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About Mediator

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  1. What was a big obstacle for me and what I've seen after observing humans for a while is that people tend to be very neurotic, particularly about their spiritual practice. This combined with boundary issues will keep anyone stuck forever.
  2. Sometimes it is ok to not actively pursue towards anything. If I understand correctly you have recently overcome your anxiety problem and that was hard work. Now you may just need to rest for a while. When you are ready to move forward in your life the motivation to do that will find its way to you.
  3. I measure the greatness of my meditation experience by how much I have produced drool during the meditation session, the more the merrier.
  4. I've been loving a hot drink made out of chaga, eleuthero/siberian ginseng and liquorish root or pepper mint. I admire your self-discipline to drinking this, it sounds exceptionally bad...
  5. Rice, beans and seasonal vegetables.
  6. I'm not sure is this already considered self-evident but Sam Harris podcast is amazing.