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Everything posted by cle103

  1. @Psyche_92 Yeah, it will evolve for sure... Thx!
  2. @Psyche_92 Hmm... thanks for the suggestion. Certainly better than jerking around at ground zero. Not sure if I want to base my life on that
  3. Lol, yes. Yeah, that could be some deep-seated limiting belief but I was also playing a litte devils advocate with my own purpose and it was how I was feeling in the moment (stuck). Thanks for your suggestions! I see both paths as valid as well. I just don't want to be "the next guy sharing his thoughts in front of a camera", which is def. a limiting belief. And I also don't want to "just be the business guy" (which I don't have to be). However even then I'm still stuck between
  4. @YaNanNallari Yes for sure, one will get in trouble when chakras are out of balance and you open up your navel chakra. I was just wondering if a complete opening is necessary or if it's enough if you can just have the pleasant feeling before awakening the kundalini.
  5. Hey guys, I wanted to provide some infos that might be helpful or at least interesting for anyone considering kundalini/chakras as a path towards personal development and awakening. Preface: I chose to focus on chakras cause in my last three mushroom trips they were a prevalent topic. On my last trip I had an opening of my throat chakra which felt like fucking gold fish was swimming vividly in my throat (not pleasant). Since then I noticed how effective chakra work can be for personal development. Example: After my throat chakra opened, I had much less problems with communicating. Especially in the domain of my Life Purpose, which was beautiful. Since then I went on to work on my heart chakra as its the most important one to work on (as pointed out in one of the books on Leo's booklist). I realized how much "real love" was lacking from my life. I consider myself pretty rational and more of an emotional ice cube, but that cracked me up... Loving Kindness meditation is HUGE. I am now much more vulnerable. I feel alive. I get affected by other ppls emotions. When I see homeless men I almost feel like crying cause I feel so sorry for them. Heck, I even I cried because I sensed the suffering of my mother after texting with her. Also the solar plexus chakra works great for confidence and overall well being. Strongly recommended. I think it's quite amazing what effects chakras have on ones personal development. It seems to speed things up alot. Some of my double standards and lies got pointed out to me pretty damn harshly and evoked quite a bit of pain. The kind of pain that makes you not do this shit again... Now let me sneek in some questions for the ones of you who have some experience in this domain: I feel like I made a lot of progress in the last months, however I also feel super tired. I get between 7 and 8 hours on a week night, my diet is clean and on point, I do Yoga daily and I hit the gym 4 times/week. However in the late afternoon I get tired as shit. I then take a 15 minute nap which makes things a little better but after dinner I am pretty much done. Like no energy left. Does anyone have suggestions for that? Also, I never opened a chakra "sober" I only get a pleasant feeling and then the effects show in my life which is awesome, however did anyone of you open a chakra whilst "regular practise"? If so, how? And is it a necessity in order to reach a kundalini awakening? Also what are your favorite techniques for chakras? I do the standard visualizing and so on, but I also heard that singing and sounds work well, however I have no experience on that and I don't want to waste to much time as my energy is limited. Thanks in advance. Much Love and have a great day!
  6. I was just messing around, the shroom god was a joke (although it would be dope)
  7. Hey guys, ever since my last shroom trip I have encountered some number of "paranormal experiences" (I've wrote about them here). However over the last days shit got to 100 real quick... Here is what happened: On my trip I had a period toward the peak where I was just asking questions like "what should I do with my life?" or toward the end "What should I do when I'm afraid of failure?"... and on a trip you typically get some answers. And I got them as well. Hard to describe but they seemed to come from some sort of "god" or entity. I got answers like "DO IT" and I perceived it like it was earth shattering thunder. Like the sort of answer where ppl. from the middle ages (or today) fall to their knees and beg for mercy because they don't want to piss god off. That was the trip experience. Nothing fancy and I had much crazier stuff happen... HOWEVER... A couple nights ago I got up in the middle of the night to go pee. When I layed back down and fell asleep I woke up a couple minutes or so after because I had the feeling that "something" was hovering above me. And then "it" began to talk to me the same way like on my trip. It can't really remember what it said but it had something to do with dying. Lol. I was scared shitless. After that (1 min maybe) I tried to NOT fall asleep because I was so afraid. I tried to think of random shit like business and websites in order to keep me awake. However a couple minutes later I fell asleep. That seemed to have pissed the shroom god off... because then it felt like my body was flipped and turned upside down violently. I was fully aware, but I don't think my body moved. I was to scared to open my eyes. Man. And the night before yesterday it happened again, however this time without communication or flipping. It was just the sound that was there (also in the middle of the night). The sound is like a bineural beat. You know when it gets really intense and just hammers... Has anyone ANY clue what the fuck that is? I hope I didn't piss off the shroom god, but I could image that I got turned into some different frequency. Maybe some other realm like an astral realm... it probably has sth. to do with sleep cause that shit doesn't happen in daylight (yet). I know it sounds nuts, I wouldn't belief that shit myself. If anyone has some thoughts I'll be glad to hear them. - Cheers
  8. Yes I had sth. similar happen as well. That ended up in a kind of astral projection but only for a couple seconds. P.S. The shroom god was just a joke (although it would be kind of awesome if there if he were out there haha Yes, however it happened laying on my back. I think glitches probably hits the nail on the head. No idea if it's true but it seems plausible that the brain is just an antenna for consciousness or whatever. And on a trip it's like someone giving it a wack. And then suddenly there are interferences and you can see new TV channels.
