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Everything posted by Past-Philosopher-562

  1. I have seen it . Yeah it's pretty much good .
  2. @Leo Gura Fair . Just another question please for clarification . Still have not met an INTP who has evovled his consciousness . The theory says that people have a cognitive functions and they gravitate naturally and psychologically toward that stack functions that orient them into a specific way . You are an INTP -- So Interverted thinking , Exterverted intuition , Interverted Sensing , and Exterverted feeling . How do you manage how to achieve something ? - Like you have a goal or a dream , how do you persue the goal and achieve it . Like the usual goal setting format or something your cognitive functions drive you toward .
  3. @Leo Gura My Friend . Have you in your journey of development used MBTI ? . I have some good resources of the actual cognitive functions and how to develop my cognitive functions . I have the same cognitive functions as you , INTP . I realized that I am quite maladaptive and need to cognitively develop myself . Have you ever used it ? and what is your advice for an INTP young man who as I said still not there yet ?
  4. Hello there guys , I hope you are doing well . I mean if you watched Leo from the start , the voice , the speech patterns , and the delivery has completely changed . He has truely developed himself and how he communicates his complicated ideas . Now , how many techniques have we gathered from him about this other than toast master . So what do we have actually of techniques to accelerate the development ?
  5. it's essential to consider the double nature of distraction across time. Individuals who reflect on the past may perceive less distraction, but even then, the pursuit of awakening was constrained, often limited to those who recognized that societal norms, framed as social survival or success , also constituted a form of distraction. This is exemplified by the historical practice of seeking solitude in caves for contemplation. Now , people grapple with myriad distractions, particularly in the digital age. However, many are unaware that these technological distractions represent just one layer of the complex tapestry. The desire for immunity from distraction, often driven by the quest for survival and success, paradoxically becomes another form of distraction in itself because you want to survive and succeed but that also is a distraction . @Leo Gura I would say , it is more distracting then because survival and succeeding was so difficult that people may not have gotten the memo that it also can be a form of distraction .
  6. Let's play a game , what Question , Joke , riddle and insight that would get Leo gura hooked ? ChatGPT Asnswer | Sure, let's give it a try! Question: "If you had to distill your most profound realization about personal development into one piece of advice, what would it be, and how has it transformed your own life?" Joke: "Why did the self-aware person go to therapy? Because they wanted to have a 'mind-blowing' session and reach new levels of enlightenment!" Riddle: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?" Insight: "I recently came across this quote: 'The only way to do great work is to love what you do.' How do you think this applies to the journey of self-actualization and personal development, especially considering the integration of passion and purpose?" For fun guys
  7. @Ayham hahaha an echo but fun response
  8. Leo, conscious leadership is crucial, especially in regions grappling with underdevelopment and corruption. Imagine the positive impact if students of could contribute to these areas. It's an opportunity for transformative change that could be truly remarkable . I hope this year is for conscious leadership .
  9. Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I have a couple of questions that I'd like to organize for better clarity: Leo Gura's Impactful Videos: Which specific videos by Leo Gura have significantly helped you address and overcome a particular need or issue in your life? Whether it's one video or several, I'm interested in hearing about the transformative impact they had on your life. Personal Experiences: Could you kindly share your personal experiences after successfully fulfilling a need or overcoming a challenge? How did this fulfillment influence your overall attitude and perspective on life? Feel free to elaborate on any positive changes or insights that resulted from this experience. Overcoming Pain Points: Additionally, I'm curious to learn about the specific strategies you've developed to overcome the pain points associated with not having a particular need met for an extended period. For example, if it's the love and belongingness need, the pain points could involve feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, negative emotions, a victimhood mindset, and other challenges. How have you successfully navigated through these difficulties? Please format your responses according to the bullet points and numbered bullet points for clarity. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!
  10. Hello guys . As I watch Leo , I wonder what symbolic representation you feel he displays from your point of view . For me as I watch him , he seem to produce this symbolisms . You could call it , symbolism of his psyche . The archetype of the pure philosopher The creative explorer The Memory Guardian The social diplomat I am using the mature Image of a symbolism , some may not have a fully mature aspect of their psyche . Does it feel like it .
  11. Since the community is focused on unravelling self-deception, it's essential to consider that the language you employ might be another layer of evasion for the ego , preventing a deeper exploration . The structure of one's ego often establishes a comfort zone , and the current frustration may arise when venturing into uncharted territories . Frustration can be viewed as a signal to the mind, indicating a need for structural change to adapt to and master unfamiliar domains. Therefore, the present frustration suggests a difficulty in the task at hand, signifying that a more profound exploration is required to align with the purpose and meaning in life that you seek . Can you write , what have you done so far to discover your meaning or what is meaningful to you ? . If everything in life is bulshit . Then that is statement of absolutism . You are saying I have seen it all but you haven't . There is still life out there , experiences out there , not contaminated by the bullshitting symbiote , may be that is your purpose or meaning , to move beyond that which you find bullshit oriented . But you can't do that unless your call yourself out for the bullshit . Either way , beyond the bullshit , I think there is liberation and fulfilment . If you know this and you experienced a bullshiting life , you know it's not fulfilling.
