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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. Using the label or language of "Dream" is a misnomer, Life is not a Dream, its a Real possibility, You as a Human Being are capable of Realizing It in its True Form and Experience, You have Free Will. Find a way to get rid of the crap that is within You, that is not allowing You to Realize Reality as it is, when You Realize Reality as it is, the side benefit is Bliss, Sat Chi Ananda, Bliss is not the the goal of Spiritual practice or Spirituality (which is realizing the reality beyond its physical nature) but the basic foundation upon which a Human Being can experience it in it Totality, Dreams have nothing to do with it, is bad use of terminology!
  2. You/We cannot discuss or intellectually "Understand" things like Infinity/Eternity, this is synonymous with Using labels like God, Source, Brahman, Shiva (meaning That which is not), so no use in bring it up as a topic and asking for answers and understanding. How do You use logic, which communication is based on, to discuss or study something that is non physical, beyond dimensions, and concept? One of the problems here and on other spiritual forums is this idea of making Spirituality, Consciousness, Enlightenment a Subject to Study, once You do that, wanting to know the answers (which are really just stories ppl tell you, then you have two choices either to believe or disbelieve which puts you further away from Reality) then more and more questions are the result, your getting more and more Intellectually identified, and further away from actual Knowing which is Experiential, not intellectual.. The only thing You can do is make Yourself Available to it all, then it will come to You in Experience, not to share or teach, but to just live to your Highest Potential and Possibility..
  3. When using language as we are here, we cannot talk/write about things like Consciousness, no matter what any says including what You say, its all limited "Notions' because language is based on Logic, Consciousness has nothing to do with Logic on its fundamental level, so in essence we are talking "Around" it. Absolutism in the context that we cannot come to the understanding that I am "Only" this Consciousness, yes we are Consciousness, but we have a Body and Mind to use, at the same time this Body/Mind are a part of this Consciousness too, so that is why its a paradox... In fundamental terms I am Everything, Everything is Me, yes, but there are levels to it, on the level of existence on this planet while embodied in a individual Body/Mind complex I am not everything, lol, so this is why we are here as Humans, we can experience and be in both worlds, Unlimited, disembodied, I am Everything/Everything is I Experience, then in the next hour be cleaning our house, going for a walk in the park and expressing, creating, experiencing via 5 senses and such things, that is the beauty of it, we are not just the Everything I experience.. All we have is our Subjective Experience, and all there is is Now, Now is all that exists, past or future does not exist in this reality, only in our memory and imagination, so in a way Experience is absolute Truth, but are we having the Truest Experience, if One is then they will experience as Ecstasy, unbelievable pleasure of great intensity, as you have in some of your videos when You were high on 5 meo..when not in the Truest experience we fluctuate, up/down emotions and thought patterns which come from not being Aware of Truth in moment to moment experience.. Again we have to bring it down to the level of which most of us are coming from, the Individual Ego, Body/Mind complex, so its relevant on that level, not the absolute level imo:)
  4. On one level You are correct, everything is a part of everything else, there is a connection of course, but body and mind are accumulated, no food then no body, no 5 sense then no what we call as mind (data, thinking process, ego, memories, etc... of course mind is other "things" but generalizing here), so there is a paradox at play. What we have to be careful of is Absolutism. And we have to come from the same definition of words, Consciousness for me is Grand Intelligence, Intelligence that is not laced with memory, its always there, responsible for everything and is the essence of everything material and non material, that is our true essence, within that we have accumulated/gathered a body via food eaten, Earth Body, and Mind via our 5 senses bringing in data and an ingrained intellect that allows us to put it all together. organize it for some sort of way of functioning within this world and society... Having Space btwn what we are and what we are not is crucial! Just because we experience something does not mean it is Us, its just an experience we are having, most of it is derived from past memories and our inner most unconscious desires, which more than likely are conditioning put into via the society we are living in.. We are inputting so much data everyday we cannot consciously be aware of it, most of it is not within our Awareness, but it manifests in our lives in many ways, in the East they call this Karma, Vasana/Samara is just the result of this Karma playing out in your life that you are mostly unaware of, which some may call Maya or Illusion, which is somewhat true, if You will fully Realized of what Your Nature is (I am Consciousness) then all of this would be nothing for You to handle, life here would be a game of sorts to play with, and when You don't want to play anymore You leave... Being Fully Aware is what makes all of this happen, once Fully Aware (have access to conscious, unconscious, subconscious mind, karma in place and being created, illusion of time, how this body and mind work, etc) then Realization happens spontaneously, but can one be fully Aware, and if not why Not, that is why Sadhana, Accepting Now, Living Now, Responding to Now, these are just the simple tools that allow us to get thru the crap and dirt we created unconsciously and can Realize Reality that we are..
