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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. @numbersinarow For explaination, there are two ways to explain Consciousness, there is Consciousness on a cosmic scale, that is anothe name for God, Brahman, Source, Grand Intelligence and so forth, this is what was there before the big bang.. Then there is individual consciouness, this is how intense Your Awareness and Perception of Life is. We have individual Bodies and Minds, we live in a Dual Physical world and universe but we have the capability to feel Oneness and Completeness and connect with the Universal Consciousness that I explained before. Spiritual Practices and Sadhana get You there, find a method do it everyday consistently, allow a Guru to come into Your life so it happens within this lifetime and Your set! Every experience You have only happens in one place, within You, so everything is subjective in a way, you are the center of Your Universe, when you go into deep sleep nothing exists for You, but we know there are other bodies/minds and physical world out there, so we have to deal with it. Even physially we are very connected to everything else, the trees and plant life provide 02, the earth provides food, the stuff we buy is put together by other humans, so we are connected on that level in millions of ways, we are not independent of it even on the physical level..
  2. This is one of the first videos that really got me on to Sadhguru, he just explains it like no other. Here someone asks if Mediation/Yoga is like a Brain Exercise or something, Sadhguru explains that when You get something or achieve a goal what happens next? You want more, this is desire in action, Desire is Life, without it there is no Doing, but in the end You what You want out of everything, Love, Success, Money, Fame, posting a response, is Bliss, Bliss is not an Emotion, but a State of Being where Your Intensely Pleasant on the levels of Body, Mind, Emotion and Energetically which is the most important, when Your energies are highly intense, active and alive, then Your in Bliss. Its been proven that when in Bliss states vs Depressed states, everything about You works better, more creativity, more clarity, more intelligence, more of everything that makes Life worth living, it opens up Possibility and Potential. Good Video, he basically explains that whole reason why You want to do Yoga and follow a Sprititual Life Path..
  3. Your Muladhara or Root chakra located at the perineum is always open at birth, the quality here is food and sleep, if that is the quality of Your Life, then that is where the Kundalini is rooted in, to raise it up first You need a constant state of Peace within Yourself, to do this some mental steps are 1) Accept all that is as it is (this lowers the stress response so that it does not happen in your life), 2) Live Now, get wise from the past, plan for the future but don't live in these places in your mind b/c they don't exist, so focus on Now experiences and presence, 3) Respond vs React, Responding corresponds with being Conscious in Your Awareness.. After getting those down, try Isha Kriya, its a simple sadhana or spiritual practice, takes around 12 min to do, do it twice a day for at least 40 days straight then as much as You want afterwards, this will get You to place of Peace for sure, after that try Isha's Inner Engineering program that will finish the job...
  4. From Ian Bremmer, looks like we are f'd no matter what we do. Our systems of everything have to change, education, political, economical, cultural, everything has to transform or every year will look worse than the prior...slightly different outlook than Zehan who basically says we will be alright here in the west compared to most everywhere else in the world!
  5. Who's the Youtube guru? Do some research!!! Now the person that started this forum more fits that description:)
  6. The Spiritual path is all about this but its not about a Conversation, its about the Realization of what we are, so Realization is the important part. Once You touch Your Bliss Body, as a part of the 5 shealth (Earth, Mental, Energetic, Etheric, Bliss Bodies), then Your intouch with a part of that aspect, they call it Bliss body because it is non physical aspect, and You as an embodied individual living on a dual material planet, and being a Human Being, You can make this the fondation of Your Experience by identifying with, because that is You...So conversation is limited and low level, Experiencially Bliss is the language of God or Creation/Creator...
  7. Agreed, dream, reality, imagination, on some levels its all the same, when You realize all experience happens only within You, nothing happens outside of You, then what is Real? Is the vivid dream You had last night real? Yes it is in your subjective experience which is really all You have, another does not have this specific dream like You but they have their own with the same intensity hopefully:) So the basic problem is ppl begin to intellectualize everything, intellect is a cutting and descernment tool good for Survival but not go to go beyond Survival level of Perception and Awareness, and they go on a dmt trip feel oneness, come back intellectualize it and feel they are God, but which God are you, India alone has 33 million lol..., So this is Karma in play, your filters are on all the time, you filter what is going on within You because You are identified with things You are not, once You deal with that, Identify with the cosmos per say, then all of this goes away, a simple Sadhana, then the Chakras open up by themselves in a healthy way..
  8. Good video and basically in line with the ideas I mentioned in my posts before about Resource Based Economy, its not a uptopian concept but just a way of living that is radically different from the way we are living now and have been since the industrial revolution. Ppl will not have to work like they have worked for thousands of years, today we are just cogs in wheels of the corporate power structure, are born to be that? No imo... Here Sadhguru talks about AI, basically what the fella said in the video, and how to deal with it and live a magical life:) Note this video was made over 5yrs ago...
