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Everything posted by cle103

  1. Hey ya'll! I'm looking for new Podcasts to dive into. Would love to hear your recommendations! Here are my ideal criteria: From or with artists, who are currently doing it. Not interested in marketers talking about the creative process. Longform Insightful, not just shit talking Edgy and raw, not too polished, not PC Could also imagine listening to someone talking about strategy (Chess, StarCraft, strategy in general) In short: Not too intellectual perspectives by people on top of their game I love the old Rogan episodes (Post Malone, Paul Stamets, Rick Rubin, ...) but I just can't listen to the current ones. Also cannot endure Lex's nihilistic moaning. Cheers!
  2. @something_else that's the move! Honestly, can't really go wrong when it's Carneval. Your friends will know where to go. If you want something bit more alternative - less drunk guys singing - I personally love Odonien. It's a techno club, bit more gritty, artsy and underground. Went there once during Carneval at night and had a great time. It's a bit druggy tho, just a heads up.
  3. What city and what kind of music are you into? Edit: Sorry thought you were the OP. Let me know if you need recommendations in Berlin/Cologne haha
  4. This is something I've recently noticed in my art as well. Some, maybe most of my works are hiding behind depicting objects accurately rather than doing something truly unique, fluid and rhythmic. Don't want to derail this thread, but have you found ways to develop and improve taste? Personally, I'm trying to curate my inputs the best I can and I try to make them as high quality as possible (everything from food to media).
  5. Love the practical insights/recommendations and mini guides (like the plugging guide, opener list, link to the RO system...). Also the personal updates were neat! I check the blog like every two days.
  6. I get the feeling of "getting a cold" quite frequently as my immune system isn't the greatest genetically (ever since I was a child) and I go out quite a bit. The main thing I found to be a game changer is Zinc (higher dosage, do not take on an empty stomach unless you want to be nauseous af). Also Beta Glucan and L-Glutathione. If you get the first symptoms N-Acetyl-Cysteine is amazing. Vitamin C and D3 probably don't hurt but aren't really proven to help in this context unless you're deficient. Although, I also take high dose D3 + K2 if I get the feeling. Andrew Huberman did a great episode on this topic:
  7. One of my best daytime approaches was me going up to a girl without anything in mind, complete blank, present. I tried it as an experiment bc. I was in the flow, hanging out with some buddies doing approaches and talking shit. I stopped her, said "Hey!" and looked at her for a split second, smiling. Then I said "Fuck, I love your nose piercing" (which I had just noticed). She lit up, then we had a great talk, exchanged numbers and dated after that. Edit: Just saw you're talking about night time. In my experience it's the same there. Spontaneous works best but I (at least) have to work up to get into the flow of doing things with some standard openers. On the dance floor I often ask for her name, then take her hand as if I were to shake it and then start dancing with her. Or off the dance floor something like "Ayy, what's up?" followed by improvisation. There are most likely better openers but it's more about getting into the flow of things. These are just my experiences. I'm still learning, so take with a grain of salt 😉
  8. @Leo Gura Is it possible to have a proper conversation with them in or do you take them out whilst talking? My head always feels buzzy after going out so I'm definitely jumping on the wagon.
  9. @Leo Gura Got it! Haven't been tripping in over a year and currently chickening around it... some of those experiences were a bit hairy.
  10. @Leo Gura From your experiences, do you have any pointers on how to do that (other than conscious relaxation/focussing on the breath)?
  11. I'm an artist. At least I aim to be. Problem is, creativity comes and goes. There are weeks where I rarely paint. So this goes out to my fellow creative folk: Do you force yourself to sit and create? Even if you're uninspired and tired? Or do you let creativity come to you as it will? Where is the balance? - In my personal experience the best ideas come from an outside stimulus which then sparks a connection inside the mind and an idea forms in a flash. For me it's most common during or after psychedelic experiences. God has the best ideas after all. Moreover it feels like creativity is a state of mind/consciousness. I've also made other distinctions and observations but as I'm in a bit of rut right now I'm open to suggestions haha
  12. @D2sage that's the spirit! Just not suitable for everyday life, unfortunately. Yeah that judgement is tricky to say the least. I think I'm more on the procrastination side of things right now. @Twega just started listening. Amazing so far, thanks for the recommend! I remember two distinct moments which sparked creativity like none other: One was on the peak of an LSD trip where I was flooded with the most amazing imagery begging to be painted. It felt like tapping into infinite Creativity and it was one of the best feelings and experiences of my life. It was so effortless and abundant that everyday consciousness just doesn't come close to it. I feel that this is part of the problem. I know what's possible but this dimension of Creativity feels "locked". The other instant was during the aftermath of a different psychedelic experience. I was sitting and journaling in a local park when I saw a small bird hanging upside down from a branch, cracking open a nut or seed. My consciousness instantly recognized the beauty and the need to paint and share it. Both were distinctly external influences/perceptions which sparked an instant, complete idea. I say "external" because there was no active thinking or figuring out. It was a sort of insight received in a state of complete openness. Like you suggested, I don't want to rely on psychedelics to tap into Creativity (haven't tripped in over a year partly because of that) - it just seems like the help a lot ?
  13. I'm wondering if there is more to it than that. Is this the way great art is created? By following a rigorous regiment?
  14. I microdose mushrooms every once in a while. Whenever I do, that day and the 1-2 following ones are simply amazing. I'd like to do it more often but I'm worried about developing a psychological addiction. As in getting used to the new normal of constant microdosing (even if it's 1 day on, 2 days off) and not being able to stop. I don't have an addictive personality and never been hooked on anything but still... A similar thing happened to a guy I know, who can't get off Nootropics bc. he depends on them for job performance. Don't want that happening. Would love to hear your experiences on mid to long term microdosing!
  15. @Giulio Bevilacqua big no no. Buddy of mine tried ordering some 5meo from Canada. It got caught at customs and he got a letter saying he should come and claim his order (what would be proof for them that he actually ordered the substance and make him liable). He ignored it and nothing happened but I'd still advice against this if you're in Europe.
  16. Thanks ya'll! Gonna give it a go for a while.
  17. Had to...
  18. Hey guys, I'm in my mid 20's and not a single male in my family has hair to speak of. So I know where this is going. I also know that I can do something about it (Finasteride, Minoxidil, Ketoconazol) - and now would be the time to take action. I'm unsure if I should pull the trigger. Side effects seem rare but substantial. I'd really like to keep my hair but it's hard to weigh the pro's and con's. Main motivation is honestly dating opportunities as I'm single. What are your thoughts (and experiences with those meds if you have them)? Cheers!
  19. About a year ago I had to give a talk to about 20 customers via Zoom. I didn't think much of it as I was never really afraid of giving talks or the like. However, in this case I just froze. I tried to suppress the panic that arose but I couldn't get a full sentence out. One of my coworkers saved the intro and after about 5 minutes I was fine and able to continue. Ever since then I get anxious about giving a talk or leading meetings. I struggle to get words out for the first couple of minutes and then I'm fine again. This is unpleasant, annoying and I can sense that I'm avoiding these situations. I know that I can only really get over the fear by facing it but it's really difficult to just "feel the fear" when you have to perform. If anyone has insights or experiences regarding this, please let me know! - Cheers