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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. The world You and I perceive is not an Illusion, or Hallucination, but what You think about what You have Perceived is heavily filtered and influenced by your Karma (residual actions & effects that you have done thru the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic systems), Cultural atmosphere, Teachings exposed to, personal experiences in past and judgements about it, etc. In basic terms the Color Red is the same for You and I, they've proven this, but how You think about the color Red may be different btwn the two of Us, its the same with simple perceptions and complex ones. As well there's a bit of a paradox with this one, All Your experiences Happen within You, no where else, so in one sense you are the center of the Universe, when your in deep sleep the world does not exist in your perception, when you awake then it does, so most everything is Subjective, but we know that there is an Objective world, other ppl, places and things out there whether we exist here or not, the tree does make sound when know one is around to hear it. So the paradox is everything is Subjective but the Objective exists as well, the key to Life is getting to a point where You have absolute Clarity of Reality, this is done via the Yogic practices, you then realize You are not the Body or Mind, and then another form of Perception opens up (3rd eye per say), and reality is now perceived with absolute Clarity.
  2. I'm not sure if he has actually said it, or maybe he doesn't know, but Shiva or Adi Yogi may have been an Alien..One thing for sure, he's the perfect person to have contact with them, have You seen the video where he allows a unique being of sort near Kailash Mansarovar (in the Himmilayas) to possess on of the participants and he was actually surprised by what happened, I wasn't sure it was possible for Sadhguru to get surprised by anything:)
  3. Ramana is a bit overrated, he was born basically already in an Enlightened state, he just had to sit a bit and realize it, and he did at a very young age, now ppl today think they can do the samething lol, no work needed, this is the biggest falsehood, as those that think that need the most work,,Just sayin:)
  4. Designed by Sadhguru, Inner Engineering is a transformative program that includes simple Yoga practices, sessions, and meditative processes guided by Sadhguru, and the transmission of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, a powerful 21-minute Yogic practice. This program helps you build a foundation of health, joy, and exuberance, and establish a chemistry of blissfulness. Register now: #TransformYourLifeWithSadhguru #InnerEngineering Discounted pricing on right now, I believe its only $88 for the first 6 online sessions...
  5. @Squeekytoy I disagree, at the level of survival yes there is competition, but at the most fundamental level of existence there is balance, harmony, intelligence working for life not pitting it against itself. For some forms of life, like I said earlier, survival of the fittest is the best way for quality life to evolve further on, that is competition, but we are the highest level of evolution on this planet (if we are not then what is?) so for us competition just keeps us in survival mode, but we have much more potential than just sleeping, eating, working, procreating then dying like most every other life form on this planet...
  6. If this was truth, then there is no hope for anyone, if their belief or present experience is that of suffering immensely, and that is where they "should" be right now then what is the point of anything, where is the possibility, might as well not be alive is suffering is inevitable and that is that, nothing to do about it lol. Yes one must accept things as they are right now, if Your feeling suffering then that is the way it is, but acceptance does not mean you want it to be this way or that nothing can be done about it. Who wants to suffer, really? No one wants to suffer, we are designed to live at higher levels of Pleasureable experiences, everything about us works better when in a pleasureable state like Bliss, so that is the point of it all, one may never get to a point of Bliss, but at the minimum they can be at Peace within themselves as a natural experience, compared to suffering every moment of the lives like many are doing now...
  7. when I posted that I was referring to experiences and feelings/ things that have qualities, anything below 0 is disempowering for You, anything at 0 (peace) or above 10 (Ecstasy) is empowering for You, infinity is not relevant here, as infinite is not an emotion or thing you can feel or has a quality...
  8. Like You said here, the opposite path leads you to hell, what is hell? Hell represents suffering, Truth represents Bliss, or intense pleasure, pleasure not in the sense of eating a ice cream cone or having a favorite meal, Pleasure in the sense of feeling fulfilled, complete and intensely alive. There is one equation in Life, gain as much Pleasure/Joy/Bliss vs avoiding as much pain and suffering as you can, most all your choices come from this fundamental. You respond to posts because not responding is more unpleasant, this equation is happening every second for every decision you make, just try it now after reading this post, observe your reaction to it and see what need comes up in your mind in how to respond, then resist it, see what happens...
