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Everything posted by bebotalk

  1. I didn't say to ban it. I wouldn't say that. I merely stated that there is a disproportionate amount of land used for one sport. and there are a multitude of sports out there that don't use as much land. Maybe learn to read, since you claim you're smart and educated.
  2. Laws exist to promote a common good. People don't commit crimes since they don't want to be caught or punished, or value the concept of a common good.
  3. Because spiritual people like you have bad social skills and engagement. you'd cite ME as the villain when I'm not obligated to here you out. for instance, you wouldn't say this to anybody who looked like this. and why not? he's a human. all humans deserve to hear the word. it's your brain that's the issue.
  4. i disagree. you can prove me wrong with hard facts, or just accept another opinion. Maybe be a man and accept how adults engage. or get offended a stranger who doesn't owe you anything hs "schooled you" or maybe conduct yourself as you say "everybody has a right to an opinion!!" I'm part of "everybody" by definition, so that applies to me.
  5. Art is subjective. Art is just expression. so what constitutes that expression is always relative. People have been conditioned to view classical music as the "height" of music. Yes, many classical pieces are complexly written and performed. That doesn't mean they're inherently better. Rock music can be as complex. As can rap. I believe part of the disdain for rap is racism. Yes, some rap contains darker or less tasteful imagery such as gang violence. Some genres of rock music do also, or at least don't always have wholesome themes.
  6. What can be done to stop this? Hasan for instance admitted he was a socialist grifter. As he is getting mainstream appearances now (on Piers Morgan, amongst others), isn't he just dangerous?
  7. If a person is from an oppressed group, then they shouldn't really defend their country. There were blacks who served in the US armed forces in both world wars, but they had no choice legally, and would have faced jail time. as would any white person who was drafted, of course. But if a country is bad to a given group or person, they shouldn't feel obligated to serve.
  8. If the rich weren't taxed as much, it wouldn't necessarily lead to better economic growth. They could easily by more luxury goods or save it, which wouldn't as productive. It's as if they'd be buying mostly household goods or FMCGs (fast moving consumer goods). the net worth of billionaires are generally in assets such as savings, investment, real estate, etc. and not in hard cash.
  9. Provided a person can afford the rent, i don't see why it shouldn't provide the same stability to a child..
  10. I don't play it and seldom have.
  11. No. maybe you're from a ghetto or some highly spiritual place. it's unacceptable to lean on others. not everybody shares your shoddy or sloppy personality. if not, then justify doing this. There is no justification. if people do that to me, they get shoved, I don't care who they are. strangers don't touch me. i don't know their intent, nor do I know them. you're not as socially geared as you claim. people i don't know hold no right to touch me, and only a fool or. ababy has any issue with that. As for asking strangers for information and getting offended when they cannot respond physically, no, I've never done that. even if a person has "done something before" so what? people often lie. That doesn't mean one cannot say it's wrong to lie. the fact that lying isn't desirable is valid. one DOES NOT ask strangers for info in such a manner. or what will they do? beat me? they can try. legally and morally, they're in the wrong anyhow. seemsin your culture, things are very shoddy and flimsy. if you don't know somebody, then your ties and obligations to them are lesser. you like to infuse your spirutalism as reality. you believe you're above law or life. i bet you'd get highly offended, when I've actually made several valid and prime points. Again, you don't seem as socially-geared and make up stuff in your brain and assume it's reality. or you take in these "nice societal points" and don't get their context or application and just lie and mispresent their spirit and intent lol. I bet me merely saying that strangers have less consideration than people others know offends you to your core, since it violates some internal metric or whim.
  12. NObody is special. pretty women are people. therefore, they are not special. your spiritualism isn't life. i dont' see why simple changes of mind or perspective bother you. it shows your social capabilities. I also don't take kindly to shifty people. i try to be straight with people, and not misrepresent my values or who i am.
  13. There is more to life than money.
  14. Have I offended people with this take? lol.If i have, GOOD. it's just an opinion. it's an important consideration. We need land to live. we're a land-based species. Therefore, we always need to evaluate efficient uses of land.
  15. eh? i say what hte hell i wish. is there some area of the brain that pretty women have that seeks to "regulate" what other people do? i dont' give a shit and won't ever be "regulated" by your kind. i guess you'll get your bf to beat me as your kind regularly does. could have had a patty or an Irish Moss over trying to "regulate" a stranger online.
  16. no. i just say what i want. as a human does. as you do. I'm amused i trigger you. maybe use your education to fathom rudimentary human behaviour. Apparently, quite a few agree with me:
  17. makes no sense imho to mock or deride any desire to lessen porn watching. that shows dedication and self-love. porn is fine when used moderately, but obviously bad in excess.
  18. Good people apply rules consistently, and not make allowances for others' faces when making judgments. and know according conduct in given circumstances and don't plot against people for their kicks since allowing them normalcy is offensive to them. and don't say normal conduct doesn't exist. go to your local supermarket and refuse to pay for your goods, and then see if they don't call the police and demand you're arrested. normal
  19. so calling out the negative facets of drifting, especially with views that by design seek to reform society, is bad? lol. Not all people on the Internet are out to push values for the purported purpose of restruting society. Not all views a person states is political.
  20. I do my best to respect all people. Even groups or people I dislike, I don't wish harm on them per se. I just avoid them and move on. So yes, by extension, I "love" women. I don't like pretty women, but i don't support exterminating them or anything. i just avoid them since they're scummy, corrupt, hypocritical, and entitled.
  21. So yeah I still stand that most nay all pretty women are scum. So what? People have prejudices. people can lie or delude themselves into believing humans are perfect. we're not. Funny people say this, but most here come from countries in which racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. are rife. They can say "Oh i I AM DIFFERENT!" Yes, that doesn't invalidate a trend. There are always exceptions to norms. I don't really see the issue. Pretty women act like scum, so people respond to them accordingly. Or I do at least. seems to be an assumption that people must respond a prior to negative conduct. no. nobody does or should. I thought it was common not to view people as better? I don't get it really. this naturally applies to pretty women. Moreover, it's comical that people say that people are free to have prejudices, but somehow neglect me from that "normal". They claim to be reasoned adults but have childlike thoughts on "gatekeeping". Today is Saturday, so they should spend time chilling off work or being with family, over worrying what one human out of eight billion is valuing, thinking, or feeling. Not my fault they're most likely spoilt pretty women who never learnt how to navigate life or process their interactions and thoughts accordingly. If pretty women seek to exclude, then they should get what's coming to them. Oh, and yes I did openly diss sugarcoat. what's the issue? doesn't he believe he's uber-confident? so it shouldn't bother him. I did so because he, due to some hyper-subjective crap he learnt as a youth or teen possibly, dislikes it when I'm not super serious. i cannot be and frankly won't be super-serious all of the time. I'm a human - humans have a variety of emotions and feelings and whims. it's inane to dispute such an elementary fact. I just get how Sugarcoat thinks, and he's too arrogant to back down since apparelty he's always right, hence why he lets little Indian people here say the same. all just some internal-driven metrics. just like pretty women. So as he's proven he's not a decent person, he warrants speaking down to. Comprende?
  22. That's a common position in the USA at least, and wider Western world. You just seem disingenuous or pretty un-adult.
  23. Did you learn this line of engagement in your temple? Does basic adult nay human engagement offend you? Where did you gather that I was referring to dating? Oh, but your temple told you this, since we all have to look up to you "as better". when spiritual teachings mention the opposite looool.