  12. It would be lovely to speak about this concept of frame . I am working on it and have combined a few insights but it would be lovely to take your thought on this and how can a person developed it . It's like a vague elusive label but can be seen in the street , some people having strong physical frame but then , i have seen physical aspect of frame get destroyed because the emotional frame was weak . can you speak more about that ?
  13. Hello Leo, I'm curious to hear your perspective on a transformative process. Have you found that true personal growth unfolds when you delve into contemplation and investigation, putting pen to paper to tackle the issues you face? It seems like this introspective practice has led to significant breakthroughs and a profound shift in your character over time. Your journey, as observed from your earlier videos to the present, is truly inspiring. Can we assert that in-depth contemplation of a problem, such as low integrity or low self-esteem, not only yields valuable insights that you share in your youtube videos but also initiates a profound Identity change that makes everything easy [ No need to read books and other sources of knowledge ] , ultimately serving as a permanent solution to the discussed issue? - Moreover, would you agree with the notion that engaging in deep thought and discourse with onself about personal struggles, be it low self-esteem, feelings of emptiness, or a lack of passion, can unearth valuable truths without psychedelics?
  14. @Princess Arabia Lol love it . Thank you very much for the nice words . Indeed , It's my third language . I have somehow probably developed this apology attitude even when I know I can be understood but it probably comes from the insecurity of feeling like I am burdening people too much or that I emphasis things that are just understood subtly in this domain . The apology attitude comes by to dismiss my need to capture too much information of what people may not like being added . I have to note actually , that we started with two official languages , arabic and french and English came later in the 9th grade . Sadly , we had to suffer through bad linguistic pedagogy and we had to unlearn a lot of bad pronunciation and more work to master some languages and not others , the outcome was not all good . Plus , we were born already in an area that had two dialects , growing up code switching between them and suffering through codeswitching in a conversation made a lot of introverts like me suffer in the linguistic competent game somehow that we developed an apology attitude even in this area of multi-linguistic cultures where we would speak in our mother tongue and still pronounce badly and ended up being perceived as timid . I had to drop some languages a bit to keep my mind clear . French was dropped because it's too difficult and Amazigh dialect , since I am not interacting much with people from the Amazigh side plus my introvert side and interest in self-development and mysticism keeps me focused with two : English and Arabic . So , so far good .
  15. I appreciate your response, and I have another question. Would it be considered too extreme or missing the point if I expressed my intention to engage in structured contemplation about an issue for several days and subsequently integrate the insights gained into a carefully planned real-life experience? For instance, after dedicating time to reflect on my lack of self-reliance and understanding my codependent and passive tendencies, I aim to schedule an immersive experience in a self-reliant situation without relying on external support. This approach involves allowing the newfound understanding to actively guide my actions. Similarly, I find myself drawn to a similar process when contemplating the dynamics of my dysfunctional family, exploring my passive tendencies, and strategizing for effective leadership without triggering negative reactions. However, I question whether what I'm doing aligns more with introspection or reflection, and if I'm accurately using the terms commonly accepted in this forum. I apologize for any confusion; English is my third language. While the message suggests I am currently engaged in contemplation, I aim to transition into this practice, and your insights on my approach would be valuable .
  16. Hello there guys , What do you think of the traits that come to mind as you went through this journey of self actualizing .
  17. Yeah brilliant . I did it . it was good advice .
  18. I did just a bit NOW AND followed your advice , it was lovely to be honest . Just brilliant . thank you
  19. How can I use this concept to self actualize and become a conscious leader in life ? -
  20. Can you give us some advice on how to introspect on this , to fully embody the concept and find a way to link it to holism and conscious leadership , and self actualization and structure and content topic . I have worked on it already , just need few ideas .
  21. @Leo Gura What do you think of this concept of frame ? -- Not referring to Frame control but more this new way of saying someone has frame or a strong frame or a weak Frame . Some stories about females and males who happen to charm and seduce their costumer or some target because they had a strong frame or a sexual frame or tempting personal narrative story that seduced people into their world . I am working on some ideas on it , wish some guidelines and how to link it to leadership , holism and actualization .
  22. Hello there guys , i hope you are doing well . Why I don't give myself permission or at least sit and answer and follow the answer ? --
  23. Alright outside this , I would ask you few questions . I am generally in a bad timeline where I am stuck down the hierarchy , my safety needs are the place where I am stuck the most at and I live in a third country . Either way this is not some victim story but keep this in mind and here is a few questions if you would like to answer : I am trying to write articles for myself as I explain a problem and how to fix it in my journey for self actualization . Like how to leverage brain and body cues to optimize sleep and awake cycle . Do you think it's an effective way of aiming for self actualization ? - or I am complicating this . How can I built trust in my way and ideas rather than outsourcing the validation for others ? - I would appreciate if you answerde this .