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Everything posted by quantumspiral

  1. @Princess Arabia It would take a person who is actually motivated to understand what MBTI / ENTJ is less than 30 seconds to figure this out using Google.
  2. In some sense, this is why Mexico is preferable to many other Latin American countries from a security perspective. While plenty of minor crime happens, most of the violent crime is consolidated within cartels. Cartels have orders to not mess with gringos (although this is certainly not adhered to all the time)
  3. @Recursoinominado Which region / city are you referring to? Or are you speaking about the whole of Brazil? Even the South?
  4. @Schizophonia If you can't see why this is a terrible business move, you need to study business more- everything else aside. You're suggesting Leo sell his entire life's work to cash out and make $50k, which is far, far less than the money Leo has made so far (and will make in the future) using those videos as marketing for his Life Purpose course. Leo's video library is an incredible marketing asset which he could have actually monetized far more had he been inclined.
  5. Are there any games you consider worthy of investing time into? If so, what are some examples of games you've decided to play and what are your criteria for doing so? Of course, most people play video games unconsciously- just satisfying an addiction, escaping life and numbing themselves. However, I do believe there are some games that are so good it's worth making the conscious decision to invest time into them. I felt this way about Red Dead Redemption 2- the world is just so beautifully crafted and the game is just so polished all around. I feel this way about a game called Thrive too- an evolution simulation game where you control your organisms on a cellular level. This is because it ties into my LP which is all about understanding health / biology on the deepest levels of biochemistry / quantum mechanics.
  6. Some wise business advice from a recent graduate of the esteemed Hustler's University I presume?
  7. @Basman You could be right- it wouldn't take much for me to uninstall everything. I do not like how addicting games are. They can leave you with a frenetic energy after finishing, unlike the stillness you get from reading a book or doing something truly difficult in real life.
  8. @Yimpa PC master race
  9. @hyruga Interesting, they do have a negative impact on executive function however, which is a pretty big downside.
  10. @Hugo Oliveira Are there any regions you'd recommend avoiding completely? North East perhaps?
  11. Other great games for me are ones that have detailed recreations of certain periods of history- AC Origins is a good example. I'm chomping at the bit for any game set in Mesoamerica too- Aztec, Mayan, whatever- I'd play.
  12. @Phil King This looks incredible, added to my list! Thanks for sharing.
  13. I have to admit though the fact that there are still video essays and let's plays coming out the wazoo for RDR2, along with autistic levels of obsession for every tiny minutia of the game lore 6 years after release makes me cringe. Again, this isn't conscious investment but a symptom of escapism and a life devoid of meaning.
  14. @Juan If you can't see that this is a bit he's doing, I don't know what to tell you. There might have been something cultural here lost in translation if you're not a native speaker.
  15. @Lyubov Glad to hear it- which part of Brazil are you in?
  16. I believe a critical factor in becoming more disciplined is recognizing the distinct physiological state that allows you to be disciplined. The next time you exert discipline, become aware of your internal state. You will feel a 'sharpness' to it. In contrast to when you're undisciplined and lazy, you internal state has a 'softness' to it. The more you addict yourself to this sharp physiology of discipline, the easier it is to be disciplined.
  17. @Juan He's a meme in the sense that all his content is satirical. If that kind of content fires you up, more power to you.
  18. (Some) freedom from the technocratic control grid being installed across many countries is another advantage.
  19. You know this guy is a meme right? Like it's a shtick. It all comes from a completely different place to Goggins.
  20. I think this is an excess of orange, and perhaps a quintessential example of that specifically. Another quite comedic example is Justin Waller. He's literally so in love with himself it's quite humorous.
  21. @koops Enjoyed the fact you didn't 'intellectualize' it too much, which can be a trap for many fans of Actualized.org (myself included). It's time for me to integrate orange fully.
  22. @Ramanujan What is your passion? Surely now is the time to start building whatever it is that you've determined to be your life's purpose / passion? Why be so down about it? You'll most likely need to handle your financials by some other means while you pursue it of course. Late 20s / Early 30s is when most find their mission. I'm in the same boat. If you're having internal success in your alignment / vision, I wouldn't worry too much about your current lack of material success.