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Everything posted by Ishanga

  2. I think ppl should be aware of their mortality, that one day this body and this lifestyle, family/friends, homes and such will all be gone for You, that way if one really realizes this they won't waste time doing stupid things (scrolling all day on phone looking at nothing), so its a part of the awakening process to know this, and a step in the right direction...
  3. @Someone here I would agree with that our society the way it is set up, its a big distraction, everything is there to distract someone from see Reality the way it is, its not a very empowering society and culture, and this is happening world wide, the American culture is global now... I think ppl back in the old days had less distractions, when Sadhguru goes into a small village he doesn't have to talk much, they know who he is, so they are much more sensitive to things, and they say ppl in these situations are happier than we are here with all this tech and access to stuff. Its not about Survival today, its about Experience Gathering, going from one experience to another and another, looking to fill in the void felt within, which doesn't end up well for most, they go thru their whole lives doing this then get old and wonder what it was all about and get depressed... Spritual teachings should start young, it could help with all of this and solve most all of our problems we have today!
  4. I think he is naive, and bases his life on some moral code, I don't think he's very spiritually aware and after awhile interviewing tons of ppl on similar topics, one can get confused what to think, I don't think Lex looks within too much to find answers that are true in nature. Yeah sure I don't think he lies much, at least on his podcasts, and comes off as a nice guy approach, but he seems to hero worship and such in subtle ways, like Joe Rogan is the be all end all (I'm sure he's a nice guy too), Joe is a guy my age that tries to be 18 again, not very mature man imo, like how many UFC has he seen and he still gets excited about a fight btwn two stupid men who in 5 yrs you'll never hear from again, and Lex looks up to him? I donno about trusting his instincts...
  5. Actually as a disciple of Sadhguru I would say that the statement is correct, when most ppl reach Enlightenment their body drops off, mahasamahdi happens, their individuality and Life force merges with Oneness and that realm... In one sense the OP is correct, but there are levels to reality, there is Ultimate Reality, that is Brahman, or Shiva (that which is not), complete Oneness realm, no individuality or duality, but there is also creation, we are a part of that realm but have the possibility to experience within ourselves Shiva or Brahman and high levels of Consciousness/Awareness, only if You are a Guru Master, can create Karma for themselves or know the mechanics of Life to stay on here with a body and be Enligthened, most of the spiritual teachers (Tolle, Watts, Spira, etc) are not fully enlightened I would say, they have a level of high consciousness and may be considered Saints, but not full on Masters imo...
  6. @UpperMaster Your Young and have two passions, this can be a problem if one of them is Enlightenment. For that too happen one has to basically become a Brahmacharya, which means dedicate Your entire life to pursue Enlightenment or Brahman, that means cut ties with family, friends, no sex, drugs, booze, you socialize with the others doing the samething, so unless Your totally committed your screwed here. At Isha Foundation they do heavy screening for those that are applying for their Brahmacharya program, not all make it. What I would recommend is you do the householder route, where You find an effective practice and do that consistently daily, set aside sometime for Your Spiritual Sadhana and it will do wonders for Your life, and pursue Your other passion, have a family if You want and so forth, then when older you and retired you can commit more time to the practice and for sure after all those Years You'll get there:)
  7. For sure it happens, I've seen it in some. Like others have said Brain exercises are good, I did martial arts one that trains both sides of the upper body equally and uses physical structures and mechanics to a high degree, allowing smaller persons to use their natural weight and the ground to get power more so compared to other arts that rely on swinging and torquing to get power in strikes, as a teacher of it I had to study it too indepth, so this was sort of a brain exercise for me, others can do tai chi, puzzles, study something complex, make the brain work a bit and like everything else it will maintain a sense of vitality and aliveness...
  8. You only want relationships to enhance Your inner experience and wellbeing. In survival mode its good to be in a tribe of sorts, the odds of living another day are better, but here and now where survival is not the top priority in ppl's lives, in the west anyways, we use relationships and extract from others due to Lack felt within, this is not so good, its much better to establish Your Being, then go out and share it with others, in this context its all about Sharing, not extracting, so it depends on what level of Existence we are talking about, if life is decent, things are provided for basic living, then that is when we go within to our Beingness, establish Peace or Bliss as our base experience then go out and have relationships, it works much better this way imo:)
  9. Once again we are changing or having specific definitions for words, maybe that is a new generation thing, they think they can just redine words as they please and still have ppl understand what they have to say, lol... Yes today's gen may have more knowledge of wordly things, or what someone in another culture is doing for their Bdays compared to ours, but this is not intelligence, intelligence is using Your skills and potential to the highest point, Being Conscious not Unconscious (scrolling for hrs on end). Remember the generation just before me (late 60's bdate) was in wars, for years on end, ww2, vietnam, other conflicts, its only since 9/11 that the wars started up again big time, at least that is how I see it, so they didn't have the time (the avg person) to intellectualize as much as we do today, which is way too much...Anyways we see it differently, I see these last couple of generations slipping in many areas...their all addicted to pot too, daily users and it dulls their senses...And as Leo said, not enough life experience plays allot into it..