  9. Here's a video of SRI M, a Kryia Yogi/Guru, he seems super legit, this is his initial talk at a session he was holding, many topics talked about, Sat Chit Ananda, Consciousness, Vedas, Yoga, Mind, and the whole point of life... Even though I consider myself a disciple of Sadhguru, I still listen to others and research what they say, on the basic level the real ones are saying the samething, just in different ways, Enjoy:)
  10. As a long time researcher and of course I've done the practices for years, so this is not just about researching what others think, but from my own experience, what are the main problems in the Human World, we have been around for thousands of Years, in the last 100 yrs we have had the greatest amount of change in how we live, and how we are within ourselves. Even in this small community here, you can see what the problems are, here are what i think are the biggest Spiritual challenges, it is because we as a whole humanity are not Spiritually minded that the problems we have exist, we are still living in Cave Man days, it is just we are not searching for fire, water, food, shelter, but entertainment, life and purpose outside of ourselves... 1) Massive Unconcsiousness - what this is means in basic form is that Reality is not experienced by the majority of People on this planet, ppl are not Living Life, they are thinking about Life, making up little worlds in their minds and believing it is reality. Reality is not separate from Yourself, you are a part of nature, can actualize it and experience it as a huge part of Yourself. Nature/Reality is the most perfect thing we have to perceive in all the Universe, its so perfect we can predict the rise of the sun, when the seasons change, patterns that exist in nature. All of this, the ability to have Life as available as it is on this planet, is as perfect as it can get, but we don't experience Perfection at all on the larger scale in Human Experience because we are Unconcsious to Reality, our role and connection to it... 2) Identified with things we are not - Identity tells You who You are, the majority are identified with the Body or Mind or both in differing intensities. But both Body/Mind are Accumulated things, Body via the food You eat, so Body is Earth, Body only know procreation and surival. Mind is accumulated Information brought in via the 5 senses, its societies Garbage Bin, you have no choice of the data you have within Your Mind, subconcsiouns/unconscious aspects of it, but it is not You, something else has to be there beforehand to allow You to accumulate anything, don't label it, just get intouch with it and identify with that aspect of what You are. Once a space is created btwn what You are and what You have accumulated, then Life opens up... 3) Massive Conditioning - the world of Humanity is under massive conditioning programs, some natural in make up some man made, but the way we are educated, the way we see and live in the world is why the world is the way it is, we still have wars, we still have massive suffering both physical and mental, but we live in the most informative and technologically advanced time ever for the most part..Conditioning is a part of the Karma equation, Karma is the residual effect of all the actions You take coming back to You and making you experience life as You are right Now. Action is on 4 levels, Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic. how conscious are You of all the actions taking place every second of Your Life in these areas? Most are less than 1% aware of any of it, but have the potential too be 100% aware of all of it, how would that change life for You? 4) Belief, and that Life is outside of You - Belief is false Knowing, its information coming in from outside of Yourself telling You a story, sharing an ideology/concept and You mentally accept it as Truth or embibe it as Reality of sorts, which leads you on a path of false knowing. Life is within You, not outside of You, all experience you have happens within You, ppl just use outside stimuli to create an experience within themselves. If You have 100% control of You inner experience how would You want to be, Happy or Sad? How would being Happy at will transform your life today, compared to being a slave to outside situations creating how You feel within Yourself now?
  11. My Father he died at 85, the year before that he was mostly in bed, and had changed considerably, he was pretty pig headed, stubborn and such most of his life, he did many good things, provided for his family, police work saved lives, volunteered but had his faults, but when near death he became quiet and didn't want any drama, I attributed this too his energy levels being low, but Sadhguru is the man, he's got more knowing than all of us combined, and shares it, so I would listen to him whole heartedly if I were You, and his methods work very well:)
  12. Checkout Paul Chek, he's very knowledgeable in body, mind, and spiritual areas, he has a school of sorts set up where you can get certified, its a 4yrs course, he's very good...
  13. why do you want Truth? Why do ppl want to go to Heaven, or post on this forum, or do anything in life?
  14. Competition is on the level of Survial, if all of life/nature was in competition with itself, then no material existence would be possible, ppl use animal nature as an example of why we need to compete and such, even plant life, plants trees fighting for space and sunlight, but these forms of life are limited and not capable of the possibility and potential that we have as humans, even though most humans are not living anywhere near that potental, so harmony, balance, equanimity are what is needed today, competition has given us what we have today, which is not so empowering imo:)
  15. True, so all we can do is be the best version of ourselves right? What is the best version of ourselves then, many have tried to define this, some do not have any idea of Spirituality and what it means, so their exposure is limited, but we live in the best time ever for being exposed to everything and anything, which is why the Pain of Ignorance has to enter someones life, when that happens as they say the Teacher will arrive and things start to happen for You:)
  16. @sleep Its good to share, ask questions and such, just don't rely on it as some sort of authority. Truth is within You, find a way to access that Truth and then Life opens up and your on your way, looking outside of Yourself for answers is not the way to Truth...
