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Everything posted by AmandaPanda

  1. As a woman flirting with men but HIGHLY perceptive I almost always have to ask the man out. Then he tells me he wanted to and I’m like man I’m autistic I’m not good at sending out vibes I literally told you I’m a freak and want you to show me the red wines you like and you still thought I wanted to be just friends. Y’all are really doing the lord’s work on this thread because women want to get laid, and a lot of us don’t even need to be tricked into it. Although, as men are hunters by nature I get the vibe some of them enjoy the game more than the orgasm.
  2. As someone with two children it does make things easier and more secure, especially for lgbtq couples with adopted children. Speaking only from personal experience with this one. Both my own and others in my community. It doesn't matter in terms of raising them but it does help with legal matters if and likely when the relationship hits rocky ground.
  3. There are many other ways to pledge love and wrapping up your money and resources with someone is just not a good idea whatever the reason. Marriage is pushed out of tradition moreso than actual usefulness to anyone in today’s world.
  4. Wait didn’t you just say homosexuality is a sin, this seems contradictory… 🤔 As a woman, can Christ… satisfy me?
  5. As someone who was a child of poverty stricken hillbilly addicts, and subsequently the step-child to a South Korean father with a very different type of family this is very true. Neither is better or worse but if I hadn’t seen outside the small bubble of my family who knows if I’d still be believing I would go to hell for liking women. I had and still do struggle to unlearn the stupidity indoctrinated by that culture and any time I get too wrapped up in family stuff I spiral to lower consciousness thinking and survival responses. Idk how to link videos but “Socialization Makes You Stupid” is another great insight towards this subject.
  6. I understand that men are visual and want someone hot, but the lack of awareness about one’s own “hotness” (which is generally defined more by your hygiene and social status ability to provide, aka things that can be changed) is wild. The whole incel attitude is an instant pussy dehydrator. Like I am highly sought after in my area as an “attractive single” but I know I’m not gonna get into a relationship with a movie star looker because I’m not one. I want someone with matching stretch marks and acne scars that can give my flat foot a real good massage. I’m not out here ignoring reality or blaming others because I can’t get a rich man to pay my way or a hot chick to let me suckle her teet. Time to stop watching so much porn for some of y'all and grow up a bit. Also statistics are great but always skewed and remember “direct experience is king” 🩷🩷🙏
  7. Oh wow I watched this long ago but definitely going to rewatch.
  8. I like this, sugar is a hack I use unconsciously for comfort or quick calories, sugar is the hack I want to avoid!
  9. This is true, I lost 60 pounds and feel a lot healthier from cutting out as much processed as I could and quitting soda. I used to literally wonder how people lived without Mountain Dew or hot Cheetos and now I wonder how I ever “lived off” it.
  10. You said “may sound stupid” and then proceeded to give me a detailed and insightful response that challenged even my own nerdiness in ways that had my heart in palpitations. This made me want to rethink my “no-caffeine” stance. I quit a few months ago and am not sure yet if the benefits outweigh the potential risks yet.
  11. I don’t know who Ray Peat is or what androgenic means in the context of nutrition but I sure am thinking about haagen daaz and coffee wayyyy more than lemon water rn 🤔
  12. I feel like ice cream often comes around when I’m lonely. And as an introvert with an interest in enlightenment that feeling comes more than I’d care to admit. Note to self, becoming better versed in social life may lead to less sugar cravings. Good suggestion because it’s not “all or nothing”.
  13. I think I’m kind of stuck here. Being an intellectual person I always grasp on to “theories” and ideas and realize it’s a way of comforting myself but I have yet to transcend it. In fact I’ve been avoiding some actual work I could be doing today with these forums. But… im being forgiving of my own manic excitement because this community is the only place I can go currently for raw unfiltered interactions with people who’ve gone further than myself. In any case I’m sure once I reach higher levels of enlightenment it will show in my own ability to provide useful advice and discourse rather than random tangents on subjects that “trigger” something in me. 🙏🫶👁️🖤
  14. I’m not into hacks for my nutrition but my ice cream addiction has gone too far. I will try this and if anything I had some yummy lemon water 🤷‍♀️
  15. And I don’t want to hear about how women are interested in the rapists and that it’s their fault because while as adults it’s on us to find discernment, sociopaths make their living on tricking people and most of us don’t recognize that someone is a rapist until behind closed doors where they have all the benefit of the doubt and we have the societal belief that women accuse men falsely in droves just because we need attention and pity so badly.