  10. @Ishanga The whole idea of God was given to You from outside, otherwise how would you know of him/it? Yoga is about direct experience, first getting to point of Peace within, this allows the possibility to know reality as it is to happen, if your not peaceful within as a natural state everyday then nothing will work...
  11. The only reason Many Many People search and want God is because they have not Realized the Immensity of Being Human. You only want God, because God represents something More than what You have now, what You think You are, How You Experience Life within Yourself, its the Desiring Process in the end game, You want it all, to be boundless and Free and You think God can give it too You, but that is not It! You have everything You need within Yourself to Live to Your Highest Possiblilty. Don't define what that Is, nor should You label it, that will automatically Limit it. As Human Beings we don't Like Limits or Boundaries, just put Yourself in a closet for an hour and see what happens! So God represents to Many the Highest Possibility, but God is not outside of Yourself, and this has to be Realized Naturally, otherwise it will come and then go when under other influences. Only thru the Pain of Ignorance can You find the Motivation to Find Your Possibility within Yourself, stay on course, don't look this way or that way, once You make a decision to find Your Potential, stay on the Straight as an Arrow:)
  12. Everything intellectual is an assumption, your reading my post you assume many things, as I am assuming many things reading your response, so that is why this way of communication is so very limited. We are not talking about God or Spirituality, we are talking around it, as only via direct experience can one get into it for real, but we have to talk today because our intellects are so sharp and we are addicted to it, but intellect divides and separates, Spirituality combines and unifies so we need another tool to get there, that is the possibility of Being Human that no other life form has, Searching for God in scirptures won't cut it imo:)
  13. We can compare them because we are still Human Beings, really the only thing that has changed since my Grandfather was young is the technology and way of communicating, we have the internet (endless source of info and entertainment), they had radio's. My Grandfather had desires, I have desires, I make money, they made money, its not really that different, this whole thing about diversity and such is only because more ppl from differing cultures are living today than before, but that was there too in more mild forms... As well this generation is most comfortable and convenient generation ever, our survival process is more guaranteed today than ever, if not for the ideology of profit, then no one would be starving or lacking in the basics of life in the world...but there is more emotional suffering going on than ever, the generations before were too concerned with surviving to have the same sort of suffering we have today, at least in the west.. Ideologies have changed yes, but there has always been ideologies around, ppl telling you about life and so called truth, the only cool thing is the real stuff is out there too to balance things off a bit, but its a losing battle I think...
  14. Yes, same on Youtube but the empowering stuff is not getting the hits like the disempowering stuff, massive brain/mind conditioning to keeps us in survival mode is working!!
  15. Yes, that is why Sadhguru hangs around with these types, he said if he had the most powerful politicians and businessmen for focused time over 4 days he could change the world, but that hasn't happened yet, but he gets critized for it, go figure lol.. I hope that we are still here by 2100, I don't know for sure, even if we are would the society be worth living in the way this wokeness has gotten into the world like it has, at work in the mens washroom there is a despinser for tampons lol, what is the world coming too:)
  16. Wasting Your time on social media, scrolling pics and short vids, turning 30 and still not experiencing for real what is what, that is low brain functionality in my the time I was 30 I had already bought my own car, or two of them, taught Martial Arts for many years, travelled a bit, had a few relationships, broken heart and so forth, today the young ones are reading about it and watching it..
  17. Yes for sure, its a natural survival level instinct coming out intellectually. In the span of time overall we humans and earth are just a spec, flash of light coming and then gone.. but for now, being here we care about where we are in life and the quality of it, so time is always about perspective and is subjective in nature, as it what we care for and the interests we have...
  18. I think this depends on the person, I look at young ppl today and I don't see too many smart ones, they are all addicted to their phones, and think data input from social media or other sources is the key aspect of life, but none of those sources are telling You any truth, just repeating stories with hype to create drama for the dopamine hit and that they come back for more to make $$. I'm older than most here, but I've always been curious and a researcher as well as someone that does the work when super interested in something, so it depends... It must be somewhere in the food or air or something that many older folks get dementia and other such things, my parent both lived over 80 and had no such problems, they had active lives, kids, businesses, volunteering, social events, etc,, but others get it and are fucked afterwards, must be genetics and combination of things..
