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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. A Woman can explain to a Man what it is like to give Birth to a Baby, but no matter what words or how many she uses, a Man will never understand what it is like to have a baby like she does, so there is intellectual Understanding, which is what this forum is all about and is very very limited, and then there is Subjective personal Experience, which is Miles above the latter...Don't try to Understand Existence or Your place in it, this will just lead you further away, just try to meld with it, accept it, respond to it, then You will understand it much better than ever before:)
  2. @Carl-Richard Even "I do not Know" is better than Belief. Belief gives You Confidence Knowing gives You Clarity I Do Not Know forces You to Seek. Confidence is the least empowering, its false knowing, You think You know but You don't so you can get into more danger this way Clarity is the wisest path to go in life, Life is lived at Ease (not meaning Easy), with Ease You can go full stride (no fear, no stress in this stage), not two step forward one step back when life is fear or belief based Seeking give You energy and the ability to Know, so your on the path of knowing when in Seeking mode, this is the beginners route.
  3. How does it getting stolen affect my knowing, or how would it be any different if I believed? Your question makes no sense. If I believed it was outside and it was stolen, or I know it is outside and it was stolen, same difference...Irrelevant question...What ifs mean nothing and can be endless...
  4. This thing about all of us being One, and there is no separation, is complete BS on lots of levels. Ultimately Yes it is true, but that is on the level of non physicality, on this level, Earthly Bodily Material level, we are not one, and we are separate individuals, but we can have an Experience of Oneness within Ourselves, that gives us a connection to everything, as well on a more subtle physical level we are all connected via the trees supplying O2 for us to breath/survive, the Sun is supplying heat and other life giving things to all of Us, there are many levels of connection in that manner, we are not totally independent of one another but we have separate bodies and minds, neither of which is what we are in reality, body/mind is accumulated by us over time, what is us is subtler than that, but we still have to deal with the duality and individuality that is present when Embodied..On Subtler level of Psyche yes you can feel others intentions, feelings and the grand feeling of the earth and if You sensitive enough the entire Universe as we are not separate from any of that, it just depends on what You identify with, body/mind, or the Life you are within Yourself...Never suffer anothers pain or suffering, that just adds to the suffering of the world, just notice it, and maintain your own peace/bliss within yourself and see what You can do to help others not suffer as best You can, that is all one can do...
  5. I know where my car is, I put it there, no belief about it:) Belief is thinking you know via other information that is not from You, Knowing is information that you can verify via Your own experience and clarity. I know I have 5 fingers on each hand, I do not believe I have 5 fingers on each hand...
  6. I never said "all humans are bad" because they believe, it is just belief is not an empowering tool, it replaces truth and clarity and seeking...I repectfully disagree, humans can exist quite easily without belief..
  7. @Carl-Richard Your reality is but a story or belief for me, My reality is but a story or belief for you, this is the limitation of logic and/or communicating on forums like this, its strictly intellectual in nature, entertainment on many levels too, we in reality are talking around Spirituality/Enlightenment/Awakening, not really about it or what it really is, only the Subjective experience will give you that:)
  8. Belief's are why the world is the way it is today, why wars happen (its one person's belief vs. another person's belief), why there is still poverty for a massive amount of ppl while a rare few hold all the wealth, and why suffering is still here today when we are living in the greatest age of technology and information sharing ever...How many varying belief's are there in this world? About 8+ billion. so I would say belief is a pretty bad thing. When it comes to spirituality yes we in the beginning get all our information reading about it or watching videos, so its all intellectual sooner or later you will form ideas about it all, these are how belief's come about, but in the end its when you get past all of this intellectual stuff, stop reading about it, watching it, and get into the real work of it, using methods that can give you real results and personal experience that you see belief means very little once you have a taste of reality of sorts. Its best not too think about Enligthenment or heft goals like this, this is like starting a businesss and thinking You will be be a Billionaire soon, it doesn't work like that. Small steps first, become Peaceful, maintain that state all the time no matter what is happening, not as a thought process but as a natural flowering, then go from there...
  9. No, You try the method to see if it actually works. First there has to be an Awareness that something is off, then one has to search for a method to make a change, you try the method if it is working for you in your experience then change is alive and transformation is on its belief at all is involved, just ways and methods to use and experiment with for change/tranformation to happen on the Spiritual we have 1000 of years of history to use as proof, Yoga is over 50,000 yrs old, if it didn't work it wouldn't be here still available today...its just a matter of Willingness to try and curiosity to search and strive for a more Aware and Empowered life...
