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Everything posted by Ishanga

  1. Trump is the epitome of what the world thinks of America, the dream of America, he's outspoken, says what is on his mind, you don't have to guess what he is going to do or what he is thinking, because he is telling you it... He's full of Bravado, which is what America is about, their up front, aggressive, and forthright, they stand up for themselves, are overboard, and full boar on most everything, this is Trump. Others are scared of these types, so maybe that is why no Wars happen when he's in charge, just a guess, but hopefully it works, who needs more wars in the world!
  2. What evidence that he isn't? Just look at the things he's done, for me its obvious, I studied the Man quite thoroughly, imo he's up there with Buddha, Jesus and the rest of them....
  3. Not attacks, anyone that has access to the forum can see for themselves, the proof is out in the open, it makes no sense for someone with no credibility to make such judgements on someone that is not in their league.. I gets irritating when ppl do such things, they don't know what they are talking about to say it frankly, so at times someone has to say it up front when such acts are done...
  4. I think this video was done back when Trump was 1st elected in 2016, since Sadhguru mentions being on the Tour for His Inner Engineering Book.. From what I understand of things, not an expert in of any sort in this area, no wars where started while Trump was in office, but they did start up when he left office, I wonder what that means, and maybe Sadhguru's predictions were correct!
  5. Start another journal, talk about Yourself more, think about yourself more, go down the spiral of me, myself and I, how does it feel to never recover from this dilemma of just me, myself and I, does it work for You? Probably not, since you are still journaling and complaining and going thru the same cycles, and then You say someone that is the exact opposite of this is a certain way, what credibility to You have so anyone should put any faith into Your judgement, when You can't even get thru a day without self judgement when that is the most egoic thing one can do?? Sadhguru is for sure on top of the list or even on the list of the most Enlightened beings alive today or ever was, how do any of us who are not even close to this sort of realization, how can we judge... Even looking at the physical activity of the Man, we can't even judge on that simple survival level, since none of Us have done 0.5% of what he had done to help save the planet and the ppl on the planet on the physical level, never mind the Spiritual Level...
  6. Verb means action, Karma is Action, residual result of all the Action performed, without Karma there is no Universe, as Humans we have the capability to be Conscious of this process of Karma, Samsara, and Vasanas (Samsara is referred to as a cycle because there is no beginning or end. A vasana gives rise to a desire (for an object), which impels an action (karma), which reinforces the vasana, which then, creates another desire, and so on, and so on.) and via that the Ability to Respond (which is Free Will in Action) comes into play and is available, that is one thing never mentioned in any of these discussion, which is why we are here to play this Free Will Game of Karma, Samsara, and Vasana, in a dual material world but in reality we are none of that fundamentally. Leela is referred to in India as the Game of Life, this is how we should look at how things are being played out, as a Game, Games can be played seriously but it is still a "Game" and it is "Played", this implies something we should all be Aware of... Doing it all Blissfully makes all the difference compared to doing it via Suffering it..
  7. Aubrey, like others, are Hypocrites..I remember he wrote a book awhile back about how to live a Healthy Exuberant Life, then a year after the book was released he comes out saying how he is struggling in life and bla bla bla, its total BS, he and others just have huge Ego's and want some recognition that's it, and they all repeat on their podcasts, same guest, same topics, same BS..we need less of these types, they make the path to a Higher Potential Life more confusing and complex, they are like the dis information coming from other countries to ppl that live here to confuse us, I would stop all association with type like Aubrey and Blu and those types of content creators...
  8. Again as with everything, there are layers and layers of levels to Existence, Meaning has its place, but when it comes to Realization of Reality as it Is, there is no Meaning, it is just there.. Meaning comes from things deep within us, if we had no meaning then we wouldn't care to survive and we all would not be here as our Species would have perished long long ago! So on this sort of level its engrained within Us, but if You go higher up the Potential scale for Humans, sooner or later You have to drop the Meaning stuff... and just see Life the way it is in all its Glory and Beauty, if You keep the Meaning stuff You won't see it or experience it..but if You go that route then forget family and relationships, job, goals and such things, they will drop off too so tread carefully!
  9. There Used to be allot of "I am God" or "I am Jesus" posts where ppl proclaimed they are that and basically no one will understand them, but haven't seen too much of that lately.. As Carl said, lots of Solipsism talk, Non Duality talk, on the Spirituality forum, it seem some ppl go on there to consciously create drama to get attention, we've had a few that would constantly be starting new threads about this or that question, then they would freak out once inawhile will Large texts replies that came out of nowhere, then after like starting 50 threads they vanish.. What I find fascinating is for a Forum that is basically for those on the Enlightenment path, personal development or spiritually, the most looked at and replied threads are to do with War and Politics, too of the most Unconscious things in this world, that means something!!!
