Cosmin Visan

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About Cosmin Visan

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  1. The needs of humans is to be billionaires and dictators. All of them. What kind of organization can help that to be achieved ?
  2. Actually, a chair is more impressive, because it serves a purpose: you can sit on it.
  3. All fine and well, but you forget one crucial thing: 50% of people have iq BELOW 100. They have absolutely 0 interest in what you just wrote. They only want sex and food.
  4. I'm not impressed at all. Is just an object. Is like being impressed by a chair.
  5. Lol. In order for the self to self-improve, it needs to exist in the first place. What is the self of an "AI" ? There is no such thing, there are just wires and transistors. You are just personyfing an object.
  6. What is the self in the self-improvement ?
  7. Of course we did. We did this since the first day an ape used a tool to crack a nut.
  8. Not 1+1=2 per se, but your ability to grasp the truth. This means that reason is not influenced by random events outside of it. Therefore it is free from their influence.
  9. We already do this. Do you fly to another country with your body alone ?
  10. Lol, you didnt understand anything from what I said.
  11. Yes, is trivial. Without free will everything would be chaos. You would never be able to say things like 1+1=2. You would say random things like 1+1=3, 1+1=475789, 1+1=-^<_<>/_<&, because your reason would simply be the effect of random events outside of yourself.
  12. Of course we have free will.
  13. Lol. How do you know if what that program is saying is true ? Or are you a fan of the black founding fathers of America as reported by google gemini ?
  14. Relax, there will be no AGI or AI or fluffy robots to sleep with, for the trivial reason that intelligence is a property of consciousness and consciousness is the nature of reality and you cannot simulate the nature of reality. One characteristic of intelligence is the bringing of new ideas into existence out of nothing. For this you need reason, free will, etc., not atoms bumping into each other like in a computer.
  15. People are tribal and they feel the need to belong to a tribe. That's why they make all sorts of random divisions. Truth is just truth, it doesn't belong to any tribe.