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Everything posted by Abe27
I feel like it's difficult to evalutate fully, since i in the analytical thinking sense seems to be turquise. Whlie in a interpersonal or emotional setting quickly fall to a lower stage, which one is hard to decode. I don't really want to call myself turquise, since it's such a late stage for a young person to call themself, so i vote yellow.
I often experience meeting women I think are both nice, pretty and can hold a nice conversation with, nothing is wrong and so on. But while this is so, I often wait a bit for prince charming, or miss loving in my case to come and say hello. I can both ask, when do you move on from having friendly interest to something more. Or how do I know if there is potential for something more? The more actual interest doesn't come by itself, it's something that is created together over time
@Buck Edwards Interessting take. Makes sense with the teasing and such, which country are you from? It sounds over the top rude from my culture to "tease" as you said with calling you a pig, guilting or nagging you. My question was more so how i find out who i would like to be with, lots of girls seem nice. I don't really want to go around and flirt with almost every girl i get to know, i dislike the idea of men and women can't just be normal and friends with each other. I somewhat don't want to make it to direct mechanic and just ask "what do you think of phil" While i know it sounds like i am putting a lot of limitations on myself, and thats why i'm unsure about what to do. The ideal would be to just meet a miss loving, so i would not have to be unsure about any of this. But thats not how it is
Abe27 replied to bmcnicho's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
can you go into more detail with the schizophrenia? I have aspergers, so it might be simmilar to your experience. When i slowly started accepting my intuition i also had some experiences i before felt, or rationally could interpret as "corrupt" or in the ego rational sense as wrong. But this i belive it becouse of the prior surpression of youself. Give it some time and i belive it will become much better. It is probaly, depending on the state of "schizophrenia", just because you are diffent that you belive is to. I belive this is harder for autistic people because of the genereal lack and disaprovement in social setting, it makes it harder to be who you are. I now often meditate where i have something bothering me, and i let my intuition, my sub cons lose, and while nut surpressing any thoughts, just let be, and observe what come up. I also experience myself as very analytical, and my analytical side really like to take over my emotions and morals. But then i just turn into a ultiliterian machine with no or little pupose. Another explenation of intuition for me is morals, the over ego. And i would describe it as like feeling, but diffrent from feelings in the way that if i feel sad, angry, hungry or horny, then i cannot supress it, it will just quickly come back. But with my intuition i can suppress it, at least in the moment, and then nothing happens, but this is also the problem. It's just quickly written, i can respond futher later, but have to get going now -
I was thinking a less direct interpretation. Not what babay steps are, but what your baby steps are?
No, since it's not true. It is true, at least in the west, that people become more right when older, or at least are young people more left. It could just be that people hold about the same opinion over time, what i considdered left and right slowly changes over time
What is the baby steps?
ha ha, i suppose hell has shown itself early!
i would largely say to reject yourself, reject your morals, and you will quickly wake up in hell. It's not about an objective evil, but what you concern youself with. I have before tried being evil for some time when i was about 16-17 i suppose. It wasent nice at all.
For the time being i feel liked i have largely rejected myself in especially the fast couple of years, but at the same time in a way of a medium to find out who i really am. From this i at the moment dream of -Living true to myself, true to my morals. -Having an occupation where i can contribute to society, with the skills i have been naturally given -Become a father, hopefully within 10 years, a lot has to be done before tho. Hope your ideals turn out to be meaningfull
What specs do you have? My Zenbook duo is fast enough to not notice any slowing on win 11 vs win 10
I've only been with one women, my now ex girlfriend, our sex was always better than masturbation. Mush more intimate with cuddling before and after. It's also much hotter to actually be with a woman
If you could stop racism, sexism or simmilarly with a snap of your fingers, but no one other than youself would know about it, then how long would you think it would take before people discovered? If ever. Lets say with sexism, if people have a strong enough preconception that there is sexism against them, then the attitude can be kept existing for a long time, even though it is for example continuously discovered statistically that it no longer exists. Or perhaps just new points of "sexism" would be made up, to make it continue to "exist"
Please move if in the wrong category. I understand from leo that phychodelics is to be taken to speed up or make personal development easier. I more and more notice and accept the experience of my thoughts of what i think i want, and what i actually want is diverging. I feel that it is the socialized me and the sincere moral me that clash with each other. Where the socialized me is my rational ego, where my sincere me is my inner morality, my superego that is in contact with the truth, and would almost say God. This distinction is very interesting to experience. But also in practice, when i have to decide for something it's quite difficult, since i in the big and the small dismiss things i deffinetly would find important, as non important It would be nice to, just for a moment, be much more in contact with the moral me, where i activly acknowledge therms such as sustainability, ethics, harmony and interpretation. Rather than it being a second thought, and my alsmost pre ontological state of dismiss. I suppose i have always had the other thoughts, i just rejected my morals and myself at some point, and now trying to integrate it again. I suppose it is never directly recommended to take anything. But i am curious if what i am experiencing is a suitable problem for Psychedelics? While if so, i would not try any, any time soon.
