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Everything posted by Paradoxed

  1. Only left wing media wasn't pointing this out. Fox news was all over it. Don't give Trump brownie points, he wasn't courageous for that, it was too easy, everyone could see it. He was not speaking to some deep truth
  2. "uncomfortable truths"- lol more like fear mongering and racism disguised as truth. And people weren't talking around that issue. Every single person in America was talking about it Bidens dementia.
  3. The schools aren't required to tell parents that the kids want to use different pronouns than assigned at birth in class. Doesn't seem like a very big deal. Schools should stay out of things like LGBT issues and personal stuff. This is just typical conservative outrage over nothing. Musk should just leave. He's already out in Reno and Texas. Seems more aligned with the direction he's going
  4. Dude he barely even pulled it off back then. People were just done with Trump
  5. Who are the "they" you speak of trying to make it legal? I didn't say it was black and white- a nuanced position would consider the mental health and the preference of the person who is actually transitioning, not just how their parent feels about it. It may not be only their body anymore, but that other body is still inside of them, and no woman should be expected to carry a child to term by force.
  6. Google hides all the batshit crazy conspiracy theories, didn't you know that? I can't even watch Alex Jones on Youtube anymore. What has this world come to?
  7. Adults should be allowed to transition, and kids should be allowed to transition with a parent's approval at a reasonable age. Sure there are people detransitioning. There are also people who are living lives post-transition and are living their truth. We try not to fall for identity and ideological traps. But people have that right for themselves. We can't elect a president that is willing to tell someone what they can and can't do with their own body.
  8. Can you be trans or LGBTQ without adopting a value system? Like, could you be trans and transcend stage green? I haven't gone deep enough with your ego development videos. Caitlyn Jenner being republican comes to mind. Being republican is a value system that goes directly against trans people.
  9. Really good to know man, thanks! I look forward to trying these for the novelty.
  10. Is it all ideology when it comes to LGBTQ stuff? Cause I never really interpreted it as just falling or being lost to some ideology like a neo-nazi. I totally get your point. But it feels more like a persons identity at a core level to them mixed with whatever unique sexual orientation.
  11. The framing that Elon Musk "lost his son to progressive ideology" and that his "Son is dead" makes me lol My sister transitioned after 25 years. Many people insisted that I must feel like I "lost a brother". I always sorta laughed inside. She's literally the same person. People can't help but judge others
  12. I am looking forward to trying 1cp-AL-LAD. Is it "easier on your system" than LSD? 1P, 1V, and 1D are described as very similar to LSD and to each other. Could you notice a difference?
  13. Is Mayor Pete a good VP candidate? There are all those videos of Kamala Harris just being empty headed: Trump could really destroy her if she isn't on her shit.
  14. I was curious if anyone has tried any other lysergamides like: -1cp-AL-LAD -ETH-LAD -1P-LSD -1V-LSD -1D-LSD Perhaps another similar compound might be easier on your system?
  15. I worry people can't get excited about Kamala. Sorta like how we voted in Biden, but nobody was particularly excited about it. Is Trump more hated than he is loved?
  16. We could've been on such a different timeline. I am always curious how a Bernie presidency would have looked Gotta work with the situation we are in now. I am still trying to convince myself Kamala can win against Trump easily.
  17. Leo I'm curious if you supported Bernie in 2016 as you have mentioned you liked him as a conscious politician before.
  18. Even if she is right, this is really bad for her mental health to be thinking about this stuff.
  19. I don't know if it's a prison planet- life can be pretty awesome. What drug is she talking about? Could be regular DMT, 5meo, or DPT. Did she mention her ROA? It's more of an ambivalent realm here, it could be either good or bad. You have a distinct path as an individual. You have to live your truth and it will have many challenges. But you can't tell yourself you are on a prison planet to be punished. You also can't believe the devilish narratives you could fall for during psychedelic experiences. It's very important to not hold so many beliefs and pontificate this much. Is her depression shifting her experience negative? Most entities don't care about me on DMT. Sometimes they tell me I'm not supposed to be there, or are surprised to see me. Some are scary until you face them. A couple times I got tortured by entities trying to scare me. It sorta worked. They were worse because I wanted the experience to end. They were playing off my emotions. Just when I thought they would leave me alone, they started the merry-go-round of torture. I knew it was a big joke to them. Yes it was scary. Many times I have had to intentionally face entities because the fear I had caused them to become emboldened. Many DMT entities are incredibly loving, like the little reptilians working behind the scenes. They love me!
  20. Don't become an OVhoe.
  21. 4-Aco-DMT is generally pretty safe. I don't know how this drug mixes with kava. I haven't tried kava. Some of these gummies were labelled as to be Amanita Muscuria, which isn't supposed to get you high, but it seems like they are putting 4-aco-DMT in it in states where mushrooms are not decriminalized. The delta-8 version of mushrooms:
  22. Do not eat, sell, or serve any flavor of Diamond Shruumz- Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies. FDA’s investigation is ongoing. As of July 15, 2024, a total of 69 illnesses have been reported from 28 states. Sixty (60) of the 69 people have reported seeking medical care, 36 have been hospitalized, and there is one potentially associated death under investigation. FDA is aware that recalled Diamond Shruumz-brand products are still on the shelves at several smoke/vape shops, and at retailers that sell hemp-derived products such as cannabidiol (CBD) or delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC). FDA is monitoring the firm’s recall to assess its effectiveness.
  23. It looks like they are selling shroom chocolates with 4-aco DMT instead of real mushrooms. desmethoxyyangonin, dihydrokavain, and kavain are all parts of the kava plant.
  24. If anyone has mastered this they are invincible.