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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. I would say (as someone more than twice Your age), that Your a bit fragmented right now, too many goals and those goals probably are not even original too You, but picked up from watching others and what they are doing and supposedly living. I was lucky I accidentally walked into learning Wing Chun, I didn't intend to learn or teach any Martial art at Your age, but it came into my life and basically that is all I could think about for 5 or 6 years, since then I don't practice anymore but taught up until covid hit the scene so that was over 30yrs of teaching and research, so it was great for me. Since then in 2009 I found a Yogic Guru (Sadhguru) and use his practice to find Bliss and Enlighenment, but I research others, both Martial Arts and Spirituality are passions of Mine, I still work for a living, am married to a much Younger woman from a totally different culture than mine (never thought this would happen lol), and live in a terrible big city with all its chaos, I think of it as a spiritual challenge..So hopefully You find one or two things to focus on, that come Your way and Your super passionate about it, but first and foremost start a Yoga/Mediation practice, find a method that appeals to You, do it daily, make Yourself Happy and Healthy naturally, this will be with You your entire life and thereafter, the other things may come and go, but that won't and it will serve You well:)
  2. I would say You had a glimpse of it, as most of us have, but not totally there yet..I haven't done any hard psycedelics yet, just some pot, and a bit of psylocibin, but have had some natural experience of oneness, bliss, and general well being via the Yoga practice I do...Have done a ton of research on trips though, I watch a guy named Shawn Ryan, he's an ex Navy seal/Cia contractor, and has a big podcast channel on Youtube, he went away a couple of years ago to try DMT and Ibogane and recalled his experience in a video, it was very similar to Yours, feeling of Love and Oneness, that everything is perfect..One thing I notice though since coming to this forum, when ppl talk about their trips and their feeling of Love, it always includes I and God and Love is everything, since I have been doing practices and involvement with Spirituality for a long time I guess it is just my education on the subject coming into my mind when I read this sort of thing, but isn't it a feeling of Bliss that You are having? When I feel in Love, I feel Blissful, very happy and excited and intense about it, the thing with Love as most of us know it involves a relationship, You and Object, so when someone says God Loves itself, Reality Loves itself, that is two entities one Loving and One being Loved, how is it that God is Two? But it is good to have these sorts of experience, just root it in practices now and try to get there naturally, its awesome as well:)
  3. Yes agreed, and this is an important point, only a few things may be considered absolutely wrong, thinking Child sex abuse, Elder abuse and such things, but most other things that many label as "wrong" are only wrong in a very conditioned subjective experience, the conditioning is the important word there, so with a higher consciousness in place as an everyday experience, then one can see with greater Clarity, with that comes the realization that in this world, duality is here, materialism is here, no system to manage that massive amount of ppl works perfectly, and sometimes what looks very bad is a necessary action, and visa versa, Tech is just like anything, just use it, don't let it use you, You are the master of Your Universe, or should be, if not then that is the work and where the attention should be...
  4. Yes this ideology of gain "strength" and becoming "stronger" via dealing with stress situations, pain and suffering has been around a long time, "What doesn't kill you makes You stronger", for me when I hear or see this in action and intellectually, it still lives on the level of survival, strength, being strong, going thru struggle, that is survival level of existence and experience, its our low end for human beings, we have much more potential than living via this way or ideology. One can learn and be more creative and have more clarity via the Bliss route, and its more empowering overall for all others and society as a whole imo..Change happens on the physical and mental level, unchanging in the reality of Oneness and that dimension of Reality, the non physical part of existence is Unchanging, never created, never destroyed, always there, the foundations of everything, what was there before the supposed Big Bang...
  5. If Your really on the Spiritual Path, which is a path towards Truth and Reality, then one becomes more connected with so called "other", in your experience there is no real other, you are them, they are you, you see the sameness in everyone more than the differences society/culture/business wants you to see, so when it comes to different perpectives yes there maybe disagreements but that doesn't produce a emotional response to it, or offence of any sort, a spiritual person determines how they want to be withing themselves, so it won't matter to them that others may intellectual see or describe things differently on that level, imho:)
  6. I would say this, I've been on the Spiriutal Path for over a decade now, and it has changed me tremendously, and I've gone thru periods where I did the practices and sadhana for years at a time everyday consistently, and times where I did not practice. I'm curious about psychedelics but I would not have used them first off, since I have allot of experience with practices, have a solid foundation, then I think it is safe to just try it and get the grand experience it can give, learn from that for sure and build on it, but to start with it would not be recommended since there is no foundation built up as to what life is, having naturally high consciousness experiences, your own intellectual researching and find of reality and so forth..
  7. For me this is crap, I've been in depressed state over period of time, not just one day but for a few months at a time, would never want that for myself or other, been blissed out too for mths at a time, which much rather have that. The ones that say all experiences are necessary are kidding themselves imo, yes if Bliss is possible, Depression is possible, but it doesn't mean I have to experience depression, just because its available. that is like driving off a cliff because it is there and beside the road lol...
