If One is going via the Religious route, where they adapt and attach a belief system to their identity, one that says there is a supreme entity in another place or realm that loves You and created everything, and then You here on earth witnessing suffering everyday in Your own life and around the world as well, then Yeah of course we have to ask why a God like this would allow suffering to happen. I myself wonder how anyone could adopt a belief system with this set up and buy into it when the majority of the ppl on this planet are suffering on some level, some less some more. In fundamental terms it is us that is causing firstly our own internal suffering, and via that we spread it to others around us, those in power do the same but have much higher consequences, as every decision they make affects millions of people, so if they are experiencing suffering within themselves it is bound to spread globally. If one is on the Spiritual path, then all responsibility (your ability to respond) is your own, you realize you are causing your own suffering, pain is inevitable, but suffering is not, so its vital that to stop this trend of suffering and make ourselves into what we want to be, and learn to control how we want to experience life, joyfully or miserably, that is our free will in action...Start with Yourself, stop putting the responsibility on some God that doesn't exist, and make yourself into what you want to see in this world..