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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. Yes, I think this sort of objective for a person is what they call a Brahmacharya or a person on the path of Brahma or Ultimate Nature of Reality! Usually ppl like this isolate or go to an Ashram, that is why they are there for them to devote themselves to this, very hard to do in real world or everyday sleep, eat, work, then sleep again rituals, can be done but different all together, as You said it depends on ones objectives and goals!
  2. I was agreeing with You:) Was just trying to use a modern day real analogy of what can represent "Ultimate" and "Relative" with Putin being the Ultimate and everyday ppl being used as cannon fodder to achieve Putin's goals, its absurd to say the least that one mans goals are more important than millions!
  3. Ultimately is when Putin sending millions of young Russian men to the front lines to be killed to find out where the mines are and to clear the way for the main military and war machines...Its all about Putin and his plans.. Relative is You being one of those Men! Its all about individuality and their experiences of Life and what matters to them.. Big Difference and says allot when one uses these sorts of analogies..
  4. If one wants to detach from society, and live off grind and find self sufficiency then for sure they can do whatever they want, experience whatever they want, but when someone comes on public forums and says this is the reality all else is falsehoods illusionary and such then it goes a bit too far, its out there per say.. One needs a balanced approach when living a Householders life, where they have responsibilities and things that need to be done, one in this situations can still be in Oneness Experience and do it all but their Sadhana is different from one that is Brahmacharya and not in a societal environment, and can totally dedicate their lives to Spiritual Sadhana and work... This why the Guru is important, and why traditions were born and passed along, so we don't have to Constantly Reinvent the Wheel every generation and start over fresh, we can learn from the past generations and get their faster, with less resistance and more Willingness and Ease, which is what we need in today's world that is full of Chaos and Resistance and nothing working right for the masses!
  5. You can always tell when someone is Identified and Functioning from the Absolute level when they use these words allot in their posts! God Infinity or Infinite Imaginary Illusionary Nothing Exists!
  6. I think what happens is ppl lose touch with Reality, by Reality I mean all things, all aspects, all dimensions of Reality, not just top level, Absolute level of Reality which is Oneness, Completeness, Wholeness, and where all Possibility and Potential resides, on this Earth, this planet, the reality of duality and materialism in which we function on a day to day basis, we can be intouch with the Absolute, while living here in our Body/Mind complex and still be One in our experience, those that have felt this via natural occurring, yogic methods, psychedelics sometimes so identify with it that it becomes everything, but this is a part of the "Illusion" or Maya as they say in the East, Maya does not mean something does not exist, it just means it exists but not as You are Experiencing it right now... First and foremost on the Spiritual path is to establish your Beingness, and bring Clarity to Your ability to perceive Reality as it is, not via grand experiences or belief systems...
  7. Illusion or Suffering is what many many ppl feel, you can tell someone in deep Depression all You want that what they are feeling is Illusion, a product of Your Mind and Misunderstanding Reality, but they will still feel Depression, been there and done that! So all this talk around here about Illusion, nothing exists, imagination and such things, its meaningless talk, it doesn't change anything for someone reading and trying to find out any real Answers! They don't want to know why they want to know HOW! How do I change my Life, how do I tranform my Life, because the majority of ppl, including the ones that post here the most, want to be more than what they are right now every moment of their lives! How do we accomplish that, to be more than what we are right now! Theorizing about reality and thinking everything is imaginary doesn't even come close to answering that question, it makes one further away!
  8. Many ppl sort of put down happiness, but happiness/Joy is just the fundamental Quality of Your Life! Why do ppl do anything in their Lives? Why does one have Kids? Its because they want to be happy and they see having kids, or a career, or going to school or making allot of money as the path to happiness. Do You eat food you dislike? No because it makes You unhappy, working jobs no one likes makes ppl unhappy. What we have to realize is that ppl are capable of Suffering anything and everything, they can suffer being Alone or with a group of ppl or married, they can Suffer being Poor or Rich, Educated or Uneducated, Parents or Non Parents, so its never the activity that provides Happiness, Happiness is a choice to be Willing, if Your Willingness is present then your much more Happy than being a Unwilling participant in any activity!