  5. @Buck Edwards Like others has said, its been an Up an Down emotional rollercoaster of sorts...There are small amounts of time where I think maybe it would be great to be super ignorant about life and things, but in my everyday life I see lots of ignorant ppl doing stupid things and then I come back to my senses and am glad that I've had an inner awakening. Ignorance is Bliss only until life hits You hard then You know the truth of the matter.. Sadhguru says when on the Spiritual path, life will go fast forward for You, especially if You want to go all the way within this life time, so what happens to most ppl in 2, 3 or 4 lifetimes can happen to You in this one, in 25 yrs or less, and then there is the Karma that we have to deal with and at the same time stop creating more, so that is why the basics have to be taken care of first, establishing a base experience of Peace or Bliss first, no matter what is going on in or around You, Your Peaceful of Your own nature (accept all the is, Live Now totally, Respond vs Reacting takes care of this), then once that is established You can go fast forward on the spiritual path and not be worried about "What about Me", if Your concerned about Yourself then it won't work... So in the beginning for me, once I started some serious Sadhana, it was very happy/blissed out and full of energy, then things in life happened, ppl in my family passed away, and disappointments happened, and it does affect one's inner state, but I don't stay in those lower states very long, I think all the sadhana and studying has something to do with that, generally I'm happy go lucky, easy to forgive, I'm generous and naturally kind to ppl and wish them all the best for their lives, but I want more for myself regarding my inner experience and making it more stable, intense and blissful, then seeing where it takes my from there..Some times the feeling of not wanting to experience the Human experience comes over me, like I have been thru this cycle too many times before, but I have no specific memories of past lives...
  6. Since Consciousness is non physical, beyond logic, we can only talk "Around" it, it like trying to grasp or hold air with Your hand, you know air is there but you cannot grasp or hold it. So on this level of communication, Consciousness is grand Intelligence, just think of what was there before the Big Bang, its a no thing but for language purposes its a "something". again this is in a non physical/material state okay.. From this something happened, energy was born, cycles were born, karma was born, and from all of that, billions of years of evolution, we are here on this spinning planet, that is moving thru space which has no end or no beginning as far as our science can tell us (does anyone know the where the edges of the universe start or end?), talking about this foolishness, lol. What You essential are is this Consciousness, Awareness is not this, Awareness is just how much of it do You Realize You are, if You Realize fully that You are this Consciousness then we call You "Enlightened" and via that experience that You have You don't live like a normal Human Being that is all about Sleeping, Working, Eating, Reproducing and Dying one day...While here on this Earth, You have a Body, Mind, Ego to use to function, earn a living, function in a society, but none of this is what You are, this is what You can Do from an outside perspective. The key thing is your Inner Experience, are You determining it or are You a Slave to outside situations, Fix that then Enlightenment is in Your grasp at any one moment... Here Sadhguru with Cosmologist Bernard Carr, explains the Creation of the Universe via his own perspective, its simple and brilliant!
  7. Find a Guru, this is why they exists, I found Sadhguru, he talks about these 112 methods to Realization, it was Shiva/Adi Yogi who taught that there are 112 ways, for eg Buddhism is just 1 way, there are 111 more. Don't try to do it yourself, anyone saying otherwise is giving You bad advice, because experimenting is only going to make You go thru trial and error, why do that when You ppl have been doing it for thousands of years and have passed methods down that work, if you do it on your own, it probably won't happen in this life time, if that is okay with You then go for it alone, otherwise find a Guru...
  8. @Edvard Since i have no real knowing, I do not consciously remember past lives or events, even if I did how would I know it was me or true, it could all be imagination, but on a logical intellectual level, it makes sense to me that reincarnation is a real possibility... You don't remember past lives and events simple to save You the grief or shame or other disempowering emotions, its natures way of giving you a clean slate in a way, not a totally clean slate but a chance to start over, if you had access to all the event of your past lives I bet 99% of the ppl would not be able to function in daily life.. Ppl today have a hard enough time get thru THIS LIFE's past events, never mind possibly 100's or 1000's past lives events, so its best to Live Now, focus on NOW, as that is where LIfe Exists, You are Life, but its okay to investigate into it and see what comes up, just don't put too much time or effort into reincarnation or trying to bring up past lives memories or events, it could seriously make life worse for You if you have not established a stable base of emotions and energy situations within Yourself!
  9. @BojackHorseman From what I have researched, our Brains cannot evolve anymore, it is at its peak evolution, due to the energy requirements, it takes something like 20% of our energy already, anymore and the body would not work properly, so there would have to be dramatic changes in everything for us to evolve, but we can use more of what we already got, most are not using their brains, their brains are using them, living compulsive lives, Consciousness is the cure, raise that and life on this planet will not be the same.. Wars happen because of one person's belief vs. another person's belief, Putin has a belief, Hitler had a belief, the rest of them had a belief, get rid of belief, and coming to early conclusions, replace it with more clarity, more inner experience completeness, unity and oneness, and again things will change..