  19. Kids, Grandkids, exposing it, talking about it maybe due to chance of changing it and preventing it...
  20. The word Soul is very misconstrued word in today's culture, like everything nowadays everyone is making up their own definitions of words and meanings and creating individualistic ideologies that only separate them from others and everything, a sign that the intellect (dissecting tool that separates things for us to understand) is in charge. Better to use a word like Life, Source, Grand Intelligence, Brahman, Divine..Basically Soul is the Life you have capatured within You, we are embodied beings, living in a dual material world, but have the ability to be One with everything as an Experience and everyday foundational one. Wrapped around the Soul/Life, are Shealths, the Food, Mental, Energy, Etheric and Bliss shealths, what keeps it all together is Your Karmic Substance, its like Glue, when You die Physically, what travels to the next body is the Energy, Etheric and Bliss body which encapsulate the soul/life, which is why You are born with certain karmas/tendencies to work out in this life time, but we are born with Free Will or the possibility/potential of it and much more, we can be Conscious beings and not be bound by our physicality, or karmic substance, if You get this far (Enlightenment) then You may lose Your individuality and go back to Oneness realm and Brahman or Shiva nature (Shiva means "that which is not")
  21. Try creating a space btwn your thinking Mind and what is You, I find this too be a great way to look at it. It took millions of Years for our Brains/Minds to be this way, but we are suffering it not making good use of it, so rather than completely shutting it down and becoming numb, just turn down the volume a bit on it, by creating space, observe it, then focus on what is doing the observing.. Our Culture is super conditioned and they want You to be over thinking, over stressed, too busy to realize what is happening in our human world, its horrible, but there are solutions to it..try this Kryia practice, its only a 12 min practice, help a lot!!
  22. @MellowEd In the West anyways, we are brought via the Christian tradition, my generation was, and all the ones before it, so we have a general idea and conditioning about Hell, Heaven, God and such things, so this conditioning is very much a part of the culture, and ingrained in ppl's minds and subconcious, so when they have this sort of experience it comes out sounding the same, but Hell, Heaven its all within YOU, the experience itself happened within You, take some dmt and You trip into Heaven and Loving experience, trip on something else and it brings you to Hell experiences, its all about what is possible, and Free Will, decide what You want to Live in...
  23. Yes the ultimate reality is that of Oneness, no individuality present there, no duality...
  24. Many Yogis have studied Jesus and Christianity, from what I gather the holy spirit is Kundalini, Life Force that all of Us have but is not being utilized very much in our everyday lives, its "coiled" like a spring waiting to open up in the area of our perineum (Muladhara Chakra). If Food and Sleep are the base quality of Your life then that is where the Kundalini is, as You experience more intensity in Life the Kundaline rises to the other chakras, until is reaches the top of the head Sahasrara or Crown Chakra, now You have full Realization/Enlightenment, One with Everything in Your Experience... I've never experienced Spirits/Ghost per say, but as with everything there are levels to Reality and Existence, from Gross to Subtle, so the inbetween part is where Ghosts/Spirits reside, after physical death something remains they say...
  25. I'm not fighter, they are born, killer instinct is something everyone is born with but Fighters have it more intensely and its always on in a way. I've studied Martial Arts for long time now (Wing Chun) concentrating mostly on one system and the variations that exist within it, but I'm a researcher so have watched and read about all sorts of fighters. You have Your Bruce Lee's, he just loved it, he fought allot of street fights and challenge matches, maybe it was an adrenline rush for him, but he loved it plain and simple, but he rather be a movie star than prize fighter..Ali, not sure he loved to fight, but was a natural, unbelieveable skills both defensively and offensively, but in the end he did if for Money I think...Royce Grace had some 400+ fights, I think he did it for family honor and to prove his fathers methods (GJJ) worked against all comers..Tyson for sure did it for fame and money, but he had great natural talent, he looked like a mean ahole, but he was scared as hell walking into the ring on all the occassions.. So fighting is on many levels, Survival like ppl have said, for Glory (think Rocky 3), for self respect (think Rocky 1), for redemption (think Rocky 2), in a small way its a spiritual challenge, it brings you too physical exhaustion, and mental fatigue and limits taking pain and dealing with losing and pride issues, for sure not the weak of mind or body...