  10. No, if Your truly on the Spiritual Path, then looking outside Yourself for signs and what's going to happen in the future is a no no.. The first basic on the Spiritual Path is that this life is Your Karma or Your Responsibility, not some planet or positions or cards on the table, no You are Responsible (Response Able) for everything that happens, and will happen.. This is first and foremost, but not the end game..Its just the baby steps, along with Living Now and Accepting Now as it is...master these 3 things then Your on Your way, reading tarot cards, astrology charts and so forth will lead You backwards...
  11. I think ppl so lack in Intensity of Experience that they will take what they get, whether it is immense Suffering or Grand Bliss, both are Intense Experiences, so since they can't create or find the Bliss they can easily find ways to Suffer so they choose that to feel some sort of Intensity in Life, it makes their hearts beat faster, that is my experience with ppl in life...
  12. I did it first..somewhere aloong the way lol... but yes Danger is real, as is Pain and its healthy, but Fear, any sort of fear like suffering is disempowering, not needed at all for a Human, but ppl identify with it, make it their anchor, I personally think this is their ego's talking..."see what I've been thru, see see..."
  13. Whenever You Non Dual, Nothing to do, nothing is happening types get stumped by a response You all say the samething "This is just Your Opinion", well so is what You share, its just opinion, so that is what we do here, share opinions! This is not Spirituality, Truth or Reality in any sort of way, but if Your going to participate one needs to know what they are talking about... Try this experiment, stay in a state of Fear for a year straight, everyday Fear is all You feel, but before this take some bio marker tests, then at the end of that Year you will see everything is worse off, the opposite is true if Your Happy or Optimistic or any other Empowering Emotion, the markers will show improvement... I shared this on another thread, Deepak Chopra shared a report where a bunch of senior citizens that had health problems were put into an environment that was from the 1950's, when they were much younger, they were in that environment for a few weeks, at the end of it they de aged, so there is scientific evidence contrary to what You say, the whole question is can one be conscious of these things and control them,,, Check out Swami Rama, Scientist tested him, he controlled his heart rate, different temperatures on each sides of his hands, and other things, so it is possible...
  14. Absolute is Supreme Intelligence, not calculation, survival/cunningness sort of Intelligence, but Grand Intelligence, the thing that makes Gravity, Atoms, millions of chemical reactions per second, Shit grows things, we eat what grows then shit it out, Trillions of things, non things happenings, non happenings, going on in a tiny moment, we cannot comprehend it, that is Supreme Intelligence on a small scale, but its not Expressed in Absolute realm, but Potential is there, so therefore we are an expression of that Potential, living it out daily moment by moment, So Absolute in a sense can Experience itself as a by product I would say.. Out of Oneness, Duality is born, because Duality is not separation but Oneness travelling in a Circle..
  15. An ameba is a certain Potential, You/Humans are a certain Potential...This Earth is a certain Potential, other Earth like places or non Earth like places are a Potential... One believing in the God of the Bible is a certain Potential, Non Dualism is another.. Depression/Anxiety/Bitterness are certain Potentials, Happiness/Bliss/Ecstasy are others, the key to it all when dealing with Human Experience (we the most Capability in this area) if Your ability to exert Free Will, the Ability to Respond Consciously (You choose how to Experience), if You deny this then You will live by Accident (non Enlightenment), if You embrace it You live by Choice (Enlightenment)...
  16. I have a differing understanding of this sort of thing, there are doings and happening, just not on the Absolute level, as I've told others before this "no doing" or "Nothing Happening" lingo is Top Down method, where one is already in the Experience of Oneness, Absolute and so forth, but the reality is not everyone is, so for those that are not they have to "DO" and Something is "Happening" but its on this relative level which the Top Downers deny. If You deny where You are right now, that You have a Body and Mind to use, that Duality and Material is present here, then it will cause massive suffering... Of course the whole point of Spirituality is to have the perspective You wrote above as a Real Experience, but its while here and Embodied, which we have to deal with. It not all Thoughts as I said, there is much more to it...