  10. We are at a place in time where many many of us live in the most comfortable and convenient time ever in human history, at the sametime we still have the days of barbarism and cruelty, suffering beyond belief going on, at one time this was the only thing going on, now both worlds exist on this planet.. Yes its great if you can experience Happiness, Bliss, Health and Wellbeing as an Individual, this is the starting place, but at the sametime You cannot ignore that the world is getting more fucked up by the day.. I just watched a podcast with Tim Kennedy, Green Beret, UFC fighter, Amercian Patriot and so forth, he seems like he wants the best for his family and other families overall, he says that what is happening in the States is not very good, and that things are getting worse, well America has been the beacon of hope and glory for the rest of the World for a long time now, and if they go down (I'm Canadian) then what else is there to look up too! We can Stop Wars simply by Raising of Human Consciousness, because it is us Humans that are causing most all the problems on this planet.. If all the bees were to become extinct today all life would be gone in 4yrs, if all the worms would be extinct today similar situations as with the bees would happen, if all Humans became extinct today, the Earth would be a Paradise Everywhere in 10-20yrs,, So this is how "Unimportant" we really are, we are only important to ourselves (ego)... When one raises their Consciousness within themselves, they become more like nature than like a Human, they become Beings! This is not about becoming "Enlightened" its about becoming naturally Peaceful, Blissful, no Stress, Healthy Body and Intense Aliveness, their natural internal intelligence would Thrive like never before, and all life would benefit from that, this is how we naturally should be, because of Ego, and other Karma/Conditioning we are not this...
  11. On the contrary, the biggest scam is talking about God, believing You are God, and that there is a God in the first place...God meaning supreme Being, somewhere, creator of all creation, loving, judgemental and such.. If Your God means Grand Intelligence, Oneness, Completeness, Possibility and Potential, then its okay:) Enlightenment is just a word, its neither good or bad, labels we use to try to communicate things, in this case this word Enlightenment is most impossible to use words to communicate its meaning, its totally an internal thing, like death, no use in talking about death, all of us will find out what it is all about someday, Guaranteed!
  12. @Zeroguy Yes.. What've I've learned over the years on this Spiritual Journey is too not really talk about Enlightenment, especially if You are not Peaceful of Your own nature every moment of every day no matter what is happening, if that foundation is not there, then Enlightenment is not possible for You.. What You need to talk about is no more stress, no more anger or depression or anxiety, if You can eliminate that, then naturally you will rise up in your Consciousness and life will be Happier and Healthier for You... IMO the ppl that claim enlightenment or a high degree of Consciousness on this forum are not so, if they were they would not be on here everyday for hours a day posting and answering questions, that is for sure...So that is a sign of where someone is on the path... This all comes from too many books being written, too many ppl talking for years in groups and now online about stuff they don't really have within their experience, we don't need 100's of thousands of opinions of this subject being expressed, it causes real seekers to get confused as to what is the right path and how to start, everything that is being said and shared by those thousands has been said by the real deals over the thousands of years and its real! Today ppl just want hits, likes, fame and fortune, unfortunately!!
  13. @Salvijus @Osaid Just want to say very cool dialog btwn the two of You, and respectful too...Osaid You speak like Sadhguru in many ways and I can appreciate what Your saying and agree with it all, thanks for sharing so much guys good stuff:) Just a quick note, if You identify with the Body, and believe that is You, then sitting for 50yrs is a chore and not possible, but if You identify with the Life You are, "I am not the Body, I am not the Mind", and truly Realize this on a ultimate level, which is possible for most every human being, then both physical pain and mental sense of time will be gone. Its not easy though for those that are so caught up in identifying with things we are not, that is a huge problem on the spiritual path and realization:)
  14. Very cool talk, he is asked about: What is Consciousness, Does the Brain create Consciousness, Are Psychedelic Experiences the same as Mystical Experiences, Quantum Physics, and AI.. All of it comes from his experience and knowing in Advaita Vedanta and his research into other Spiritual Systems in India, but it all sounds like Yoga Philosophy too me...
  15. 6 Million views in 12 hrs, Powerful Event, Powerful people, Powerful Time for Transformation...Last Years Event some 140 million+ viewed and/or participated, one of the largest Spiritual Events in history...MahaShivRatri 2024 Livestream with Sadhguru @ Isha Yoga Center | 8 Mar, 6 PM 11+hrs of footage, Enjoy!!