  17. Society is just an Idea, none of us really know what is going on with society other than how we internally feel about it, so for me I see chaos, disfunction, disharmony most everywhere, ppl looking outside themselves for life and pleasures and security, when all experience happens within You, so where is life happening but only within You, but few know this as a Reality, so socially we are in trouble. With the Raising of Human Consciousness we go from being living as we are now, looking for life outside ourselves, not knowing a thing about reality, to knowing life is within ourselves, and a good perception of reality as it is, which is a much more stable place to be, much more harmony and live empowerment, all we need is too establish this as a necessity, like we did at the beginning of the 1900's where most of the people were illiterate, we established institutions and system so that everyone had the opportunity to be able to read and write and basics like that, do the same here and life on this planet would transform..
  18. Because ppl are so empowered today with technology, one person (lets Use Leo for eg) can create a platform and influence thousands of ppl, because of that access to tech and communication with a possible world wide audience, laziness in ppl is saving us, if everyone had that ambition, like that of a motivated hungry tiger, then with the current level of consciousness in this world, it would be chaos and war everywhere..
  19. Quickest way is to use established practices that have been around for thousands of Years, that basically clear your mind, karma/conditioning and tendencies habits that are making You not realize reality as it is, I use Isha Yoga, other Yogic systems work very well coming from True Teachers/Guru's, Buddhism works well, find a method that appeals to You on some level, not one that You necessarily enjoy, but one that on some level your attracted to, make the decision to do it consistently, then do it for at least a Year, check if You are more healthy, joyful and more vitality, etc, then Your on Your way. Don't think Enlightenment right off the bat, think baby steps, be Peaceful within Yourself naturally no matter what is happening around you, each moment, each day, then go from there...
  20. Being vulnerable brings fear, this is the whole problem with this sort of thinking and belief, that You have to leave Yourself open and vulnerable to allow someone else to come into your life, and deal with it, vulnerability allowing it too happen will naturally bring fear, fear of loss, fear of being vulnerable itself, this is all mental games and intellectual level of living which is thinking about Life, not living Life. One must be Loving, for that too happen one has to already be engaged on a level of Reality and Awareness where they control and determine how they will experience Life within themselves, then they can go out and share it with others, this appears to be Love in expressed form. Otherwise You are just making an arrangement of sorts, you do this for me, I do that for You, the hormones release and sort of feeling of connection is there (for procreation to happen) then one must be vulnerable, accepting and such intellectual games, which usually leads to separation unless one has a higher level of Awarenss in play...
  21. @Yimpa This is why forums and things like this via the internet are not the be all end all, yes sharing is good (sanga) but it has to be more personal, and in committed environments, this here is not a committed environment, its very general and ppl can come and go as they please, no committment necessary. Its a starting point this place is, but definitely not an end point or place of great value and wisdom, that comes when someone does the work/striving and finds out for themselves what is the Reality, and what is not. When someone shares, they have to expect differing opinions coming their way, their reaction to it says allot...
  22. Love its quite simple, an Emotion, a strong sense of pleasure, you feel it because of the Oxtocycin in your Brain, mostly triggered by subject/object attraction then something clicks in your brain, the hormone is released and you feel a great connection with other. Being Loving is another thing all together, its you expressing what You are feeling within Yourself, which is where all experience and feeling comes from, Love is not about the other, its just stimulated by the other for most. You want Love to feel Bliss, if Love made You feel pain and suffering then you wouldn't want it...
  23. Like I said in my initial post, I'm glad for You in many ways, being Blissed out is awesome and everyone should have this experience, its just the way your talking (and now reacting) that says allot but hey ppl have to do what they feel is right, no worries:)
  24. It seems you are triggered by some saying something You don't agree with, you see how this works? Lets not play games, and I am not playing games either, just commenting and observing, that is all, if one wants to Love Themselves and go down that road so be it, its no skin off my back, just saying in my own experience and research this is the wrong road to go down, but ppl must do what they must do and see for themselves:)
  25. Which God are You referring to, India has some 30 million:) Ego is a great thing. makes You do dumb things:)