  17. @Da77en For sure in today's world there is allot of projection, but I think this is a modern day phenomenon, back in the older days ppl were too busy trying to survive to be projecting much... The problem today is that ppl are not aware of how the body or mind works, they live via accident, are reactive not responsive, totally ignorant that the tree is a part of them via the O2 it provides for Us, that the Earth is a part of them via the Food it provides Us, and on and on it goes, ppl are totally disconnected and via that feel separate from everything and via that since they are tiny human beings Fear is the only thing to feel and experience, the other stuff goes of this basic situation...
  18. If this crazy was not in place then we would not be here, then Absolute is just Absolute, Potential is never revealed, exposed or expressed or experienced.. If like a phantom zone, nothing happens, nothing has happened, nothing will happen, at least here something is happening, something has happened and something will happen, like Your Birth, do You think that has meaning or no? The problem here is simply some are placing meaning on what they find meaningful, what I am saying is that all of it is meaningful.. Some say what is going on here, our body/mind is not meaningful, others say it is, all of it is, the body, mind and soul for lack of a better word..Its all Potential, if You see all of it then Your Enlightened..If You see some of it, then not quite there yet...
  19. Free Will is only in How You Respond and How You Experience, that we can determine for ourselves and is the most critical and Important! The other aspects, Samskaras or the impressions of everything that You've done in the past can reflect on You now situationally, but how You respond to that is up to You.. So yes somethings in our life our bound, somethings are free, choose were to live and that will make all the difference..deny it and see what happens!!
  20. If society taught You something, then You can unlearn it! And it doesn't have to be complete, just ease off a bit on Your obsession with Self, pay more attention to things outside of Yourself and appreciate it more.. Right now You have heavy Karma/Conditioning to overcome just to get to a point of basic Peace (if Your not at Peace within, then Your living below Human potential), that is where the work is, never mind what others are doing in their lives and You feeling insecure, this just complicates Your life and is a big distraction.. In the End its up to You, what You do with it and what You think is Possible/Impossible is Your choice, choose whatever it is, if You can deal with the consequences joyfully what does it matter, if not then work has to be done!
  21. When You have something exposed to you that You think is a "Good" thing or Empowering isn't that what we need at times, examples of How Life can be? But with highly Egoic minds it makes them feel insecure or bad about themselves, but they make it all about themselves, not about the possibilities that are available to most everyone. So its all perspective, are you looking at it from the Ego, or from the perspective of this is something I want to get into and this person is living the way I want to live as well and research it more to find out how You can do it too.. You need to get out of Your Ego, limited self identity and concern just about Self, and expand Your Awareness to see Life all around You and that You are a part of this Life process and are limitless in nature..
  22. Enlightenment is the Highest Potential for a Human Being, and since a Human Being has Free Will they have too choose what that means to them. For some it is just a sense of neutrality, for others its extreme Ecstasy all the time or whenever they want to experience that. and for others it is mastery of the Human Mechanism and all that it has to offer, whatever it is, don't listen to anyone giving concrete conclusions, as that is a limitation in and of itself. Its better to ask, What Enlightenment is Not! It is not Suffering in anyway shape or form. it is not worship or idolization, it is not Belief of any kind, it is not Philosophy of Any Kind (as we are doing here with all these posts). Just look at the worst example of Human Kind and the Best examples of Human Kind, and see what is possible via their examples, then decide what it means for You!
  23. I would say some of these listed above are not really "Fear" based, we need to be able to Judge, Compare, and feel Insecure anyways to survive another day, so those things are mostly about Your ability to Live another Day above Ground which not too long ago was a important skill to have, we have evolved in many ways socially and technologically but we are still Cave Men in many ways... Fear comes from not knowing, not knowing has allot to do with the Future, ppl get Fearful of what may happen next. The cure for this is to focus on where Life is found, that is within this Moment (this is an Awareness based Intelligence Living Now Totally). This does not mean You neglect the Past (which is memory) and Future (which is your imagination), you use them wisely, You get Wise from the past, this gives You Clarity, with Clarity You see how Life/Existence is set up, and from this no Fear can happen, You will see far ahead and in a way know what is going to happen at any given moment. Danger is real, we have to be Aware of what is dangerous, but Fear is mind based and totally under our control! The other things You mention, like self doubt, paranoia, neurosis and such are I think based on the society we live in and the conditioning we have gathered from that Society, its all Ego based and we live in a horrible sort of Culture that conditions Us towards these sorts of Emotions and Experiences, our Society/Culture is completely Backwards and Disempowering to say the least, hence we have what we have today, 20-30% of the ppl have mental health challenges and problems, ppl addicted to everything that comes into their lives and individuals so Unconscious that they will kill or sell innocent children to get what they want, totally despicable!