I've buried more than 10 dogs until I buried my angel, and I've never been affected for more than a few hours, the previous dogs died to illness or they been hit by a car, I've understood that it is part of life! But I've cried my eyes out when I wrote the above post and I almost never cry , and it's been almost a year and a half since my dog was murdered. Something about the brutality of the scene made me view all humans , including myself as devils walking and raping the earth! To me only a horrific devil could have put the poison in the meat with full discernment of the brutality of the death that will ensue. The scene of brutal fight for survival that my dog had in it's final minutes... it lasted like 10 minutes and as he shed tears as he died, he looked into my eyes the whole time.... and the moment he gave his last breath and how his eyes froze while shedding one last tear..... That image will forever haunt me. That day made me realize that there is something extremely horrifyingly devilish and evil within the human race. It made me realize that man was created in the image of the devil, not in the image of God. I made the rationale in my mind that all humans have at their core some identic DNA structure that defines us as a species, and therefore everyone is related to one another, and as a consequence if one individual had in their psyche so much horrific evil to brutally exterminate a little harmless dog , then in my theory given the fact that I believe that we all share a common DNA, everyone could have done the same given the chance. Sure that devil mercilessly slaughtered with poison my dog just because he barked when he passed by my house, for others the threshold that would push them to do the same would have been raised higher. I mean look what happened in the Holocaust, that we as a species still kill each other for fun after 200.000 years of evolution. In my mind mankind is a cancer, sometimes I wish that I wasn't born. All of those thoughts I shared here with you are as a result of very deep contemplation of all the events that I experienced since I was born. I am not stating that they are correct, but that is the conclusion I have arrived after all the nights of contemplation.
  10. There is more to it, on October the 17th 2023, my dog died in my hands. I loved that dog more than I loved my gf or even myself, his name was Bursucu, The Badger in english, he was glued to me wherever I went, We wandered together sometimes for trips as long as 20 km at night, he always did some playful tricks with his body that no other dog I had did, I never had a dog like that, when I looked into his eyes he was such a angel like being. He always jumped over the fence and barked at the ones who passed by on the road in front of my house, and people all the time threw rocks at him, tried to kick him with their feet, he just barked when someone passed by my house and as soon they passed the perimeter of my propriety he stopped barking, he didn't bite just bark! Once I almost had a brawl with 3 dudes who threw stones at him and tried to kick him in the head with the foot, because I shouted at them to leave my dog alone! But one day someone decided to murder my dog and threw few pieces of meat with rat poison in them, the dog ate them with 4 days before he died, I saw that on the cctv but I couldn't recognize who it was because It was from a distance. I saw that footage only after the dog died. I observed that with one day prior to his death that he wasn't as energic as he once was, but I didn't gave it too much thought. And as I came home from work, I see him with tears in his eyes, and he jumped in my hands and he kisses my hand, and as I go into the house to change my clothes he looks very sad to me as I walk. After 5 minutes I changed my clothes and I go outside, and I see him violently vomiting and shivering and moving uncontrollably, he vomited all the rat poison that the had in his stomach, he was moving like a snake in all directions and moving his body parts like crazy, he had such a violent death as he gave his last breath my tears were dropping over his body and I told him that He always was there to protect me, but for one time he needed my protection and I failed him, all I had to do is protect his angel soul from the devils and I failed. The images of my dog struggling to fight the poison that has destroyed his body, while he cried as he gave his last breath in my hands, he fought so hard to survive, I saw it in his eyes how hard he tried to stay alive as he saw me crying too. I will never forget that day, If someone has that much evil in his soul to be able to kill a little dog with such a brutal and painful death... To me this exact moment made me realize that mankind is a race that should have never existed on this planet, a race of pure evil and the embodiment of the most heinous devil. we as humans are a cancer on this planet. So that is why I decided that I will never have friends again, I will be civil and respectful to everyone, but I will never trust anyone with anything ever and I will try to stay as far away from humans as possible. The little time I have here left, I will wander at night the prairies I once walked with my angel beholding the night and contemplating about a reality that will forever haunt me.
  11. About the solitude blog post. That is hands down my favourite blog post ever. For the first time I can claim that I've had that insight before Leo. I'm 24 and for the past 5 years I decided to never have friends again. I was extremely social till 20, I've been to clubs, to all kind of parties, at one point I had over 50 friends that I communicated almost daily. We hung out in large groups all the time. But I realized that all of them were extremely selfish, and that humans are the embodiment of the devil. I decided to have 0 friends in order to protect myself, because I saw that they could harm me, EG. trying to steal my girlfriend, trying to steal stuff from my house, trying to scam me of money by lending them, and never paying me back. etc, also because I realized that I have so much fun alone, I always wander at night on the countryside roads beholding the stars, and talking with myself. I realized that the best companionship is that of myself, I love thinking about the universe, about constelations, about nature, about God! Alone I realized also what God is. To me God is Gaia , the mother nature, it encompasses everything, everything I see and I hear and I smell and I feel is God! and that I am a small leaf in the universe that is also part of God. I don't close myself in a closet, I wander at night and looking at the firmament, I contemplate every night for hours about everything, I had such deep conversations with myself that I couldn't ever have with another human. I would never have friends again. I am highly social when I am in society for work and such, but in my free time I am wandering at night to the edge of the firmament.
