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Hatha Yoga can help with this, and if they can't do that then try Upa Yoga. Ppl can do things to improve their lives even is they have some sort of disability or pain problem, but if they just give up and say there is nothing to do about it then that is the truth for them.. For some there is nothing to do about it, the situation is too extreme... Victor Frankl spent years in a concentration camp, he came out of it better than when he went in, everybody can do this to a certain extent, its just a matter of willingness. One cannot just look at the worst examples and say this is the way it is, there are too many variables, first one has to make a decision, is this the way it is going to be the rest of my life or am I able to make a change step by step? Make the decision once then make a plan then execute the plan, going zig zag, back and forth, doing the plan one day, not doing it the next is the worst thing to do and is what most are doing hence they have what they have in life...
People that are dealing with Immense Suffering Situations, like in Syria or Gaza or Concentration Camps, Famines and such, at the least they have an accuse to be Suffering, but there have been many ppl that have lived these lives and not suffered it, so its possible.. There are torturous situations happening as well in Western Wealthy Countries too, more personal stories and situations I think but not everybody here is hunky dory.. But most People are not living in tremendously very bad Situations, they are living either okay lives or pretty good lives situationally but they are suffering terribly inside themselves, many ppl live quiet lives of Desperation, working same same jobs daily, isolated and can't go anywhere in life due to financial or other challenges, so the point is that Humans can suffer most anything, wealth or lack of wealth, married or single, educated or uneducated, successful or failure, name it they can suffer it either way, so its never really about the situation (only in extreme cases), its about how You are Responding to it that counts, ppl are suffering what happened 10yrs ago or what may happen 2 days from now, but both places don't exist, only Now exists so if we focus more on the NOW, then that will take away most ppl's problems and suffering imo...
Ishanga replied to James123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is the problem with forums like this, and its not just about Spiritual topics, its with everything and every topic, if You talk about it too much it becomes a repeating cycle, which is what Karma is, repeating cycles of the samethings, so I've realized this the last few months and have started to lessen my time here and have become more selective about what I reply and participate in. I'm here for two reasons, this place brings more into my Awareness my identifications with ideology and ego, and hence the more I see it flare up the more Aware I am of it, and two someone may find something I say useful for their path on this journey, same applies to everyone here... -
I would say the Human Body/Mechanism is designed to be Happy all the time, everything about You is optimized when Your in Pleasant experience (naturally that is), your Body, Mind, Intellect, Creativity, Lovingness, Clarity, everything flows much better when Your in Pleasant/Happy/Blissful Experience.. What I wrote is just the set up for it, those conditions pretty well have to be inplace for one to be constantly Blissful. Blissfulness is not an Emotion, its a State, and if one can be in a constant Depressed State, then why can't one be in a constant Blissful State, both are possible, accepting, living Now and REsponding vs Reacting are the foundations, plus the rising of the Kundalini which is like the manisfestation of the Life Intelligence within You, the Chakras are the stations where the nadis or connecting points to the Energy system meet, the higher up the latter you go from the base Chakra to the Crown Chakra the more intense life is for that person, the person where the Energy is rooted in the base Chakra is all about Sleep and Food, the person that has it based in the Crown Chakra is experiencing Ecstasy at anytime, they will not care about family, friends or even their own body, they just experience the most intense pleasure that is possible for a human being...
Yes and No.. The only Basic Condition to be in a constant state of Peace, Happiness or Bliss is a HIgh Level of Consciousness.. What this means is Your Living mostly in the NOW, not ruled by the Past/Memory (this takes away all trauma, and is multi leveled), or Future/Imagination, You still use these faculties but they don't rule You, You rule them, most ppl are Ruled by their Memory and Imaginations.. Your Completely Accepting of What Is, this stops all Stress Response, you cannot be Accepting and Stressed out, only when You are Resisting What Is does the Stress Response happen..Next is Responding to Life rather than Reacting, this means You Respond to whatever is happening in Your Life Equally, rather than to just what You Like or Love, if You do this then the Intensity of Your Life Experience will increase vastly.. As well Your Internal Energies (Kundalini) has to be actively Intense and centered in the higher up Chakras.. Once those things are inplace You are Blissful of Your own nature, this doesn't mean Your incapable of Pain or even Suffering, it just means it is Your Choice of How to Experience Life in any given Moment, if You want to be Happy You can, and its unconditional, not dependent on any External Event...
