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Everything posted by Abe27

  1. A problem i experience is that it is so far away from anything like it, that it's easy to indulge fully into it, without having much of another viewpoint to go from. In academia the presenter often explain theories and ideas from a second or third person viewpoint of the theory, often not the most ideal for a deep understanding, but i can see now that it is honest better than only getting a single first person view. Something Leo is forced to do, since it's his way of viewing the ideas. Just something to keep in mind, if not understood then i can easily see why people would call him a cult leader or simmilar. Well, i suppose your projection is what you don't understand
  2. What on your mind about it? I dunno what stage i am on anymore, it seems like a combination, which changes the most when i think the most about it. But i am probably somewhere magician
  3. Well, the culture is very much for the liberation of women, also meaning sex, while the retoric very much still has the roots from the historic christian morals. If you assert a totally efficient market, then sure, it's very very unqueal about dating and matches. But like everything else of needs, there are multiple markets and ways of getting it. If you go on a dating app it's going to be hard, but meeting in diffrent social circles, school, work, the night life or at sports, then you could very well have much better or worse chances. I will tho say, that a womans word have a lot of power, you being accused of rape, assult and simmilar thing you havent done is not anything i would play aroung with, in that sense it's not really better, it's just diffrent.
  4. @Basman Most likely. From a young persons perspective it's sad to see what the current goverment is doing to the country. Many older people belive the social democrats to be the ideal party in the middel, since it was back in the old days. I belive when i get old many will have the same perspective i have, and never forgive the social democrats for what they did. Scandinavia handlet covid well, i think it has less to do with her and more to do with the culture and overall political system. It seems quite clear that she did some major mistakes, but luckly no one person can have so much control to make the mistakes to meaningfull.
  5. @Basman Yes, very well reed i see. The social democrafts in practice the last couple of years have almost only done right leaning actions. The Socialist People's Party is much more like the democrafts used to be like. It's very strange
  6. It sounds just like how steroids enhance the bodys phycial abilities? Does "drugs" much the same way do this for the brain? The i suppose, true and only nootropic.
  7. Would the interesting to see if this has changed since. A lot of communication has gone online, and therefore we only have the about 7% to go of
  8. I do index investing, but live in Europe, so the story is slightly diffrent. I invest some of my money in the MSCI world, and some in JPGL.de. I think factor based investing is really interesting. And would highly recommend looking into it, if you want a more nuanced picture of index investing.
  9. While it would be very cool, i don't have a bucket list. But sure
  10. Seems like a trap, might just be my psychology.
  11. It probably woundent be impossible with the amount of hours of videos he has. Tho it then just would be the same content over and over again, and actually not be anything new and interesting, which largely is what Leo does best.
  12. Perhaps it's just becourse that is what you need. In a largy way i think about my emotions, needs and wants as strong guidelines for furfillment and happiness, as the axioms to go of from. Not that being happy is the end deal, if you rather what something diffrent, just be sure it might very much not be a good experience. You can of course be straied off track and find "wrong things" interesting or desiable, most likely from my view since you are very much to destorded from what you actually need. You have some needs that "have" to be met. If not, then it can control more and more.
  13. Perhaps it's a video about AI, how it works and how to use it properbly. With a section that is partly made by AI to show what it can do. Could be very interesting with Leos take on it
  14. @Nemra I don't understand the comment?
  15. Don't you think many trans people get traumatized from these reasons? Being born in a body you don't like, and from the stigma being treated poorly. I would have asked her when i noticed har large hands. From a point of cruiosity, since trans people deffinetly exist, and she very well could be one without one knowing. I would have asked if it was something of my interest. Now it's very much to late with what you have done.