  10. I had my first Awakening after reading Tolle's "New Earth" book, it made me realize my Ego almost instantly, once that happened you can't go back, so a level of Awareness happened then, then started Sadhguru's programs and that brought more Awareness, Joy, Health. Now I still have some bad days where the energy level is down, mood is down but when outside dealing with the public as I do in my work, I'm naturally always polite and wish all well, only in traffic do I get a bit mad lol...Generally I feel a space has been created btwn my thinking mind/ego personality and what is observing it, call it me or life or whatever, but a space is there, so the karma and thinking pattern is not as strong compared to before Awakening happened, I don't stay mad or angry for very long either. Last summer my Wife and I went back to my hometown to visit my familty, so I was away from the big city and in a country environment, very close to a lake and peaceful atmosphere, I found within a couple of days I was having laughing fits for really no reason, in a much higher mood, I never have that here in the city,,,
  11. No Belief is involved in a Authentic Spiritual Path or Paradigm. Belief means you are unwilling to admit You do not Know! One of the first steps in Spirituality is admitting I do not KNOW anything, then from that developing a deep desire to just Know what is Reality, what is Truth, that puts you on the path (Pain of Ignorance), then You find a method or way to get there for it to be a personal Experience for You. Belief puts you further away from Truth, and what the Spiritual path is meant to do for You...
  12. @Someone here Both are right on some level and degree... In my research over the years and personal experience, there are two basic Spiritual Paths, 1) Top Down method which is Your already there, there is no need to do anything for Enlightenment, just realize you are there and an infinite being of sorts, no methods are given here, so think modern day Non Dualism, Neo vedanta or Jnana Yoga. 2) Start where You are approach, where you don't think about Reality or Enlightenment or things of this nature, You just deal with what is happening within You right now, if Your in suffering, you become Peaceful and step by step go up the latter to where Enlightenment is possible for You, think Yoga, Buddhism methods and mediations, Sadhanas and Breathing practices, Chakra releases, etc..... I prefer approach #2, but when You become realized, you get into approach #1....
  13. Its only because the ppl of the world are so out of touch with Truth/Consciousnes/Reality, that the Truth hurts when they hear it, feel it, and it confronts them for real! Sadhguru is not the only one that is living and revealing Truth, but he is the best at sharing it in a logical way that one can understand it on that level, I've researched them all and he's the best at it for sure, as well he is sharing methdos to Experience Truth for anyone willing to strive for it, we just have to overcome this fear of it. Bezos Thrives and Lives on Untruth, that is where is wealth is, if the Truth was a living reality for the majority of ppl alive today, Bezos would go from a Billonaire to 0arire in a year, so he is promoting untruth, sad that Lex promotes him and others like him for hits on his channel...
  14. This is why your "Practice" is the everyday, moment to moment experience, accept it all as it is, live it now as it is, be less judgemental, less opinonated, less like/dislikes, mix it with pure sadhana like pranyama, asanas, japa, samadhi practices on a regular consistent basis then one can establish equanimity within themselves. Do not think Enlightenment, pure oneness experiences, sidhi powers and shit like this, just make Yourself Peaceful for 2hrs a day no matter what is going on around you, then make it 10hrs a day, then the whole day then the whole week, then turn Peace into Bliss as your foundational experience, step by step one can do this, and by doing it then Enlightenment is within reach...
  15. The Potential is within all of Us, using the dmt or other such things, it can bring You to a partial experience, but you cannot stay there as it dispates as the drug wears off, with Yoga (Yoga meaning a technology/method) it can bring You there and You can stay there at will, but it is a different path for everyone since everyone has a different karmic structure within themselves, stored on many levels most are not conscious of, this is why the Living Guru is important, a true one can recognize Your kamic structure and via his own energies and perception design a program for You to consistently use to get there, now having this feeling of Oneness and Bliss is just the beginning as well, its not the end establishes a foundation of equanimity for You to explore more of what it means to be human. The main problem in today's world is there's too much varied info coming from too many sources on how to get there, it causes confusion and ppl think they can do it on their own, for the most part they cannot...
