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Everything posted by Paradoxed

  1. How is your sleep? Do you have a sleep schedule? How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Do you stay up late or wake up early? Does anyone here have a less conventional sleeping pattern like biphasic (siesta), everyman, or uberman? Do you feel well rested when you wake up? Do you build up sleep debt? Do you sleep with the TV or lights on, or listening to podcasts? I typically try to get a solid 8 hours, but that doesn't always work because my cat wakes me up in the middle of the night. He can be a bastard. Then I go back to sleep after a short period of being awake. Sometimes I can't get back to sleep right away, and I sleep longer into the next day. Sometimes I listen to a sleep hypnosis/talkdown (by Michael Sealey or Jason Stephenson, or others) to get back to sleep. I need to work towards waking up earlier, as I have a new work opportunity starting soon, and I will need to wake up around 4am each day. I will have time for a nap for a few hours in the middle of the day at my new job if needed. To fix my sleep schedule I will force myself awake an hour earlier each day until I am at my target goal of 4am, and will take melatonin at night to signal to my body its time to rest. I will try not to nap, to make sure I can get to sleep earlier at night. I'd love to hear how everyone here approaches their sleep and how your sleep is
  2. Damn I didn't know this, good lore. Such a classic album. Knowing Trump he probably plays it because he knows they hate him.
  3. MDMA + LSD is great. I would get familiar with both substances first though. Don't do MDMA too regularly and keep your dosage low. I don't do MDMA anymore because playing with my seratonin isn't worth it to me. But if you've never experienced it's definitely worth it.
  4. LMAO *pulls another candle from backpack*
  5. You can eat the whole thing including the stem. I would grind them up to a dust and mix them into a peanut butter sandwich or do the lemon tek.
  6. I was curious if anyone has ever tripped on dimenydrinate (Dramamine). I did this as a teenager many times and had some of the most horrifying psychedelic experiences of my life. I watched bugs crawl under my skin, watched people fighting, murdering each other, animals getting skinned alive, etc.... truly the stuff of nightmares. Please never mess around with this stuff. If you need more convincing, go listen to other peoples experiences. You will black out, wander around, break into other people's houses, injure yourself or others, etc. I was a very self destructive teenager. Most people here do psychedelics for mystical experiences, insights, to achieve a non-dual state, etc. This is the opposite of that. Only do this if you intend on going to hell and ruining your life. Basically, you would get a small tube of Dramamine (motion sickness medication available at the gas station), and instead of taking one or two, you just take the entire tube. The scariest part about these experiences are that the hallucinations are like no other- you will have full blown conversations with people that are not there. I was tripping at a friends house, and went outside to smoke a cigarette in the middle of the night. While I was outside, I looked over to the house next to us. It looked like they were having a party. You could hear faint music, their deck had some people smoking and drinking on it, the lights were on and you could see many people inside. A friend from school come down from the deck stairs and approached me. He said "Dude I'm so happy to see you! You should come to the party man!" I remember saying "Right now I'm hanging inside with some friends, but it looks like fun... I might come by in a little!". He said "Alright man, just come through the door on the deck whenever you feel like it". He walked back to the party holding his beer. I looked down, then looked back up... when I looked at the house, there was no party. There were no lights on in the house, it was the middle of the night, and it was dead silent outside. I had been talking to myself. I had seriously been considering wandering into a strangers house in the middle of the night. This really freaked me out. I went back inside and laid down. I remember sitting with my friends watching some show on TV and falling asleep. Apparently I wandered around my friends basement for hours speaking nonsense about everyone "seeing what is inside my magic box". Another time I did Dramamine, I was hanging out with my group of friends. When the night ended, I walked with a friend towards my house. Her house was a couple blocks from mine, and we had to pass her house to get to mine. She asked me "Are you sure you're gunna get home okay?" I said yeah I'm good. From my memory, I simply went home and went to sleep. The next day she told me she had come outside a half an hour later to have a cigarette and saw me in the distance wandering around. She said it really scared her. I was really scared by this because I didn't remember this. Another time, I was in the passenger seat while my friend was driving. I told him to stop the car and screamed in horror. I saw a woman holding her own head in her hands. I barely remember this, but my friend thought it was hilarious. I had another friend who would take it. One time I convinced him I was outside his window as we talked over the phone. At the time I thought it was funny but I would never mess with someone tripping like that now. He said "Is that you running around out there back and forth trying to scare me?" I don't know what propelled me to keep doing this drug. It was like I loved the experience of being in a horror movie. I was really young, like 15-16 years old. I probably really fucked up my brain. Anyway I hope this was entertaining.