The process of Life after Physical Death, what happens, a few things can happen! Sadhguru explains a process after death, the river test which decides what happens with disembodied being and decides next birth will happen or will they just hang around. depending on your karmic structure and karma one will either get dissolved in this pool of energy or hang around...
Ishanga replied to Ishanga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ishanga replied to KGrimes's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
"Reality is a dream, illusion, hallucination", in the East they call this Maya, Maya does not mean something does not exist, it means something exist but not as You presently Perceive it.. We see a Leaf or Tree, in normal awareness we experience ourselves separate from this, via Spiritual Practices and under Psychedelics, one Perceives everything as a part of themselves, so its relative, and dependent on ones level of Awareness and Consciousness... "It's not actually "You" who is the body and a part of your lower mind" - it is YOU on the Relative Level, same as above, with little to no Awareness we think we are this Body and Mind, with Awareness we Experience that we are not this Body/Mind complex, but have gathered it and what was there before the Gathering is what we are.. "It seems that there has been separation from you and God, but in reality it never happened." - if one Experiences a Separation btwn them and Absolute then it is Real for them, for others (very few) they don't feel this separation, that is Real for them, its Subjective, which indicates we are and are not the same, its all based on Awareness and Choice (Free Will). "You have Higher Self that can guide you when listened to in peace, although it is not purely meditation or it's practice. It's more of a focus shift between two minds. " - Meditation is not a good word, Meditative is what we are looking for, to be at Ease within, Peace is our Natural Experience then Life Perception opens up to new dimensions beyond just Survival Level of Awareness, which is gathering/accumulating more ppl, places, things and experiences in life, once beyond that sort of outlook, then Life Potential is accessed more Easily, Suffering is impossible, and a Human Being is now living up to its true Possibilities... " I believe you have had past lives, but I have not had direct experiences of this", Karma is a Real Thing, we can call it genetics, history, memory of all sorts, conditioning via Society, Social Media, Education, etc its a real phenomenon, and we have had many different life spans, as a plant, insect, animal, other human beings, how to deal with Karma is to Live Now Totally, Accept Now Totally, Respond to Now Totally and not be reactive... "The world you perceive is a mirror of your inner self and it's current state. If you perceive evil, wrong, pain, guilt, fear - you will experience it in your daily reality through various explainable and inexplainable events" - This is True up to a point, only if You are so identified with Body and 5 sense organ perception, then You will be a slave to what is happening on the outside, if You Experience a state btwn what is You and what is Not You, then this changes, you can perceive the reality with clarity, the evil and good going on, war and peace, taking and giving, and realize its just the game of duality at play, if good exists, evil has to exist and such, all Potentials are available to Us, its our ability to use our Free Will and chose how to Live this life that is our primary Responsibility... "There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream." - There is no Dream going on, we are here on the most fundamental terms so that Absolute can Experience itself in Trillions of ways, via our Ability to be Aware/Unaware, Conscious/Unconscious, Determined/Free, and such capabilities that we all have within Us...The playing field is set up for Us to explore all the Possibilities of what it means to be Human, we are living in a Possibility Chamber of sorts, we have duality, materialism, and all the Capabilities, Intelligence and Conscious Awareness to be here either Like a God or a savage Animal or worse, we have to Chose it for ourselves how this world is to Be... " Practice awareness of your thoughts and non judgment of the thoughts, the world, the events of your experience and you will be free from suffering." - Once You know Experientially that I am Not the Body or Mind, then Suffering is Impossible for You to Experience, You can still Experience Pain, but you will not experience Suffering in anyway, this is the first hurdle to pass thru on the Spiritual Path...once this is established the Peace is Your natural Experience, from here Life Potentials open up in a huge way.. -
Sadhguru’s SHOCKING Revelation | Why PEOPLE DIED Doing SHAMBHAVI MAHAMUDRA 8000 Years Ago?