  9. Living and Perceiving/Experiencing Life to its Highest Potential and Possibility is the most intelligent act we can do.. First we BE-->DO--->HAVE, we establish our Being first, then go out and perform Action and acquire ppl. places and things, status and such, but today its totally opposite, ppl are Doing to Have then Be but they never get past stage 2 of Having, they go back to Doing and it becomes a crazy loop of nothing..
  10. Sadhguru relates that some 80,000yrs ago Adi Yogi appeared (Shiva) and Taught the Saptarishis, it was a process that lasted over 80yrs, then most of them we told to leave and spread it out throughout the earth, what was a process of Spiritual Growth then turned into modern day belief systems we know as Religions.. AUM turned into Amen, and so forth..
  11. First is there is no Self, then how is there a "Grandpa" and You? Second if there is no Death, then where is this "Heartbreak" Coming from and if there is no "Self" how is this "Heartbreak" coming about, what/who is heartbreaking? If none of this exists and its all imaginary, how is this Imagination process coming about, what is imagining and how does it manifest is nothing exists? Do You see how crazy this is?? Sorry for Your Loss!!
  12. Emotions constantly change because You are Unaware of what is triggering them, and Emotions trail Thoughts very closely, Emotions and just "Juicy" Thoughts... Happiness is not Limited, in fact the happier You are the more functional You are, everything about You improves when your happy, Intellect/Intelligence is enhanced, physical attributes are enhanced, focus is better. Ppl will say we need negative emotions and states to survive, I can see the logic in this, it helps to be angry in a way (this is due to intensity of state/emotion, anger brings You to a very high intense state) when fight/flight kicks in, but in fighting its better to be calm cool and collected than angry you function better, all great fighters are calm when fighting, not angry..Most ppl once again are unhappy because they are Unconscious in nature, of the 4 areas of action within You, Bodily, Mentally, Emotionally, and Energetically, are the 4 areas of action within You, how conscious are you of this every moment of everyday? Probably not very much, so in essence you/most of us are living by accident, by accident we get happy, not on purpose.. This has allot to do with our Free Will!
  13. Anything can be justified or explained today using some form of logic, you/we do this to make our belief systems seem real, ego loves this, which is what You are doing, but I've asked over and over again if nothing is real then drop a brick on your foot and see what happens, none of You will do it, because first Your ego will say 'Why am I allowing someone else to tell me what to do", and deep down you know it will hurt. All You have is experience, subjective experience within this vessel we call a Body, without the body no ability to experience, its real, but not the fundamental of what You are, its as simple as that,,so pls before You answer drop the imaginary brick on your imaginary foot and see what happens..
  14. The biggest gripe I have with ppl around here is this denial of Creation, and Absolutism its all or nothing.. Your using a material object to post and reply and participate in this forum, but Your denying the very thing Your doing and using, too insane for me lol!
  15. Well there is lots of ways of expressing it, that is why I always say we are not able to directly discuss or use words in relation to Spirituality (which is the science of No Thing/Consciousness), but we can talk/discuss around it... Existence goes from Subtleness to Grossness, before Subtleness is Consciousness/No Thing, then creation, the smallest atomic particle or before that, then everything comes from that, Big Bang or whatever, then there is Us and life on this planet...What they call as Atman, is the individual soul or seed of this No Thing within all of Us, it is like the saying "A Drop of the Ocean is the Ocean itself", same applies with Atman, Brahamn or No Thing, its just we are individual bodies and minds with atman as our core nature and existence, we just have to realize it! My dreams are not as real as my everyday life, but they are real in a way..Everything in the end is Subjective, You only experience life within Yourself, in Deep Sleep you don't experience anything so in a way then there is no existence, that can be said to be true from a Subjective POV, but objectively we know that things still exist, but this is a mental construct of sorts or a paradox...
  16. Once You identify with something You are not, then nothing will help You, no Guru or teaching will help, so that is the main problem with Humans today, as when you identify with something you are not, then the consciousness level is low... If You identify with Life itself, I am Life, then most all distortions of the Mind will disappear, you won't have a problem with the thinking mind or memory/imagination, stress or things of this nature, you will be a master of all your faculties no problem, as long as the identification with Life is absolute then none of that will problem you anymore!