  16. Yes True, that is the primary... We can't directly talk about Spirituality, Enlightenment, God and such things, we talk around it all, because what that stuff is is not explainable or in the realm of logic which communication is based on, but here we are talking about shit most here have not directly experienced...I call this Entertainment:)
  17. @m0hsen Well from what some Guru's say, my Guru especially, what is You is Life, some call this Soul or Atman, Paramatman, and such labels, I like to call it just Life, the intelligence that allows all creation to happen and what is there before Creation...Surrounding this are the 5 shealths, Earth/Body, Mind/Mental, Energetic, Etheric/Astral, Bliss Bodies, kept together via the Karmic Substance..,So You have come here to experience this sort of Life, "A Spiritual Entity having a Human Experience" or something like that..Oneness is Completeness, Brahman per say, that is where all potental and possibility is, so duality has to exist somewhere and material/physicality as well, so we are it on this planet along with all other life forms.. Sadhguru's Wife attained Mahasamahdi while preparing for the consecration of the Dhyanalinga, so we so Blissed out and Happy with Life that she didn't want to see it change so she did this, it Surprised Sadhguru they say but he was proud of her for accomplishing it... Don't Believe anything that he says, but don't Disbelieve it either, just find out for Yourself what is Truth, its what You really are!
  18. In a Hundred Years or so the ppl of that time will look back and judge us on profit and money being top priority over Human and Life Wellbeing, this is a guarantee, because we have more food than we need to feed everyone on the planet and ways and means to build everyone a decent home for basics to be provided, but there is no Profit in this, so that is the problem, our economic system is profit based, get rid of that then WellBeing for all Life including Human Beings will begins to change and all can have basic provided without costs being factored in and immense Suffering in the mean time... That is why the raising of Human Consciousness is primary of Importance, once that happens to a majority of the population, things will transform..
  19. Suffering is needed until You come to Realization of Truth, then you know suffering is no longer needed, is self created..Pain is real, it is good that we have Pain, but Suffering comes from Mind mostly, Humans Suffer, really no other life suffers like us, we have a million ways to Suffer, its mental, Egoic, and disempowers life. Life is there to Grow, Intensify, Glow, Exemplify all that is a Miracle on all grounds, if You really Realize Life, then all You know is Miracle after Miracle, how is it all happening like it is on this planet, within this Body, and all around You, its only a Miracle, Suffering has nothing to do with this!
  20. Good Post, I researched Brown after a post You made, he was very informative I like his system and sharing:) Sadhguru recommends this test, sitting at home alone, no tv, no internet, no anything, just sitting and seeing what the mind brings up, very hard exercise for today's ppls..most cannot do it!
  21. We are all super unconscious, this is why distraction is so easy for us to come up as an impulse or reaction, Compulsiveness is the the result when there is a lack of Consciousness within Us, this is basically a result of no Free Will being applied in our lives, so we are slaves to most everything that our 5 senses are attracted too, and since we are identified with things we are not (5 senses, Body, Mind, Thinking, Cognition, Experiences, Past/memory, Future/Imgainination, Status, etc etc...) it makes it impossible for one to be present, Fully Alive with Absolute Clarity, you need drugs to make it happen for a brief period of time, but that is a band aide fix, not a permanent solution.. Its key to Realize that we can control everything that is not what we are, that is Body, Mind, all Senses, and other abilities not normally available to Human Beings, this is not the point of Spiritual practice or journey, but are just revelations of what is possible and what our potential Is...we can be absolutely Complete, virtually all knowing because all history is stored within every cell and dna strand within you...
  22. @thierry Our Minds are societies garbage bin in fundamental terms, the content of it is not in our control, but we can control how it works and what it does for us, it took millions of years for our minds to evolve to this point in time, so lets not waste it.. First Find true Silence, not in words or actions, but in the deepest state, this correlates with being Still, all movement comes from Stillness, so establish these two within Yourself and Mind will not be a problem.. Create a space btwn what is You and what is not You, Body and Mind are accumulations, things You have gathered, what is You is before all of this, call it Life to not complicate it, so realize this absolutely and Mind is yours to Use.. The 8 step Yoga path works well here, each step allows You to get these things established within You, its technology that we use, don't identify with it, just use it for Your own wellbeing:)
  23. @TheGod This is why we are not born this way with this sort of intense experience, how would humanity survive is nothing has a fundamental meaning or value.. As You said "Everything is equally perfect always. Raping and torturing people as good and as perfect as saving animals for example", having an experience of perfection in everything, its good, but it has to have a context otherwise life as we know it here, on this dual material planet with diverse life won't happen well, life in this way, on this level of existence won't be empowered. Now in the normal context of Life, your statement is nuts, its just the drug making You feel an overwhelming experience of Oneness, imagine saying what You say to a person that just lost their child to torture, would You do it? I doubt it, because now that the drug has worn off survival sort of consciousness or a level that is not at the level of Your experience is now within your feeling.. So we have to have context and realize that existence is on many levels, there is the one that is what You experienced, then there are higher ones and lower ones...We need stable platforms within Us to manage it while embodied, otherwise chaos (which is what is happening in the world) will rule...