  8. Guns do not kill ppl, People are the ones killing other people, and life forms like the amazon. Its choice.. What Your talking about is value, we put nukes and other things in safe places because of their value, and we haven't used them much because someone knows or is conscious enough to know their potential to end life, its enormous. So in the end its all about consciousness, if Your unconscious to a high degree then Your a slave to everything, if consciusness raise up the less of a slave You are, if Your totally conscious, then Your destiny is Yours, your internal experience is complete, from that everything you do is a giving, no extraction needed, other than sustaining Your body with nurishment...
  9. The problem is never the Technology, or Invention we create, its You being Unconscious, reacting to it compulsively, and not responding to it Concsiously, everything is a tool, you use it then drop it when not needed, same with Ego complex, you can do this when Your Conscious, when Your complusive it all rules You...
  10. @Mesopotamian Objectively You are correct, this world needs healing, it needs Transformation. We produce enough food for more than 8 billion ppl, but lots of ppl are still starving today. Lots of Homeless ppl around, but there is more than enough resources to get them places to live, many wars going on about who own what land and what resources, but there's plenty of that too, but we still have tons of conflict, no different from cave man days imo and observation. But we live in Subjectivity too, Your world is Yours, everything happens within You, when You go into Deep Sleep, the world does not exist for You, it comes alive when You Wake Up. So all You can do is be the best You, Live to Your highest potential and possibility, Enlightenment is that, so get there anyway you can, then see what You can do for the rest of Us.. Never Suffer anothers suffering, that just adds to the suffering, being Happy in a depressed world is essential, be that..Whatever this world is lacking in, be that and supply more of that, the only way to do that is too not be a part of the problem, being Depressed, Sad, Anxious, Angry, Bitter is part of the problem, be the solution, be Blissed Out, Intensely Alive, Creative, Compassionate, Loving, Devotional, Inspiring, those are the solutions we need..
  11. AI should revolutionize the way society is, it should take the jobs, make it so ppl do not have to do mundane jobs over and over again on a daily basis, or labor jobs, what we need is for AI to manage our resources, make better choices that are not polictically or emotionally motivated which is the human disease of not being Conscious and not see others as Yourself, Yourself as Others. Check out Jacque Fresco, he's passed now, but he was an Inventor and had been around for Years promoting his idea of Resource Based Economy, where tech/AI would manage the worlds resources in a better way so all could be provided for, everything would be essentially free, but this is not socialism or communism, its a different set up, tech/AI would design better cities, better transportation systems, medical and educational systems, so that we could explore our creativity and true purposes in Life rather than being slaves to the dollar and other things...
  12. Don't Love Life, that indicates You and Life, that's Two Entities, You are LIfe, One entity, so Just be Bliss, as a foundation, many ppl have a fondation of Depression, Sadness, Anxiety and they are just barely making it, many are here on this forum its obvious, so make Your Foundation that of Bliss, this will appear to others that You are Loving, as well for You being in Bliss is closer to Life Source, but when You Love Life, it is about two things, don't divde it and make it more complex that it has to be, just find Your Bliss, get closer to Life intensity and completeness, and things open up:) Good Blog, enjoying reading it:)
  13. This is just intellect dividing things up more and more, making things more complex and such. We are not talking about Spirituality here on this forum, we are talking around it, because language and communication comes from intellect, logic of which is a foundation of intellect, so intellect divides and separates, dark side this, light side that, sub concsious, unconscious, that lables and divides are just there for us to explain, which is intellectual, so that one listening and reading/watching can get curious, on the intellectual level. Most all of Humanity nowadays are highly intellectual, very much into their thoughts, emotions, internal philosophies about themselves and life, none of it is reality, reality is Your Alive, the sun has risen, the atmosphere is provided 02, your able to access the librarys of the world, and your still anxious, depressed, but if those things can happen within You at levels of intensity, so can Happiness, and Bliss, at the same levels of experience and intensity, so make the choice, that is Human Nature, Free Will, make the choice as to how You want to be, don't go searching for Dark Side, Light Side Ego or Super Ego complexes it just gets you further away...
  14. What I meant is that Mods are more intouch with Leo, or they should be than someone like myself, non mod. Anyway it doesn't matter, he can do as he pleases, I'm not hear to get intouch with Leo or find out more about him or anything to do with him...
  15. The Brain doesn't know the difference btwn something vividly imagined (Like Your dream) and something real, so there is a fine line or maybe not even a line btwn what we call Real and Dreamland. Everything is experienced internally, that is where Your/Our world is located, we individaully are the centers of our own universes, the key is to know with Clarity there are other Universes (8 Billion on this planet) and we are connected to them all. Humans are more the same that different, but the differences are popularized and promoted it causes more friction and division, which is good for business..
  16. Like Sam Harris, Peterson is too intellectual, he's more emotonal than Harris, and Peterson has his own physical and mental health issues, I don't take advice or trust sources that claim to know but can't prove via their own lives situations, but I do listen to him once inawhile and watch some of his podcast reviews...always see how the person lives and do they have something you want, then listen to them..
