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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. Interesting Discussion, and why is it important for a Spiritual Person to learn from this? Because in today’s world Intellect rules, so if Your intellect is peaked in curiosity then in the end You will really do something about the Spiritual Realm and how to access it within this lifetime, rather than going thru multiple lifetimes of probably lots of suffering to get there:) Things Discussed in the Video: -Time, did Time create Space and what happened before the Big Bang - Sadhguru describes via the Yogic Science how Creation happened, and how a Yogi can perceive these things without the use of expensive and hi Tech Equipment! - Cycles, everything physical has a cycle attached to it, if you can learn to ride the cycles Your Liberated, rather than getting drenched by them which causes suffering. - Creation of a New Science and Understanding of What Science is and encompasses. - Consciousness and where is it located!
  2. @Someone here Absolutely Correct! We know how to survive another day, our parents or society teaches us this, and now that technology has made today more comfortable and convenient than ever, we don't have to reinvent how to create fire, or build shelter or gather food, our intellects go for other things to accumulate, status, wealth, recognition, earthly book knowledge, success, on and on it goes, but anything that you accumulate is not you, it is yours to have or disregard, but what is you is nothing that You accumulate. So as You said we know really nothing, all we can do is have either Profound Experience of our inner nature or massive suffering or feel numb and indifferent..
  3. They say the ones that know do not talk about it, that ones that don't know do talk about it, it many ways this is Truth, but in this day and age, with Intellect ruling, technology and expression forever on the rise, someone in the "know" has to talk about it otherwise the world will have no chance, but these ppl that talk about know they are the stupid ones, they admit it and then still talk about it and then share methods to get to the point where most ppl are in the know and don't talk about it. The "talking about" it is circus, we can't actually talk about enlightenement, we can only talk around it, Spirituality is about non physicality, knowing what You are and are not, in basic form we are not our bodies, minds, thinking patterns, ideologies, ego and so forth, body is here for us to have an experience of individuality, mind/intellect is here so we can stay alive another day and not get eaten by predators with superior physicality. What we are is before all of this, when in experience of that or touching of it, then life transforms...
  4. With Individuality, which is what it means to be Human as a part of its makeup, then You have to have perception and experience as a part of it. In some states of Samadhi they say there are no "Qualities" to it, no experience, I would say in that state one is not in the experience of individuality and is in the state of Oneness, stay there too long and you will lose your individuality totally and not be here physically anymore. So there is Enlightenement like that, Moksha or total liberation, most normal human being when at the time of enlightenment will lose their embodiment therefore losing their individuality, only the ones (what one may call a "Master/Guru" stay behind when in Enlightened state of experience, because either they have mastery over the system or they consciously create Karma that allows them to stay on in physical form. So Perception and Experience are necessary for Enlightenment to be Experiential within someone while Embodied IMHO:)
  5. If One is going via the Religious route, where they adapt and attach a belief system to their identity, one that says there is a supreme entity in another place or realm that loves You and created everything, and then You here on earth witnessing suffering everyday in Your own life and around the world as well, then Yeah of course we have to ask why a God like this would allow suffering to happen. I myself wonder how anyone could adopt a belief system with this set up and buy into it when the majority of the ppl on this planet are suffering on some level, some less some more. In fundamental terms it is us that is causing firstly our own internal suffering, and via that we spread it to others around us, those in power do the same but have much higher consequences, as every decision they make affects millions of people, so if they are experiencing suffering within themselves it is bound to spread globally. If one is on the Spiritual path, then all responsibility (your ability to respond) is your own, you realize you are causing your own suffering, pain is inevitable, but suffering is not, so its vital that to stop this trend of suffering and make ourselves into what we want to be, and learn to control how we want to experience life, joyfully or miserably, that is our free will in action...Start with Yourself, stop putting the responsibility on some God that doesn't exist, and make yourself into what you want to see in this world..