  9. Haha, I'm not afraid that he's gonna come down to earth and punish me for my misbehavior, it catches you off guard when it happens without psychedelics. And yes, I should probably do what he said I sleep on my side, however when it happened I layed on my back.
  10. Hi there, from my last mushroom trip I got the pretty clear message that I should focus more on enlightenment and I've been consistent with my inquiry ever since. However I've got the feeling that my "orientation" is not yet in line with what's most effective... Let me explain: I heard both Adyashanti and Leo talk about that in order to get your ass enlightened you have to come at it because you want Truth. Not just the "most happiness" stuff. Adya wrote in "Way of liberation" about how you really have to know WHY you're in this business. However if I ask myself this question, I really am in it to derive max. happiness. To be 100% honest, I don't REALLY give a fuck about Truth (most times). It seems to simple. I mean Truth is just what is. At least I think that on an conceptual level. Nevertheless I have periods in my inquiry and meditation when I really want to know. Especially when I remember my last trip, where I had a glimpse into the nature of creation and reality. Then I have a desire to grasp and understand it (good luck with that one). So if I had to sum up my question in simple terms, it would be: "How can I develop a desire for Truth and tap into the adequate motivation to get enlightened?" Side note: I've been meditating for about 2 years (average of one 1 hour/day), had one minor enlightenment experience just after I started and had 4 mushroom trips. Any thoughts are welcomed. - Cheers
  11. @Kserkkj Thanks alot. Yes, the conceptual "understanding" I got is quite a bitch haha. Gotta keep up with the mindfulness. @Leo Gura Thanks, that's encouraging.
  12. @LaucherJunge Yes, I'm pretty happy as well, but I guess that's part of the issue (or could be, not trying to get into a self fullfilling prophecy). When you look at how ppl. like Tolle, Adyashanti, Byron Katie got enlightened it was a full surrender out of suffering/disassociation from the self. Quite tricky...
  13. Yes, that's me most of the time. I think I have to grow some more or have some kind of shift in order to pursue Truth for truth's sake. The question is only how...
  14. @LaucherJunge Yes, my primary commitment is my happiness and well being, not yet Truth. I can feel it shifting from time to time when inquiry is deep, but it's not yet nearly strong enough (I would think). How would you go about changing and shifting?
  15. @Nahm Yes, of course it's a belief prison. But currently I haven't really gotten into how I can get my ass out of there. Truth seems to simple, so I overlook it and mentally masturbate. And therefore I am stuck and don't take inquiry serious enough. What would you suggest?
  16. @BjarkeT Got that booking sitting on my desk... thanks for your suggestion, it's definetely on the reading list.
