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Everything posted by bebotalk

  1. Why must one respect less pretty women more? they're human as much as anybody else. Conventionally hot women are inherently rude, so I dismiss them accordingly. Nobody has to be exposed to negative stimuli or experiences.
  2. The point was to annoy you. Or more I see self-improvement as self-acceptance in part. And don't lecture what I say or how I or when I can express myself. I don't need to preach to random strangers.
  3. I don't love them at all. why must I? I respect your view but the idea that people who dislike others merely reflect internal states imho is false. It suggests that there is a perfect state of being or that all actions in life are noble. I think some things or people can be bad. This can either be by design or experience. Even "good people" can have dark traits. "bad people" can have good traits. Putin is a bad person for invading Ukraine, but he clearly has ambition, determination, and other positive traits. Biden might be "good" but I doubt he's an angel. Parents are not responsible for their children's conduct, especially as adults, but sometimes children who are wayward act that way due to parental guidance. Who is to say this isn't true with Hunter Biden? I don't say my views to be edgy. I just think people should be honest in the good or bad traits they have. Humans are a complex mix on a spectrum of conduct and thought.
  4. I see it as a fact and my reality. We all have mindscapes. nobody has perfect thinking and we all have negative biases.
  5. I don't wish to socialise with them. Attractive women are spiteful, mean, narcissisic, cruel, and elitist. They are bullies. They're like rabid wolves, and thus best avoided. Though accepting people can be racist but then condemning me loool. Both are the same, fundamentally,
  6. I don't envy anybody. what people get in life is often luck or innate skills. such is life. I admit it is closed-minded and bigoted. I accept i have negative traits as a human being.
  7. this is catastrophising. All people living today have never had it better in all of history. Compared to 100 or 200 years ago, what was there to live for? 200 years ago in America, most blacks were slaves and literally property. Women couldn't vote and misogyny and socially acceptable. Society in the West generally was very class-oriented, and many people died of disease in childhood.
  8. Well, your response showed disgust and an expectation I have to meet your acceptability standards. no such thing ever exists. I'm amused I can't post my thoughts as all others can here. We're all people, and hold the right to use this site. You move like a teenager, who makes up rules of only "cool kids" can do x. I'm glad my "judging you" wounds you, since most adults are just chill and don't give a fuck if they're judged. you can't say why you're special, so that's a you problem. none of us are special. I told you, if you don't like this or others then you can ignore it. But then you're "special" and have all sorts of imaginary rules for a 'wise man'.
  9. Why? they're producing it. people can find such women hot. they're consenting adults. i don't see the issue. i can see my question bothered you though, as does the myriad of porn tastes out there. complain somebody is calling you out, or maybe rein in the expectation that the world meets your spec. it doesn't. i'm glad i think like a man/adult and you don't, and you're wise but you apparently can't filter what you expose yourself to.
  10. they're losers. They're tacitly admitting they're too weak to handle contemporary datign standards, and wont' match up to the norms due to their egos. The evil and oppressive norms of women being independent.