  16. I feel like i have been told my whole life not to objectify women, not to descriminate and to treat others like, you would like others to treat you. And i have always liked to be a "good" person, my moral instinct is simple to strong to go around and treat others bad and lie to others about how i feel or think. Which makes it from my point of view very difficult about how i should try to act socially. If i embrace to not discrimitate, then i don't see how i would not act extremely naively? Treating two diffrent people diffrently is everything i do, and almost everyhing that can be done. Acting this way has seemed to not work very well at all, with people rejecting me. Discrimination can be defined as "make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, sex, age, or disability." But i suppose we could also call it making decisions about others for them, about them. Unless i was absurdly honest and asked straight away about my intensions, then i don't see how i could not prejudical distinctions. but at the same time my questions would only come from the then psychical traits a person has, again prejudge, or just judge. If not then they would be just like a stone or animal, then again that is also to judge and categorize. Also what i see as the root problem. A problem that cannot be solved with my current tools or knowledge. Treating others like you could like to be treated also seems to work like shit. I would always like a honest logical answer. But it seems very clear from my experience that diffrent people would like to be treated in diffrent ways, often not that simillar to onces owns preferences. Sure only i can know myself, and a way to do is to take onces own experience + variens as a guidence. But in a general remark, it's weird how morality only seems to be said if it invols oneself as the object. Cound we not just do something, since it's the right thing? Rather than me, me, me. The main problem comes with dating. where i am somewhat forced to all of the above + more. My original attraction is purely psychical, which i suppose is very very closely related objectify women. I also find most women very beautiful and i honestly don't want to reject anyone on thin prejudge ground. I also feel like dating can be a very much selfish thing for me. In therms of treating others like i would like to be treated, then i should almost not date, since i would never like to be with another man. And i very much have a hard time understanding why a woman would find a guy interesting sexually. It can feel like i am just using them for their body, and not those they are, other than their gender. Which i cannot deny that i am, but that might not be a bad thing in this case or? I have also had some rather uncomfortable experiences with me showing my sexual interest for women, or just in general showing affection, where i feel like i have been strongly stigmitized for doing so. People might say that they are not christian, but they sure act like sexuallity is bad and should be repressed. I can feel these thoughts and pathways of thinking is holdning my back, especially in dating, but also to a lesser degree in day to day life. thanks for playing psychologist
  17. The financiel benefit from higher education in Scandinavia is also proportionally lower on an individual level compared to the numbers i sometimes see for job listings in london or the US. I really seems like risk and return go hand in hand, and if it's easiler and less risky to do something, then the reward on an individual level is lower, but the full rewards is still there on a societal level
  18. Since uni is free then it can be decided upon if you will learn and develop more as a person studying for yourself, or with others in a focused program. But it is very much about which degree to go for? What academic knowledge do you belive would help you the most? Uni seems not only to be about getting a degree and learning, but also gaining a network of like minded, hopefully smart people. Which degrees are you thinking about getting?
  19. It's going to be fixed when it's not down anymore. If that is true, and defined as such, then can anything really be fixed? It's only a temporary thing in this world
  20. I'm also glad the forum is back online. Was also genuenly worried about the forum being shut down for good. I have tried it before where a "controversiel" figure gets cancelled, where most of their content is harmless advive. Or well, it's not harmless, since it really can help people in a good way. Especially thinking about coach red pills old videos about living and having a good life. I found them very insightfull when i was about 15 or 16. Good for the time being, and of course didn't take his info in fundamentally, but much more as a insight to reflect upon. What i have always been interested in, understanding the world, reality and making sense of things, in i suppose metodoically the most autistic and hyper rational way possible. Buy hey, i have comed to the realisation that it's a limited world view, but it's how i have been made.
  21. I have about 8 weeks in the summer holidays before I start university, where I would like to spend my time productively getting ready for university. I am thinking of studying computer science with mathematics and statistics, also called machine learning and data science. For that, I can understand that it is a good idea to learn and program, and since mathematics is such an integral part, I would also like to get a good intuitive understanding of it. Both intended so that I will have a solid foundation to work from. It's just how can I best structure it? I find that I am more productive when I have a plan with assignments, assignments and exercises that are structured with deadlines. So I know what to start with and when I've done it well enough to take time off or not. This presents a bit of a challenge in how I have to arrange it myself. Since I will not fully know how much time and energy learning it will be. I could structure lets say 5 or 6 weeks to learn some material, therefore also have time for a break or to travel and just relax in the holidays. But about learning, i could set aside about 20 hours of expected work a week to study. Making it 100 to 120 hours of total studying? I have found some Learning material Harvard have some free courses in programming, for python and more boradly for data science -https://cs50.harvard.edu/python/2022/ The youtube channel 3blue1brown has some series and videos about the "essence of" -https://www.youtube.com/@3blue1brown But more in the math department would be ideal, if you have any suggestions? The primary subjects would be discrete math, linear algebra, stats and probability. Also algorithms and programming, but i think the harvard courses are ideal to learn that from. Do you have any recomendations? I have tried doing something similar other years, but i often end up not really doing it. I would like this not to be the case this time
  22. I have been very interested in economics and are somewhat untypically in philosophy. While these subjects are and have been interesting i find myself more and more interested in universial truths, i find in data, stats, math and simmilar. I hope to do well in school, so i can really get to understand the subjects, and then use them widely and properbly. i try my best to not just waste my time, while it is hard to spend all my time productively, i try to just do better over time. Do what i want to, but i do often feel like i just did what i used to do. For example i probably spend to much time on my computer, but i don't see what else i should spend my time on honestly?
  23. I have sent my resignation to my work. So i will become unemployed in about 1 months time. Feels good. If i know i have to get some things done, then i like to do it first. Then i will have the rest of my time and day free to do what i would like to. If i go straight into being spontaneous then i most likely won't do what i need to. I suppose i could also could say i just wanted freedom