  17. Hi there, I have gone through the LP course until the definition of your purpose statement and I'm stuck... because I have multiple zones of genius (or so it seems) and I can't really decide on which one I'd like to commit to. Here is a quick overview: 1. Zone one: Drawing My whole life I drew. Sometimes liking it, sometimes only when my parents sent me to a art course. I have definetely talent here, as I won competitions as a kid and as a teenager. I still draw but it's more like I see something that inspires me and then I go full force until the picture is done (I mostly finish artwork in one sitting). It's quite like Leo describes in the "What is art?" video. It feels like Maya just uses my body as a medium to express itself and then leaves me behind with no inspiration at all after the picture is done. Then I can go months without drawing at all. 2. Cooking I love cooking and do it everyday. I'm good at it. Especially when making healthy, mostly vegan meals. My top value is health. And I'm interested in sustainability, what's the perfect diet and the craft of cooking (no big natural talent here, I just picked it up because I wanted to eat healthy as started lifting weights as a teenager). 3. Personal development: I love that stuff. I am passionate about psychedelics, meditation, enlightenment, yoga, astral projection, life mastery, ... Top values Health Self actualization (as meaning: making everything you do as art, especially your life) Spirituality (as meaning self realization and mindfullness) Honesty Focus Creativity Freedom Nature Calmness Contribution Strengths Caution and descretion Critical thinking Hard work and perseverance Self control and regulation Wisdom I feel like the most meaningful thing I can give/do is raise the consciousness of humanity (impact). And I feel that when I go with art this is not the most direct and impactful thing I could do (could be a limiting belief as well). With the cooking I could see myself doing videos, courses and workshops on the art of the craft and being mindful with what you eat, the effect it has on your body, sustainability, ... I can see how that could raise consciousness, but I can also see that it could be limiting, as I think the most direct way to raise consciousness is through spirituality. Personal development and "life mastery" could be with videos as well, as I see that in my country there is no such thing as "no B.S. spirituality" yet. And I think it's the most direct way to raise consciousness. As a side note: I have a background in online marketing, so I know quite some stuff on positioning and marketing which should come in handy and which is why I want to focus on bringing my purpose "online". Further: I thought about doing experiments. Like doing one piece of art or one video in a given week and then posting it online/... just to see if I like it. I also tried it but to be honest I always half-assed it as my job and spiritual practise takes up the majority of my time and energy. Do you think that this is the way to go? What would be some questions to get me going in the right direction? Any help and thoughts are much appreciated!
  18. @BjarkeT Could do that, that would be art. However not 100% comfortable with that yet. @mathieu Haha, yeah a psychedelic cooking show would be interesting to say the least... That's the thing with the strengths: I can't really see yet how they fit together.
  19. @BjarkeT That's what I'm trying to do here @Slade Yes, that's definetely in consideration. Gotta put a twist on it though. Thanks for your suggestion
  20. @sleeperstakes Thanks, the vision is pretty much there, even as the 3 things seem rather different, they all point to the same thing.
  21. @Toby Of course it's an ego trip. It's probably the ultimate distraction from enlightenment as you can delude yourself into thinking it's really meaningful. However, even if there's no meaning at all in the world, I can still create it. Furthermore, I don't want to live in a cave and do nothing after I'm enlightened. Your point is definetely valid that one should bring happiness into everything he/she does however I think one can do more with his life than working happily at Mc Donalds
  22. @The Monk Thanks. Easier said than done Don't want a "kinda nice job" but rather something I'm passionate about and that contributes in a meaningful way.
  23. Hi there, I wanted to share some of the weird shit that happened to me in the last months whilst sleeping/waking up in the middle of the night. If anyone can relate, I'd love to hear your comments... 1. Accidental astral projection So a couple of days ago I became conscious of one of my dreams. Then I suddenly thought to myself (half awake) "What if I let go like I've never done before?" So relaxed so hard that it felt like I was free falling. Then I awoke completely as my brain kicked into a minor panic, just to recognize that I'm lavitating a couple inches above ground... By then I was quite alarmed and my heart rate started ramping up. After a couple seconds I "fell down" into the shell of my body (that's what the sensation felt like). I think this might have been the beginning of an astral projection, however if one of you has further knowledge, please let me know. 2. Waking up from dreams That's just a minor one but whenever I have nightmares I can just recognize that "I don't want that to happen" and then I immediately wake up. 3. "The matrix" I had that a couple of times, when I woke up from a dream or a nightmare. When I open my eyes the whole scenery is overlayed with some kind of computer code looking stuff... It's like a transparent curtan with numbers and symbols running from top to bottom, just like the attached image. 4. Knocking That just happened once but freaked me out quite a bit. I awoke in the middle of the night just to hear a sound right next to my ear. It seemed like somebody was pounding his palm on the matrace a couple of times. That was freaky as fuck. I turned on the light but nothing was there... couldn't sleep very well that night to say the least. That were some of the things happening lately. I'm midly freaked out when they occur, but it's also an fascinating topic. If any of you had similar experiences or know what those phenomena are, please let me know (I wouldn't believe some that shit if it didn't happen to me). Cheers