Ishanga replied to Ishanga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kundalini Awakening!! -
@UpperMaster Focus and Identify with Now, and not past/memory.. If You suffering past/memory in any way, bitter, guilt, depression, it means Your too identified with it, and past/memory does not even exist, only NOW exists, so our culture is controlled by something that does not even exist, so its a sickness of sorts within the Culture, via identification with it. Just start little by little, notice simple acts of breathing, simple cores Your doing Now, simple experiences that happen within the NOW, then let it grow, to the point where You Realize all there is is NOW, that takes time and striving.. Acceptance of What is helps in this manner too...
Ishanga replied to LookingForTruth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
He's experiencing thru filter of Ego and Karma, greatly distorts the Reality of One's nature, so one has to filter it thru Awareness which is not influence by anything, its pure Clarity of What Is, that is why there are tons of practices and methods available, they just get one to have high quality and intense Awareness of What Is, that is already and always there... -
Ishanga replied to LookingForTruth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Once You realize Life (Life is Absolute that is in Manifested/Embodied form, has duality and materialism present) has within in a Grand Intelligence that is so beyond what our brains and mind perceive, and that everything is basically a Potential to be Realized and we as Humans have the most Capability in this area, then Knowing becomes Relative, most all of Us know How to Survive based on the situation we are presently in, some do it better than Us, some worse, but most all knowing that ppl have is Survival based knowing, nothing else is known, what a Leaf is, what a bland of Grass is, the location of the Earth in relationship to other objects or the Solar System/Universe itself, what they really Are, what Potentials lie within and what it takes to get to Knowing, because they identify with not knowing, not Present Moment Awareness where Life IS and are heavily conditioned by many many factors, Society, Culture, Education, Family/Friends and their born into Karmic Situation.. But the ability to KNOW is there, the Potential is there, You just have to Stop Identifying with anything, and stop believing..Belief is thinking You know but Experientially You don't know it or experience it this way... -
Here he talks about the 5 element theory in Chinese medicine (Karma basically but with more distinctions), Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, Air and such, Good explanation of Basic personality types and how it is built into Us when we are born, this is just the Karma that You have, its like a certain software that is built into You, its slightly different for everyone, which is the beauty of creation, we are unique to one another but the same as well, so once You are Aware of this for Your own self and what others are, its very helpful, but it is still on the level of Survival, some survive in different ways, the Billionaire level of basic Survival for themselves, may be considered a high quality wealthy lifestyle for others, so it varies but its all Survival none the less, its Accumulating and Gathering of Ppl, places, things and Experiences, from outside of Your internal World, but its all Experienced within You.. If You can Control how You are Experiencing Life within yourself, then you beyond all of this... but its good advice and basic knowledge...
He's right! Its all about Balance, in another video on this podcast he talks about Needs, everybody has the same needs, (Certainty, Love, Control, Intensity etc), but not everybody values the needs the same, some value Love more than Certainty and so forth, so balance and Awareness are key.. Below all of this stuff is the need to be at Peace, Calm, cool collected, as well as the need to be Everything (Completely Connected, Complete within, Oneness), this is true internal work or Spirituality, and the meaning behind BEINGNESS, which i think has to come first when a Human Being goes out into the world as a adolescent to an Adult. Right Now DOING and HAVING are the main value, but as he says, when ppl are completely into DOING AND HAVING, when it comes to them they still feel unfulfilled, there is no BEINGNESS experienced within them, so that is primary because any sort of Experience of Suffering, whether it is full blown Depression, Anxiety or just a feeling of the Blues, nihilism, no goals or intense experience of life/numb, means You are not experiencing any sort of BEINGNESS, which is as I said above, Your at Peace at a Minimum, You feel Connected to most everything around You, intellectually you already see this but it is now coming into real Experientialness within You, Your Clarity of Life is developing, you see the patterns of Life, ppl, situations, the world and how it is working and will work out, things come to you naturally... BEINGNESS is primary, and is below this blue, orange, red, green, and such stages of Human Development, and has to be done internally via Your own free Will access, which requires Awareness of how this system/mechanism works...Spirituality is all about this...