It's not only impossible to predict the future, it's also completely meaningless. Since the future is not about what there is to come, but what you perform it to be. I am very free to belive in false things, and let my thoughts and ego control my being and life. But i have to get more in touch with my morals, and belive in it. Where i get a moral insight of truth, the second i start to discuss it with myself, and the rational ego takes over, then i can just dimiss it. From this nothing happens, which is what i belive to be the major problem, since also nothing good happens. I have been rejecting myself for many years, and followed my toxic rationallity, with all the caviats. something I'm glad to be conscious of today, and whish to continue to work on in 2025
@Princess Arabia yeah, i thought the same. But in general, how does one get out of this idea, i myself have for a long time been deep in the logic realism, and find it hard to properly diverge from this. Somewhat since it's a very new way of thinking, and somewhat since it implies i should do things rather diffrently than i do now, which i feel quite uncomfortable from. The reason i came overly depended on logic in since my feelings can change on a hour to hour basis, and therefore have alsmost nothing to deduce from, to know what i want. Logic is static, where my feelings are heavily dynamic, both good and bad.
I thought about post modernismens critique about it being self-contradictory, but i suppose the idea is not really about presenting a self-contradictory thesis that opposes itself and, therefore, is no more correct than others. Instead, one can see it as a stage in the understanding of truth—where one recognizes that truth is not something pre defined or objectively given. Rather, truth becomes something that necessarily arises through choices of need, shaped by the intentions and desires that the creator of those needs brings forth. But isent also this pretty much the realization of the of the stages of ego development or spiral dynamics? I also thought about that most solid truths arise from static situations, where the judgement of the truth is continueslly validated since it itself it evaluated against a position that is static, and therefore the doing and judgement is pretty much the exact samt each time, therefore any kind of standard deviations and noise in result is "negotated" away symbolically.
As a person with an Aspergers diagnoses i can really see the resemblence. I am quite slow and have a hard time predicting how people will react to my actions and words, over the years i have become better at it interlectually, but the inituition is really quite weak. but most autistic people seem to be quite people centric and caring of others. The perhaps very opposite spectrum of empathy from a anti social person.
i agree about the harsh realities of survival, in some sense i might also very much not be contruct aware, and just cope myself out for not wanting to do difficult work. my money situationen is not that good, it would only work on a very tight budget. I don't think that would be a good life honestly, then i would have to become much more spirritual than i am now. but i remember a time where people could help solve problems for or with me. I feel like now that the problems that really can be solved, have been solved by science, and then i suppose the rest is more luck and chance than anything
I recently started my bachelors in machine learning and data science, since i find the epistemic methods in data science very interesting! But also to get an education i can use to find a well paying job and good career, something my perents seem to push onto me as being quite important. Where i once saw math as a important skill to develop, such that i could earn money and achiwe a good career, i today just can't get myself to belive in that story anymore. I find the practical doing math quite boring and non furfilling in any way, other than to pass an exam. In my strong achiwer stage i accumulated a small fortune, which i partially live of the dividends while studying. But while this is nice, i really feel no diffrent than before, the only diffrence being that i now don't have a vision of money being nice. I've thought of stopping my bachelors, perhaps in some months to give myself an oppotunity to see if it's more for me. Else i am really unsure about how to design my life, i suppose i should take some time of to really get into finding my life purpose, and not just deny the metaphysics like i have in the past as an achiwer. It was much simpler times back then, the problems could be solved by simple reason. Advice appreciated
Saw this picture posted on reddit. It's from my point of view wild that it's even legal to have it on the car, it's literly condeming murder?!?
Doesnt the us want highly educated people, from turkey? The main reason for us high growth and prosparity is since it has important to many talented people What are you thinking of studying? Having an interest for i suppose? I know all types of education from countries like turkye isent seen as valid in the vest, or at least Denmark where i live. Just so you don't become a doctor to not being able to be one in the countrys you want to move to.
Which videos from Leo have you watched? I would recommend to watch leos videos on spiral dynamics and ego development. As a start to answer this question
Very understandable. Go do your math! Is there any spesific countrys you would like to move to after graduation? Just interested
If you would like to get into better shape you could very well start going to a sport, i am thinking a perhaps more traditional team based sport, where if you prefer cardio then something like football, or if you prefer strengh then something like rowing. Since then you can both meet people and do exercise. With food you just have to start learning to cook. A goal you can use is for example 1.5 gram of protein pr kg of bodtweight. And lets say 300 grams of "greens" a day, just a start. You can always up it. The type of "green" is really not that important, especially to start, so garlic, onion, and an apple is plenty good. You need to fill your days with meaningfull activities, if gaming is rewarding to you, then don't start to take it out, without something more important you want to do. It's just going to make you depressed. Sounds like a really good idea with more meditation. If you want to study math to become rich, then remember that applied math, or logic, is what really seems to pay, degrees like math econ, actuairal math, computer science and the like. With that being said math is a good topic to be good at. Buy money only really matters if you need it.