  7. This band is so good
  8. Heck yes!! Love this band
  9. Out of the few posts I've made all I've done is say what Elon is doing is wrong, criticize him, and acknowledge he is simply being self serving, and that he is too biased to oversee any federal agencies, etc, while also simply acknowledging he probably thinks what he's doing is best for the people. I don't really understand why you are so angry, lol. Perhaps I came off as too charitable to Elon for you.... even though I never really was charitable to him at all. You're like upset my brows aren't as furrowed as yours. I hope you have a better night.
  10. I haven't tripped on DPH (yet). Yes it was completely stupid and degenerate, almost rebellious. I had close to suicidal levels of disregard for my well being. Drinking cough syrup was another one I was stupid enough to do a bunch of different times. I have seen some extraction methods for DXM somewhere online, but I don't know if they are "good" methods. There was a specific product we would seek out that didn't contain chlorpheniramine, acetaminophen, or any other active ingredients except for DXM. Can't remember what brand. There were a bunch we knew to avoid. It was a risky game, you had to get the right bottle. That sounds interesting. You are a mad scientist. Where are you? Did you like the scopolamine? Datura is described as nightmare fuel, did you ever try it? Sounds a bit much for me these days. I would've probably tried it back then. I applaud your expertise. Thanks for providing some insight to accompany my surface level trip reports.
  11. Just take THC edibles to preserve your lungs.
  12. @Davino I've done salvia a bunch. I very rarely feel the call towards it. Never mixed with marijuana. nn-DMT plus weed makes the experience quite different, almost demonic. But marijuana and LSD always mixed really well and intensified the experience in a way I really enjoyed. Helpful on the comedown too. I always felt marijuana was very psychedelic but this increased after LSD trips. Then there are 5meo reactivations which felt like I literally just smoked 5meo again. I probably have brain damage from constant weed smoking throughout my teenage years. Marijuana plus caffeine consumption made me into quite an anxious and neurotic individual. Now smoking weed feels childish, but really nostalgic.
  13. @Joshe @Scholar Good replies. Yes Elon is primarily self-serving. I agree about Elon trying to dismantle the federal government and instill a tech-oligarchy. It's less about a need to balance my perspective and more about setting my bias aside and acknowledge we don't know what is a whisper or a thunderstorm in Elon's head. It's not a "need to balance perspective"- a balanced perspective is important. It's not fanboying- Elon could care little about humanity and just acts selfishly, but we don't know that. I'm the last thing from an Elon fanboy, that's just a silly assumption you are making. Just like other world leaders, spiritual gurus, genocidal maniacs throughout history, he most likely thinks what he's doing is best for humanity. I agree that he's selfishly trying to gain power, but he most likely believes this sort of restructuring is better than our current structure. I'm not saying he's right, I obviously don't agree, but acknowledging this does not mean I am biased or some Elon fanboy. In fact this is not a defense of Elon at all, actually more of a criticism of Elon, the rich, and other narcissistic leaders who justify their selfishness. It's simply acknowledging the way the mind works, and how most people can justify their actions from a warped perspective.
  14. What lacks nuance is the getting rid of entire agencies. See my other comments. I am well aware of what he's doing. Elon can think what he's doing is right for society while still being self-serving. That's usually how it goes. The Pentagon cannot account for trillions of dollars. Two things can be true at once. Elon wouldn't do it if it stood in his way- that's obvious. Adjust this comically evil understanding you have and acknowledge that these individuals might actually think they are doing the right thing for society.
  15. @DavinoI miss marijuana. If I didn't have so many responsibilities, and had more money, I think I'd indulge more often. People definitely underestimate its potential and write it off. It can a great creative and spiritual tool. Of course anything too much can be harmful. How often do you do Salvia? I find that marijuana has a unique relationship with other psychedelics. It has definitely sent me back to LSD, 5meo trips, etc.
  16. It's not extreme or radical. It's hard to date someone you disagree with politically. Your job is not to convert your partner. If they cannot meet your level of understanding or if they don't live in the same reality as you then it might not work. It all depends on how much you value being politically aligned with your partner.. some people simply do not have that as part of their relationship criteria.
  17. Looks like some of the DMT entities working behind the scenes