  12. Also Europe is so fortunate geography - wise. So many warm water ports, so much fertile land. We have to appreciate it. But the climate is changing, severe draughts have hit hard on eastern Europe, Low rainfall. The land is prone to desertification now. I bet that mankind has had decisive negative impact on this regard. I hate mankind so much. We are clearly very very evil on regards of how we treat the environment. I think that if Terra had one wish to come true that wish would imply that mankind would completely vanish off the earth.
  13. I disagree! That way you allow for piracy. And therefore renders your work valueless if you allow everybody to download it on their machine. It only takes one bad person to spread it all online for free or for a reduced price.
  14. @Leo Gura Hey Leo! I have to make you aware that the videos on your blog posts also are not working. Take a look. I wanted to watch this video from a 2018 blog post about how you started your business and it says that that video doesn't exist. Also about the video you done on why you deleted the solipsism video. https://www.actualized.org/insights/how-i-started-my-first-business?fbclid=IwY2xjawIEaOJleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHXgcHJEh_La9v4TPPEq5ywWeWwyXY45NhrreSjXELkqzfVsEEBsyG9FMlw_aem_Sn2pBFMtmiHFW_lsJI6vjg https://www.actualized.org/insights/explaining-take-down-new-awakening
  15. You should do a video on this topic as a follow up to How to avoid getting scammed, but this time in the lines of, how to avoid getting corrupted and captured by the social media matrix. How to distinguish between higher sources of information versus lower ones. I've watched your video on lower and higher perspectives and honestly next time I went on social media I couldn't discern between epistemic pervertry and high sources of information, based on the intel I gathered from watching that video! Especially if the Right Wing pundits have class and are very clever and sneaky on how they talk and manipulate the average viewer. The video you should do should ultimately make us 100% of the time be able to discern between BS and genuine sources of information. After watching that video we should be 100% full proofed against epistemic pervertry.
  16. People here take this forum for granted. They post everything it comes to mind without thinking that their replies could actually cause harm to others. Even if someone is a "Pussy" as Noself said you won't make that user be more masculine by talking like a jerk to him. We should try to be more understanding of others. Me personally if I think I can't help somebody I keep my mouth shut.
  17. Hey @Leo Gura please respond to this! It is really important to me! It helps me clarify misunderstandings in my worldview. Please!
  18. Right now all my friends and family have been sold on the populist bandwagon. I'm in the center left politics wise. And when it comes to voting in an election, I can't convince anyone to vote for the most spirally developed candidate. As a Romanian, we had elections on 24 November 2024, that the Constitutional Court cancelled, In Romania there is a 2 round election system. If from all the candidates no one gets get in the first round 50%+1 of the votes then the elections progress in the second round where it is a grand finale between the first 2 placed candidates. And the court forfeited the elections because a populist candidate Calin Georgescu whom is a far right populist(Imagine Trump on steroids) won the elections. The court used the Russian Interference reason for cancelling the elections. And we have to redo the elections on May 2025. But the thing is that this candidate used short form tik toks to stir the most sympathy and in those tik toks he basically said everything Trump says. Leo once said in a blog post that we should become a candle. By that meaning that we should not sit passively and allow devilry, but we should what is in our power to shed light in the places that have become cloaked in the darkness. The question is, How do I convince someone to vote for a centrist left candidate, here there was a lady like Kamala Harris, very hollow and sometimes she is unprepared on geopolitical minutiae, but she is very kind hearted and as a current mayor of a small city she transformed that city from the ground up in a positive way. But my friends tell me that she is a "bimbo" and "Stupid" and that she is a "marionette of Soros and Ursula von der Leyen" and that she will make everyone gay and transgender" They prefer this ultra degenerate Trump like figure because he promises BS populist greatness. Exactly like Trump but far more worse. You can't even imagine how "Great" Trump is compared to this guy. I couldn't convince even my parents to vote against this lunatic, they said that she is weak and pathetic and she is not with the Church. Therefore they loved this Trump like guy because all the priests were lobbying for him and that he said the word God every 10 words. Please I feel powerless and I have no counter arguments against people that are mesmerized by RW populists. I feel like I could spent 10 days straight trying to explain that this lady was a good choice and they'd still dismiss my points by saying that I've been paid by woke globalists to do lobbying for this lady. If @Leo Gura sees this I would like him to do a blog posts on how to counter this group think madness. How do you take one away from the group think? How do I get someone out of this Right Wing ideology? I feel so powerless..
  19. But what caused this world wide inflation? It is severely felt here on Europe! I don't think that the Biden-Harris administration is directly responsible for it. Or were they? Please make me understand if Biden-Harris is at fault for the inflation in the US especially! What caused that inflation, what did the Biden admin do wrong in that regard? What could the Biden admin have done better to combat inflation? I have no idea.
  20. You could be right since I abhor religion with all my being. I loathe it so much! Probably that is why I also hate Musk, Trump, Jones and Rogan.
  21. I don't drink because I realized that only red neck, highly uneducated, hooligans drink heavily. And I want to be as far away as possible from such individuals.
  22. @Thought Art We are all wrong. Yet some are more wrong than others. And even yet, everyone is right when it comes to their own survival. What makes one survive is therefore correct from their POV.
  23. @Alexop Thanks for the responses! It made me very happy to share thoughts with you! Thank you for the advice!
  24. Alekseev! To me he is the @Leo Gura of music!