  17. This is wise, and seeing/experience Life this way is more empowering than Using Emotion all the time, which is sparadic in nature, but when You realize that Life itself, God if You will is Intelligence, and that You are a part of that Intelligence, which is everywhere, and very much a part of Your system, then You will come to more and more Realizations quicker imo. By Intelligence I am not meaning calculating and figuring out things, its more of a creation sort of intelligence, for intelligence to be present organization, deep levels of layers of it, has to be present, and that is present in nature and everything that is alive and not alive, the Universe, Us, plants, everything has deep layers of Intelligence, just see how everything is set up for Us to Thrive, its just a matter of Realizing it that makes the difference! Good sharing:)
  18. The Samahdi series and Inner World/Outer World series. made by the same person are good docu's, here is the link to his Youtube page, he also has a retreat center in Ontario, seems like a legit guy with allot of knowledge, as well he has a forums page to.. Daniel Schmidt is his name..
  19. Him (Leo) not answering says allot, especially the question coming from a Mod, just sayin...
  20. The essence of being Human, and why we are called "Human Beings" is the we can just BE, First establish Your Being, then go out, have relationships, share with other, don't extract from others, Life is partially about Giving, give all You can to others, when You establish Your Being, then everything is a giving... Good Video on this from Sadhguru....
  21. The Insights are not new, they will naturally come to someone when their Awareness is raised and more intense as time goes on, how we express it may differ but in the end we are all saying the samethings in a general sense, little details maybe not the same but mostly insights are similar to others in the past... Life Insights: 1) Pain is real, Suffering is a choice, it happens mostly mentally, we over think, become too Intellectual and everything starts to offend You because of highly addicted population to ideologies, concepts and teachings that are outside of themselves, learned from data input via the 5 senes... 2) Successful ppl suffering just as much as Poor or Deprived ppl, maybe more, because once You have all the Money, Power, Fame, Admiration, Success, etc, and You still feel empty, then what else is there too do but get addicted to drugs/booze, gambling, sex, or some sort of death wish that requires you to do dangerous things to feel alive (think Tom Cruise)... 3) Technology or anything that we have invented for ourselves is mostly there as a convenience, not as a source or reason for Life to go on..nothing really new has been invented just things that are extensions of what we already have available to us naturally... 4) Reincarnation is True, many examples of kids knowing areas of geography, or have skills within them that would be impossible to learn at their age, Karma or result of residual actions travel from embodied life to emboded life, until one has reached a level of Awareness to move on to another plane..
  22. 1. Life/God/Source/Brahman/Grand Intelligence is all about Possibility and Potential, everything that can be exists and does not exist somwhere and nowhere. 2. In Onness no duality, no individuality exists, therefore no expression, no experience can exist, only Oneness, Completeness, Absoluteness. Possibility/Potential.. 3. Since Within Onness all Possibility and Potential does exist, so within that, Duality, Expression, Experience has to exist somewhere as another form of possibility. 4. This Earth, This plane of existence, this Universe is just one form of this Duality, Expression and Experience. 5. You, I, all of Us, as Human Beings, on this planet have the most potential to Experience this Duality and Oneness at the sametime within the same space. compared to other life forms which live between two points, a low point and high point, their potential is limited, Humans have no points by which they can live between, they can live/experience below Animal/Plant Level of Experience/Awareness, or be God/Saint Level of Love, Compassion, Blissfulness, Completeness, Enlightenment.. 6. Striving is what makes it possible for all to live to their Highest Potential, you had to Strive to learn A,B,C, 1,2,3 then how to make words, questions and paragraphs, and add, subtrack, multiply and divide, this did not come naturally for You, someone invented and developed the ability and skill, then it was passed on thru the generations,...Someone discovered the experience of Enlightenment (highest potential for Human Being), then it was developed and refined more (Yoga) and shared/spread to others interested and willing to Experience it... 7. Most Ppl are still living at the Cave Man stage of Existence Mentally, Emotonally and Spiritually, and rather than just collecting Food, Fire and Shelter to live another day, they collect Experiences, Money, Fame, Success, Recognition, Admiration, Pain for the most part with small experiences of Pleasure as a side dish and are capable of Suffering all of it, all the success, money, fame, everything that happens to them...but we live in the most informative time ever, so there's no excuse for anyone to be Ignorant of the Theory of Enlightenment, Spirituality and how it can bring one out of the dungeon of Suffering.
  23. Yes, Truth is the Authority, Authority is never the Truth, they can only guide us, all of the practices available today are just guides, they allow us to see/experience for ourselves what is Truth, the Guru''s primary role is just that, it is not about them in a personal way, just someone that is already there, making it easier for anyone willing to strive to find it too..
  24. Not yet in an absolute state, have had glimpses for sure..I've researched many masters, consider myself a disciple of Sadhguru, have sat in his presence many times, gone thru a few of his courses with him present, they don't all say life is an illusion or hallucination, they say the way You are understanding it may be. I don't think in an ultimate way we can Understand what Life is, its too complex, too layered and organized, too much intelligence is present in Life, but we can experience it, our limited minds will never be able to understand it all...