  9. @Davino To put it simply, the shadow, the unconscious mind, the unknown and making it come into knowing, you do this by not going into it, but by going beyond it. Any sort of recollection or review of past, which all that stuff is based off of is unnecessary, unless You are not at the point where Spiritual Sadhana has an impact on you. Peace is 0 on the scale of empowering emotions or states of Being, Ecstasy is 10, for anything below Peace one is not in a stable enough place for spiritual sadhana, if someone is not at a point where during their days there is no sense of Peace, it is akin to someone in a deep intense search for food, there's no point in talking about Spirituality to ppl in this condition, first they have to find food, or Peace in this context. When someone is so messed up in their mind stuff then spirituality is not yet for them, first get that right, get to a stable platform of Peace. In Sadhguru's Inner Engineering course, there are many tools for one to get to a point of Peace, via Acceptence and Response Ability and other tools learned in the first 6 lesson, and when that is gained then one can begin a spiritual path per say, until then, its all mind work, ego discovery and things of this nature which imo are not real or true spiritual work, just as we are not talking about Spirituality here, we are talking around it. Think what You want about Sadhguru and what he is or is not, at least he admits all the talking, interviews and events are circus, as well at least he shares methods and technologies for one to get to a point of gradual Realization, whereas Leo, Watts, Tolle, Spira and many others just talk, their whole game is talking, if your into talking and think this is the be all end all then good luck:)
  10. This forum is sort of schizophrenic, first You have ppl proclaiming to be God and God/Love is everything, nothing else exists lol, then the exactly opposite, God is not Involved and we are all in a hell scape of sorts... Too much over thinking, not enough real experience and deep understanding, not saying I am there totally and completely, but once You have a true understanding and experience of Oneness You can't go back, yeah things in this world suck big time, on so many levels of chaos and suffering, but there are miracles happening everyday too. I hope the ppl of the world see and realize the miracles more. first start with the miracle within Yourself, then that is a starting place to make change, but its hard at times I know, been there and done that...
  11. I thnk if Your looking for any sort of psycoanalysis then on that level you may be correct, but Spirituality, or Higher Consciousness which is what this section of the Forum is about, is not psycoanalysis, its not about trying to fix Your Mind/Thinking/Thought process and become a good citizen that goes to work regularly, doesn't cause societal problems, pays taxes on time and lower stress and simple feeling of wellbeing, Spirituality is about none of that, because Mind is not You, these thoughts we are expressing here are not us, are basically meaningless, its just a sharing platform and a simple starting point for those interested to go further in their lives than where they are now. Spirituality is about Your Potential, Living beyond Mind and Body, experiencing the Miracle that happens every moment within You and everything alive, Free Will and so forth. I have no need to argue or debate, we each have an Understanding and Path to follow so too each their own...
  12. Well better to Aim for the stars then the status quo and fall short a bit then to continue as is and probably go down further..The main problem in the world is not a tech or AI problem, its Human Concsiousness, even with all the work that has been done and is being done, You cannot talk Spirituality when a persons stomach is empty, or war is going on, or some sort of lack is there, and that is happening everywhere for no real reason, I live in Canada one of the most wealthy countries and we have a ton of problems and each 10yrs it gets worse, I can't imagine what it is like in a 3rd world country, nothing is getting done for the masses, so something has to change...
  13. Another perspective or way of saying it Entanglement, the problem with detachment is that life is about Involvement, total invovlement with Everything and Anything, detachment is non involvement, entanglement means something stick to You. The most important Moment in Your Life is Now, because Now is all that exists, but the past memory is important, it brought You here didn't it? So in Yoga they talk about being Transparent, that means nothing sticks to You, you go thru a situation and experience, whether it was wonderful or depressing it doesn't stay with You intensely after it is over, for this too happen well You have to establish Your Being first, first BE--->DO--->HAVE, how do I want to be within myself, determine that, then being Transparent works well, attachment/entanglement is no longer a concern, You can enjoy Your ice cream, but not crave it afterwards or have to cling on to an experience for fulfilment...
  14. Living to Your Highest Potential, not being a part of the problem (suffering from depression, anxiety, anger, past experiences, etc) but a part of the Solution, creative energy, compassionate, internally at Peace or at Bliss, giving not extracting from anything, making the society a more Inclusive place to be...
  15. I would humbly disagree, there is the top level realm, Brahman the all prevading Presence and Creative Intelligence that was always there and never dies, then there is creation, duality, manifestation, and eventually Us, Human Beings on this planet with Individual Body and Minds, none of it is imaginary, to imagine it like that is imagination and totally un reality, within that is our Brain, it doesn't create consciousness it allows it to flow and function within this Dual world, but we have the potential to rise above the duality and be in the presence of Brahman and Oneness and experience to a great extent, not totally since we are here and embodied, at that point You have to decide do I want to continue here in this dual world or go beyond it and lose individuality and have complete merge with Oneness...Until then You have a Brain, Body, Emotions, Society/Culture and Work, Kids, joy/suffering to deal with, root yourself in Awareness and all of this is much easier to deal with, to say it is all Imagination is false spirituality...
  16. One of the most powerful Spiritual Systems available today, Inner Engineering by Isha/Sadhguru, super simple and effective...