  16. One way to know if Your really progressing well on the spiritual path is how intense Your Wellbeing is, if You are in mostly Good Moods, getting along with others (accepting, not judging all the time), being present with the Moment, not dwelling/obsessing over the past/future, on a general basis this will indicate that Your going forward in an Empowering way. If things like You said come up, you may have stuff to deal with in Your SubConscious or Unconscious Mind/Karma that come up when on the Spiritual Path. To be on this path means life is going on fast forward, we need to burn up our Karma if we want Liberation within this Lifetime, so first and foremost it is important to establish balance and equanimity within our interior system, being Happy no matter what the circumstances does this well, then when that is established You can progress on the Spiritual path without fear or regrets, and see it with Clarity:) I went thru this, and still at times have feelings of nihilism in fleeting moments, I am out in the public allot during the weekdays at work and see the decay/chaos of Society on a regular basis, so that has an affect, but for the most part I am fairly peaceful within myself and do not dwell on what is going on in the world so much that it will affect my interior experience...
  17. I agree, the "You" we create within ourselves, mostly unconsciously has to be killed off to know Truth. What is "saying" I want truth, its the mind and ego/intellect unconsciousness of us all, as we are truth in reality, just non realized, but the majority since they are unconscious do not want the truth for sure, it would shatter their world, made up as it is, its reality for them, sad times...
  18. There are two aspects to this, first is the concept that this moment is Inevitable, the way things are are the way it is meant to be, if this moment was not inevitable then it would be another way, you cannot do anything about this, the only thing is if you Accept your inner experience is less filled with stress and resistence and you open yourself up to newer more empowering possibilities in the future. As well acceptence lessens our intellectual need to discern, judge and separate existence as we experience it, when we stop doing these things every second of the day, we feel more inclusive and connected to existence, nature, and what we really are within ourselves..
  19. Yes the teachings and guidance is just Circus as he says, energetically he is on a different level than most teaching that are alive today like Tolle, Spira, and these types, which is more of a teaching and they have a personal experience within themselves, but don't function on the Energetic level at all...which is why he had created temples of various energy types, consecreated spaces and such things...
  20. Yes this is True, different Guru's for different personality types...
  21. If You think that all of what Sadhguru is on based on Youtube then You are correct. He himself calls it all circus. He never say believe in what he says, he just says try the methods he shares out, if it works for you good, if not drop it and move on, so his methods are where is real value is, not his youtube vids or the interviews he does, its all circus as he says, just to get ppl interested and curious, No belief involved, he's one of the most anit belief ppl I've researched...
  22. From my research Kundalini is like the Creative Force in the Universe, Shakti is another label name for it. Everything Alive and living has Kundalini in it, for us as Humans, we have the ability to use it for Realizaton of what is Reality, Truth and our connection to everything Living, most all of Yoga is based on rising Kundalini in our spine to have the Realization...
  23. He's been asked about this topic, was Shiva an alien, I don't think he wants to be associated with the Alien world, but on Rogan he did discuss a time when they were on a trip in the Himalayas or around there at some lake and he became Aware of beings that were not from Earth, and tried to via using someone's body find out more about it, here is the video..
  24. Just sharing, this came up on my Utube feed, its a long form podcast (2+hrs), Harvard trained Psychiatrist talking about his experiences going to India as a young scared dumb kid and learning some Yoga and explaining topics such as Karma, One Pointedness, Tantric Sex and other more western psycology stuff too, interesting watch thought to share:)
  25. You only want Love because it brings you to an experience of Bliss, so that is what You and most everyone is after, with Love (Love as we normally define involves a relationship of sorts, it can be with another person, place or thing), it is on the emotional level and involves You including the other as a part of Yourself emotionally. Its the same with ambition or conquest but not on the emotional level, ambition your looking to go out and achieve or accumulate something, conquest is about controlling something to make it a part of yourself. I've been following Sadhguru since 2009, been thru two of his programs and agree, he is for sure one of the most Spiritually Realized Beings on the planet, but he has a way of explaining Truth like know one I have heard before, its simple direct and appeals to my logic/intellect tremendously, but the methods he shares work very effectively too, so that is the real deal concerning the methods. I don't believe he is in it for fame, money or success ego wise, otherwise why build temples, do save soil, and such activities. I've watched a few of Leo's videos and seen long interviews with him. in the end on the level of Intellect and communication they talk about things in similar ways with their own unique way of doing so, but I don't see where Leo is actually sharing methods other than intellectual tools to help one transform, maybe I am wrong on that front. Sadhguru is more than an Enlightened being, a Guru knows the mechanics of life inside and out, other do not!