  17. The solution is not to "accept pain" as an intellectual process, trying to think it away..What You want to have is some space between what is You and what is not You, Body and Mind are not You both are accumulations, what is You was before this, when that space is established, You will feel the pain but not suffer it, or in other words it doesn't hurt as much as it should!
  18. This has been around for thousands of years, its a simplification for sure, but the essence of it is true, but at the least your saying that there is a No Thing (Shiva= That which is Not or Brahman "Ultimate Reality"), which is non physical in nature, and that there is a "Thing" or physicality as well, with No Thing or what in the west they are calling Consciousness (in the grand sense, not individual consciousness or wakefulness)being our fundamental nature or essence... Now, how to experience this as a individual with a Body/Mind complex that identifies heavily with that complex, there are many ways to get there...Psychedelics are like a window, they allow You to take a looksee then bring You back to normal Awareness/Perception, the other ways allow You to over time stay there while being Embodied! As well why did creation happen, why did it go from NO THING, to Some Thing?
  19. Don't read any Books, Don't take anyone's advice Okay! Look at this logically and you'll see for yourself what is the reality and what is not! This all comes down to wrong identification, most all of us are heavily identified (we include it as a part of ourselves, it is us, just like a finger or nose is) with our Intellect! Intellect is a survival tool, it allows You to compare (never compare yourself to others, never compare yourself with yourself, this is Ego), it gives you a basic intelligence that is centered around survival or accumulating more and more (this is Desire in Process, ultimately You want everything, to be Boundless, Totally Free, but because of strong identity with Mind and Body, both limited entities, you never can reach it via those two things, this causes you to suffer as you are, never satisfied, always comparing, etc), it functions off your memory and teachings you have picked up.. Intellect Divides and Separates, it dissects things so you can understand it better. What Your doing is judging Your self (are there two of you within you or One?, there is One within You), comparing yourself and its based on things You picked up via your culture, like social status, wealth status, physicality status, things like this, and when You judge yourself its Egoic in nature, so accepting Yourself, Loving Yourself, Respecting Yourself all of this is Egoic in nature, Ego is false self based on Beliefs, Conditioning, and is there for us to function within a Social Atmosphere, not when you are alone and don't need it.. So don't Identify with Ego, with Intellect, with Conditioning and Culture, create a space btwn what is You and what is not You, then You'll be at Ease!
  20. Where did the labels "Family Members" and "Strangers" come from, how do You know about these labels? We were taught about them right? So all of this stuff, is taught to us, plus usually with Family Members you have a tribal sort of relationship, you see them much more in your life than strangers, so brain circuits are created that give You some sort of special feeling towards them vs Strangers. Plus the Brain is wired for survival and negativity more so than positive traits and outlooks, with strangers there is the unknown, so that in a way means danger... All of this is on the Intellectual and Egoic side of things, its needed on a certain level but in absolute terms it means nothing!
  21. The Only time You have absolute Free Will is in your Ability to Respond. Situations in Your life will rise up, some planned some random, you have to have clarity of sight to navigate thru these situations with Ease, but situational problems/challenges always arise, how You Respond to these situations is totally up to You. Free Will is not about absolute control of anything, is about YOU!
  22. Easy to say when your in a comfy room on a keyboard typing BS on a BS forum, ppl like You don't know anything about Spirituality, never mind some so called God!
  23. Exactly definition of Nihilism, you just can't see it because there is nothing for You and You just hide behind a philosophy, super sad... Say that to this kids parents!
  24. My Grandfather who was probably born in the early 1900's from Sweden never said anything like that too me, I think he thought things were pretty good. My Father who was born in the 20's for sure thought things were much better, he was in WW2, but after that things got better, the 60's,70's and 80's were the best years, things we much simpler and there was more opportunity and the culture was not as messed up as it is today. I was hyper active as a kid, today I would have been put on Redlin for sure, but back then they just watched my sugar intake and made sure I was being active outside playing as all the kids were doing, we would play for hours, today that doesn't happen, phone addiction!! and that is just one example, I can't imagine how bad its going to get in 10-15 yrs.. Just think, Trump is under how many indictments but he's the republican rep, and may just win, this is a simple eg of he consciousness level of the general public..things are getting worse not better! How the nuclear threat is as real as it ever was...