  17. Over the years of personal practice and researching Spiritual systems and theories, like we all do, we personalize it and come up with our own way of describing it. On a scale of 0-10, 0 is Peacefulness, all experiences are within a range of Intensity, Peace is a certain Intensity of Pleasantness, its calm, cool, collected, silent in basic nature, but it is the start of the ladder. Above this is Happiness, which I would say is around 4 on the scale, Happiness is more about external stimuli, looking at a beautiful sunrise or sunset, flower, woman/man, eating pleasant food for You, laughing at a joke, etc, sometimes You wake up happy because of a nice dream or just the way Your body/mind are that morning, but then it can go away... Bliss is around 8 on the scale, Bliss is more than a state of Emotion, its in the realm of Realization, when in Bliss You realize somethings about Life, its much more intense than Happiness and is more permanent than Happiness, its not reliant on a outside Stimuli like Happiness, but is dependent on how you keep the Reallization Alive within Your Awareness and Consciousness. Ecstasy is 10, it is Bliss on Steriods, You cannot function physically or mentally very well when in Ecstasy, everything is beautiful for You, even the cold winter cloudy day, this is a temporal State, between physical and non physical and while You are here on this Earth You don't want to stay in Ecstasy states too too long, but once a day for a short period of time will do You wonders, and bring You to Your hightest potental and possiblity!
  18. The Idea of a Resource Based Economy and what Fresco is saying is not a Uptopian concept, he even addresses this in his talks, its about a more efficiency society (society has been going this way for decades, each decade with tech things are heading or pointed towards more efficiency than before) and fairness. Right now nothing in the west is efficent or fair for the majority of ppl when it comes to equality of almost anything, the wealthy are getting more wealthy and hording all the money and power, the gap btwn most of us and them is widening, so Resource Based Economy is about that, making it more fair and equitable for everyone so the resources are not isolated to a small group of ppl while everyone else suffers for it...I don't think right now this generation or the next one could handle it, but the ones after could if brought up to speed about what it can offer and Humans being more Conscious, the problem is with all the problems in the world (Climate change, Wars, Social divide, etc) I am not sure we will make it or be here in 20-30 yrs,,,
  19. Yes true. I don't beat myself up with it, one cannot force themself to do the practices it won't work that way, so that is why it doesn't bother me, and as You said I just make my witnessing and mindfulness the current practice, I will get back to more steady practices in time:)
  20. I've thought abou this allot, and when I buy a lottery ticket when the jackpot is high, its the physical freedom that is the most attractive part of being Wealthy, I despise the present day economic system, its no different from slavery of the old days, but our culture has conditioned us to see it as the best time ever, in the best system ever, but its slavery to time and money, I spend more time at work and in traffic than at home with family, and what I see everyday out there in the world is slavery, stress, and suffering of all sorts, especially in the big city, its chaos here, nothing is built right, going right, so with individual weath I could get out of this trap and be more free on that level. When on vacation back home where I am from, away from big city stressors, I had laughing fits for no real reason, it just came out, so that would be more wanted and availabe with wealth, its just a better way to live...Good Post!!
  21. I'm a work in progress, but much more alive and balanced, equanimous in my nature, yeah I get a bit of road rage, but most anyone would living in Toronto, lol, but it doesn't mess up my whole day. My real only spiritual problem is I have more intellectual knowing, than experiencial knowing, its just on the edge of the two, but I've been lazy with practices....I have a definite space created btwn what is Me and what is not Me, that is what brings me the equanimity, and mindfulness, I observe allot, see my ego judging on a daily basis, watching it do this and that, but that space is what saves my sanity...
  22. Just some advice from a layman, and person on the spiritual path for a long time, with any sort of addiction, or problem like this, it is either one is seeking to stop the pain, so they drowned themselves in a chemical of somekind to get sort of numb or radical change in experience, or one is looking for a more intense experience than what they are having right now (this is desire in action), to try to stop huge urges and addictions mentally or by will power will result in failure for sure, this is a sort of karma in play here and its deep intense and doesn't stop, one has to create within themselves a even more intense joy that come naturally, then you won't need any effort to stop watching porn, but can one just do this? No most can't, so its a practice of sorts, start a practice that will eventually allow you to be joyful of Your own nature, its hard work and a work in progress, but will power will not get you there...
  23. What we experience is a result of our Karma for the most part, Karma is the residual consequence of all the actions you perform, on the level of the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energy, are You conscious of the actions being performed in these areas of your life every moment? Most are not, so therefore they are slaves to past tendencies and habits, which is karma in play. When one is conscious which is the right of every human being, then karma no longer has an affect, You choose what to Experience right now, How to be within right now.
  24. When It comes to Sadhguru he has done all of this, he's 24/7 on the air from what I understand and have observed, but he also does circus which is sit in front of people and answer the same questions over and over again, could You do that, and travel to different time zones, do envirnomental work, supply medical and educational services, run 4 ashrams, multiple business ventures, and run Spiritual events and programs and still have a smile on Your face? That is the proof, just see the smile, the laughter, the spontaneous dance, in the midst of all of this, and he's been doing it for over 30+yrs straight, most all of us here could not do what he does for a week...