  16. Also, this conversation seems to be lacking an acknowledgment of sexual trauma that many women experience. If you haven’t bothered to look into what that does to people, you may not understand a woman’s psychology because most of us would rather not speak on it and especially not with men because they will likely assume we are exaggerating or seeking attention rather than be a safe space. Some women aren’t being overdramatic about our physical responses to men. It’s a nervous system issue and knowing that can help alleviate some of this anger at women in general. I’ve had women ruin me psychologically but men have put my actual life liberty and the pursuit of happiness at risk. I take responsibility but you can’t fix that stuff overnight and if you want women to give you grace I advise you do the same. 🤔
  17. I’ve struggled with misogyny towards other women and my own self being one. It’s a feeling of resentment towards someone for doing what’s right for them because you wanted them to do what was right for you. Who’s to say she needed a healthy relationship at that time in her life, maybe she needed to learn. Women are interested in personal development and sometimes that comes through poor decision making. I empathized with fighting off those bitter feelings but also you can transcend your own need for other people and at a certain point it will actually come full circle and you can buld community or sexual relationships with women. Two things can be true at once, we can still be working through feelings we know are toxic at the core while managing our own behavior to reflect our ultimate values. I know a lot of yall think women just get what we want all the time but I’m not a super hot chick and this is coming from direct perspective of a former “femcel”. A very niche psychology in a way… If I can get women to like me without money or a big dick I swear anyone can do it because I’m a nerd with no game and literally no dick… don’t be bitter, be better. 🫶
  18. I have started to catch myself quickly but still, if it’s out in public I’m gonna look. 👀
  19. Some of these responses make me wonder if I need to just step away from the thread but it’s like watching a train collide with an airplane while also not doing my laundry that I’m avoiding…
  20. I just wrote a long response and then realized I typed it into a bookmark 🤦‍♀️ Anyways, I don’t have time to look at all the responses but thought I could offer perspective. For context I’m a mid personality hire bisexual with hot friends both male and female that has also dated and slept with attractive and cool people as well as some… people. ☺️🫶 From what I know the type of women that base relationships solely on initial physical attraction aren’t very mature or experienced in good, healthy partnership or even good sexual rendezvous for that matter. They may be caught up in sex that “looks good” rather than what feels good. You wanna know what attracts hot chicks? Actual self esteem, a tamed ego, a provider, and someone that can lead and intimidate in all the right ways while still being able to laugh at themselves and the absurdity of love and sex in general. TLDR; if you’re ugly or mid like me you gotta have other shit going for yourself. ❤️🙏☺️ edited to add: if you aren’t risking rejection you’re already “just like the rest of them”. The reason a lot of gals end up with jerks is that they aren’t attached to the outcome they ask out everyone. If a man or woman puts themselves out there for me, personally… I’m gonna have trouble standing up straight because that shit is so hot😂😅
  21. @Max1993 as this was a deep wound turned into a passion I can’t argue against it from my own perspective. I was gaslit ruthlessly in my childhood and marriage and now have to work through a bit of “enlightenment OCD” because I tried to think my way to the “Truth”. I think for every person that is gaslit there comes an implosion of emotions where you must listen to your gut or finally perish. Our “rock bottom”. After that your truth seeking is on steroids. I’ve learned that through moving past my childhood experiences my survival instincts have started to feel like a super power. Also, I’ve had a REAL problem with authority since I was a girl, either hated them or was attracted to them. ☺️
  22. @Galyna I will read this when I need a reset, thank you. 🙏
  23. @SeaMonster See, this is where I’m at. I’ve worked a lot on my psychology and my relationship to wealth. Even did some manifestation and it came true even to an exact amount. So now I feel very mature and continue in the path of enlightenment which in and of itself provides relief from mindless spending. But now I have a small sum of money I’m looking to invest in education and a place to live while I get my degree or certificate. And when I say small I’m talking less than 100,000. I am working towards being addiction free but in the past my tendency was towards that so I suppose my fear of failure is a sneaky way I could sabotage my own growth in this area. Im not interested in luxury and never have been but nature and the ability to travel and be secure in my life is important. In any case although I responded only to this all of your advice and commentary has given me a lot to process in the coming months as I attempt to make my way from a complete wage slave to still one but enjoying life a little more. This forum is so valuable because I have no real community outside of people that are lovely but have no interest in real spiritual growth or personal development and enlightenment experiences. 👁️ appreciate you.
  24. I am looking for podcast recommendations to get me started on more practical pursuits, specifically regarding money. I really need to start nailing down the practical aspects of maintaining my lifestyle. I come from poverty and don’t have the instincts of those that were born into money and affluence or the unempathetic, inauthentic, and power hungry attitude those without the upbringing seem to need to get ahead in this capitalist hellscape that is the USA at the moment. I know I can’t learn it all from one source, but I think podcasts will be a great start. Thanks