Ishanga replied to Oppositionless's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sadhguru talks about this all the time, he uses Geometry as his reference, and that with Hatha Yoga one can aline their individual Geometry with that of the Cosmos and the perfection of it... -
Ishanga replied to Howtolive's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are Masculine and Feminine traits - Masculine Associated with logic, reason, action, and achievement, masculine energy is about doing. Some traits of the divine masculine include being responsible, courageous, and solutions-oriented. Feminine Associated with intuition, creativity, emotional intelligence, and nurturing, feminine energy is about being. Some traits of the divine feminine include being expressive, flowing, and intuitive. This has nothing to do with Being Male or Female, as both have aspects of this within their systems and Potential. If one is Totally Masculine orientated then they probably will not realize their Enlightenment, same with Feminine, its just that Feminine being Associated with BEINGNESS, it is slightly more Receptive in Nature, but both Qualities have to be in Present Awareness within Someone, once that happens and its balanced then Enlightenment is soon to be upon them for sure! -
Ishanga replied to Howtolive's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is True, but the Now is based off the Past, what is happening Now is routed in the Past, like a Building is rooted in its Foundation, many ppl when looking at a building will look at the interior and exterior features, is it appealing to them, but without a Foundation then none of that will exist in the first place and very very few look at the foundation.. We live in the NOW, not as a ideology or concept, it just is this way, You cannot Live anywhere else so this is the Experiential Foundation, but Living and LIfe and such things are on many different levels of Existence, we are so identified with Mind (which is past/memory and future/imagination based) that most cannot really Live a real Life, since they are so caught up in the non existential of past/future/mind identification, this is where the source of Fear is, when Your living in the non Existent then Fear is natural, Your not connected or Aware of the Reality of Life and therefore No Clarity is present, so what else is there but fight/flight fear stress responses on a consistent basis.. Reaction is Unconscious, anything we can do Unconsciously we can do Consciously, so Responding is contrary to Reacting, and is a Conscious Act, its our choice to invoke this within our own Lives and it takes seeking/striving and Action to bring it forth within Peoples Awareness that this is possible for them! -
Ishanga replied to shiznitno1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Anyone that follows Non Dualism too long, watching video's of ppl talking about it or reading about it, trying to practice it sooner or later will go crazy I think, Nihilism will take over then what happens, You won't care, won't Do, won't have and for sure won't ever BE... Its an equation to Madness for sure in most cases... -
Unless we raise Human Consciousness at scale levels we will have access to many many ways to destroy ourselves individually as we do now, and collectively as we almost do now, but as You said someday a single individual may have the power to destroy all life, and if their as unconscious as the majority of ppl are today then this will happen..So the most important action now is to raise Human Consciousness to a high enough point where we at the least have a chance to survive, its 50/50 in my POV that this will happen...
Ishanga replied to Ishanga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is a simple one to answer, if he proves it to a Fool like You, he will have to prove it to another Fool that is just like You, and then again and again and again, spending his whole time trying to prove things to Fools, wasting his life, rather than doing what he wants to do regardless of what the Fools want! -
Ishanga replied to ivarmaya's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, the Potential to be Enlightened is within Most Everyone, but few Realize it, there is a big distance btwn the Potential and Realization, for most it takes some serious Striving to reach Enlightenment, a rare few it comes naturally, I think this is due to their Karmic Structure.. This is akin to saying that some are "Old Souls" while others are "Young Souls", in my experience the majority of ppl seem to be Young Souls!