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About ladyneptune

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  1. Really? I thought it was seven years? Admittedly I haven't fact checked that haha
  2. lol Honestly I like the 3 major moves and planting of seeds, reflecting and aspiring
  3. As in nothing existed before this moment? Memories are a construct to support the illusion of time? Terrifying, I am so interested in this concept but it calls the nature of reality and existence into question...
  4. Oh that's really cool, I think I've heard of synaptic pruning before but have never looked into it properly, probably goes a fair way to explain why some memories stay and others fade, possibly though irrelevance. The ones we keep seem to support a world view which is in reality a distortion, but likely connected to basic survival drives. I'm starting to think more about memory and how it is connected to emotional states - for example if we feel angry because someone was rude - can we really rely on that memory of that event? Questioning the accuracy of these emotional reactions could lead to having a more peaceful life, something in letting go of the belief that our memories are good evidence. It would be cool to read more scientific papers if you could link them in the thread! Thanks!
  5. Nothing is real, perception is all a distorted mix of false memories, fears and hopes, no one has the monopoly on or access to the ultimate 'truth'. The only thing to do is be kind and breathe deeply and focus on the here and now. We will never work out the answers.
  6. Yeah I believe in astrology, hasn't let me astray yet!
  7. Is it any weirder than people having a rant on video and posting it online? If you're processing some ideas it could be useful to write it down or record it in some way maybe
  8. Ever since I learned this it has changed the way I think about the past. I had a decent memory as a kid, could remember heaps of everyday things like dates and phone numbers, names and faces and then as I got older/stressful life events it was never quite the same. I always thought it was the stress that caused the change, maybe in part it was, could it be that it caused the memory to be rewritten with a 'blank'? The memories that I have of the past are questionable now, seeing as at most we only remember about half of what happened accurately. Super interesting to think about especially as humans spend a lot of energy arguing about the truth - which clearly doesn't exist in our memories! With the addition of technology we have photographic, sound and video surveillance to lean on for facts, but it goes a long way to explain how so many people have been wrongly accused and incarcerated (for example). Trauma is an interesting area for memory research as many people are often debilitated by their memories, Having this knowledge about the nature of reality could help to reshape future experiences.
  9. A lil ego death would be nice
  10. Literally, reality can change in a split second
  11. Lovely
  12. Perfectionism is like a drug, it's impossible to sustain, so it becomes a high you constantly chase but never reach. I definitely suffer from this affliction. When I do push myself I fall into the trap of feeling pride and an ugly superiority - I feel resentful because I perceive other people to be lazy I don't understand why they can't just do things "properly", it spirals into anger and control, I get fixated on things and can't let go blah blah blah. It's madness and I don't actually feel very happy at all, "perfect" things never stay that way, so I end up constantly fussing and working to maintain everything to this unreasonable standard. It's actually so tiring and unfulfilling. I discovered some years ago that my 80% is most people's 100% and if I give my full 100%, no one notices that 20% difference, so I'm working to capacity for nothing. So now I just practice 80%. Do less. Sometimes I fall off the wagon, the clue is physical tension; sore hands, back, neck and shoulders. I believe this kind of behaviour comes from childhood, a feeling of never being good enough creates the obsession with being perfect and "good"/"clean" which is thought to stem from an insecure attachment disorder.
  13. 2023 is about to morph into 2024 and I can't help but think I should be manifesting something by cleaning out my spare room or writing my intentions for the new year. I'm not attached to Dec 31st, I probably prefer astrological points and in recent years have felt like 0 deg Aries is more apt for the beginning. It feels like just another day yet at the same time it's as if the city is holding it's breath... I'm curious how other people feel about going into a new year, do you love it or loathe it? What rituals do you follow if any?